Safety notes for the first junior group. Lesson for children of the younger group about fire safety rules. Progress of fire safety classes in the junior group of kindergarten

Lesson notes on fire safety in the second younger group « Fire engine»

Subject:"Fire engine".
Target: Dictionary: use names of objects correctly in speech;

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, we have a new toy in our group. Look what toy this is? (Car).
- Have you guessed the name of this car? (Fire department).
- How did you guess, by what signs did you determine that it was a fire truck? (The car is red, it has number 01, it has stairs at the top, etc.).
- Right. Red is the color of fire and alarm, so the fire truck is always red so that it can be seen from afar.
- Do you think the fire truck is moving slowly or fast? (Fast).
- Why do you think the fire truck is moving fast? (Because you need to quickly arrive at the scene of the fire and put out the fire, save people).
- When a fire truck is driving, you can not only see it, but also hear it. I hear a siren.
- How does the siren sound? (Uh-uh, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh….).
- Tell me, what do you think is in the back of the fire truck? (tools: hose, axe, fire extinguisher, shovel, etc.).
- A hose is needed for water, but how does the water hiss as it pours out of the hoses? (Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh).
- Think guys and answer me the question: Why do fires occur? (different answers from children).

Many fires occur from careless handling of fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first the fire burns slowly, but then the flame becomes stronger, higher, rages, and flares up.
- Imagine that you are little lights. You burn slowly at first, then you start to flare up more and more, more and more, higher and higher. (Children imitate fire).
- You need to know the rules well so that there is no trouble. Let's repeat the rules for small children.
Fingers should not be allowed into the socket... (turn on)
No matches... (take)
The iron cannot be... (turned on)
Gas cannot be (ignited)
- Remember guys, these rules and always follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.
- Firefighters are people who put out fires. Fire truck from the word "fire".
- What kind of people do you think work as firefighters? (Strong, brave, courageous, dexterous, courageous, etc.).
- Guys, let's play the outdoor game “Stomp, Clap”
If children do the right thing, they clap.
If it’s wrong, they stomp.
I know now, friends,
That you can't play with fire! (clap)
Matches burn merrily
I will play with them. (stomp)
Kolya ran behind the house, where he is playing with a fire. (stomp)
He's dangerous, Lena knows
The iron no longer turns on (clapping)
Tanya and Nina are playing, lighting the gas on the stove (stomp)
Klim saw: the house was on fire,
Boy "01" calls. (clap)

Target. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire.

  1. Introduce children to the causes of fire, its consequences, and fire safety rules.
  2. Reinforce knowledge of what burns and what doesn’t burn.
  3. Instill responsibility for your own safety and the safety of your loved ones

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations from the series: “For preschoolers about fire safety.”
  • Reading stories: “Fire”, “Fire Dogs” by L.N. Tolstoy; "Fire", "Smoke", "Fire at Sea" by B. Zhitkov; "Confusion" K.I. Chukovsky; "Fire" S.Ya. Marshak.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle.

The teacher makes riddles about toys.

And now a game for the most attentive. Look at the pictures and think:

Which item is the odd one out? (matches)

Why? ( children's answers)

Can matches be called a toy? (children's answers)

What do you think matches are for? ( children's answers)

What appears when we light matches? ( children's answers)

Do you know that fire can be big and small, useful and dangerous?

- How do you think, When is fire useful? (children's answers)

- Fire is necessary if you need to cook food, to warm up near the fire, when it is dark around - to illuminate, to create comfort.

Didactic game "What kind of fire is there?"


There are many things in our apartments that burn very well, so adults and children should be careful with fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, flare up more strongly, and rage.

Let's imagine that you are little lights. At first you burned slowly, then you began to flare up more, more, higher, higher

Game "Light the fire"

(children get up from their chairs and imitate a light)

Turn around and turn into a light!

The light was small and bright. The window opened and a mischievous autumn breeze flew in. And this is all the little fire needs, it began to grow, grow, and turned into fire - an angry and angry giant.

What rules must be followed to prevent a fire from occurring? (children's answers)

  • We don't play with matches

We don't light matches!

You can't play with matches!

You will remember friends!

  • You cannot light a gas stove.
  • Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances.


