Jump with alternating straight legs scissors. Physical education assignments. Gymnastics. Gymnastics competition program

Physical exercises for developing the muscles of the back of the thigh Vladimir Stepanovich Lobachev

Changing legs with a jump from a scissors position

I.p. – “scissors” position. The projectile is on the shoulders. The grip is average.

1. Jump up, perform one running step in the unsupported phase and land in a flying position, but in a mirror image.

2. Jump up, perform one running step in the unsupported phase and land in a flying position.

Guidelines and dosage

1. Raise the projectile onto your shoulders in any way: from racks, from a platform.

2. Back straight. During the change of legs, the position of the torso does not change. The gaze is directed forward.

3. Change the position of the legs as quickly and rhythmically as possible.

4. The rear leg is slightly bent at the knee joint. The shin of the front leg is perpendicular to the support.

5. The pelvis and knee of the back leg move vertically downwards. Changing the position of the legs is preceded by accelerating the body upward.

6. The angle at the knee joint of the front leg changes, but the lower leg loses verticality minimally.

7. Land on the entire plantar surface of the foot of the front leg, loading its front part, heel out. When landing, do not allow your feet to move forward relative to the support. This placement of the foot on the support in coaching practice is called “put on galoshes.”

8. Exercise options:

– athlete in IP makes several springy movements up and down, then jumps up, changing the position of the legs to the opposite;

– the athlete stays in the “scissors” position for 3–4 seconds, then jumps up, changing the position of his legs to the opposite;

– the athlete in the unsupported phase takes two running steps with slightly bent legs knee joints and lands in IP.

9. Perform the exercise with a weight of 50–70% of your own weight 5x10 times.

This text is an introductory fragment.

4. Blade, scissors The basis of surgical separation of tissues is the principle of sequential layer-by-layer separation of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle layers, etc. Instruments for mechanical separation of tissues are the oldest and most diverse. Cutting element

It is necessary to change types of activities. Changing types of activities, when the lesson consists of several different games, allows you to keep the attention of children longer, increase the duration and effectiveness of the lesson. It is important that active games are combined with calm ones.

3.2. Surgical scissors These instruments are designed to cut soft tissue, cartilage and ribs by counter-moving the edges of the wedge-shaped blades (Fig. 9). Rice. 9. Elements that make up the design of scissors (according to: Medicon Instruments, 1986): a – general surgical

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Changing bed linen Prepare a set of bed linen. If the patient is assigned to bed rest, change the linen as follows. Fold a clean sheet halfway lengthwise. Raise the patient's head and take away the pillow. Move him to the edge of the bed and

Before the jump And now let's take a leap in development and move on to the higher brain. The question of the meaning of life was born in the cerebral cortex, which sits like a philosophizing king at the top of the lower brain. Kings have been known to be overthrown, and the brain is no exception.

“Shin overwhelm” during an upward jump from the “scissors” position I.p. – Scissor position.1. Jump up, in the unsupported phase, perform a “shin sweep” with the back leg.2. I.p. Guidelines and dosage 1. In i.p. shin of the front leg, torso and

Changing legs from the “scissors” position with disks (disc) in hands I.p. – standing, in a “scissors” position, arms opposite in a running position.1. Jump to change the position of the legs and arms to the opposite (take a mirror position i.p.)2. Jump to change the position of your legs and arms. Accept

Exercise “Changing the internal image” Our image is created by clothes, hairstyle, makeup, gait, vocabulary, the business we do, objects and people who surround us. The image grows so closely into us (or we into the image) that even if we radically change your wardrobe

12.1.1. SCISSORS Optimal - special medical, stainless steel, straight, one end sharp, the other rounded. You can use any (stationery ones, for example). It is very desirable that not only mother’s fingers fit into the rings, but also father’s. Scissors are used for

Nail scissors Manicure scissors are small and sharp scissors that are convenient for processing nails and cuticles. Thin scissors with straight ends are used to shorten the nail plate and shape its free edge. If the nails are hard and dense, they

Exercise No. 6: “Scissors” Objectives of the exercise To tone the muscles of the neck and forearms. Strengthen the muscles of the back, legs and abdomen. How to do1. Place your arms straight on the floor and get on all fours so that your wrists are under your shoulders and your knees are in line with your hips.2.

Changing hands in the snatch According to the competition rules in the snatch, the weight is first lifted with one hand for 5 minutes, then with the other. Throwing a weight from one hand to another is done in two ways. In the first, when the weight after the last lift is lowered down to the starting position, you need

Changing Roles Here is a useful idea that my experience in participating in bicycle racing suggested to me. All cyclists know that the speed of a group of athletes (or even just two) increases significantly - up to 25% - if they use the “leader change” technique. The point is that

In this material, students of grades 7 - 11 can familiarize themselves with the content of practical and theoretical Olympiad tasks in physical education. In the practical part, the participants of the Olympiad will learn about the test procedure, the requirements for sportswear, the performance program, and the evaluation of acrobatic exercises. The theoretical part presents sample questions with answers. All Olympiad tasks correspond to the content of the secondary school program material.



