Missing Links in History: Is Madagascar the Remnant of an Ancient Lost Continent? Where did the material remains of the ancients disappear? They number in the thousands! And let’s not forget about ancient quarries

In North America, it has quite a rich history. In addition to the fact that it constantly passed from hand to hand, colonial powers, during their wars. It was also the last refuge of the “5 civilized tribes” of the Indians, after which their complete decline occurred during the expansion of the mainland. Plus, the state fought on the side of the Confederacy (South), and as we know, there were many questions about who fought with whom and in the name of what. Then there are many photos.
The modern state will give Venice a head start and bypass it by a large margin. This is simply a country of canals coming from nowhere and out to where. There are thousands of kilometers of them. New, old, big and small. My first thought was. Why the hell so much?

This is absolutely gorgeous. 26°58‘5.11″N 82°22‘41.78″W

Let's stop there for now. For the sake of introduction, I think that's enough.
What else can you look for to confirm the theory about the ancient metropolis? I think traces of war. Our favorite round lakes.

1.1 Why not Chelyabinsk lakes.

1.2. 29°57‘45.34″N 81°58‘58.88″W

Well, now the most delicious part. Why did I decide that the Pindos restored the old infrastructure and built their own. Like the Australians, they built theirs, taking as a guide the straight lines crossing the entire continent.

2.1 This is what the modern area looks like. (26°50′26.9″N 81°59′19.1″W)

2.2. Although, this way you can better see the similarity between the New and the old. (26°50′58.6″N 82°02′28.9″W)

2.4. Apparently it turns into this. So that it doesn't get lost. (26°51′39.8″N 82°13′20.3″W)

2.5. Well, this is amazing in its scale. (26°51′53.3″N 82°16′24.8″W)

Lead an unbroken circle. Let's look into the gap.
2.6.(26°51′53.3″N 82°16′24.8″W)

Do you see? This was once a huge closed circle with a diameter of 5 km. Now all that remains of it are the remains that were used during construction, without changing much. That is, before, I think it was the same. Below are the remains of the same areas .Which haven’t been built up yet. And there’s a lot of interesting stuff there. But I think that’s enough. By the way, the “Cuban Pyramids” were found just under water, between Cuba and Philadelphia.

My conclusion: When they found the megaliths of New York, which were brought in by Kamaz trucks and filled up the coastline. I thought, how do ordinary people not notice this? Now I understand. Here, entire megacities in area are built on the ruins of the old and no one looks into it. And there are some stones with images. What bullshit.

14. Suspicious drying up of water bodies over the past 100 years, rivers, lakes, swamps and other bodies of water on land are becoming very shallow, drying up, the amount of water is constantly decreasing, which leads to climate change. The rate of this drying out, if compared over the past 100 years, over hundreds of years would have led to the complete drying up of almost all closed reservoirs, fed only by spring floods or precipitation.

15. False inflation of the hypothesis of global warming, which globally has nothing to do with either the CO2 content in the atmosphere or solar activity, but is connected only with one thing - the presence and quantity on the land surface (including in its thickness) of a substance capable of accumulating and give off heat, namely water, in its various states of aggregation: liquid water and ice.

16. Rivers. Absolutely everything, from huge to small streams, rivers have gullies incommensurate with the current bed, the width exceeding the current ones, from several times to tens of times, more than the current bed. The banks of these gullies were formed by the simultaneous flow of water, strictly along the flow of the current rivers, the water level is much higher (tens of times in volume), the current volume of water in the rivers, the level of the slopes of these rivers, their uniformity throughout the entire plane, a small number of ravines to the current river ( slight destruction of slopes by ravines), their size (depth) indicates a small amount of time has passed since their formation to this day.

