Ancient Lemuria. Lemuria: a lost civilization with a mysterious history. The True Essence of Christ's Teachings

The English zoologist Slater spent many years thoroughly studying the animal world of Africa and Asia. Immersed in his work, devoting all his time and energy to it, he drew attention to the similarity of many species of our smaller brothers who inhabited these two continents, significantly distant from each other.

Particular attention was drawn to small primates - lemurs, which were no different from each other, both in Africa and in Hindustan. Nowadays, these funny animals have already been exterminated almost everywhere and remained only in the Comoros Islands and Madagascar; in the 19th century, during Slater’s time, they felt safe and comfortable in India, and in Africa, and in the Southeast Asia, and Australia.

The absolute similarity of lemurs prompted the scientist to come up with an interesting idea, which he developed into a theory supported by zoologists, paleontologists, geologists and other representatives of the scientific world of those days.

Slater said that once upon a time, a long time ago, Australia, South Africa and much of Asia were one huge continent. This concept explained many incomprehensible facts that simply hung in the air, not finding support in any of the scientific explanations.

Historians also considered it their duty to contribute to the study of this issue. They began to carefully become acquainted with the traditions and legends of ancient peoples. As a result, it turned out that the concept of a huge continent is by no means a convenient solution for zoologists, but a fact that has a very real basis.

Numerous legends of Indian monks mention continent of Mu, which stretched from the northern tip of Hawaii to Easter Island. This land consisted of three land masses, separated by straits and seas. It was destroyed 12 thousand years ago by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The legends of the peoples of Oceania talk a lot about the vast land that was once located on the site of large and small islands scattered in the Pacific Ocean.

Also of interest are references to strange people of small build, whom almost all the tribes that inhabited the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean and Hindustan in ancient times encountered.

In the collection of religious hymns of the Rig Veda, there is also a mention of unknown short and weak people who appeared on the lands of India out of nowhere, and then disappeared into nowhere.

Gradually, enthusiasts who seriously believed in the mysterious ancient land, formed the following theory: in the distant past, there was a huge continent in the Pacific Ocean, called the continent Mu. Representatives of the white, black, brown and yellow races lived on it. All nations were united into a single empire of the Sun. It was ruled by intelligent kings bearing the title Ra-Mu.

The population was 70 million people. Some people lived in cities and villages, and some in forests. Those who chose a roof over their heads were engaged agriculture, fishing, construction, improved their skills in crafts and were considered representatives of civilization. Those who found their calling in unity with nature delved into the spiritual improvement of their personalities and gradually achieved a harmonious connection between soul and body.

These two groups of people coexisted in peace and did not interfere in each other's affairs. Gradually, the way of life introduced significant differences in their physical development.

Representatives of civilization looked like modern man. These were strong, muscular people, fully adapted to the harsh realities of the world around them.

Twelve thousand years ago, a terrible natural disaster destroyed the continent of Mu. Lemuria plunged into the abyss of the water, taking millions of lives with it to the seabed.

Residents of cities and villages who managed to escape and survive swam to foreign lands and very quickly integrated into the new flora and fauna. They adapted painlessly to unfamiliar lands, defended their place in the sun in wars with local peoples and began a new life.

It was much more difficult for forest dwellers. Absolutely unadapted to unusual conditions, having poor physical development, they had difficulty fitting into a world alien to them. Trying to gain a foothold in Hindustan, these people began to fight with the indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula. The ending was disastrous. Almost all of them were destroyed. The pitiful remnants of the unfortunates found a new safe habitat - they went underground, settled in the dark world and disappeared from the sight of the Indian population, which was aggressive towards them.

In other parts of the earth, apparently the same thing happened, since after long wars the former inhabitants of Lemuria suddenly disappeared and never appeared on the inhospitable lands of foreign peoples.

The continent received its name Lemuria with the light hand of a zoologist. It was the Englishman Slater who initiated a new understanding and serious study of the distant past. It seemed that all the trump cards should be in the hands of people of science, but then philosophers, theosophiles, mystics, and unorthodox Christians joined the question.

Those seeking spiritual truth needed a model, a standard of perfection for everything earthly and intangible. They needed a cradle of spirituality, which they saw in the ancient continent of Mu. Therefore, Lemuria changed its status, and significantly: it turned into the land where the root race of humanity once lived.