II round of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical education, grades 7-8, 9-11.



Girls (acrobatics)

I.p.o. s., crouching emphasis, forward somersault into a shoulder blade position (hold)

2.5 points

Sit with legs bent in a tuck, roll to a supine position

2.5 points


2.5 points

Turn sideways at point-blank range, crouching, jumping up, bending over

2.5 points

Boys (acrobatics)

I.p.o.s., crouched emphasis, two somersaults forward crouched emphasis

2.5 points

Headstand and handstand with force, hold

2.5 points

Emphasis crouched, somersault back into emphasis crouched

2.5 points

Emphasis crouching, jump up, bending over

2.5 points


Tests for girls and boys are carried out in the form of performing an acrobatic exercise, which is strictly mandatory nature. If the established sequence of performing elements is changed or less than half of the evaluated elements are performed, the exercise is not evaluated and the participant receives 0.0 points.

Exercises should have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed in a straight line with changes in direction, together, dynamically, without unjustified pauses. Fixation of static elements no less than 2 seconds.

If a participant fails to complete any element included in the exercise, or replaces it with another, the score is reduced by the cost of the element indicated in the program.

The total cost of all completed items is a base estimate equal to 10,0 points, from which deductions are deducted for errors made when performing individual elements.

The judges evaluate the quality of the combination in comparison with the ideally possible execution.

Participants are given only one attempt to complete the exercise.


I. p. - main stand

Left (right) to the side on the toe, hands to the left (right) - the same turn to the right (left) on one by 360° , the other back, arms to the sides in a standing position, legs apart………........................

One step at a time, balance (keep) ............................................... ......

Step one, bending the other forward - jump with a change of bent legs forward (hip not lower than 90 º) - jump with a change of straight legs forward (change of legs not lower than 90 º) - step and, placing a leg, crouching….. ........................................................ .............…

0,5 + 0,5

Somersault forward into a squat position in a tuck position. roll back, stand on the shoulder blades (hold).................................................. ...................................

Roll forward into a crouched position - stand in a cross-right position, arms up - turn left in a circle................................... ...............

With a swing of one, a push of the other, turn to the side (“wheel”) into a standing position with your legs apart, arms to the sides – placing your leg, turn in the direction of movement, arms up..... .........................................

Somersault forward with a jump – jump up, bending over – ...........


Somersault forward jump - jump up with a 360º turn...



I. p. - main stand

Putting the right (left) leg to the side, a wide stance - legs apart, arms to the sides - bending over, mark, and, bending forcefully, stand on the head and hands, hold - ............... ....

Bend over by force, lowering into position while lying down - with a push of the legs, emphasis while crouching - stand in a stance, arms to the sides - ........................ .........

Turn to the side (wheel) - turn to the side and, placing your foot, turn 90º with your back to the direction of movement - ........................... ........................................................ .............

1,0 + 1,0

Back somersault - back somersault, standing bent point-blank - straighten up into a standing position, arms up.................................... ....................

0,5 + 0,5

Step forward – balance, keep................................................... ...

Two steps forward – forward somersault with a jump – tuck jump – ...................................... ...............................................

1,0 + 0,5

– forward somersault with a jump – jump up with a 360º turn.

1,0 + 1,5

1. Form of participants

1.1. Girls can wear swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with leggings. Two-piece swimsuits are prohibited.

1.2. Boys can wear gymnastics T-shirts, tights or sports shorts that do not cover the knees.

1.3. T-shirts and tank tops should not be worn over shorts, tights or leggings.

1.4. The exercise can be performed in socks, slippers or barefoot.

2. Order of speeches

2.1. For testing, participants are distributed into shifts according to their personal starting number.

2.2. All participants of one shift must be in a place specially designated for them. Their behavior must not disturb other participants.

2.3. Evaluation of the participant’s actions begins from the moment he takes the starting position on the tumbling track and ends with the fixation of the main stance after the end of the exercise. The participant’s readiness to start speaking is signaled by a raised hand.

2.4. The participant is given only one attempt to complete the exercise.

3. Repeat performance

3.1. The performance may be started a second time if it was interrupted due to a defect in the equipment. A participant's mistake is not grounds for repeating the exercise.

3.2. Only the Head Gymnastics Judge can decide whether a competitor can start the routine again. In this case, the exercise must be performed from the beginning.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of performances, participants should be given a warm-up of no more than 30 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. The chief gymnastics judge determines the composition of the judging teams that evaluate the performances of girls and boys.