The presence of washed away and swampy areas along the rivers, the presence of oxbow lakes (periodic changes in riverbeds), at a great distance from the current bed, isolated reservoirs without external recharge (now drying up), along the rivers, indicates that in the very recent past the amount of water in all rivers there was immeasurably more. Judging by the water erosion of the surface of the slopes and surrounding areas, it was several hundred years old, no more. Very often there are perfectly smooth rivers, tens of kilometers long, in flat areas, which may indicate their artificial origin, which were once canals. A strange formation of high banks with an opposite low bank, usually on the north or northwest side.

17. Rivers in populated areas. In all settlements near rivers, there are washed away areas, even at elevations up to tens of meters from the current river level. Even if there is a low opposite bank! Now these territories are parks, nature reserves, nature reserves, stadiums, vacant lots, industrial zones, construction sites only in the 20th century. At the same time, they contain destroyed or heavily “sagging” historical buildings and structures, usually quite large (Churches, Fortresses, Monasteries). Moreover, at a serious distance from modern streets and even populated areas, which suggests that they were once part of denser buildings, or estates.

18. Ravines. On the plains, in places where there is insufficient water for their formation (low precipitation, groundwater, reservoirs, etc.), there are a lot of ravines. Moreover, in their structure and condition of the slopes, these ravines are very similar to the rivers that exist in the same area. The condition of their slopes and their structure are practically no different from lowland rivers and what is said about rivers above.

19. Fortresses, castles, kremlins. Until the 17th century, all over the world there were a huge number of fortresses, star fortresses, castles, monasteries, with high fortress walls, especially near rivers, reservoirs, kremlins (essentially the same fortresses), with a structure many times greater than their fortification purpose, according to the types of weapons used in those wars. Most of them are currently either completely destroyed, or, according to the OI, in the 17th-19th centuries they were destroyed by war (cannonballs), or survived terrible fires that destroyed them completely or partially. Moreover, most of them were known back in the 18th century, were marked on maps, and described in many later literary works. The costs of their construction, their presence in the 18th century, when according to the OI there were no mass wars, the distance from the theaters of military operations of those years (for example, in Siberia, in Northern cities), indicate that their purpose was clearly not for defense from raids.

Particularly interesting are the star fortresses, of which in many cases little remains:

Krasny Yar

Fort Sagres, Portugal:


20. Mountain cities and monasteries. In many places in the mountains there are the remains of mountain cities that can accommodate thousands of inhabitants. Crimea, Caucasus, Türkiye, Middle East, America, Kazakhstan, Carpathians, etc. The purpose of these cities, their time of use, logistical inaccessibility, labor costs for their construction and transport inconvenience of location indicate that the reason for their appearance can only be the need for protection from something very destructive, the need to save a certain number of residents from some a cataclysm occurring or likely to occur below these cities, in the lowlands.

Is this how it was intended, or did the soft (temporarily softened by heat or other influence) columns tilt under the weight of the wall blocks?


Did the plasterer cheat? 0_o

Layers are visible almost everywhere:

For comparison, here is a fused brick:

It was clearly leaking:

North America:

Bandelier National Monument

Spain Ausejo:

Kazakhstan, Shakpak Ata:

Germany Regenstein:


Who fidgeted with dirty fingers on the soft granite seal?

Isn't it obvious that it was a pyramid? Just one half of it collapsed. There are also smaller pyramids nearby. Everything is exactly like in Giza.

What kind of idol is this with a tail? Is it a dragon, by any chance?


South America:

Traces of a powerful impact and melting are clearly visible. Clearly they weren't shooting with firecrackers:

These comrades are now crawling out from under the “cultural layer”, Mother Earth is simply pushing them out of herself (footage from here):

In general, petrified pipes in the rock, incl. with metal gasket:

Nowadays yogis walk on smoldering coals, but real ancient super yogis walked on boiling magma!

North America:


A little from everywhere:

And let’s not forget about ancient quarries:

Antarctica. There are even traces of the tracks of heavy equipment preserved here.

Greenland. Watkins Mountains. How do you like the scale of production? But these are still flowers.