Elena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) talked a lot about Lemuria. Being one of the leading philosophers of the Silver Age, this woman viewed the mysterious earth not as a material object, but as the highest substance of spiritual perfection, which concentrated in itself the entire set of inexplicable and pure forces hidden in man.

At her instigation, Lemuria was at the peak of popularity in society for many decades. But the average person soon began to get tired of the abstruse calculations of philosophers with their head in the clouds; he needed specifics. Well, it didn’t get beyond specifics.

In 1931, the book “The Lost Continent of Mu” by English Colonel James Churchward was published. In it, in a cheerful tone, the author talks about the days of his youth. At that time he was serving in India and accidentally met a monk.

For some reason, the young officer liked this elderly man, experienced in everyday affairs, and after a while he told James Churchward a strange story.

It turns out the monk was a member of a secret school called “Nikal”. It arose 70,000 years ago in the ancient state of Mu. It was a powerful power, significantly superior in its technical development to the states of the modern world. Fourteen thousand years ago it was destroyed by a powerful natural disaster. Only a few remained alive. They carefully preserved the history of their people all these centuries. Only two have survived to this day - the monk himself and his brother.

The English colonel does not provide any concrete evidence of either the existence of a strange monk or the existence of an ancient powerful power. All his statements are based only on words and are suitable, perhaps, for writing a science fiction novel, but not a serious scientific treatise.

There is another rather strange story; it was told by an Indian trader to several French scientists who came to India in early 1971 on a scientific trip.

The incident described by the Hindu occurred in 1858 with his great-great-grandfather during the Sepoy Mutiny. These were terrible years of lawlessness and chaos. The rebels showed equal cruelty to both the British and the indigenous people of India if they had any commercial dealings with the colonialists.

The narrator's ancestor was at that time time of troubles rich merchant Trying to escape the tyranny of the always drunk and stoned sepoys, he tried to take refuge in a fortress where there was a strong British military garrison. Taking with him the gold and precious stones acquired by the merchant’s honest labor, the refugee tried to sneak behind the walls of the fort unnoticed. Several sepoys somehow found out about the valuables that the merchant was carrying with him and began to pursue him.

The setting is central India, the terrain is mountainous. The hero of the story runs away at full speed along the gentle foothills. Scoundrels, coveted by other people's goods, pursue him.

The walls of salvation are getting closer and closer. You can already make out the English sentry on the observation tower. But the distance between the merchant and the completely degraded sepoys is steadily shrinking. The pursuers are about to catch up with the unfortunate man.

Suddenly the merchant stumbles over a stone protruding from the ground and falls. To his surprise and horror, he falls into a wide hole and flies down for a long time. Mentally saying goodbye to life, our pilgrim suddenly notices that his rapid fall is slowing down. He smoothly falls to the ground and finds himself in a huge hall, flooded with white light.

He is surrounded by people of small stature and fragile build. They address the astonished merchant in an unfamiliar language, but he suddenly realizes that the translation of unfamiliar words is happening in an incomprehensible way in his brain, and he understands everything.

An amazing picture emerges from communicating with mysterious strangers. It turns out that these little people have been living underground for many hundreds of years. Up there, the world is very cruel and unfair to them. In order to survive and maintain independence, these people were forced to go deep underground, build large settlements and start a new life in eternal darkness, which turned out to be much more welcoming and gentle than sunlight.

The merchant was shown dwellings, roads, and squares carved out of the rock. Underground rivers flowed through artificial canals, and very real sheep grazed on artificial meadows. Everything was illuminated by white light, which in its natural composition completely coincided with the sun and made it possible for many plants to stretch upward to the high vaults of the dungeon, just as on earth the same plants stretch to the sun.

After several months, which flew by like one day, the captive traveler was safely returned to earth. The warm and gentle rays of the sun brought tears of joy to the merchant’s eyes, but he did not lose his head with happiness, and first of all tried to tell others about what he saw. As one might expect, no one took his words seriously. Almost everyone brushed aside the annoying dreamer, not believing a single word he said.

Family members have preserved this narrative as tradition. From generation to generation, the merchant's descendants passed it on to each other. This is how the eyewitness story about the mysterious people of the dungeon reached the 20th century. Whether the French scientists believed the merchant, no, it remains a mystery. Most likely they were skeptical about everything stated. People of science need evidence, not beautiful legends from the lips of the first people they meet.