5.2. It is recommended to include two groups of judges in the judging panel, each of which is headed by a senior judge. Group " A » evaluates the difficulty of the exercise performed by the participant and displays a basic score. Group " IN » evaluates the quality of the exercise and determines the appropriate deduction, which is then subtracted from the basic score.

6. Test program

6.1. The participant must perform a mandatory acrobatic combination.

6.2. Changing the order of elements in a combination is prohibited.

6.3. The total duration of the exercise should not exceed 50 seconds If the exercise lasts more than the specified time, the exercise is stopped and only the completed part is scored, if the participant has completed more than half of the assessed elements.

7. Evaluation of performance

7.1. An exercise is scored if the total cost of completed elements exceeds 5.0 points.

7.2. The main errors that are punished by a deduction of equal value of the element include:

Violation of the technique of performing an acrobatic element, leading to its severe distortion beyond recognition;

Replacing one element with another, even more technically complex one;

Fixing a static element less 2 seconds;

Landing in a squat or on your back when performing jumps.

7.3. In case of an unjustified pause, more 5 seconds when performing the exercise, it stops and is evaluated only if the participant has completed part of the combination with a total value of more than 5.0 points.



Girls (grades 7-8): 300 m.

Boys (grades 7-8): 500 m.


The competitive test consists of covering the distance:

Girls (grades 9-11): 500 m.

Boys (grades 9-11): 1000 m.

Smooth running competitions are held in an arena on a special treadmill, the length of which is 200 m (running is carried out counterclockwise).



school stage

Questions in closed form.

For each task, 4 answer options are offered, they contain both correct and incorrect answers, as well as partially corresponding to the meaning of the questions. Only one can be correct - the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the question. The correct answer is scored 1 point.

1. Physical culture represents...

A. Academic subject at school.

6. Doing exercises.

V. The process of improving human capabilities.

d. Part of human culture.

2. Load size physical exercise due...

A. A combination of volume and intensity of motor actions.

b. The degree of difficulties overcome in their implementation.

V. Fatigue resulting from their implementation.

d. Heart rate.

3. The intensity of exercise can be determined by heart rate. High intensity exercise increases heart rate to...

A. 120 - 130 beats per minute. b. 130 - 140 beats per minute.

V. 140 - 170 beats per minute. 170 or more beats per minute.

4. Regular exercise helps improve performance because...

A. During classes, motor actions are performed to help develop strength and endurance.

b. The resulting fatigue activates the processes of recovery and adaptation.

V. As a result, the efficiency and economy of breathing and blood circulation increases.

d. A person engaged in physical exercise is able to perform a greater amount of physical work.

A. The back of the head, buttocks, heels.

b. Shoulders, buttocks, heels.

V. Back of the head, heels.

D. Back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels.

6. Following a daily routine promotes health because...

A. Provides rhythmic functioning of the body.

b. Allows you to properly plan things during the day.

V. The distribution of main tasks is carried out more or less standardly.

d. Allows you to avoid unnecessary physical stress.

7. Systematic and well-organized physical exercise improves health, as...

A. Good blood circulation during exercise ensures the supply of nutrients to the organs and systems of the body.

b. The capabilities of the respiratory system increase, due to which more oxygen enters the body.

V. Helps increase the body's reserve capabilities.

d. With sufficient energy supply, the body resists diseases more easily.

8. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at...

A. Development of physical qualities of people.

b. Maintaining high performance of people.

V. Preserving and improving people's health.

d. Preparation for professional activities.

9. Posture is called...

A. Spinal quality that promotes well-being.

b. Spring characteristics of the spine and feet.

V. The usual posture of a person in an upright position.

d. Silhouette of a man.

10. First aid for impacts on a hard surface and bruises is that the bruised area should be...

A. Rub, scratch. 6. Heat. V. Cool.

d. Try to put it on an elevation and consult a doctor

11. Under endurance as physical quality understood...

A. A complex of properties that makes it possible to perform a variety of physical activities.

b. A set of properties that determine the ability to resist fatigue.

V. The ability to perform physical work for a long time without getting tired.

d. Ability to save specified operating parameters.

12. First aid for soft tissue bruises:

A. Heat to the site of the bruise, a pressure bandage to the area of ​​hemorrhage, rest of the bruised part of the body, artificial respiration.

b. Apply cold to the injury site, rest the injured part of the body, apply a transport splint, drink plenty of warm fluids.

V. Heat to the site of the bruise, a pressure bandage to the area of ​​hemorrhage, rest of the bruised part of the body, the limbs are given an elevated position.

d. Cold on the site of the bruise, a pressure bandage on the area of ​​hemorrhage, rest of the bruised part of the body, the limbs are given an elevated position.