Antarctica. Transantarctic Mountains. Traces of machinery are still visible at the foot

Antarctica. Transantarctic Mountains. Quarry system. Pay attention to the background.

Quarry in Australia. Called Blue Mountains

21. Sacred Mountains. All nations have sacred mountains. Moreover, it is very difficult to find an explanation of what is so sacred about them.
In fact, mountains are giants of mineral life. Wise and able to tell a lot.

22. Holy springs. All over the world, especially at higher elevations, there are ancient sacred springs, usually with religious overtones. Often these sources are located in the mountains or on hills, often on the territory of monasteries, also located on hills.

23. Kitchen. In many countries, cuisine is replete with ingredients that do not correspond to the growing capabilities of these crops in the region where it is located. Pepper and spices in fairly northern areas where these crops do not currently grow. National cuisines abound in plants that were either introduced at a fairly late time, according to the OI. For example, corn comes from America, in Moldova. A centuries-old culture of growing, processing and storing plants that originate thousands of kilometers south or even from other continents, for example, American potatoes in Belarus, cucumbers, onions, cabbage in European Russia (originally from North Africa or Western Asia). At the same time, there is a long tradition of cultivation, use in food, processing and storage.
It is not clear how southern onions or cucumbers and cabbage were able to adapt to the harsh northern regions; northern varieties appeared. Moreover, these cultures have a very ancient history. There are about 80 (!) varieties of pineapples grown all over Russia in greenhouses, but still, where does such diversity, ability to grow, and such passions of local northern residents come from?

Southern wheat, the northern varieties of which, cultivated north of the Voronezh region, appeared only in the second half of the 20th century, was known and used in the cuisine of our ancestors since ancient times, and so on until Arkhangelsk. Massive use, back in the 17th century, of amaranth in Russia, originally from South America, which was discovered in the same century a century earlier, and which managed to conquer such open spaces of the Northern Country?
Tea, coffee, tobacco? The cuisine of some peoples, now considered a delicacy, could only appear from a very terrible shortage of food, for example, the use of frogs in food by the French and Vietnamese, snails, etc., speaks of times, and long ones, when these may have been the only living creatures that can save you from hunger.

24. Architecture. Similarities in architecture, building materials and construction technologies. Architecture over vast territories, thousands of kilometers away, and on different continents. Extreme technical complexity in the design and construction of some buildings and structures with the complete (alleged) absence of drawings, strength of materials, technical documentation, technical and aesthetic perfection of architecture of the 17th-19th centuries.

In the northern latitudes, even until the 20th century, there remained buildings and structures that were not designed for this climate. All of them, as a rule, come from no later than the 18th and early 19th centuries. There was no heating provided in these buildings. The so-called summer temples, huge religious buildings, designed without taking into account cold and frost, in areas where even now it is cold up to 8 months a year. Residential buildings with huge windows, having huge heat losses, also without heating (most of them were heated either by stoves added in the 19th century, or during their reconstruction changes were made and heating systems were created.1
Most buildings were designed and built with flat roofs, which is extremely impractical for the northern regions, because... led to roof leaks due to melting snow and lack of precipitation drainage. Moreover, the second half of the 19th century already eliminated this short-sightedness. The buildings are designed taking into account the cold northern climate, with heating, with pitched roofs that have a slope for snow and rain, with smaller windows than a century earlier.
Almost all buildings built before the 19th century have a deep “subsidence into the cultural layer”, and very uniformly, which, according to science, did not lead to the destruction of the entire structure of the building. As a result, the first floors of the buildings ended up in the ground, and the plinths on which these buildings were built disappeared. The aesthetic and technical design was violated, an additional opportunity appeared for moisture to penetrate from the ground into the building itself and its walls, which leads to a violation of waterproofing and more rapid destruction of walls in northern latitudes, which have a greater freezing depth.