But they were obliged to at least take this information into account. After all, just shortly before this, in 1966, the Russian professor Reshetov published a monograph. In it, he assumed that Lemuria existed and even indicated approximate areas where it could be located. This, in his opinion, is the Middle Ridge of the Indian Ocean, the islands of Madagascar and Ceylon, as well as the archipelagos lying to the east of them.

In 1985, Professor Masaki Kimura discovered step pyramids 180 meters wide and 80 meters high off the southern coast of Yonanguni Island. He suggested that it was part of a huge complex of buildings. Their age dates from 3 to 8 thousand years BC. e.

In the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India, the ruins of a huge city were discovered already in our century. Using radioactive carbon isotopes, scientists determined the exact age of this settlement - 7500 BC. e.

The earth holds amazing secrets. Here and there people find traces of former civilizations buried underground or hidden from view by thick water. Ancient continent Lemuria is still waiting for its discoverers. The truth is just around the corner, and the one who gets to it first will be shocked by all the diversity and greatness of the ancient civilization, which was the ancestor of everything reasonable and progressive that is on our planet.

The article was written by ridar-shakin

Despite the fact that historians are delving deeper into the development of human civilization, some periods remain blank spots in chronology. Some ancient treatises provide information about the existence of civilizations, traces of which have never been found.

Along with the legendary Atlantis, there was the continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, records of which can be found all over the world. Indian mythology provides information about sunken cities, patronized by demons, and according to other sources, by the gods Krishna and Shiva. Traces of ancient Lemuria can be found on the island of Madagascar, which moved away a little due to the movement of tectonic plates. It is this origin that will explain the presence of interesting animals on the island - Lemurs, which are relatives of many animals in Southeast Asia.

The famous predictor Edgar Cayce left information about the Lemyrians in his notes; he characterized them as a superior race that had achieved spiritual enlightenment. Another contactee, V. Ya Rasputin, described this race as non-human, which only in the process of evolution began to acquire physical and etheric bodies.

The ancient Egyptians remembered a blessed country full of treasures, located in the waters of Waj-Ur (as the Indian Ocean was called on the banks of the Nile). Over time, “this country disappeared in the waves,” as evidenced by Egyptian papyrus.

The Sumerians confidently call this country Dilmun and give it a poetic description: The land, Dilmun, is sacred.

The Sumerians preserved the legend that one of the main gods, Enki, came to them from the country of Dilmun - “from where the sun rises.”

Ancient historians called this island differently - Taprobane. Thus, Eratosthenes, the first to determine the size of the earth's circumference, calls Taprobana an island in the open ocean, located seven days' journey south of India. According to his description, the island extends to the west over a distance of “almost 8,000 stadia” (one and a half thousand kilometers). The famous Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” clarifies: “That Taprobane is an island became clear only in the era of Alexander the Great and his campaign. His naval commander Onesicritus writes that there are elephants there, larger and more warlike than in India itself, and Megasthenes - that a river divides the island, the inhabitants call themselves Palaigons, and they have more gold and larger pearls than the Indians.”

Pomponius Mela, one of the greatest ancient geographers, writes: “As for Taprobane, this land can be considered an island, but one can, following Hipparchus, assume that this is the beginning of another world. This assumption is quite acceptable: Taprobane is inhabited, and there is no information about anyone circumnavigating this land on a ship.”

Modern scientists have dubbed this land Lemuria in honor of the amazing animal, which, after the collapse of Dilmun-Taprobana, spread throughout the surrounding lands: on the island of Madagascar alone there are 35 species, on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) there lives the slender loris, its closest relative, the thick loris , - on the Indochina Peninsula.

But Lemuria was not only the homeland of the animals that gave it its name. Scientific research has proven that apes and the first modern humans, “homosapiens,” spread from here. They gave impetus to ancient Egyptian civilization in the sixth millennium BC. e. and at the same time the civilizations of Mesopotamia. Lemuria was inhabited by Caucasian people similar to the modern inhabitants of Ethiopia and the Toda tribes of the Blue Mountains Valley in India.