13. The main sources of energy for the body are...

A. Proteins and vitamins. b. Carbohydrates and fats. V. Carbohydrates and mineral elements. g. Proteins and fats.

14. Prevention of postural disorders is carried out using...

A. Speed ​​exercises. b. Strength exercises. V. Flexibility exercises. d. Endurance exercises.

15. The main goal of mass sports is...

A. achieving the highest possible sports results. b. restoration of physical performance. V. increasing and maintaining general physical fitness. d. propaganda of certain sports.

16. A distinctive feature of the exercises used to develop strength is that...

A. They do not cause significant muscle tension.

b. They are performed until fatigue.

V. They cause significant muscle tension.

d. They are performed slowly.

17. What exercises are not effective in building a physique?

A. Exercises to improve speed of movement.

b. Exercises to help reduce body weight.

V. Exercises combined in the form of circuit training.

d. Exercises that help increase muscle mass.

18. The main reason for the development of drug addiction

A. imitation. b. curiosity. V. boredom. d. stubbornness

19. Indicate among the following the main purpose of holding physical education minutes and physical education breaks in general education lessons at school:

A. Increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing muscle mass.

b. Relieving fatigue, increasing the productivity of mental or physical work, preventing poor posture.

V. Strengthening health and improving the culture of movements, studying sports techniques.

d. Promoting improvement of physical development, hardening of the body.

A. Right after school.

b. Before doing homework.

V. Before food.

d. Before bed.

21. The main sources of energy for the body are...

A. Proteins and vitamins.

b. Carbohydrates and fats.

V. Carbohydrates and mineral elements.

g. Proteins and fats.

22. Oxygen in the blood carries...

A. Hemoglobin; b. Oxyhemoglobin; V. Plasma; g. Carbon dioxide.

23. Basics The main cause of poor posture is...

A. Getting used to certain postures.

b. Muscle weakness.

V. Studying at school.

d. Carrying a bag or briefcase on one shoulder.

24. Hardening means...

A. Swimming in cold water and walking barefoot.

b. Adaptation of the body to environmental influences.

V. A combination of air and sunbathing with gymnastics and games.

d. Health promotion.

25. Low level motor activity during the learning process

A. negatively affects physical development, reduces mental performance. b. promotes obesity. V. provokes psycho-emotional disorders. d. gives you the opportunity to study without distractions.

26. Health is

A. absence of disease. b. no physical disabilities. V. a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being. d. social well-being.

27. Components of a healthy lifestyle:

A. hardening, balanced nutrition, adherence to work and rest regime. b. personal hygiene, environmentally conscious behavior, sex education. V. giving up bad habits, safe behavior at school and at home. d. hardening, balanced nutrition, adherence to work and rest regime, giving up bad habits, safe behavior at school and at home.

28. Biological age is

A. anthropometric indicators. b. individual level of morphofunctional maturity of individual tissues, organs, systems of the body as a whole. V. degree of deviation from the side nervous system. g. calendar age.

29. In the system of physical education for schoolchildren, physical education minutes and physical education breaks are held...

A. In general education lessons, when the first signs of fatigue appear in students.

b. In physical education lessons during the transition from one physical exercise to another.

V. In sports sections and general physical training sections, as a means of active recreation.

d. After the end of each lesson (during breaks).

30. What should be understood by the physical quality “speed”?

A. it is a person's ability to move quickly.

b. This is a person’s ability to make movements in the shortest possible time.

V. This is a person’s ability to realize his potential in speed running.

g. these are human motor capabilities.

d. this is a person’s motor ability.

Open questions.

Test tasks are developed on the basis of questions from state certification exams in physical culture, published in the journal “Physical Culture at School” and meet the minimum knowledge requirements for graduates of primary school in the subject “Physical Culture”.

You must answer each question yourself by writing it after the question.

Answers (*) containing a list or several judgments are scored 0.3 points for each correct judgment.

1. Name the basic conditioning abilities (*) (_________________________________________________________________________)

2. Name the three parts of the lesson in sequence (*) (____________________________________________________________)

3. Name the main criterion by which the intensity of the load in the lesson is determined (_______________)

4. Name one of the two types of energy supply (aerobic and anaerobic). In a 5-minute run at a heart rate of 150 beats per minute (_____________________)

5. What is a motor skill (__________________________________________)

6. The ability to carry out movements with a large amplitude due to mobility in the joints and spine is called (________________________________)

7. The main specific means of physical education is called (__________________________________________________________)

8. What is shaping (_______________________________________________________________________________)

9. What is the main form of training for an athlete (_____________________)

10. The most effective method of developing general endurance is (_________________________________)

Closed-form questions

Key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d, 6-a, 7-c, 8-c, 9-c, 10-c, 11-b, 12-d, 13-b, 14-b, 15-c, 16-c, 17-a, 18-b, 19-b, 20-g, 21-b, 22-a, 23-b, 24-b, 25- a, 26-c, 27-d, 28-b, 29-a, 30-b, 31-a, 32-d, 33-b, 34-b, 35-d, 36-a, 37-a, 38-c, 39-b, 40-g.