Reconstruction of the museum named after. Vrubel, Omsk, covered windows and doors
The loss of technology in building materials in the 19th century, changes in construction technology, the use of building materials (foundations and walls were previously built from limestone blocks, later from brick; brick was previously more durable, later less durable), the use of long products in construction (obviously superior in characteristics to rolled products of the 19th and 20th centuries, for example, the metal structures of the base of the Dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg - the structure did not succumb to corrosion even after 300 years), etc.+

25. Megabuildings of the 18th-19th centuries. In the 18th-19th centuries, a huge number of structures (canals, roads, railways, buildings and structures) were built in Russia and the World, in terms of the volume of work performed, quality and construction technologies, places of their construction, distance from places of production of materials, timing constructions that defy logical explanation, do not correspond to the level of available and used building materials, and the qualifications of the builders (according to the Olympic Games, they were built either by serfs or soldiers, under the guidance of an experienced European architect).
For example: the Nikolaevskaya railway was built in the shortest possible time (less than 10 years, in places, even in the 20th century, that were heavily swamped, sparsely populated, in a climate with up to 9 months of cold weather, rain, snow and frost). Transsib - built on time, about 10 years, in areas with minimal population density, remoteness from places of production of rails, sleepers, etc.). Moreover, during the same period, tens of thousands more kilometers of railways were built, the volume of construction work exceeding similar work in the 20th century.

26. Population. The main resource of any state is people. People are also the army that waged wars in the 18th and 19th centuries. This includes the production of agricultural products for the army, builders, for sale within the country and abroad. These include workers in factories and factories, construction workers, representatives of service departments, clergy, doctors, teachers, etc. These are taxes for the treasury, from which government spending is again financed. And here there is a problem.
According to available more or less official data, the population of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century was about 110-120 million people. Taking into account the population of Poland, Finland, Turkestan, and the Caucasus. The official population growth is about 2 percent per year, which is very strange and suspiciously low, taking into account the fact that about 80% of the population is rural, and families there had from 5 to 15 children, they also started giving birth very early, from the age of 15.

Those. In 20 years (even 35-40 years, the average life expectancy), two parents already had 3-4 heirs for each parent, and taking into account the fact that there were often grandchildren, by the death of the first parents, the increase for 40 years it was at least 100%.1
But even with a 2 percent increase, calculation in the opposite direction gives no more than 15-20 million people for the entire Russian Empire. If you still count 100 years into the past, then even that is about 500 thousand - million. Throughout the entire territory of the Russian Empire. This raises the question of the possibilities of building what is described above, and the next point.

Speaking of wars:

In the Belarusian sinkholes given as an example, there is water, since the groundwater level is apparently high. But there are a lot of craters without water on the surface of the planet. For example, in Ukraine:

27. Expansion. At the beginning of the 19th century, there was a populated area from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, from Arkhangelsk to the Pamirs. Siberia was populated along the northern sea route, along the Siberian rivers. There are thousands of populated cities on the maps throughout the entire territory. Around each city there are dozens of villages (otherwise the city will not survive and will not even appear). Total: tens of thousands of settlements throughout the territory.
Question: Why? Why is such a complex, dangerous and unpredictable expansion from a fairly comfortable area of ​​Southern Europe needed? 10-20 million people can easily disperse throughout Central Russia, while 5 million will live by the sea, enjoying the southern sun and fruit and wine. What or who should force people to leave their homes and go hundreds or thousands of kilometers, in an unknown direction, to the taiga, to Siberia, to the North? And most importantly, why?
Well, let’s say, Stolypin’s reforms of the mass settlement of Siberia (and who then built the Trans-Siberian Railway and for whom ten years before that), and who populated the cities of Siberia, which supposedly had been living there quietly and well for hundreds of years before? And let me remind you that contemporaries considered the Stolypin resettlement unique! So, such operations have not been carried out on such a scale before?