The Blue Mountains are located at the junction of three South Indian states - Kerala, Tamils ​​and Mysore, inhabited by the Malayali, Tamil and Kannar peoples. The mountains are also home to many other tribes, which an English expedition led by William Case set out to explore. For many days, the British climbed higher and higher into the mountains, without meeting a single person on their way; they had already decided that the Blue Mountains were completely uninhabited and decided to turn back. And suddenly, at the end of another day's journey, a picturesque valley appeared before the astonished eyes of Case and his companions, on the slopes of which buffalo grazed peacefully. The herd was watched over by bearded elders, whose clothes resembled the togas of the ancient Romans, and the appearance of biblical shepherds. This is how the land of the Todas was discovered, the most ancient inhabitants of India, who settled here even before the Dravidians and the newcomers from the north - the Aryans.

From the appearance of the Tod, one could guess what the ancient inhabitants of not only India, but the entire Earth looked like. They had large, expressive light brown or green eyes; “Roman” nose, tall stature and fairly fair skin; thin lips, brown hair, sometimes with a reddish tint.

The number of people of the “Blue Mountains” was small - about a thousand people. These were the last of the great Lemuria.

Once upon a time, their ancestors made long voyages and formed the origins of the most ancient civilizations known to us - Ubaid, pro-Indian, Elamite, and partly ancient Egyptian. Their language became the basis for three dialects: Ubaid, Elamite and Proto-Dravidian. Something is also known about their religion and customs. One of the proto-Indian seals depicts a yogi in the “lotus” position. Scientists believe that this is proto-Shiva - one of the main gods of Hinduism, the founder of yoga and the secret teachings of Tantra - rituals that most likely came to Ancient India from Lemuria.

The Lemurians, judging by many sources, taught the Indian aborigines other things: how to tame elephants, how to make jewelry for women, how to bake delicacies - cookies and waffles.

The Indian archaeologist Dikshit confidently writes about the continuity of traditions: “The love of decorating from head to toe with jewelry, which has always been a weakness of Indian women, is fully reflected in the variety and richness of jewelry and beads found in such proto-Indian centers as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa.” English archaeologist Gordon Childe writes about the same thing: “The village potters of Sindh apparently inherited their craft from their brothers who lived during the period of proto-Indian civilization.”

Lemuria, having given impetus to the development of many civilizations, disappeared. After it, only the islands in the Indian Ocean remained: Madagascar, Seychelles, Mascarene, Comoros...

But she continued to excite people's imagination. Franciscan monks and Rosicrucians, occultists and musicians dreamed about Lemuria.

Eduard Schure in his “Divine Evolution” wrote: “Naturalists studying the globe from the point of view of paleontology and anthropology have long confirmed the existence of an ancient continent, today sunken... It included modern Australia, part of Asia and South Africa, and touched South America. At that time, Central and Northern Asia, all of Europe, as well as most of Africa and America, were still under water. The Englishman Sclater called this ancient continent Lemuria due to the existence of the anthropoid Lemur.”

