Fire nozzles gps 600 technical specifications. GPS foam generators. Performance characteristics of foam barrels

Medium expansion foam generators, such as GPS-200, GPS-600, GPS-2000, are designed to produce air-mechanical foam from an aqueous solution of a foaming agent, as well as form a jet and supply it when extinguishing fires of any complexity, flammable and flammable liquids.

The structure and principle of operation of the GPS.

Foam generators are identical in design and operating principle and differ only geometric shapes, body and nozzle dimensions.

Thus, Figure 1 shows a medium expansion generator GPS-600, which consists of nozzles, a housing with a guide device, a sprayer, a mesh package and a pressure connection head.

Figure 1 Generator GPS-600

1 - nozzles, 2 - mesh cassette, 3 - generator housing, 4 - sprayer, 5 - sprayer housing, 6 - connecting head GMN-70 TUU 29.2-30711025-012-2001

The mesh has cells of 0.8-1 mm each, which are made of wire 0.3-0.4 mm thick. To obtain air-mechanical foam, a foaming agent solution is used. He might be like general purpose, synthetic, hydrocarbon, and biodegradable.

Through a sprayer, a foaming agent solution is released under pressure onto the mesh package, thereby creating a vacuum in the housing. Through the rear open part of the housing, air rushes into the low pressure zone. In the body, the foaming agent is intensively mixed with air, and bubbles of air-mechanical foam are formed, which are approximately the same size.

Table 2 - Technical characteristics of medium expansion foam generators

List of used literature

2. Terebnev V.V., "Directory of RTP". - M.: Propaganda Center, 2007.

3. php

4. GOST 12.1.004-91 Fire safety. General requirements. M.:

Rating: 3.4

Rated by: 15 people

Carrying out tests of PTV.

Fire trunk, fire columns, branches, adapters, water collectors - once a year, pressure 1.5 times the working pressure

Three-legged ladder - at an angle of 75 degrees (2.8 meters from the wall to the ladder shoes)
100kg for 2 minutes on each knee;
Rope-----200kg(no deformation)

Attack ladder - at the level of the 2nd step from the bottom, 80 kg for each side, for 2 minutes.

Stair ladder - 75 degrees, in the middle 120 kg for 2 minutes.

Ladder truck - 1 time every 3 years

Rescue rope --- 1 time every 6 months 350 kg for 5 minutes (extension no more than 5% of the original length),
External inspection once every 10 days (ten-day inspection)

Dynamic check - through a block and a lock on a carbine, a load of 150 kg is suspended and dropped from the basement of the 3rd floor.

After the test, the CB should not grow more than 30cm

Firefighting belts, carbines - once a year, load 350 kg for 5 minutes.

Sleeve delays - 1 time per year, 200 kg for 5 minutes.

Barrel consumption

Barrel “A” or RS-70 7.4 diameter 19 mm
extinguishing depth 7 meters

Barrel “B” - 3.5 l/s, diameter 13 mm
extinguishing depth 5 meters

Barrel "laf" - diameter 28 - 21 l/s,
extinguishing depth 12 meters

GPS-600 - water consumption - 5.64 l/s
foam consumption - 0.36 l/s
extinguishing depth 5 meters:
LVZh-75 m2
GZh-120 m2

GPS-2000 - water consumption - 18.8 l/s
foam consumption - 1.2 l/s

SVP 4--4 m3/min

G 600 - working water flow rate is 550 l/min.


Pump flow - 2400 l/min

Tank capacity - 2350 liters

Foam - 165 liters

Operating time - 1st barrel "B" - 11.1 min
two barrels “B” - 5.5 min
one barrel “A” - 5.5 min

Operating time - SVP-4 - 8.3 min

Operating time - GPS-600 - 7.6 min


51--40 liters
66--70 liters
77--90 liters

To obtain 1m3 of foam
0.6 liters PO
8.4 liters of water

Required flow fire extinguishing agentsQ tr t=F n xI tr
Q tr t-required consumption of fire extinguishing agents
Fn-fire area
I tr-required intensity of fire extinguishing agent supply

Fire classification (6 pieces)

1) fires of solid flammable substances and materials (A);
2) fires of flammable liquids or melting solids and materials (B);
3) gas fires (C);
4) metal fires (D);
5) fires of flammable substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage (E);
6) fires of nuclear materials, radioactive waste and radioactive substances (F).

