How laws are passed in the Russian Federation. Procedure for adopting a law. Discussion of the bill. Reading of laws in the State Duma. New law Draw up a scheme for the adoption of a law in the Russian Federation

The legislative process is an integral part of the lawmaking process and includes four main stages:

1. Legislative initiative - the right of competent authorities, public organizations, parties or individuals to make proposals for the publication, amendment or repeal of a law or other normative legal act for their consideration by the legislature. A legislative initiative is materialized in the form of proposals or a finished bill, which the highest legislative body is obliged to accept for consideration.

According to Art. 104 The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the right of official legislative initiative: the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on issues of their jurisdiction. Bills are submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

2. Stage of discussion of the bill . The discussion of the bill takes place at a meeting of the State Duma. Future law passes several readings in a representative (legislative) body, it is at this stage that amendments, modifications, additions or exceptions to the bill are allowed. The law is usually adopted in three readings.

In the first reading the report of the initiator of the bill is heard, its concept is considered, and the necessary amendments and additions are made. Next, the bill is sent for revision to the committees of the representative (legislative) body. In the second reading the revised bill is being discussed; if it is rejected, work on it stops; if approved, the deputies discuss the amendments made in advance. If the bill is passed in the second reading, it is sent to the parent committee for editorial revision. Then, in the third reading, the bill is discussed in the deputy committee of the representative (legislative) body with all amendments, but it is possible that it may be rejected if it does not receive the required number of votes.

3. Adoption of the law - occurs through voting of deputies of the legislative body.

Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma by a majority vote of the total number of deputies and within 5 days are submitted to the Federation Council for consideration. A federal law is considered approved by the Federation Council if more than half of the total number of members of this chamber voted for it, or if it has not been considered by the Federation Council within 14 days. If the Federal Law is rejected by the Federation Council chambers can create a conciliation commission to overcome the disagreements that have arisen, after which the Federal Law is subject to re-examination by the State Duma. If the State Duma disagrees with the decision of the Federation Council, the Federal Law is considered adopted if at least two-thirds voted for him during the re-vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma ( Art. 105 Constitution of the Russian Federation).

According to Art. 106 Constitution of the Russian Federation " mandatory consideration in the Federation Council, federal laws adopted by the State Duma are subject to laws on issues:

a) the federal budget; b) federal taxes and fees; c) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue; d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties Russian Federation; e) status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation; e) war and peace."

A special procedure has been established for the adoption of the Federal Law ( Art. 108 Constitution of the Russian Federation). A federal constitutional law is considered adopted if it is approved by a majority of at least three-quarters of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and of at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma. The adopted Federal Constitutional Law must be signed by the President of the Russian Federation and promulgated within fourteen days.

According to Art. 2 Federal Law "On the procedure for publication and entry into force of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly" of May 25, 1994, date acceptance Federal constitutional law is considered the day when it is approved by the chambers of the Federal Assembly, and date of adoption of current federal laws is considered the day of their adoption by the State Duma in the final version.

4. Stage of promulgation of laws . The adopted Federal Law is sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and promulgation within 5 days. The President signs the Federal Law within 14 days and promulgates it. If the President of the Russian Federation rejects it within the specified period from the date of receipt of the Federal Law, then State Duma and the Federation Council, in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are again considering this law. If, upon re-examination, the Federal Law is approved in the previously adopted wording by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, it is subject to consideration within seven days and promulgation ( Art. 107 Constitution of the Russian Federation).

All federal laws are subject to official publication within 7 days after they are signed by the President of the Russian Federation.

Acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly are published no later than 10 days after their adoption.

Federal laws and acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly come into force simultaneously throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation ten days after their official publication, unless the laws themselves or acts of the chambers establish a different procedure for their entry into force.

The sources of the official publication of federal laws and acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly are considered to be the first publication of their full text in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, and Parliamentary Gazette.

Legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation . According to clause 4 art. 76 Constitutions of the Russian Federation of republics, territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous region and autonomous okrugs, i.e. subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to exercise one's own legal regulation , including the adoption of laws and other regulatory legal acts outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Federation cannot contradict federal constitutional laws, federal laws of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, as well as federal laws adopted on issues of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the event of such a contradiction, the Federal law applies, and the law of the subject of the Federation does not apply ( clause 5 art. 76 Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Legislative process represents a set of stages from creation to adoption of normative legal acts.