"("Country of immortals, magicians and sorcerers. When was there a "golden age" on Earth?) reconstructions concerned only Hyperborea and did not affect other mythical continents - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Pacifida, etc. I was able to understand what they were on the recently opened website “Earth before the Flood - Vanished Continents and Civilizations” on which, in the topic “”, experts from various professions - geologists, historians - expressed their opinions about the nature and time of existence of Lemuria and other mythical continents , philosophers and esotericists. In the same topic, the last veil of fog was lifted over the still remaining secret of Hyperborea.
I will not retell the content of the discussion about Lemuria, since you can read it yourself. I'll get straight to the main point. Lemuria is part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, well known to geologists (which existed from 200-180 million years ago) after Africa and South America broke away from it about 150 million years ago.
In the form described in esoteric works, Lemuria existed from the end of the Late Jurassic era or from the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras (150 - 145 million years ago) to the turn of the early and middle Cretaceous eras (110 million years ago) and then included the united Antarctica, Madagascar, Hindustan, Australia and New Zealand, and also, according to some sources, South America and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Atlantic Ocean (Africa began to separate from South America 140-135 million years ago).
110 million years ago, Hindustan separated from Antarctica, and in the early or middle Eocene 55-45
million years ago (according to other sources, 40 million years ago) Antarctica from Australia. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene about 34 million years ago (according to other sources, 40-45 million years ago), Antarctica found itself in the region south pole, and glaciation began on it, which intensified significantly at the turn of the Paleogene and Neogene periods (24 million years ago). Madagascar moved slightly away from Africa, and Australia made a slow rotational movement counterclockwise and, as a result, remained to this day in the southern hemisphere.
From 110 million years ago, the most important fragment of Lemuria became Hindustan, which for more than 55 million years (until the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago) moved at a speed of 9-10 cm per year in a northerly direction towards the outskirts of Eurasia. At that time, between Hindustan and Eurasia there was a warm Tethys Ocean and numerous islands. In the late Eocene, approximately 40 million years ago, a “head-on” collision between Hindustan and Eurasia began, which continued throughout the Oligocene, Neogene and Quaternary periods. As a result of the interaction of two continental plates, the
The Tethys Ocean formed Tibet, the Hindu Kush, the Pamirs and the Himalayas. At first they were low elevations covered with tropical forests. In the Middle Miocene-Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period (18-3.4 million years ago), in the place of Tibet there was a vast land raised by about 1 km, on which there were many lakes, meandering rivers flowed and tropical and subtropical forests grew. The Himalayas were mountains of small height. They were covered with tropical rainforests and forest-steppes. Rivers that flowed from Tibet cut deep into them. The modern appearance of the Tibet plateau and the Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalaya mountain ranges took on the second half of the Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period and the Quaternary period (3.4 - 0 million years ago).

The collision of Hyperborea - Eurasia with Lemuria - Hindustan led to the penetration of two completelydifferent groups of the population of the antediluvian Earth - humanoid gods, demons and their descendants from the north (Aditya, Daitya, Gandharvas, Apsaras, etc.) and snake-like and multi-armed gods, demons and their human descendants from the south. Or, in the language of anthropologists, the Aryan (Nordic) and Dravidian types of population, which led to the great mixing and formation over the past 40 million years of numerous types of intelligent beings and peoples (see also).

Hyperborea - Laurasia and its fragments connected by the land Arctic

Hyperborea corresponded to another supercontinent that existed simultaneously with Gondwana 200 - 135 million years ago - Laurasia, which began to split into separate continents (North America, Eurasia, individual continental masses in the Arctic) in the Early Cretaceous era (140 - 135 million years back). However, still for a long time after that, there was a land connection between North America and Eurasia through the Arctic (the islands of Arctic Canada, Greenland, the central and eastern part of the Arctic, which was then dry land). The northern part of Hyperborea was the habitat of the white gods (Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras (and others), etc.), and later - their human descendants, the Aryans.

Many of us have heard about the mystery of Atlantis, but legends speak of an even more ancient country, known as Lemuria. What kind of country is this? Unfortunately, very little is known about it in our time, which has given rise to the most fantastic hypotheses and speculations. Basically, the source of information about Lemuria is the works of esotericists, who, however, refer to the ancient legends of India, Indochina, Fr. Sri Lanka and the islands of the Polynesian peoples. However, as a civilization, Lemuria still left a certain trace, according to which, although vaguely, it is possible to restore its certain features.

Continent of Lemuria

In 1891, after a series of travels, esoteric writer Helena Blavatsky published a book, The Secret Doctrine, in which she claimed that in ancient times there existed a giant continent of Lemuria. According to Blavatsky's calculations, parts of Lemuria sank in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans approximately 12,000 years ago. This continent included Siberia and Kamchatka, stretching from Norway to Easter Island. However, it should be noted that there is an opinion that the continent Mu (Pacifida) existed in this region, and Lemuria was located in the Indian Ocean. But it is very difficult to say anything definite in this matter. Among interesting facts, indicating the possible location of ancient continents (including Lemuria), one can cite the famous Ica stones from the collectionPeruvian researcher Dr. Javiera Cabrera Daquea. While studying these stones, he discovered on some of them a map of the ancient world with Atlantis, the continent of Mu and Lemuria marked on it. According to this map, Lemuria was located on the same stone “page” with Europe, Africa and Australia.

