How to fill out an online loan application correctly. Interest-free loan agreement with employee Type of loan agreement

An online application is a convenient channel for selling financial products. It is used by all major banks and regional market representatives. The efficiency of remote handling is high and has advantages for both the lender and the client. The first ones reduce financial costs and the load on their offices, the second ones save time on visiting branches.

Banks themselves are interested in protecting the client. Therefore, they use encryption of transmitted information using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. This prevents data interception and controls secure communication with the bank server. When submitting an online application, your browser must display a secure connection icon.

It looks like this:, exactly https.

The applicant himself must also be careful:

  • secure your Internet access;
  • do not transfer your data to third parties;
  • make sure that the form is filled out on the official website of the bank, and not on a fraudulent clone.

Today, perhaps, the number of people who have never used bank loan products does not exceed tens of thousands of people. It seems like a sufficient number, but if you compare this number with the number of residents of the country, it turns out that there are only a few such people. Everyone who has ever borrowed money from a bank has submitted a loan application to the lender. Some were refused, and some citizens were given a loan without any problems.

What could be the reason for a bank refusing a loan?

It is very disappointing if citizens do not receive the much-needed loan even if they have sufficient solvency, a good credit history and a permanent stable income received from a permanent job. At the same time, it is impossible to find out the real reason for the lender’s refusal to lend money. Bankers do not provide such information to individual borrowers.

When a person is denied something, he always tries to find a logical explanation for it. If a refusal was received regarding a loan, then the citizen begins to wonder what he did wrong, how he can correct it, but if you do not know the exact reasons, such self-analysis can even lead to mental disorders. Note that the reason for the bank’s refusal to issue a loan, if the borrower has a good description, may be an incorrectly submitted application for borrowing money.

How to apply for a loan correctly - step one?

Many credit consultants, before applying for a loan, advise potential borrowers to clearly define. When you know what you want to spend the borrowed money on, you will be able to almost exactly determine the required amount. It is clear that the bank will lend exactly as much as, in its opinion, you can repay, but the lender may not know all your income and expenses, so if you want to take out a larger loan, the main thing is not to subsequently fall into a “debt hole.”

Knowing the goals and the amount, the borrower will be able to choose a specific lending program that is most beneficial for him in a particular bank. When the bank is selected, the borrower will have to collect all necessary documents(photocopies of personal documents, paper showing income, etc.) that the lender will require to issue a loan. At the same time, it is very important that all documents are filled out legally correctly, without erasures or corrections. It is necessary to pay special attention to the dates in the documentation so that they do not become outdated, and therefore the documents do not lose their validity.

Second step

At this stage, you need to fill out the questionnaire provided by the lender and thereby submit an application for a loan. In this form, you must truthfully indicate all the required information: contact numbers, location details official employment, information about persons who can confirm the information you provide. The lender can call the borrower at work so that he confirms that the documents provided for obtaining a loan issued by him are legitimate or, for example, call the borrower himself to clarify the terms and amount of the loan. A very important point in the questionnaire is the point about current loan obligations, that is, about the presence of any other loans that have not yet been repaid. All this information is very important, and if you provide it incorrectly, the bank may suspect that the purpose of the borrowing is fraud and refuse to further consider the application.

If all the information specified in the application form is true and the loan manager, having studied it, does not find any inconsistencies, then he will submit it for consideration by the credit commission or “pass” it through “scoring”. The result of such actions will be a solution to the issue of issuing a loan. If in all respects a person is suitable for the role of a borrower and his application is reviewed by the commission, then most likely such a citizen will not be denied a loan.

If you decide to take out a large loan, you must be prepared for force majeure circumstances. If the situation is such that you are unable to make a payment on time, you should not hide from bank employees. You have the right to contact a financial institution by writing an application for loan restructuring or deferment of debt repayment, which is called a credit holiday. In addition, you can ask for the cancellation of fines.

An application to the bank can be drawn up in free form. After writing, the bank employee must assign a number to it. Also, the original and its copy will be certified by a seal.
An application for a credit holiday, debt restructuring or cancellation of fines has the following structure:
  1. Document title;
  2. Application number;
  3. Reasons for assigning credit holidays, restructuring or canceling fines and penalties;
  4. A request to postpone loan payments (to restructure the debt, cancel fines) and a promise to pay off after a specified time;
  5. Date;
  6. Signature.
Now it’s worth considering those good reasons for which a bank is ready to agree to a meeting:
  • An illness that causes loss of ability to work - temporary or permanent. Subject to appropriate certificates from the hospital. You will also need a doctor's report.
  • Loss of a breadwinner if there are minor children in the family. The application is submitted with the children's birth certificate. Don't forget the breadwinner's death certificate.
  • Loss of a job if there is a copy of the work book.
  • Decrease in income if one family member goes out maternity leave(attach certificate).