Stages of the legislative process

The legislative process includes four main stages:

  1. legislative initiative;
  2. the process of discussing a new bill;
  3. adoption of a new law;
  4. its publication.

The concept of "legislative initiative" implies the right of competent authorities, citizens or public organizations to initiate before the authority that makes laws the issue of issuing, amending or repealing any law or act, and such a request must be considered by parliament if the proposal has the necessary justification.

I have the right of legislative initiative: The President of the country, the Federation Council, the Government, State Duma deputies, the Supreme Arbitration, Constitutional and Supreme Courts, representative bodies of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Bills must be considered by the State Duma. Moreover, bills on the abolition or introduction of taxes, on issuing a government loan, on tax exemption, on changing the state’s financial obligations, and other bills that provide for expenses covered by the federal budget are introduced only on the condition that there is a conclusion from the Government of Russia.

Discussion of the bill takes place at State Duma meetings, where changes and amendments can be made to it, new provisions can be added to the bill, or unnecessary ones can be deleted.

Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma - a majority of deputies must vote for them. Within five days, the law must be transferred to the Federation Council. A new law is considered approved if a majority of members of the Federation Council vote for it.

If a federal law is rejected, the chambers create a conciliation commission, then the State Duma considers the law again.

If the State Duma expressed disagreement with the decision adopted at the Federation Council, the federal law will be considered adopted if two-thirds of the State Duma deputies approved it in a repeat vote.

Some laws adopted by the State Duma must be considered in the Federation Council. These are laws that are related to the federal budget, federal fees and taxes, financial, customs regulation, credit and currency law, money issue, protection and status of state borders, declaration of war and conclusion of peace, declaration of war and peace, ratifying and denouncing international treaties.

Within five days, the law must be sent to the President for signing and subsequent promulgation within 14 days. But if the President rejects the received document within this period, it will be considered again by the State Duma and the Federation Council.

If the law, upon re-examination, receives the approval of two-thirds of the State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council, the President of the Russian Federation must sign it and promulgate it within seven days.

But the provisions of chapters one, two and nine of the Basic Law cannot be submitted to the Federal Assembly for consideration. If such a proposal is supported by three-fifths of its members and deputies of the State Duma, a Constitutional Assembly is convened, which either confirms the immutability of the provisions of the Constitution, or develops a new draft of it, which is considered adopted with the approval of two-thirds of the members of the Constitutional Court or is considered in a referendum. The Constitution is considered adopted if it is approved by more than half of the voters who took part in the voting, and if more than half of the country's voters voted.

Any federal law must be officially published within a week after it is signed by the President.

Sources of official publications are “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” or “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”.

The adoption of a law consists of several stages, one after another, the totality of which is called the legislative process. A law is considered adopted and entered into force if it is introduced, considered, adopted by two chambers of parliament, signed and promulgated by the head of state in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution. Violation of the constitutional order of passage of a bill at least at one of these stages deprives the adopted act of legal force. The legislative process is based on the principles of democracy, legality, humanism, justice, science, transparency, professionalism, the use of legal experience, connection with practice, timeliness

Thus, the initial beginning of the legislative process is the legislative process, which is special form government activities on the creation, amendment and repeal of laws, based on knowledge of the objective social needs and interests of society.

The legislative process in Russia is implemented at two levels of implementation state power- federal and regional.

Stages of the legislative process:

I. Legislative initiative - comes down to submitting a bill to the State Duma for consideration (the right to carry out this kind of action is called the right of legislative initiative). According to Art. 104 of the CRF, the right of legislative initiative belongs to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the federation, as well as the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on issues within their jurisdiction. When introducing a bill to the State Duma, the subject of the right of legislative initiative must submit:

An explanatory note containing the subject of legislative regulation and a statement of the concept of the bill;

Text of the bill indicating title page subject of law of legislative initiative;

List of acts of federal legislation subject to amendment or recognition as invalid in connection with the adoption of this law;

Financial and economic justification (if material costs are necessary for the implementation of the bill);

Conclusion of the Government of the Russian Federation (if a bill is introduced on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemptions from their payment, on the issue of government loans, on changes in the financial obligations of the state, other bills that provide for expenses from the federal budget).

Documents are entered into the State Duma and are subject to mandatory registration. From the moment of their registration, the initiative is considered implemented.

II. Preliminary consideration of bills.

In the absence of obvious violations and compliance with the requirements for bills, the Council of the State Duma sends the bill to the responsible committee of the chamber, which is appointed responsible for the bill. If the bill is sent to several committees for preparation, then the State Duma Council appoints one of them responsible. Taking into account the latter’s proposals, the State Duma Council sets a deadline for preparing the bill for consideration.