Lemurians - a civilization of giants

According to the Rosicrucians, the inhabitants of Lemuria were called Lemurians. Indian legends speak of them as a race of giants, the first of which reached a height of 18 meters. Later Lemurians had a more “modest” height - up to 6 meters. The inhabitants of Lemuria had superhuman abilities and could use the energy of the Subtle World, penetrating into it and receiving knowledge from there. This gave them the opportunity to build structures that are incomprehensible by modern concepts. At the same time, the British occult writer James Churchward, as well as Helena Blavatsky, argued that Lemuria was ruled by a short priestly race of “Naaskals”. Despite its power, the Lemurian civilization died in a terrible catastrophe, disappearing into the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and only small sections of the great continent survived. There are two views about what exactly destroyed the continent of Lemuria: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, Lemuria ended up under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of both civilizations is equally tragic.

Is there today, besides the Ica stones, evidence of the existence of Lemuria as a civilization? Indeed, although there is no direct evidencefound, but many indirect signs give reason for speculation. For example, 23 megalithic temples were discovered in Malta. Scientists still have not been able to answer what civilization they were built by and where their builders disappeared to. Radiocarbon dating has shown that the buildings made of stone blocks were erected around 3600 BC. e. Based on the similarity of the buildings of Malta, Easter Island and the city of Cusco in Peru, a number of scientists have come to a clear conclusion: the Earth could have been ruled by one civilization that disappeared after the Ice Age.

Peter Longbaugh, a historian from the United States, stated the following: “It has long been suggested that the islets of Malta and Gozo are the remnants of a once large continent. In 1885, Doctor of Archeology Caruana, who examined the Khanjar Im temple, directly pointed out: the 3 thousand people of secluded Malta could not build dozens of huge temples on their own.”

Easter Island statues

Another mystery is the giant statues of Easter Island, a remnant of the supposed continent of Lemuria. How these statues were moved remains a complete mystery. How did they move tens of kilometers, weighing hundreds of tons? Local residents claim that in ancient times they moved themselves... Here we should recall the ancient British legends about giants capable of moving huge masses through the air, and about the giant stone mirrors of Tibet, built by the Sons of the Gods using the “energy of the Spirit”. Scientists are gradually coming to the conclusion about the interconnectedness of amazing megalithic structures around the world. They are large-scale and mysterious in nature. What role did Lemuria play in the lost world? Who were the giants of incredible stature? It is interesting that the apocryphal Book of Enoch, as well as the Book of Jubilees, talk about guards (special angels) sent to help the first people to convey the necessary knowledge (Indian legend also speaks about this allegorically). However, the guards, seeing the beauty of earthly women, neglected their high mission and the glory of Heaven. They taught people forbidden knowledge and entered into forbidden alliances with women, taking them as wives. The result of such supernatural marriages was the birth of evil giants, who ultimately became the cause of the Flood:

“And it came to pass, when the sons of the children of men began to multiply on the face of all the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the angels of the Lord saw in one year of this jubilee that they were beautiful to behold. And they took them as their wives, choosing them from all; and they bore them sons, who became giants. And unrighteousness increased on earth, and all flesh perverted its way, from people to cattle... Everyone perverted their way and their order and began to devour each other...” [Bk. Yubileiev: 5]

Thus, Lemuria could really exist, and it was inhabited by the very first giants mentioned in the Bible and many folk legends. The skeletons of giant people, intensively hidden from the public, also confirm the truth of the stories about Lemuria. It should be noted that in the days before the Flood, all living creatures had a gigantic size according to modern concepts, and the usual height of a person could reach 2.5 - 3 m. Therefore, a giant for that time (5 - 10 m) looks from a modern point of view generally fantastic . However, such skeletons or their fragments have been found.

Of course, a lot can be argued about Lemuria, because time has reliably hidden many of the evidence of its existence, but one thing is clear - it was part of the antediluvian world, and died, like Atlantis, as a result of a global cataclysm. Like modern humanity, they sought to master power and knowledge, but were able to direct them only to their own destruction.

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The secrets of ancient civilizations that disappeared from the face of the earth have always excited scientific minds. Who lived thousands of years ago on our planet? What were these creatures? Were they our ancestors or did they disappear completely without a trace? , but there are practically no answers to them. One of the most mysterious and controversial by the very fact of its existence is Lemuria - a disappeared civilization.