View on our website.

And finally, remember: in the event of a vacation or postponement of the issue date, it is pointless to count on the bank taking a lenient position, and there is no point in writing a statement.

The issuance of loans to employees must be properly formalized. We bring to your attention a sample regulation on issuing loans to employees of an organization. We have also published an employee statement on issuing a loan

Magazine "Simplified"

Director of "Alpha"

A.V. Lvov

from the manager

A.S. Kondratieva


Please provide me with a loan to purchase an apartment in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. valid until July 1, 2018 with monthly payments.

In the event of dismissal, I undertake to repay the debt in full as of the date of termination. employment contract.


on issuing loans to employees of the organization

Moscow 06/26/2014


1.1. This provision governs the procedure for providing loans to CJSC Alfa (hereinafter referred to as the Company) individuals(hereinafter referred to as the employee), who on the day the loan was granted labor relations with the Society.


2.1. The loan can be provided to an employee of the Company if there are available funds cash at the Society.

2.2. When providing a loan to an employee, the length of service and his contribution to the activities of the Company are taken into account.

2.3. The loan can be issued to an employee who has worked in the organization for at least one year.

2.4. The loan is not provided:

Employees hired during the absence of the main employee, including during the main employee’s maternity leave;

Employees whose salary deductions total more than 50 percent (including the loan amount);

For employees with outstanding disciplinary action.

2.5. Depending on length of service employee, the Company sets a deadline for repayment of the loan and interest on it:

For employees with less than five years of work experience, a loan is provided for a period of no more than two years with an interest rate of 6 percent per annum;

For employees with more than five years of work experience, a loan is provided for a period of no more than five years with an interest rate of 0 percent per annum.

2.6. The maximum loan repayment period may be changed by decision of the head of the Company.

2.7. The loan amount provided to an employee depends on his annual earnings. For an employee with up to five years of work experience in the Company, the loan amount should not exceed one and a half times earnings for last year work with the condition of repaying the loan within two years.

For an employee with more than five years of work experience, the loan amount should not exceed twice the earnings for the last year of work with the condition of repaying the loan within five years.

2.8. By decision of the head of the Company, the amount of the loan issued to an employee may be greater than the amount established in clause 2.7.

2.9. In some cases, a loan can be issued to an employee of the Company only if security is provided for the fulfillment of obligations to repay the loan amount provided for by the current legislation of Russia (including secured by real estate, a guarantee from third parties, etc.).


3.1. The loan to the head of the Company is issued on the basis of a decision general meeting shareholders of the Company. The terms of the loan, its amount and repayment period are determined by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company. The loan agreement with the head of the Company is signed on behalf of the Company by a person authorized by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company.

3.2. The issue of providing a loan to an employee who is an affiliate of the Company is resolved by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Company.


4.2. The loan application must contain the following marks: personnel service and accounting department about the absence of reasons for refusal provided for in paragraph 2.4 of these regulations.

4.3. If necessary, the application is accompanied by documents justifying the need for a loan and the size of the loan.

4.4. If the head of the Company makes a decision to issue a loan:

4.4.1. Borrower:

Get acquainted with the current situation;

Concludes a loan agreement with the Company.

4.4.2. The Company issues the loan amount to the Borrower within the period stipulated by the loan agreement.

4.5. If a loan is issued against collateral, the parties draw up a collateral agreement between the Borrower and the Company. The pledge agreement is subject to state registration in cases provided for by law.

4.6. If the loan is issued against a guarantee, then a guarantee agreement is drawn up between the guarantors and the Company in accordance with the current legislation of Russia simultaneously with the signing of the loan agreement.

4.7. If the loan is issued against any other security, the parties will have to be guided by the current legislation of Russia. The collateral amount must be at least 100 percent of the loan amount.


5.1. The borrower is obliged to repay the loan amount and interest on it to the Company within the period and in the manner provided for by these regulations and the loan agreement.

5.2. The loan amount provided to the Borrower is repaid by paying equal installments no later than the 20th day of each month, unless otherwise provided by the loan agreement, appendices or amendments to the loan agreement. The loan agreement may stipulate that the loan amount is repaid by deducting the required agreed amount from the employee’s salary.

5.3. The loan amount or the corresponding part is considered returned by the Borrower at the time it is deposited into the Company's cash desk or at the time the corresponding amount is transferred to the Company's bank account. Writing off funds from the Borrower's bank account does not relieve him of responsibility for repaying the loan amount if these funds have not been received into the Company's account.