This means that in the 19th century, the entire territory of Russia was already populated through natural expansion, the gradual settlement of new territories, when the previous ones had already been developed and the population size allows us to look for new territories for agricultural activities, and only then a city appears there that provides village with everything you need, and most importantly! People will not go north to worse conditions if the south allows them to settle without problems!
Then it turns out that either hundreds of years were needed for natural expansion, or settlement was forced (and besides Voronezh and Peter 1, the OI does not present us with such events anymore, and even then this is not the North)... Or the climate during this expansion was completely different. And most importantly, the population at the end of this expansion should not be 20 million people capable of dissolving in Central Russia. And many times, and maybe tens of times more.

News and discussion groups:

By the middle of the 19th century. The rapid development of science and technology has made it possible to introduce some variety into the time-honored dogmas about the origin of our planet and life on it. The age of steam and electricity made it possible to conduct research in areas of the globe little explored by Europeans.

In particular, island exploration Madagascar led to amazing discoveries. Despite its proximity to Africa, most of the plants and animals living in Madagascar turned out to be endemic (living only in this place), and their number is so large that the island can well be considered part of a continent. Its indigenous inhabitants are not of the Negroid race, but are much closer to the inhabitants of Indonesia.

Then a theory arose about a lost continent or chain of islands in the Indian Ocean, which once stretched from Africa to Sumatra and India. The name of this hypothetical Indo-Madagascar landmass was proposed in 1858 by British zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater after the amazing creatures that Europeans encountered in Madagascar.

These nocturnal animals, with glowing eyes, voices reminiscent of howling or crying, and an appearance in which the features of a human, cat and bear cub are intricately mixed, were called lemurs. The ancient Romans called the souls of people who had not found refuge in the afterlife by the same name. Naming the drowned continent Lemuria, Sclater wanted to emphasize its uniqueness.

The following year, Charles Darwin published his work “The Origin of Species,” and 15 years later, the German naturalist and philosopher Ernst Haeckel proposed the existence of an intermediate form between ape and man. He did not rule out that these missing steps were lost along with Lemuria.

Haeckel's idea was supported by Thomas Haeckel, Alfred Wallace, Rudolf Virchow and other authoritative scientists of the time.

“Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, during a period of time that cannot yet be precisely determined during that period in the development of the Earth, which geologists call Tertiary, presumably towards the end of this period, she once lived in a hot zone - in all likelihood, on a vast continent, now immersed in the bottom of the Indian Ocean, is an unusually highly developed breed of apes,” wrote Friedrich Engels in his famous work “The Role of Labor in the Process of Transformation of Ape into Man.”

So already in the 1880s, Lemuria became the subject of one of the scientific theories.

This theory was supported by one of the largest geographers, Jean-Jacques Elisée Reclus, a tireless traveler and revolutionary, a member of the First International and a participant in the Paris Commune. In the volume of his monumental work “Earth and People” dedicated to the ocean and ocean lands, where for the first time a detailed description of all the countries of the world was given, he wrote that Madagascar is a fragment of a sunken continent, for while “the ocean islands are extremely poor in mammals, Madagascar has no less than 66 species of them, which sufficiently proves that this island was once a mainland.”

According to the famous French geologist, academician Gustave Emile Hauge, “the Hindustan Peninsula, the Seychelles and Madagascar are fragments of a continent that occupied the place of the modern Indian Ocean or part of it.” He called this sunken continent the Australasian-Indo-Madagascar continent and believed that after its death a depression was formed in the eastern Indian Ocean.

The rightness of the academician was confirmed in 1906 by the German research vessel Planet, having discovered the Sunda, or Java Trench, the deepest oceanic trench in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. It extends 4,000 km from the mainland slope of Myanmar towards the island of Java along the southern part of the Sunda island arc and is still seismically active.

Belief in the existence of a disappeared continent in the Indian Ocean was also fueled by the study of the folklore of the peoples of this region. One of the ancient texts of Sri Lanka says: “In time immemorial, the citadel of Ravana (the ruler of Sri Lanka) consisted of 25 palaces and 400 thousand inhabitants, which were subsequently absorbed by the ocean.”