Children, if there is a fire, what should you do? (In case of fire, call “01” to call the fire brigade) (children’s answers).

What are the people who work in the fire brigade called? (Firemen) (children's answers).

“You can’t handle a fire on your own.

This is not work for children.

Without wasting time,

"01" call quickly.

Type wisely!

So that not everything burns!

What if you don't have a phone?

Call people from the balcony"


Children, but you and I need to know how to properly behave in case of fire.

If the fire is small, it can be extinguished with water or covered with a thick blanket;

Do not extinguish burning electrical appliances with water.

You cannot hide in far corners, under beds, behind cabinets - not only fire, but also smoke is dangerous.

You cannot stay in the room where the fire started, but you must quickly leave and call adults for help.

Lesson summary

What is fire like?

What should you not do to prevent a fire?

What are the basic rules in case of fire?


Children, try to remember these rules and always follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.

Summary of leisure and sports activities with children and parents

By fire safety in the first junior group

« Young firefighters."


Encourage children to always be careful with fire.


Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.

To cultivate moral qualities: courage, resourcefulness, dedication.

To consolidate knowledge about the causes of fire.

Activation of motor activity, development physical qualities: agility, speed, courage.

Arouse parents' interest in physical education activities with their children.


illustration of fire, illustration "What firefighters need."

For relay races: helmet (2 pcs.), hoop (2 pcs.), ring (2 pcs.), table (2 pcs.), bell (2 pcs.), sippy cup (2 pcs.), basin (2 pcs. ), sandbags (12 pcs.), chips (4 pcs.), rope, basket (2 pcs.), fireman's vest (2 pcs.), diplomas (all participants).

Leisure activities:

Leading: Guys, I received a letter and if you guess the riddle, we will find out who is inviting us to visit. Listen to the riddle:

He loves to chew carrots

He eats cabbage very cleverly,

He jumps here and there,

Through fields and forests,

Gray, white and oblique,

Who, tell me, is he?

Children: Hare.

Leading: Yes, guys, you guessed correctly, this bunny Pushka is inviting us to visit him. Guys, who can tell me where the bunny Pushka lives?

Children: In the forest.

Leading: Yes, that's right. Let's hit the road (take the children to a clearing where there is a tree and a house. The bunny Fluffy, whose paw and head are bandaged, is sitting and crying).

Leading: Hello, Bunny! What's happened? Why are you bandaged?

Bunny Cannon: Hello guys. While I was getting ready to meet you, my little bunnies decided to play with matches and wanted to make a fire. And this is what came out of it.

Leading: Guys, is it possible to play with matches? This is very dangerous! Guys, tell me, what can happen if you play with matches?

Children: A fire may start, the house may burn down, your hands and face may be burned.

Leading: Absolutely right, careless handling of fire can cause a fire.

Bunny Cannon: Guys, what are matches for?

Children: Matches are needed to light a gas stove, candle, fire, stove. But only adults can do this.

Leading: Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, stronger, flare up, rage, and burn everything in its path.

Sedentary game: Let's imagine that you are little lights (children squat down). At first you were slowly burning, then you began to flare up, bigger, higher, higher (children stand on their tiptoes). This is how high the fire flared up.

Bunny Cannon: Will you play with me?

Outdoor game “Stomp, clap.” (Conditions: If the children do the right thing, clap, if they do the wrong thing, stomp. Children stand in a circle.)

I know now, friends,

That you can’t play with fire (clap).

Matches burn merrily

I will play with them (stomp).

Dima ran behind the house,

There he plays with fire (stomp).

He is dangerous, Sophia knows

The iron no longer turns on (clapping).

Julia and Liza are playing,

The gas is lit (stomped) on the stove.

Now the guys all know

Why can't you play with fire? (Yes)

Leading: Remember guys, these are the rules.

- Guys, what would you do if you noticed a fire?

Children: You need to dial number 01 on the phone, (Bring the children to the answer that they should call adults for help and remember the number fire service 01).

Leading: And who comes in a fire truck?

Children: Firefighters.

Bunny Cannon: Why are they called "firemen"?

Children: These people put out fires.

Leading: Well done guys, and now we invite you and your parents to play the role of firefighters.