Open questions

1. Name the basic conditioning abilities (strength, endurance, flexibility, speed)

2. Name the three parts of the lesson in sequence (preparatory, main, final)

3. Name the main criterion by which the intensity of the load in the lesson (HR) is determined

4. name one of the two types of energy supply (aerobic and anaerobic). In a 5-minute run at a heart rate of 150 beats per minute (aerobic)

5. What is a motor skill (motor action brought to automatism)

6. The ability to carry out movements with a large amplitude due to mobility in the joints and spine is called (flexibility)

7. The main specific means of physical education is called (physical exercise)

8. What is shaping (a system of physical exercises – mainly strength ones – aimed at correcting the figure and functional state of the body of women)

9. What is the main form of training an athlete (training)

10. The most effective method of developing general endurance is (continuous)

201_-201_ UCH. YEAR . Cipher__________________

Running time -40 minutes





Closed form assignments

Question no.

Answer options

Question no.

Answer options


Tests for girls and boys are carried out in the form of an acrobatic exercise, which is strictly mandatory. If the established sequence of performing elements is changed or less than half of the evaluated elements are completed, the exercise is not evaluated and the participant receives 0.0 points.

Exercises should have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed in a straight line with changes in direction, together, dynamically, without unjustified pauses. Fixation of static elements for at least 2 seconds.

If a participant fails to complete any element included in the exercise, or replaces it with another, the score is reduced by the cost of the element indicated in the program.

The total cost of all completed elements is a base score of 10.0 points, from which deductions for errors made when performing individual elements are deducted.

The judges evaluate the quality of the combination in comparison with the ideally possible execution.

Participants are given only one attempt to complete the exercise.


I.p. – main stand

Step forward, arms to the sides - the same 360˚ turn into a stance with legs apart, arms to the sides (free leg bent, toe pressed to the knee of the supporting leg)


One step, balance arms to the sides (“swallow”), hold


One step, jump with a change of bent legs forward (the hip when changing legs is not lower than 90 º) - one step, a jump with a change of straight legs forward (change of legs is not lower than 90 º) - step and, placing a leg, crouching


Somersault forward point-blank crouching and, rolling back, stand on the shoulder blades (hold)


Roll forward point-blank crouching - stand up, step one and swing the other, turn in a circle to stand with your arms up


With a swing of one, a push of the other, two turns to the side together (“wheels”) into a standing position, legs apart, arms to the sides - placing the leg, turn in the direction of movement, arms up


Somersault forward and jump up bending over


Somersault forward with a jump and jump up with a 360˚ turn



I.p. – main stand

Putting the right (left) to the side, wide stance, legs apart, arms to the sides - bending forward, bending, mark, and bending forcefully, stand on the head and arms, hold


Forcefully lowering into position while lying down - push your legs, emphasis while crouching - stand in a stance, arms up


With a swing of one, a push of the other, two flips to the side together (“wheels”) into a standing position with legs apart, arms to the sides and, placing the leg, turn 90º with your back to the direction of movement – ​​crouching


Back somersault and back somersault point-blank standing bent over, together - - straighten up in a stance, arms up


Step forward – balance your arms to the sides (“swallow”), hold – straighten up, put your foot down


Two steps forward – a forward somersault and a tuck jump (hips not lower than horizontal)


forward somersault and jump up with a 360º turn



1. Participants

1.1. Girls can wear swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with leggings. Two-piece swimsuits are prohibited.
1.2. Boys can wear gymnastics T-shirts, tights or sports shorts that do not cover the knees.
1.3. T-shirts and tank tops should not be worn over shorts, tights or leggings.
1.4. The exercise can be performed in socks, slippers or barefoot.
1.5. Jewelry and watches are not permitted.
1.6. Violation of the requirements for sportswear is punishable by a deduction of 0.5 points from the participant’s final grade.

2. Order of speeches

2.1. For testing, participants are distributed into shifts according to their personal starting number.
2.2. All participants of one shift must be in a place specially designated for them. Their behavior must not disturb other participants.
2.3. Evaluation of the participant’s actions begins from the moment he takes the starting position on the tumbling track and ends with the fixation of the main stance after the end of the exercise. The participant’s readiness to start speaking is signaled by a raised hand.
2.4. If a participant makes an unjustified pause of more than 5 seconds while performing an exercise, the exercise is stopped and only the completed part is evaluated.
2.5. If an acrobatic exercise is performed for more than 60 seconds, it is stopped and only the completed part is scored.
2.6. The participant is given only one attempt to complete the exercise.