Briefings(5 pieces)

- primary at the workplace;
- unscheduled;

TO (5 pieces)

a) for everyday use equipment:
control inspection (before leaving the point of permanent deployment of a Federal Guard Service unit, when personnel go on duty with the assistance of equipment, at stops);
daily maintenance (hereinafter referred to as ETO);
technical maintenance of equipment during a fire, during emergency rescue and other urgent work (exercises);
numbered types maintenance(hereinafter referred to as TO-1, TO-2, etc.);
seasonal maintenance (hereinafter referred to as MT);

b) for equipment kept in storage:
monthly maintenance;
semi-annual maintenance;
annual maintenance;
routine maintenance.

The operating time of the PA engine when checking the condition of domestically produced equipment when changing guards (duty shifts, crews) should not exceed:
for basic fire trucks general use with a carburetor engine - 3 minutes;
for basic purpose-built fire trucks, fire trucks with diesel engine and fire trucks equipped with a multi-circuit pneumatic brake system - 5 minutes;
for special fire trucks - 7 minutes;
for fire truck ladders and articulated lifts - 10 minutes;
for gas-powered tools and motor pumps in the calculation - 0.5 minutes.

Entries about maintenance are made in the log (immediately after it is carried out):
- first vehicle maintenance and fire-technical equipment maintenance - at least once a month;
- second technical maintenance - at least once a year;
- seasonal maintenance - 2 times a year;
- checking the level and density of the electrolyte - once every 10 days;
- about the condition of tires, tire pressure and tightening of wheel nuts - once every 10 days;
- on checking the functionality, cleaning and adjusting the foam mixer and gas-jet vacuum apparatus - once a month.

Actual water consumption

Qf = Nodiv x x q
Node - number of people in the department - number of trunks that can be supplied to the unit q - productivity of trunks

Pressure loss in the hose line 1 atm per floor
1 atm for every 100 m.

GDZS reserve in case of fire is 50% of those working

Water recovery SG pipeline:
d 150 = 70 l/s ring
d 100 = 14 l/s ring
d 150 = 35 l/s dead end
d 100 = 7 l/s dead-end

Hydraulic elevator:
from a depth of 20 m;
horizontally up to 100 m.

Purpose - the initial filling of the pump and suction line with water when operating from a reservoir is carried out by a vacuum system consisting of a vacuum jet pump installed on the exhaust line of the vehicle, a vacuum seal installed in the upper part of the pump, pipelines and control levers.

The vacuum seal serves to connect the pump cavity with the vacuum chamber of the diffuser of the vacuum jet pump when air is sucked from the pump cavity.

When turning handle 8 (Fig. 1) all the way towards you, the roller cam opens the lower valve 12 (the upper valve 7 is closed) and connects the pump cavity with the vacuum chamber of the vacuum jet pump. When the vacuum seal is turned on, the roller cam opens the upper valve (the lower valve is closed) and connects the pipeline leading to the vacuum jet pump to the atmosphere through an opening in the vacuum seal body, which facilitates the rapid drainage of water from the pipeline.

The vacuum jet pump and gas siren unit is used to create a vacuum in the diffuser chamber and receive an alarm signal.

The gas siren is activated from the driver's cab by lever 1 (Fig. 2) through the rod system 4 and lever 5 (Fig. 3). In the normal position, the dampers are pressed against their seats by a spring and exhaust gases flow freely through the pipelines. When the siren is turned on, damper 3 blocks the direct movement of exhaust gases, and they enter through the distributor into the resonator /. The position of the damper is fixed by a lever and exhaust gas pressure.

Rice. 1. Vacuum shutter:

1-peephole; 2-handle stop; 3-light bulb housing; 4, 6, 11-nut; 5-body; 7-valve upper; 8-handle; 9-seal; 10-claw roller; 12-valve lower; 13-spring

Rice. 2. Exhaust and vacuum systems:

1-lever 2-heat reflective shield; 3-engine downpipe; 4 - siren thrust; 5-unit vacuum jet pump and gas siren; 6-muffler; 7-plug; 8-pipe; 9-pipeline; 10-pipe; 11-battery; 12-vacuum shutter

Rice. 3. Vacuum jet pump and gas siren unit:

1-resonator; 2-distributor; 3, 12 dampers; 4-body; 5, 8-levers;

6-axis; 7-cover; 9-spring; 10-nozzle; 11-diffuser

A diffuser 11 with a nozzle 10 is attached to the lower branch pipe of the housing through a gasket.

The vacuum jet pump is turned on from the pump compartment using lever 8 (see Fig. 4) through the rod system 5. When the damper 12 (Fig. 3) is turned on, the direct movement of the exhaust gases is blocked and they enter the nozzle and then through the diffuser into the atmosphere.

The vacuum chamber is connected through a pipe and a vacuum seal to the internal cavity of the pump.