Bunny Cannon: Before we start our competition, tell me: what should firefighters be like?

Children: Brave, resilient, strong, resourceful, quick-witted, dexterous,...

Leading: What kind of people won't be hired as firefighters?

Children: Lazy, cowardly, weak.

Leading: What do you need to do to become a firefighter?

Children: Play sports, be able to listen, be kind, know many techniques for saving people, be resilient, not be afraid of heights...

Leading: Now we know what firefighters should be like.

Relay 1: “What do firefighters need?”

Teams, you need to go to your table and select pictures depicting the things you need firefighters extinguishing a fire. Be careful, choose only the pictures you need!

Let's say together: “1,2,3 – start!”

(after completing the task, the leader checks the correctness

completing the task, showing and commenting on the choice of commands,

discussing the need for this or that thing when extinguishing fire)

Well done, you have completed this task!

Relay 2: “Firefighters are coming to the rescue.”

You need to drive an imaginary car between the chips, return and pass the steering wheel to the next one.

Bunny Cannon: Well done! All our participants are dexterous, brave, and fast.

Don - don. Don - don.

Zaykin's house caught fire,

The bunny jumped out, her eyes bulged,

A chicken is running with a bucket,

Flood Zaykin's house.

But they couldn’t fill it.

We need to help Bunny put out the fire. Shall we help?

Relay 3: “Put out the fire”.

Teams, there are 2 burning fires in front of you. One by one you will need to approach, take a bag of sand, aim and hit the target with the bag - the fire. The team that throws as many bags as possible into the fire will win this task.

Relay 4: "Gathering of the fire brigade."

Firefighters must be able to get dressed very quickly if something suddenly happens somewhere fire.

The players’ task is to take turns running to a chair with clothes (helmet, vest), putting them on, and ringing the bell. Take off clothes, go back - hand over baton to the next player.

5th relay: "Put out the fire."

Bunny Cannon: How else can you put out the fire?

Children: Water.

Bunny: Let's try to put it out.

Host: Let's check how our teams are doing firefighters can work harmoniously and how quickly they extinguish fire.

The player needs to fill a glass with water, run to the chip where the container is, pour the water there, go back and pass the baton to the next player.

Competition 6: “Pass in pairs.”

Bunny Cannon: Now let's see which team is the strongest?

7 competition: "The strongest team."

Equipment: rope.

Description: Place the teams on opposite sides of the rope. A “central mark” is made in the middle of the rope. At the signal, each team begins to pull the rope, reaching out or so that the mark closest to the opponents crosses the line on the ground. The team that wins the tug of war wins.

Bunny Cannon: Dear parents, children, well done, you did a good job. Both teams were agile, brave, determined and resourceful. You are real firefighters. I want to award you with firefighter certificates.

Awards for teams and children.


Municipal preschool educational institution

combined type kindergarten

43 "Bell"

organized children's activities

in the system preschool education

on fire safety

for children of the younger group

Matches are not toys for children!


Tyumina Olga Alexandrovna

higher education teacher

qualification category

g.o. Elektrogorsk 2014 – 15 academic year

Target: to form children's understanding of fire-hazardous objects that cannot be used independently.


Educational: contribute to the formation of basic knowledge about fire, its consequences, actions during a fire; to form concepts about the profession of firefighter; teach to answer the question posed, activate in children’s speech words on the topic: fire, firefighters.

Educational: promote the development of constructive skills, develop fine motor skills.

Educational: cultivate a sense of caution, the ability to sympathize and empathize with those in trouble.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Cat's House” by S. M. Marshak; familiarity with proverbs and poems about fire; work with demonstration material “Fire Safety Rules”; fire truck games.

Materials for the lesson: illustrations on this topic, toys - fire truck, fire extinguisher, fireman's helmet, telephone, cat with kittens.

ODD plan:

    Conversation “What is dangerous about fire”

    Game: “Important number 01”

    Surprise moment

    Construction from geometric shapes, Lego constructor, cubes.

    Bottom line

Move organized children's activities

    Game moment “Matches are not a toy for children”

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher shows a large box of toys, among which there is a box of matches.

Educator: I have a gift for you - this big box of toys, all the toys need to be put in their places.