The sunken land, as the text says, was located between the southwest coast of India and the island of Manar off Sri Lanka. This land, of course, was not a continent (if it existed at all), but was only a part of the land.

According to the myths of the Malagasy, Madagascar used to extend far to the east, but most of it was destroyed by something like a global flood. Another cultural tradition, according to D. S. Alan and J. W. Delaire's book Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe of 9500 B.C. BC,” claims that the sunken land was located in the area of ​​the Myei (Mergui) archipelago off the southern coast of Burma (now Myanmar).

One of the ancient Tamil epics often mentions the vast land of Kumari Nala (later identified by Europeans with Lemuria), stretching far into the Indian Ocean from the shores of what is now India. According to Dravidian myths, there has been a poetic academy headed by Shiva since time immemorial, with which the emergence of Tamil poetry is associated.

But the ancestral home of the Tamils, as the legend says, “was destroyed and swallowed up by the sea.” What remained of it were the small islands of the Indian Ocean and Indonesia. Those who managed to escape settled on nearby lands or on the remains of the continent that remained above water.

And finally, the most popular Indian epic “Mahabharata”, dating back to the 5th millennium BC. e., places his hero Rama on a high mountain, from where he looks over the horizon to the land where the waters of the Indian Ocean now splash. In the same work, for the first time in history, the wheel is mentioned, as well as the mysterious vimanas - flying machines driven by the effort of thought, and other miracles of the ancient gods.

It also describes a destructive war, possible only with the use of nuclear weapons.

The hypothesis about the existence of Lemuria received the most widespread support from representatives of mystical societies who included the sunken continent and its inhabitants in their schemes for the development of mankind. Our civilization was preceded by the civilization of the Atlanteans, said the Rosicrucians and members of the Theosophical Society. But the Atlanteans also had their predecessors and teachers - the inhabitants of the sunken Lemuria.

“Lemuria was then a gigantic country. It covered the entire region from the foot of the Himalayas south through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, covering on its way, as it moved to the south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended, not reaching a few degrees from the Antarctic circle; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it extended far into the Pacific beyond Rapa Nui. Sweden and Norway formed an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis on the European side, just as Eastern and Western Siberia and Kamchatka belonged to it on the Asian side,” writes Blavatsky.

According to occultists, the Lemuro-Atlantean civilization was the most developed civilization on the globe. They were deeply versed in the secrets of nature; had no religion, because they did not know dogma and did not have beliefs based on faith. The Lemuro-Atlanteans built huge cities and carved their own images from stone.

The oldest remains of Cyclopean structures are also their works. Their aircraft, on which they could leave the Earth, were driven by the power of mantras, i.e., special spells pronounced by a person advanced in spiritual life.

Helena Blavatsky argued that “the history of the primitive races is buried in the grave of time, not for the Initiates, but only for ignorant science.” In her Secret Doctrine, she described that there were five races of people on Earth. The first, the “self-born,” were angel-like creatures 50-60 m tall, had one eye (the one we now call the third) and reproduced by division.

The second race of “later born” or “immortals” were ghost-like creatures about 40 m tall, also one-eyed, but reproducing by budding and spores. The third race, called the "double", "androgynes" or "Lemurians", had the longest period of existence and the greatest variability within itself.

Within this race, a separation of the sexes occurred, bones appeared, the body became denser, and from four-armed and two-faced people about 20 m tall, they turned into two-armed and one-faced people of a smaller size. Representatives of the fourth race, called Atlanteans, were two-armed and one-faced, about 6-8 m tall and had a dense body. The fifth, Aryan, race is already our civilization.

There were more interesting revelations. One of the most famous figures and lecturers of the Theosophical Society, Charles Leadbeater, reported that although the height of the Lemurians reached 10 m, their purebred descendants are the pygmies of Central Africa and the short inhabitants of the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. Their eyes were behind their heads; initially they were bisexual, but then fell into sin, having relations with animals, and eventually gave birth to... monkeys.