To turn on the vacuum system, you must open the vacuum seal, turn on the vacuum jet pump and increase the engine speed. When water fills the suction hose and pump and appears in eye 1 (Fig. 1) of the vacuum valve, it is necessary to close the valve, reduce the speed and turn on the vacuum jet pump.

Medium expansion foam generator(hereinafter referred to as GPS) is intended for producing air-mechanical foam of medium expansion from an aqueous solution of a foaming agent. The GPS generator is a special water-jet ejector apparatus of a portable type and consists of the following main parts: a nozzle, a grid cassette, and a generator housing with a collector.

The atomizer body, in which the atomizer and the GMN-70 connection head are installed, is attached to the generator manifold using three racks

The cassette is a ring covered along the end planes with a metal mesh with a cell size of 0.8-1.25 mm.

The vortex-type atomizer has 6 windows located at an angle of 12°, which causes swirling of the flow of working fluid and ensures that a sprayed jet with a given spray angle is obtained at the outlet.

The nozzle is designed to form a foam flow after the cassette into a compact jet and increase the flight range of the foam.

The design of the generator is simple in design and makes it possible to carry out routine inspection and eliminate defects.

The operating principle of the generators is as follows: a flow of working fluid (foaming agent solution) is supplied under pressure to the sprayer. Due to ejection, when the sprayed jet enters the collector, air is sucked in and mixed with the solution. As the mixture passes through the mesh, foam forms.

Foam generator type GPS:

1 - connection head;

2 - body;

Tests must be carried out under normal climatic conditions.

Periodic tests must be carried out at least once a year and after repairs. Each barrel must be marked in a visible place containing the following information:

a) inventory number;

b) date of the test performed;

c) fire department number;

The marking must be maintained throughout the life of the barrel. It is allowed to paint the test date, fire department number, and inventory number on the metal body of the generator.

Applying the inventory number to the metal body of the medium expansion foam generator with erasable, fading means (marker, felt-tip pen) is prohibited.


Parameter name Size values
GPS-200 GPS-600 GPS-2000
Foam capacity, l/s
Consumption of 4-6% foam solution
builder type PO-1D, l/s 1,6-2,0 4,8-6,0 16,0-20,0
Pressure in front of the sprayer,
MPa (kgf/cm 2) 0,4-0,6 (4-6)
Foam ratio 100 ± 30
Foam supply range, m, not
Foam supply height, m, not less
Overall dimensions, mm, no more:
length L
height H
Weight, kg, no more 2,40 4,45 13,00

Generators are tested in the following order:

a) external inspection;

Inspect the internal surface of the generator housing for the presence of foreign objects. Check the integrity of the cassette grids, as well as their fastening. If necessary, replace the cassette. Check for the presence of a spacer ring in the groove of the nozzle body. Generator housings must not have dents or other damage. Generators GPS-600, intended for assembly fire equipment, must have a shoulder strap and a handle.

b) checking the strength and tightness of the GPS housing;

Generators must withstand hydraulic pressure of 0.9 MPa (9 kgf/cm2). At the same time, traces of water (in the form of drops) are not allowed to appear on the outer surfaces of the nozzle bodies and leakage at the joints.

When the generator is operating, it must be ensured that the nozzle outlet circuit is completely filled with foam. The generator grids must be firmly fixed in the housings and evenly tensioned. The deflection of tensioned meshes from a load weighing 2 kg located on an area of ​​40 cm 2 in the center of the mesh, as well as after testing with hydraulic pressure in front of the sprayer of 0.9-1.0 MPa (9-10 kgf/cm 2), should be no more than:

2 mm - for GPS-200; 5 mm - for GPS-600; 10 mm - for GPS-2000.

8.3.5. The test results are entered into the PTV test log and documented in a report (not necessary for fire trunks), which must contain:

a) test date;

b) inventory number designation of the barrel subjected to testing;

c) test procedure;

d) list regulatory documents, on the basis of which the tests were carried out;

d) test results.

The effectiveness of fire extinguishing depends primarily on the configuration of fire equipment and the application special means fire fighting. One of the most common and effective devices for extinguishing fire are hand-held fire nozzles. Air-mechanical method of foam supply hand barrels allows you to significantly speed up the fire extinguishing process.

Foam extinguishing is a very effective way to extinguish several types (classes) of fires simultaneously in the shortest possible time. Usage foam fire nozzles makes it possible to effectively use the same volume of water, in comparison, for example, with standard water trunks.

Principles of formation and supply of fire foam in foam barrels

Before you start studying air-foam barrels, it is worth remembering how air-mechanical foam is formed. To obtain it, a highly concentrated solution of a foaming agent is mixed with water, thus creating a solution of the required concentration. When the solution is ready, it needs to be saturated with air to form foam. Because foam consists of air bubbles of various sizes.