Children begin to place toys in play areas, while the teacher makes the children think that matches are not toys.

Educator: A bear, a car, a ball, cubes are toys. What is this?(points to a box of matches) Can matches be called a toy?

Educator: Guys, listen, it seems to me that someone is squeaking in the box.

Yes, these are matches. They ask us to light them up. The matches say that they really want to play with you. They offer to light them. They will burn, and everyone will be warm and happy.

The teacher takes out a “lit” match from the box.

Educator: Oh guys, fire is creeping up on my fingers. Wants to burn me. I'm very afraid, the fire is already burning my fingers!

Guys, help me! What should I do? Save me quickly, blow. Oh, thank you guys. I was so scared! What about you?

Guys, maybe someone would like to play with matches? Anyone interested?

Educator : No?! Why?(children's expected answers)

Look, these are cunning sisters -
Very thin matches.
They are dangerous - you know that!
And never play with matches!

Don't play with them
Don't light them!
You can't play with matches!
You will remember this, friends!

    Conversation “What is dangerous about fire”

Educator : And if I threw a burning match on the floor, what would happen?(children's expected answers)

Yes, that's right. A fire may result from careless handling of fire. In our apartments, guys, there are many objects that can easily catch fire, so all adults and children should be very careful with fire. Fires are very dangerous. Furniture, clothes, toys and even people can burn in a large fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, stronger, flare up, rage, and burn everything in its path.(showing illustrations on this topic) Guys,why do people say “Don’t touch the matches, there’s fire in the matches!” and “A match is small, but fire is giant”(children's expected answers).

It turns out that what a big disaster a little match can cause! Remember - children are not allowed to take matches! These are not toys!

3. Game: “Important number 01”

Educator: Guys, if something bad happens - a fire, who should we call?(children's expected answers)

You can't handle a fire on your own.
This is not work for children.
Without wasting time,
“01” call quickly.

Type wisely!
So that not everything burns!

Every citizen knows

This is number "01".
If trouble comes to you -

Call here quickly.
What if you don't have a phone?
Call people from the balcony.

Educator: Guys, now we will “call” the firefighters. You need to dial the number “01” and tell them your address and what is on.

The teacher and the children dial number 01 several times, while the children try to correctly name their address.

    Introduction to the profession of firefighter

Educator: Guys, look at the car that came to us. What is it called?(children's expected answers). Right. How did you guess?(children's expected answers).

Educator: That's right, guys, the fire truck is always red so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of anxiety, the color of fire. How is she driving? Fast or slow?(children's expected answers).

That's right, quickly, to put out the fire faster. And as she drives, the siren sounds.

Fire truck comes from the word fire, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters. Brave, courageous people.

Firefighters are dressed in protective clothing: a helmet on their head, a breathing apparatus, mittens on their hands, and boots on their feet.

Fire trucks pour water on the fire, water is in tanks, barrels, water defeats fire.

    Surprise moment

Educator: Listen, children! Is it just me or is someone crying? That's who is crying. Cat with kittens. What are you little pussies crying about?

Demonstration on flannelgraph of illustrations for the nursery rhyme “Don, don, don. Koshkin's house caught fire"


The cat's house caught fire.

A chicken is running with a bucket,

But I didn’t get there

The water splashed.


The cat's house caught fire.

A duck is running with a ladle,

Yes, I dropped the bucket,

The water spilled.


The cat's house burned down.

Where should the cat live now?

The kittens were playing with matches, and then disaster struck! Look how sad Mother Cat and kittens are. Let's play with them. Maybe they'll have fun?

Let's play firemen.

Now turn on the pump,

We pump water from the river.

Left - one, right - two,

Water flowed in a stream.

One, two, three, four

We did a good job.

    Design from geometric shapes

Educator: No, the cat and kittens were not amused. Why are they sad?

Educator: Poor cat. Poor kittens. Where will they live? How can we help them?(children's expected answers.)

We will build a house for the cat:

So that the kittens can settle in it,

So that they don't bother

In strange corners

So as not to live on the street

With grief in half.

Whether it’s a house under a roof,

And a basement. There are... mice in the basement!