3. Repeat performance

3.1. The performance may be started a second time if it was interrupted due to a defect in the equipment. A participant's mistake is not grounds for repeating the exercise.
3.2. Only the Head Gymnastics Judge can decide whether a competitor can start the routine again. In this case, the exercise must be performed from the beginning.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of performances, participants must be given a warm-up of no more than 20 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. The chief gymnastics judge determines the composition of the judging teams that evaluate the performances of girls and boys.
5.2. It is recommended to include two groups of judges in the judging panel, each of which is headed by a senior judge. Group “A” evaluates the difficulty of the exercise performed by the participant and displays a basic rating. Group “B” evaluates the quality of the exercise and determines the appropriate deduction, which is then subtracted from the basic score.

6. Test program

6.1. The participant must perform a mandatory acrobatic combination.
6.2. Changing the order of elements in a combination is prohibited.
6.3. The total duration of the exercise should not exceed 50 seconds. If the exercise lasts more than the specified time, the exercise is stopped and only the completed part is scored, if the participant has completed more than half of the assessed elements.

7. Evaluation of performance

7.1. An exercise is scored if the total value of the completed elements exceeds 5.0 points.
7.2. The main errors that are punished by a deduction of equal value of the element include:

  • violation of the technique of performing an acrobatic element, leading to its severe distortion beyond recognition;
  • replacement of one element with another, even more technically complex one;
  • fixation of a static element in less than 2 seconds;
  • loss of balance leading to a fall;
  • landing in a squat or on your back when performing jumps.

7.3. In case of an unjustified pause of more than 5 seconds while performing an exercise, it is stopped and scored only if the participant has completed part of the combination with a total value of more than 5.0 points.

8. Final score

8.1. The final score of the participant can be maximum 10.0 points.

9. Equipment

9.1. An acrobatic exercise is performed on a track or gymnastic mat at least 12 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. There must be a safety zone around the tumbling track at least 1.0 meters wide, completely free of foreign objects.

2. Step forward – jump with alternating bent legs (“goat”), arms to the sides – step forward – jump with alternating straight legs forward (“scissors”).

3. Left (right) lunge, arms forward - somersault forward, crouching.

4. Back somersault.

5. Roll back to stand on your shoulder blades (hold for 3 seconds).

6. Stand on the shoulder blades with legs apart (spread as far as possible), legs together.

7. Roll forward to stand on your left (right), the other forward on your toes, arms up.

8. With a swing of one, a push with the other, turn to the side (“wheel”) into a standing position with your legs apart, arms to the sides.

9. Putting the right (left) - half squat, arms back and down and jump up, legs apart.


1. From the main stance, step forward, balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold for 3 seconds).

2. Straightening up, step forward, arms up - swing one, push the other into a handstand (indicate).

3. Stand in a hands-up position – crouching position.

4. Force stand on the head and hands (hold for 3 seconds) - crouching.

5. Somersault forward into a squat position - arms arched outward, tilt (hands touch toes).

6. Backward somersault in a tucked position, crouching - roll back, stand on the shoulder blades (hold for 3 seconds) - rolling forward, crouching - stand up, arms to the sides.

7. Step forward - push two jumps in a tuck - step forward - push two jump with legs bent apart (hands touch toes).

8. With a swing of one, a push with the other, two flips to the side (2 “wheels”) into a standing position with legs apart, arms to the sides.

9. Putting the left (right) - jump up with a 360° turn.




Elements and connections


I.p. – main stand.

Arc forward arms to the sides and step forward balance on the right (left) (“swallow”), hold – somersault forward………

1.0 points

Stand up and jump forward with a change of bent legs (“goat”)………………………………………………………..


Step forward and jump with alternating straight legs (“scissors”)….


Step forward and with the second step make a 360º turn of the same name, bending your free leg forward……………………………………..


Step forward and, placing your foot, jump up with a 180º turn…………………………………………………………………………………………


With a swing of one, a push of the other, two rollovers to the right or left (“wheels”) into a legs-legs stance …………………………..

0,5 + 0,5

Turn to the right (left) with the shoulder back at point-blank range crouching - somersault back at point-blank range standing bent over, straighten up…………


Tilt back the bridge, hold………………….


Lie on your back, straighten your arms and legs and, indicating a forward bend, roll back to stand on your shoulder blades without using your hands, hold………………………………………………………


Roll forward in a tucked position while crouching………………….