III. Consideration of bills in the State Duma.

It is carried out in 3 readings, unless the Duma makes a different decision regarding a specific bill in accordance with current legislation.

A bill prepared for consideration in the first reading and the relevant materials for it, upon the proposal of the responsible committee of the State Duma, are sent to its deputies no later than 3 days before consideration at a meeting of the chamber. When the State Duma considers the bill in the first reading, its general concept, relevance, expediency and practical significance are discussed, and an assessment is made of the compliance of the main provisions of the draft law of the Russian Federation.

The discussion begins with a report by the initiator of the bill and a co-report by a representative of the responsible committee.  Then proposals and comments from deputies and deputy groups, and other persons invited to the meeting to participate in the discussion are heard.  Based on the results of the discussion of the bill in the first reading, the Duma can: adopt the bill in the first reading and continue working on it, taking into account the proposals and comments made; pass a law or reject a bill. If rejected, the bill is not subject to further consideration and is returned to the subject of the right of legislative initiative. If the bill is adopted in the first reading, the State Duma may set a deadline for submitting it to the second reading. The decision to pass a bill in the first reading requires a simple majority of the total number of members of the chamber.

The State Duma Council decides to include the bill in the second reading and determines the rapporteur of the responsible committee. The responsible committee accepts and analyzes received amendments to the bill, compiles a table of amendments (the table represents amendments put forward by factions) and prepares the bill for the second reading. Tables with amendments are sent to deputies for review before the 2nd reading. One table of amendments recommended for rejection, the second table of approved amendments.

During the third reading of the bill, amendments to it and return to its discussion are not allowed. In exceptional cases, it is possible to return to the second reading procedure. A federal law adopted by the State Duma is submitted to the Federation Council within 5 days, which must consider this Federal Law within 14 days; the Federation Council can also approve the Federal Law by default without consideration in accordance with the Russian Federation (Article 106, 108) and if within 14 days it has not been considered, then within 5 days it is sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and promulgation. If the President signs, then the law should be promulgated and come into force within 10 days, unless a special period is established.

IV. Consideration and approval of the law by the Federation Council.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a federal law adopted by the State Duma is submitted to the Federation Council for consideration within five days. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 4, Article 105) establishes a fourteen-day period during which the Federation Council considers a federal law received from the State Duma.

Based on the results of the discussion, the Federation Council approves or rejects the federal law adopted by the State Duma. A federal law is adopted by a simple majority, a federal constitutional law and a law on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - by a qualified majority, at least 3/4 of the votes of the total number of members of the chamber. The resolution of the Federation Council on the rejection of the federal law adopted by the State Duma, indicating the disagreements, is sent to the State Duma. The resolution on the approval of the law is sent by the speaker of the upper house to the head of state within five days for signing and promulgation of the law.

Overcoming disagreements between the Federation Council and the State Duma over a law rejected by the Federation Council. The Council of the State Duma determines the responsible committee, which can recommend to the Duma:

 - create a conciliation commission to overcome disagreements;

 - adopt the federal law in the previously adopted wording;

 - withdraw the federal law from reconsideration

To overcome the disagreement of the upper chamber, the State Duma must adopt the law with a qualified majority of 2/3 votes, then it is sent by the Chairman of the Duma to the President of the Russian Federation for promulgation within 5 days. And this the only case when the law is sent to the head of state, bypassing the Federation Council.

V. Signing of the law by the head of state and official publication.

In accordance with Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of Russia signs and promulgates the law within 14 days. The President of the Russian Federation has the right to reject or return the law. The President rejects a federal law if he does not agree with its content (the right of veto), and returns it if the order or procedure for its consideration and adoption is violated.

If the law is returned by the head of state, it is considered by parliament from the moment where the procedure for its adoption was violated. The procedure for adopting federal constitutional laws, as well as laws on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is special, which are adopted by a qualified majority vote of each chamber of parliament (2/3 of the Duma and 3/4 of the Federation Council) and are subject to mandatory signing by the President of Russia within 14 days. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation does not have the right of suspensive veto in relation to them.

The State Duma, in turn, can:

Accept the President’s objections, make appropriate changes to the law and re-send it to the head of state;

Withdraw the law from consideration;

Reject the objections of the head of state, approving the law in its previous version by a qualified majority of votes.