(Yu. Sahakyan, translated from Armenian by I. Tokmakov)

Educator: Guys! Take your seats at the tables. Look what's on the table?(geometric shapes, Lego constructor, cubes).

Educator: Let's use these different materials to assemble a house for our furry friends. Let each of you choose the material that he likes best.

Children independently design a house for kittens.

    Bottom line

Educator: Well done! Now Mother Cat and her kittens have not one house, but many.

The teacher addresses the kittens.

Educator: Do you kittens still want to play with matches? Well, that’s right, you are smart kids, and smart kids come up with smart games for themselves. Let's remember again: is it possible for children to take matches?(children's expected answers).

That's right, guys can't play with matches. Remember well:

height small match,

Don't look how small it is

This little match

Can do a lot of evil!

Remember firmly, friends,

That you can’t play around with fire.

Internet resources

Summary of GCD in the first junior group on fire safety “Don, don, don. Koshkin’s house caught fire.”

Krylova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of the MB preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 44”
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children 2-3 years old to familiarize children with fire safety rules. This material will be useful for teachers of younger groups. Direct educational activities The notes will help children understand why they shouldn’t play with matches and who puts out fires.
Integration of educational areas."Cognition". "Communication". "Socialization". "Fiction". “Health.” Introduce children to fire safety rules. Educational: contribute to the formation of basic knowledge about fire, its consequences, actions and methods of extinguishing. To form concepts about the profession of firefighter
Speech: teach to answer the question posed, activate in children’s speech words on the topic: fire, firefighters.
Educational: promote the development of constructive skills, develop fine motor skills.
Educational: cultivate a sense of caution, the ability to sympathize and empathize with those in trouble.
Equipment: cat and kitten toys, illustration for a nursery rhyme, small building material. Educator:- Listen, children! Is it just me or is someone crying?
That's who is crying. Cat with kittens. What are you little pussies crying about?
(Demonstration of an illustration for a nursery rhyme.)
Reading the nursery rhyme “Don, don, don. Koshkin's house caught fire"
The cat's house caught fire.
A chicken is running with a bucket,
But I didn’t get there
The water splashed.
The cat's house caught fire.
A duck is running with a ladle,
Yes, I dropped the bucket,
The water spilled.
The cat's house burned down.
Where should the cat live now?
Educator:-Very sad story. Cat, how did it happen that your house burned down? (The teacher brings the cat to his ear and pretends to listen to the cat attentively.) Listen to what the mother cat told me.
-Once the mother cat went to the store, and the kittens were left alone at home. They saw that there was a matchbox on the table and decided to play. They started lighting matches. One of the kittens burned his paw with a match. He cried in pain and dropped the burning match on the mat. The rug caught fire. The fire from the rug spread to other things. The kittens were very scared. They began to cry loudly and call for their mother. Then the mother came and took the kittens out of the burning house, and the house burned down. You see, children, what a big disaster a little match can cause.
Educator: - How could you put out the fire? (Children's answers)
-Well done, that's right, water.
-Who puts out fires? (Firefighters)
-How do firefighters know that a fire has started? (They get a phone call and are told where the fire started.)
-What number should you dial if there is a fire?
-“01”. Well done! Remember, this is the number we call the fire department.
-What can’t be done to prevent a fire from starting? (Children's answers)
-Look how sad the cat and kittens are.
Let's play take it off. Maybe they'll have fun?
We're kicking, stomping,
We clap-clap our hands,
We shoulders chick-chick,
We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,
One here, two here,
Spin around yourself.
One sat down, two stood up,
They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up.
And then they set off at a gallop
Like my bouncy ball.
One, two, one, two
So the game is over.
No, the cat and kittens were not amused. Why are they sad? (Children's answers.)
Educator:- Poor cat. Poor kittens. Where will they live? How can we help them? (Let's build them houses)
We will build a house for the cat:
So that the kittens can settle in it,
So that they don't bother
In strange corners
So as not to live on the street
With grief in half.
Whether it’s a house under a roof,
And a basement. There are... mice in the basement!
(Yu. Sahakyan, translated from Armenian by I. Tokmakov)
(Children build houses for kittens according to plan)
Educator:- What beautiful houses we have. Let the kittens and the cat rest. And we'll go play.