In the writings of the Rosicrucians, the Lemurians were given an even more fantastic appearance. Two sensitive spots instead of eyes perceived the light of the sun, “dimmingly shining through the fiery atmosphere of ancient Lemuria.” They spoke a language consisting of sounds similar to the sounds of nature: the howling of the wind, the murmur of a stream, the noise of a waterfall, the roar of a volcano.

"Venice" of the Pacific Ocean - - ninety-two (!) man-made islands built on a coral reef and occupying an area of ​​about 130 hectares. Remnants of Lemuria?

Such a “contribution” of mystics to the search for hypothetical sunken lands resulted in the fact that the topic of Lemuria, already quite controversial, was discredited for a long time in the eyes of most scientists. There were practically no expeditions to study it; a few studies did not find any traces of the existence of a large island or continent.

And the famous theory of continental drift, proposed by the German geographer Alfred Wegener in 1913, excluded the idea of ​​sunken continents from scientific use. The hypothesis of the so-called uniformatization prevailed, asserting the evolutionary, calm and to a certain extent monotonous nature of the developed planet Earth.

However, numerous enthusiasts did not allow Lemuria to “drown” completely.

In 1926, 75-year-old metallurgical engineer James Churchward published The Lost Continent of Mu. He argued that in the 70s of the XIX century. During his military service in India, he met the rector of one of the ancient temples, who later became his teacher. This monk showed him ancient tables that mentioned the continent of Mu (Lemuria), stretching 6,000 km from the northern tip of Hawaii to Fiji and Easter Island.

Churchward portrayed the sunken continent as a kind of earthly paradise, home to 64 million inhabitants led by a priestly caste - the so-called Naacals. The civilization of Mu, according to him, totaled about 50 thousand years of history and gave birth to the civilizations of Atlantis, Maya, Babylon, India, Egypt, Persia and others, whose age is much older than official history claims. All these cultures were colonies of Mu, which was originally the only one on Earth. About 12 thousand years ago, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis destroyed Lemuria.

Churchward wrote that an Indian priest taught him the secret language of Naacal, known to only three people on Earth, thanks to which he was able to read the historical and religious documents of Mu. However, these sources were not enough, and Churchward began studying the antiquities of all the peoples of the world. He stated that the commonality of religious ideas of mankind testifies to the origin of all religions from the cult of the Sun, which in the language of the Lemurians was called Ra. The Naakali also used this term to refer to their ruler.

Despite the disdainful attitude of scientists and devastating scientific criticism, this and subsequent books by Churchward about the continent of Mu became bestsellers. They are still published today. The hypothesis about large-scale cataclysms in the history of the Earth has also been revived. Many geologists wrote in the 50-60s of the 20th century that there might once have been land where the Indian Ocean used to be.

If not the entire ocean, then its northwestern part, for the granite massifs of East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Hindustan find their continuation within the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

A similar point of view was shared by the largest Soviet geomorphologist O.K. Leontyev, Professor D.G. Panov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.V. Belousov and many others, who believed that once upon a time in the Pacific and Indian oceans vast areas went under water land areas.

The first evidence of the former existence of land in the Indian Ocean was obtained by the Swedish research ship Albatross in 1947. Several hundred miles off the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka, it discovered a vast underwater plateau, which is a massif of hardened volcanic lava.

When a volcano (or volcanoes) erupted, lava filled the valleys that had not yet sunk. It is possible that this catastrophic cataclysm coincided with the sinking of the Kumari Nala kingdom. The aforementioned A. S. Alan and J. v. Delaire date this event to 9500 BC. e.

And in 1985, Japanese diver Kihachiro Aratake, who got lost outside the standard safety perimeter off the southern coast of Okinawa, discovered ancient Cyclopean structures on the seabed near the tiny island of Yonaguni. The following year, another diver saw underwater a massive arch made of huge stone blocks, fitted to each other with filigree precision.