There are several common ways to saturate the foam mixture with air:

  • saturation with air directly when supplying an air-foam barrel from the nozzle;
  • saturation due to the specialized pneumatic system of the vehicle, mixing of foam concentrate, water and air is carried out in the system;
  • the latter method involves the use of an ejection method (specialized ejection nozzles) of the barrel or nozzle.

The air-mechanical foaming method involves mixing three components: foam concentrate, water and air. After mixing the foaming agent with water, air is injected under pressure. The foam mixture emerging from the barrel covers the burning surface, forming an airtight film. One of the most common methods of enriching a foam solution with air is the use of manual ejection barrels, as well as the use of medium expansion foam generators.

Ejection hand barrels

This type has some advantages over similar devices: the ability to produce foam of different expansion ratios, no need for additional devices for pumping air, unpretentious design. The most common fire nozzles are:

  • SVP. This is the simplest and most commonly used tool for extinguishing fire. On one side the barrel has a connecting plug, with which it is attached to the sleeve. On the other side, a pipe is fixed into which the foam mixture is supplied.
  • SVPE-4. The device is intended for the production of low expansion foam. Air enters through holes in its body. As the mixture passes through the housing, a vacuum is formed, as a result of which the required volume of air is sucked into the barrel. The foam productivity of this device is 4 m3/min, water consumption is 7.9 l/s.
  • SVPE-8. The main differences between this installation and the previous one are higher foam productivity and increased water consumption (these figures are twice as high).

Performance characteristics of foam barrels.

The principle of operation of generators is similar to the operation of ejection barrels. The difference is that at the exit from the barrel there is a metal mesh, which, when a foam solution saturated with air enters, forms a fire extinguishing foam of medium expansion.
GPS 200, 600 and 2000 differ from each other only in technical indicators:

  • GPS 200. fire nozzle flow for water - 1.8 l/s, for foaming agent - 0.12 l/s.
  • GPS 600. Foam productivity – 600 l/s, fire nozzle flow for water - 5.6 l/s, for foaming agent - 0.36 l/s.
  • GPS 2000. Foam productivity – 200 l/s, fire nozzle flow for water - 18 l/s, for foaming agent - 1.2 l/s.

It is also worth noting the powerful Purga UKTP device, designed to extinguish fires at large facilities, as well as in areas with hazardous industrial activities. The technical characteristics are similar to those of medium expansion generators, but the performance of the Purga installation is much higher. So, for foam it is 21 thousand l/min, and the jet supply range is up to 25 meters.

In general, modern foam hand-held fire nozzles have proven themselves to be ideal in a variety of critical and extraordinary operating conditions. At the same time, the quality of the material and the reliability of the devices rarely caused any complaints.

Medium expansion foam generators are designed to form air-mechanical foam and direct a stream of water when extinguishing a fire. GPS and GPSS are a special portable water-jet apparatus, which consist of the following main parts: cassette, mesh, belt and housing. The spray body and the connection head are attached to the latter using four screws. PO VZRK is pleased to offer you the following types of medium expansion foam generators: GPS-600, GPS-2000.

Medium expansion foam generator GPS-600

The GPS-600 foam generator is designed to produce air-mechanical foam of medium expansion from an aqueous solution of a foaming agent. The generator is manufactured in climatic version U for placement category 1 GOST 15150-69. The delivery set includes: 1. GPS-600 generator - 1 pc. 2. passport GPS-600.PS - 1 pc.

The GPS-600 foam generator is a special portable water-jet ejector apparatus and consists of the following main parts:
1. nozzle
2. mesh cassettes
3. generator housing with collector
4. atomizer body
5. spray
6. connecting head GMN-70 TU U 29.2-30711025-012-2001

Name of indicators Values ​​(nominal)
Foam capacity, l/s 600
Consumption of 4-6% foam concentrate solution type PO-6KTU38 10740-82, l/s 4,8-6,0
Pressure in front of the sprayer, MPa (kgf/cm²) 0,4-0,6 (4-6)
Foam ratio 100±30
Foam supply range, m, not less 10
Overall dimensions, mm: 610x350
Weight, kg, no more 4,45

Medium expansion foam generator GPS-2000

The GPS-2000 foam generator is designed to produce air-mechanical foam of medium expansion from an aqueous solution of a foaming agent.

The GPS-2000 foam generator is a special portable water-jet ejector apparatus and consists of the following main parts:
1. nozzle
2. mesh cassettes
3. generator housing
4. stand (handle)
5. nozzle
6. spray
7. atomizer body
8. connecting head GM-80

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