Forward somersault and forward somersault with jump……………………

0,5 + 0,5

Jump up bending your legs apart……………………………



Elements and connections


From hanging on the w/w facing to w/w swing legs apart to hang lying on the back of your hips……………………………………………………

0.5 points

Lifting and bending the left one, hanging while crouching on the left one and, with a swing of the right and a push with the left, lifting with a flip point-blank on the v/g (indicate) and falling into the hanging while lying behind on the hips……………….


Turn into a sit on the left hip, right back; hands: left hand grip, right hand to the side……………………………


Leaning with your right hand (reverse grip) at the left knee, dismount with a turn to the left in a circle……….………………………….



Elements and connections


From the stance longitudinally, swing with the right and push with the left, swing with a turn to the left into a sit with legs apart, support in front…………

0.2 points

Swing backwards while lying on bent arms and push your legs into a crouching position…………………………………………………………..


Stand up, arms to the sides, two steps with the right on the toes and two steps on the toes, bending the legs forward - putting the left one, squat, arms to the sides……………………………………………


Turn left around…………………………………………… 0,5
Stand up and step with your right balance on your left (“swallow”), hold……………………………………………………………….


Straightening up, step with your left and swing your right forward, dismount bending to the right………..…………………………………..


Note: exercises on the balance beam and uneven bars may be performed partially or completely in the other direction or on the other leg.



Elements and connections


I.p. – main stand.
Step right (left) forward, balance (“swallow”) on the left (right), hold ………………………………………….

1.0 point

Straighten up into an upright arm position and swing one, push the other, two flips to the side (“wheels”) into a legs apart position…………………………………………………………………….

1,0 + 1,0

Putting your foot down, turn in the direction of movement and with a swing of one, a push with the other, go into a handstand, indicate - roll back to the point-up position while bending over………………………..


Sit on your heels, lean forward and bend forcefully, stand on your head and arms, hold………………………………………………………


Force yourself down into a lying position and turn to the right in a circle while lying behind you………………………………………………………………


Squat with a forward bend and a back somersault at point-blank range while bent over………………………………………………………..


Straighten up and with a swing of one, a push of the other through a handstand, somersault forward point-blank, crouching……………………………


Somersault forward jump………………………………………. 0,5
Jump up with legs apart and somersault forward with a jump………. 1,0
Jump up with a 360º turn……………………………… 1,0


Elements and connections


From swinging in support on your hands with a swing back, rising to point-blank range 0.5 points
Swing forward, sit your legs apart…………………………………… 0,5
A point-blank interception from the front and a forward somersault into a sitting position with legs apart... 1,0
Swing inwards, swing back and swing forward, dismount to the side... 0,5


Elements and connections


From a hanging position, lifting up with a flip………………………………. 0.5 points
Swing the right leg into point-blank range……………………………… 0,5
Turn left in a circle with a left jump backwards……………… 0,5
Swing and turn back at close range…………………………………… 0,5
Arc dismount……………………………………..…………… 0,5


Girls and boys grades 9-10-11:

For girls, tests are carried out in the form of performing an acrobatic exercise that is mandatory for everyone, as well as an optional exercise performed on uneven bars or a balance beam.

For boys, tests are carried out in the form of performing an acrobatic exercise, which is mandatory for all, as well as an optional exercise on the uneven bars or crossbar.

Exercises for all types of tests are strictly mandatory and are performed in the order specified in the program. Changing the order of exercises is not allowed.

If a participant fails to complete any element included in the exercise, or replaces it with another, the score is reduced by the value indicated in the program.

Exercises on each apparatus must have a clearly defined beginning and end, and be performed together, dynamically, without unjustified pauses.

The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise in comparison with the ideal possible execution. Maximum possible final scores: in acrobatics –10,0 points, on each of the gymnastic apparatus – 2,5 points.

Test regulations

1. Participants

1.1. Girls can wear swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with leggings. Two-piece swimsuits are prohibited.

1.2. Boys can wear gymnastics T-shirts, the width of the straps of which should not exceed 4 cm, tights or sports shorts that do not cover the knees.

1.3. T-shirts and tank tops should not be worn over shorts, tights or leggings.

1.4. The exercise can be performed in socks, slippers or barefoot.

1.5. Jewelry is not allowed.

1.6. Violation of the requirements for sports form is punishable by a deduction. 0,5 points from the participant’s final assessment.

2. Order of speeches

2.1. Before the start of the test, each participant must inform the judge about performing the exercise on an additional apparatus.

2.2. In each shift, all participants first perform an acrobatic exercise, and then, in the same order, an exercise on an additional apparatus of their choice: girls - uneven bars or beam, boys - uneven bars or crossbar.