Inspired by the opportunity to find new submerged structures, entire teams of divers went underwater from the southern coast of Okinawa, setting off along pre-planned routes. Soon, the efforts of enthusiasts were rewarded with further discoveries: before the onset of autumn, five more archaeological sites were discovered at different depths near three islands - Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni, and the buildings, despite the variety of architectural details, had a stylistic unity.

In the spring of 1998, near the island of Okinoshima in the Korea Strait, separating Japan from South Korea, Japanese divers found at a depth of 30 m four round stone towers, rising 27 m above the bottom. Moreover, one of them had a spiral staircase that wrapped around the tower along the outer contour .

In addition, buildings similar to rectangular crypts near the settlement of Noro in Okinawa were discovered in the ocean waters. Interestingly, the inhabitants of this southernmost of Japan's islands call the crypts "moai", just as the inhabitants of Easter Island call their famous statues. The great god-enlightener of Easter Island, Make-Make, sailed, according to the legends of the aborigines, from the drowned island of Motu Mario Hiva.

Oddly enough, for the first 10 years after the discovery of underwater megaliths, the scientific community ignored their existence. Once again, no one wanted to rewrite history: after all, Okinawan buildings are over 10 thousand years old. Therefore, historians preferred to consider the find a bizarre play of nature.

All these years, the Yonaguni complex was studied by Masaaki Kimure, a professor at the University of the Ryukyu and a specialist in marine geology and seismology. Having completed more than a hundred dives, he decided to go against the opinion of the vast majority of historians and put his reputation on the line by defending the artificial origin of Yonaguni's structures.

After arguing for some time, scientists came to a compromise: they decided that people had changed and modified the original natural “blank”. Such so-called terraformings were not uncommon in the ancient world.

Nowadays in Japan, even academic science adheres to either such a compromise point of view, or even considers the underwater structures of Yonaguni to be clearly man-made. And who knows if these were the hands of the notorious Lemurians?

Are you afraid of death? This terrible phobia in scientific language sounds like thanatophobia and, to some extent, occurs, perhaps, in every person. Perhaps death is the biggest mystery for humanity, because no one has yet managed to find out what happens after it occurs.

However, there are many different theories on the topic of death, and the author of one of the most interesting is the American scientist Robert Lanza. In his opinion, death does not really exist - people invented it themselves.

To some, the theory may seem like the ravings of a madman, but Robert Lantz cannot be called such. During his life, the 63-year-old scientist has made enormous contributions to the research of stem cells used to restore organs. He is also the author of numerous books in which he even touches on the topic of cloning. For his services, he even received a place in the ranking of the 100 most influential people in the world according to TIME magazine.

Does death exist?

In 2007, the scientist created the concept of so-called biocentrism. We are all accustomed to believing that life arose due to the existence of the universe, but Robert Lantz’s theory completely turns this idea around. The scientist put into the term biocentrism the idea that we, living beings, are the center of everything that surrounds us - we even create time and the universe itself.

Death is also no exception. According to Robert Lantz, death exists for us only because from early childhood we begin to identify ourselves with our body. After all, we all believe that after the work of all our organs stops, that same terrible and unknown death will inevitably await us? But the scientist is sure that even if the body itself is inoperative, the human mind continues to work and simply moves to another world.

What happens after death?

It feels mystical, doesn't it? However, the scientist bases his words on the rules of quantum mechanics, according to which in reality there are a huge number of options for the development of events. For example, if in one of the “realities” (or Universes, call it what you want) a person died after falling from a cliff, then in some of the parallel worlds he will sense the danger in time and avoid death. The consciousness that was inside the already dead body will smoothly move into another reality, where the person is alive. In a word, human consciousness is immortal and exists outside of space and time.

Human consciousness is an energy that does not disappear and cannot be destroyed. It can only move endlessly and change its shape, explained Robert Lanza in one of his works.