5.4. The borrower can repay the loan amount early.

5.5. In exceptional cases (difficult financial situation of the employee, his state of health or other exceptional circumstances), based on a decision of the general meeting of the Company's participants, the loan may be repaid from the profits remaining at the disposal of the Company.

5.6. Control over the repayment of loans is carried out by the Company's accounting department.


6.1. In case of failure to repay the loan amount or part thereof within the period specified in the loan agreement, the Borrower shall pay a fine in the amount of 10 percent of the unreturned loan amount. Moreover, if the loan was issued with collateral, then the Company has the right to satisfy its requirements in full at the expense of the property that serves as security for the Borrower’s obligations, in accordance with Russian legislation.

6.2. The borrower is obliged to repay the loan amount ahead of schedule, subject to termination of the employment contract with the Company on the following grounds:

At the initiative of the employee (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

If an employee repeatedly fails to fulfill his job duties without good reason, if he has a disciplinary sanction (clause 5 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Absenteeism, including absence from work for more than four hours during a working day without good reason (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 6, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Appearing at work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotic drugs or toxic substances in working hours or at the place of work (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Commitment of theft of the employer's property at the place of work, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a resolution of the body whose competence includes the imposition of an administrative penalty (subparagraph “d”, paragraph 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

A violation by an employee of labor protection requirements established by the labor safety commission or the labor protection commissioner, if this violation entailed serious consequences (work accident, accident, catastrophe) or knowingly created a real threat of such consequences (subclause “e” of paragraph. 6 Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6.3. The loan must be repaid within 10 working days from the date of termination of the employee’s employment contract with the Company on the grounds listed in clause 6.2 of these regulations.

The loan application is the first step for the borrower towards receiving the desired amount of money. However, in order for the bank not only to consider the application, but also to approve it, you need to know a few simple rules. As an example, let’s look at the process of filling out online forms and figure out how to properly apply for a loan.
All banks work with the same set of data about borrowers, so the completed questionnaires are almost identical. The only difference may be that some banks and credit organizations immediately ask you to fill out an extended questionnaire with a large number of questions and clarifications, while others first collect basic information about the borrower and, after the first stage of verification and preliminary approval of the application, contact the client to clarify the details.

What is a typical online loan application form?

The extended loan application form often contains the following sections:

  1. Basic information;
  2. Passport details;
  3. Address data;
  4. Information about family composition;
  5. Information about place of work and income;
  6. Let's take a closer look at each of these sections.

Basic information

In this section, the borrower must provide basic information about himself:

  • surname,
  • surname,
  • date of birth,
  • number mobile phone,
  • email address,
  • region of residence,
  • size and term of the loan,
  • the need for insurance and other general information.

Passport details

This section may partially duplicate information from the first. In particular, the date of birth may be requested again, as well as information about the change of surname. In addition, the bank will ask you to provide additional passport information:

  • passport series and number,
  • issued by whom and when
  • place of birth indicated in the document.

Also, when clarifying passport data, information about marital status may be requested.

Address data

In addition to the place of registration, which is indicated in the passport, in order to receive a loan, the bank will have to provide information about the actual place of residence, as well as the place of temporary registration, if any. In addition, the bank may subsequently request additional documents, which would confirm the time of registration at the specified address and the duration of stay.

Information about family composition

In this section of the questionnaire you will need to provide the following information:

  1. family composition (number of people),
  2. marital status,
  3. information about parents, children and spouse.

Information about place of work and income

This is perhaps the most important section, which largely influences whether the loan will be approved or not. Based on the information provided, the bank assesses the borrower's solvency and financial stability.

Information to be provided to the bank:

  • Education;
  • Scope of activity;
  • Name of the organization and its address;
  • Job title;
  • Experience;
  • Information about previous places of work for the last 3-5 years.

    When filling out an online loan application, you should be especially careful when entering data. A typo in the first name, last name or any other field may result in the pre-processing program deeming the information to be false and the application will be rejected at the preliminary stage.

    When providing false information about income, place of work, family composition and property ownership, it is worth remembering that each bank has its own security service, which carefully checks information about each borrower before approving his application. If the specified data is not confirmed, this may be the reason not only for the refusal of a separate application, but also for the client’s inclusion in the so-called “black list”. Accordingly, the chances of getting a loan from this bank in the future are practically zero.

    Required fields are always marked with an asterisk, but it is recommended to indicate data that is not essential. This will give the bank a better understanding of the borrower and may improve the chances of receiving a loan.