2.3. Before the participant begins his performance, his last name and first name must be clearly announced. After the call, the participant has 20 seconds to start the exercise. An exercise performed without a challenge is not scored.

2.4. The duration of an acrobatic exercise should not exceed 1 minute 20 seconds.

2.5. The duration of performing exercises on gymnastic apparatus is not limited.

2.6. Exercises for all types of tests must have a clearly defined beginning and end. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a deduction. 0.3 points.

2.7. The assessment of the participant’s actions begins from the moment he takes the starting position on the acrobatic track or in front of the gymnastic apparatus and ends with the fixation of the main stance after the end of the exercise. The signal of the participant’s readiness to begin the performance is the raised right hand.

2.8. Support and minor assistance provided during the exercise are punishable by a deduction. 1.0 point.

2.9. Representatives of delegations are not allowed to talk or give instructions to participants during the exercise.

2.10. For violations specified in paragraphs. 2.9. The chairman of the jury has the right to punish the participant by reducing the score by 0.5 points, and in case of repeated violation, to remove him from participation in the tests.

3. Repeat performance

3.1. The participant’s performance cannot be restarted, except in cases caused by unforeseen circumstances, which include: breakdown of gymnastic equipment that occurred during the performance; malfunctions in the operation of general equipment - lighting, smoke in the room, etc.; the appearance of foreign objects on the gymnastic equipment or in the immediate vicinity of it, creating a traumatic situation.

3.2. If the above situations occur, the participant must immediately stop performing. If the performance is completed, it will be graded.

3.3. Only the Chairman of the Judging Panel has the right to allow the exercise to be repeated. In this case, the participant performs his exercise first, after all participants in his shift have performed.

3.4. If the performance is interrupted due to the fault of the participant, re-execution of the exercise is not permitted.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of the performances, participants are given a general warm-up on the tumbling track and selected additional gymnastic equipment for no more than 40 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. A jury of judges is appointed to supervise the tests.

5.2. The jury consists of the Chairman of the jury and the team that evaluates the execution of the exercise.

6. Difficulty assessment

6.1. The total value of an acrobatic exercise cannot exceed 10.0 points.

6.2. The total cost of exercises on gymnastic apparatus is 2.5 points.

6.3. Elements are counted towards the participant if they are completed without errors leading to their distortion beyond recognition or non-fulfillment. Otherwise, the assessment is reduced by the cost of the element or connection specified in the program.

7. Evaluation of performance

7.1. The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise in comparison with the ideally possible option, taking into account the requirements for the technique of performing individual elements.

7.2. Execution errors can be: minor - 0.1 points, medium - 0.2 points, gross - 0.4 points. Errors of non-compliance - 0.5 points.

7.3. Basic errors that are penalized with a deduction equal to the cost of the element or connection include:

— violation of the technique of execution of an element or connection, leading to its severe distortion beyond recognition;

- falling from a projectile;

— fixation of a static element less 2 seconds;

- when performing dismounts and acrobatic jumps, landing in a squat or on your back.

7.4. In case of an unjustified pause of more than 5 seconds while performing an exercise, it is stopped and not evaluated.

7.5. When issuing a deduction for the performance of an acrobatic exercise, the judges sum up the deductions made by the participant both when performing mandatory elements and combinations, and elements of increased difficulty.

7.6. The deduction for performing an exercise is the average of the deductions made by the judges. In this case, the larger and smaller of the deductions are discarded, and the final deduction is the arithmetic average of the remaining ones.

7.7. The discrepancy between the judges' deductions included in the scoring should not be more than 0.2 points.

In the event of an unacceptable discrepancy between the judges' deductions, the referee assembles a team to discuss the current situation, as a result of which the judges can change their deductions so that the discrepancy becomes acceptable.

8. Final score

8.1. The final score is derived as the difference between the basic score of the exercise and the sum of the average deduction for errors in the execution of the exercise and the deduction of the Chairman of the Jury for violations of the requirements for the general procedure for its execution.

8.2. The maximum final scores can be equal to: for an acrobatic exercise - 10.0 points; for an exercise on a gymnastic apparatus - 2.5 points.

9. Equipment

9.1. The acrobatic exercise is performed on a track at least 12 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. There must be a safety zone around the acrobatic track with a width of at least 1,5 meters, completely free from foreign objects.

9.2. To perform exercises on uneven and parallel bars, balance beam and crossbar, a set of standard school gymnastics equipment is used, installed in accordance with the safety requirements for conducting classes.

To perform exercises for all types of tests, participants are given only one attempt.

9.3. The final score of a participant in a gymnastics test is determined as the sum of the points he scored for performing an acrobatic combination and an additional selected exercise on one of the gymnastic apparatus. It cannot exceed 12.5 points.