Interest in this mysterious country arose back in the 19th century. It was, in particular, caused by the fact that biologists and zoologists studying the phenomenon turned their attention to the fact that some species of plants and animals living in southern India are strikingly similar to their counterparts from southeast Africa. For example, lemur animals. They still live in Madagascar and India, as well as in Africa and southeast Asia. But how could this happen? A hypothesis arose about a once-existing and sunken continent located precisely in the Indian Ocean. And the people who supposedly inhabited this continent were called “Lemurians” after the animals. » .

Lemuria: did the lost civilization exist?

The hypothesis about the existence in the past of the mysterious country of Lemuria was put forward in the 19th century by British biologist Philip Latley Sclater. His contemporary, the German philosopher Friedrich Engels, also believed that on some sunken continent there should have lived a certain creature that was an intermediate link between man and ape.

But Lemuria, as a civilization that once disappeared, received the greatest confirmation of its existence in the works of Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, a Russian noblewoman, traveler, and famous religious philosopher of the theosophical movement. In her writings, Elena Petrovna described seven main races, the origin of which goes back to the deep past, but they still live on Earth.

The Lemurians, in her opinion, are representatives of a third race that once lived on the planet. These were creatures of enormous stature, at least 8 m tall. They had three eyes on their heads - two in front and one on the back of their heads. They had a peculiar design of feet and could walk both forward and backward. At first they communicated with each other using telepathy. Over time, the Lemurians began to lose their skills and acquired an appearance similar to modern people. It was from them that the Atlanteans descended. The continent on which the ancient country was located was located in the southern hemisphere. It sank, but the population did not disappear without a trace, but was continued in the following races on other continents.

Lemuria as a disappeared civilization in the works of Nicholas Roerich

The famous Russian artist of the 19-20 centuries, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, also did not ignore such a mysterious country. He is known to have been not only an artist, but also a passionate traveler, archaeologist, philosopher and writer. His works describe the Lemurian civilization in detail.

Following Blavatsky, Roerich classified the Lemurians as a third race. He claimed that they were of enormous stature and possessed supernatural strength, both physical and mental. These abilities helped them resist the giant animals that inhabited the planet at that time. The huge statues that have survived to this day, for example, the famous idols of Easter Island, were erected by the ancient people and fully corresponded to their height.

Lemuria existed millions of years ago. Roerich even indicates the exact date when their division into two sexes occurred: seventeen million years ago. They built huge cities, developed art and mastered science. Their civilization flourished, but gradually began to decline. The main continent on which Lemuria was located began to submerge into the waters of the world ocean. Initially, due to active volcanic activity, it was fragmented into separate islands, which then went under water. What is now called Australia, the island of Ceylon and Madagascar are, according to Roerich, small fragments of what was once a huge continent. And Africans, Australians and Bushmen are the descendants of the ancient Lemurians.

Lemuria in the visions of psychics

Some Russian and foreign psychics and soothsayers also did not ignore such a mystery as Lemuria. This country and its inhabitants appeared to them in their visions so clearly and in detail that the seers described in detail all the features of their life and religious rituals.

For example, the famous and popular American medium Edward Cayce more than once received information about Lemuria in his revelations. Unlike scientist-philosophers, he believed that it originated in South America. Back in 1932, his research on the underwater Nazca Ridge, which connects Peru with some sunken archipelago, was published. Surprisingly, 60 years later scientists confirmed this theory.

The Russian psychic of the 20th century, or, as he calls himself, “contact scientist” – Vasily Rasputin, also reported a lot of information about the Lemurian civilization. He allocated it a huge territory - from Antarctica to modern Europe. Outwardly, Rasputin's Lemurians look like Bigfoot; they had the ability to move from one dimension to another. In the 170th century BC, most of Lemuria goes under water. The population of the remaining part of the land mutates and turns into Atlanteans, who were later replaced by modern people.

Opinions of modern scientists

Modern scientific research confirm that at the bottom of the Indian Ocean rests a huge continent that sank about 20 million years ago. But whether it was inhabited by any civilization is unknown.

Some archaeological finds also indirectly confirm the existence of some ancient civilization still unknown to scientists. For example, near the Caroline Islands in the Pacific Ocean, the ruins of an unknown city were found. It is also still unknown who built the huge sculptures on Easter Island.

The question of whether Lemuria, a vanished civilization, actually existed remains open to this day. Modern archaeological excavations and. It is possible that only our descendants will come to the solution to this mystery.