Status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Duma deputies are elected by the population and represent the people as a whole in the chamber. A deputy of the State Duma is recognized as a representative elected by the people, authorized to exercise legislative power in the State Duma and other powers provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the status of a member of the Federation Council, the status of a deputy of the State Duma.”

Social guarantees for the activities of a State Duma deputy include:

a) monthly remuneration, cash incentives and other payments

b) annual paid leave;

c) inclusion of the time spent exercising the powers of a State Duma deputy in the length of service of the state civil service;

d) medical, sanatorium and resort services for a deputy of the State Duma and members of their families;

e) pension provision, including pension provision for members of their families in the event of the death of a State Duma deputy;

f) compulsory state insurance of a deputy of the State Duma in case of damage to their health and property and in case of illness or loss of ability to work during the period of execution of their powers;

g) housing and welfare provision for State Duma deputy who do not have living space in the city of Moscow.

The term of office of a Duma deputy begins on the day of his election as a deputy and ends on the day the Duma of the new convocation begins its work.

The powers of a deputy may be terminated early in the following cases:

1) his written statement of resignation;

2) his election as a deputy of the parliament of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a representative body local government, an elected official of another body public authority, as well as his appointment to another state or municipal position of the Russian Federation;

3) his entry into the state or municipal service, entry into the management body of a business company or other commercial organization, carrying out entrepreneurial or other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities;

4) loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state;

5) entry into force of a court conviction against him;

6) the entry into force of a court decision to limit his legal capacity or to recognize him as incompetent;

7) recognizing him as missing or declaring him dead on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force;

8) his death.

9) dissolution of the State Duma in cases provided for in Art. 111 and 117 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The forms of activity of a State Duma deputy are:

a) participation in meetings of the State Duma in the manner established by the regulations of the chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; in joint sessions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

b) participation in the work of committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the regulations of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

c) participation in the implementation of instructions from the State Duma and its bodies;

d) participation in parliamentary hearings;

e) submitting a parliamentary request from a State Duma deputy (deputy request);

f) contacting relevant officials with a demand to take measures to immediately suppress the discovered violation of citizens' rights

g) work with voters (deputies maintain contact with voters, consider proposals, statements, complaints received from voters, and make proposals to the relevant authorities, local governments and public associations)

h) Participation in the work of deputy associations - factions and deputy groups in the State Duma.

Rights and responsibilities of a State Duma deputy:

1. State Duma deputies are required to comply with ethical standards;

2. Deputies of the State Duma submit income declarations and information about property owned by them;

3. Deputies of the State Duma have the right of legislative initiative, which is exercised in the form of introducing bills and amendments to them into the State Duma. A group of at least 1/5 of the State Duma deputies may make proposals for amendments and revisions to the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

4. Deputies of the State Duma have the right to cast a decisive vote on all issues considered by the State Duma, committee, commission of the chamber of which they are members;

5. Deputies of the State Duma have the right to send parliamentary inquiries to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Central Bank, the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, and leaders federal bodies state power, other government bodies and local government bodies on a range of issues within the competence of these bodies and officials;

6. Deputies of the State Duma have the right to independently, without announcement at a meeting of the chamber, make a request to any member of the Government of the Russian Federation at a meeting of the State Duma;

7. Deputies of the State Duma are provided with documents adopted by the chambers of the Federal Assembly, documents, other information and reference materials officially distributed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, other government bodies and public associations , as well as other information and reference materials;

8. Interference of State Duma deputies in the activities of inquiry bodies, investigators and courts is not allowed.

Members of the State Duma enjoy immunity throughout their entire term of office.

To the population of the Penza region with at least 5 thousand voter signatures;

Chairman and deputies of the Legislative Assembly;

Governor of the Penza region;

Government of the Penza region;

Members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - representatives from the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region and the Government of the Penza Region;

Penza regional court;

Arbitration Court of the Penza Region;

Prosecutor's Office of the Penza region;

Privolzhsky Transport Prosecutor's Office;

Chief Federal Inspector for the Penza Region;

Representative bodies of municipalities.

Bills on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, changes in the financial obligations of the Penza region, other bills providing for expenses covered by the budget of the Penza region are considered by the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region upon the proposal of the Governor of the Penza region or in the presence of his conclusion. This conclusion submitted to the Legislative Assembly within twenty calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant bill for consideration by the Governor of the Penza Region.

Before the bill is adopted in the first reading, the subject of the right of legislative initiative who introduced the bill has the right to withdraw the bill he introduced.

Consideration of bills in the first reading

1. Consideration by the Legislative Assembly of a bill in the first reading begins with a report from the initiator of the bill or his authorized representative and a co-report from the chairman (representative) of the relevant committee of the Legislative Assembly.

2. Based on the results of consideration of the bill in the first reading, the Legislative Assembly makes one of the following decisions:

adopt the bill in the first reading and continue work on it, taking into account the proposals and comments made;

reject the bill;

Taking into account the importance of the issue under consideration, the Legislative Assembly has the right to decide to publish a bill in the media to study public opinion on this bill, followed by its consideration, taking into account the comments and suggestions received from citizens, or to submit it to a referendum in the Penza region.

3. The decisions specified in part 2 of this section are formalized by the relevant resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

4. If, based on the voting results, the proposal to adopt a bill in the first reading does not receive the required number of votes, then it is considered rejected without additional voting. This decision is formalized by a corresponding resolution of the Legislative Assembly. A rejected bill is not subject to further consideration by the Legislative Assembly and is returned to the subject of the right of legislative initiative. It can be finalized by the subject of the right of legislative initiative and reintroduced to the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the established procedure.

5. If the bill is adopted in the first reading, the Legislative Assembly sets the deadline for introducing amendments to the bill and those responsible for its preparation for the second reading.

Consideration of bills in the second reading

1. In the second reading, the bill is considered by the Legislative Assembly on the proposal of the relevant committee of the Legislative Assembly.

Amendments to the bill are not considered without prior discussion in the appropriate committee of the Legislative Assembly.

The relevant committee may submit for consideration to the Legislative Assembly a version of the bill prepared taking into account the amendments received.

2. After discussion, taking into account the amendments received, the law of the Penza region is adopted by the Legislative Assembly as a whole. The decision to adopt a law in the Penza region is formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

3. A bill not adopted by the Legislative Assembly in the second reading is sent for revision in preparation for consideration in the third and subsequent readings in the prescribed manner or may be rejected.

A rejected bill is not subject to further consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It can be finalized by the subject of the right of legislative initiative and reintroduced to the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the established procedure.

Consideration of bills in the first and second readings

A comprehensively developed bill that does not cause doubts or disagreements among deputies can be adopted by the Legislative Assembly in its final version in the first and second readings simultaneously.

Promulgation of laws of the Penza region

In accordance with the Law of the Penza Region “On the procedure for the preparation, adoption and entry into force of laws of the Penza Region and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region”, the law of the Penza Region adopted by the Legislative Assembly is sent to the Governor of the Penza Region for promulgation within five working days.

If the Governor rejects a law of the Penza region, the rejected law, before the expiration of ten days from the date of receipt, is returned to the Legislative Assembly with a reasoned justification for its rejection or with a proposal to amend it.

Sending resolutions of the Legislative Assembly to the prosecutor's office of the Penza region
( )

Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly adopted at the session are sent to the prosecutor's office of the Penza region within five working days after the day of adoption.

Re-examination of the laws of the Penza region

1. The Law of the Penza Region, rejected by the Governor, is sent by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly to the appropriate committee for further study with the participation of interested parties and preparation for re-consideration.

1) approve the law of the Penza region in the wording proposed by the Governor of the Penza region, or taking into account his comments;

2) approve the law of the Penza region in the previously adopted wording.

3. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, upon receipt of the committee’s decision, introduces the issue of re-considering the returned law of the Penza region as a matter of priority to the next session of the Legislative Assembly. This issue is included in the agenda of the session without discussion.

4. Re-examination of the law of the Penza region begins with a speech by the Governor of the Penza region or his authorized representative, then the floor is given to the chairman (representative) of the relevant committee of the Legislative Assembly.

5. If the Legislative Assembly decides to hold a discussion, only deputies of the Legislative Assembly participate in it. The Governor of the Penza Region or his authorized representative has the right to make a closing statement based on the results of the discussion.

6. At the end of the discussion, the proposal to approve the law of the Penza region in the wording proposed by the Governor of the Penza region is put to a vote first. A decision is considered adopted if a majority of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly votes for it.

7. If the first proposal is not accepted, the question of approving the law of the Penza region in the version previously adopted by the Legislative Assembly is put to a vote. The decision in this case is made by at least two-thirds of the votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly. If this decision is made, the law is sent on the same day to the Governor of the Penza Region, who is obliged to promulgate it within three days.

8. If the decisions provided for in parts 6 and 7 of this section are not adopted, the corresponding law of the Penza region is considered rejected.