General requirements nomenclature of types of protection



Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. General requirements and nomenclature of kinds of protection

GOST 12.1.019-79

(ST SEV 4830-84)

OKP 001 200

(as amended by Changes No. 1)

Date of introduction 1980-01-07

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution State Committee USSR according to standards of July 17, 1979 N 2582

By Decree of the State Standard of December 17, 1984 N 4463, the validity period was lifted

REISSUE (January 1996) with Amendment No. 1, approved in October 1985 (IUS 1-86)

This standard applies to electrical installations for industrial and domestic purposes at the stages of design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and operation and establishes general requirements on the prevention of dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic field, as well as a range of types of protection for workers from the effects of these factors.

The standard does not establish requirements and a range of types of protection against static and atmospheric electricity.

The standard complies with ST SEV 4830-84 regarding the range of types of protection. Terms and explanations for them are given in the appendix. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1 General provisions

1.1 Dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields manifest themselves in the form of electrical injuries and occupational diseases.

1.2 The degree of dangerous and harmful effects on a person of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields depends on:

type and magnitude of voltage and current;

frequency of electric current;

current paths through the human body;

the duration of exposure to electric current or electromagnetic field on the human body;

environmental conditions.

1.3 Standards for permissible touch currents and voltages in electrical installations must be established in accordance with the maximum permissible levels of human exposure to touch currents and voltages and approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4 Electrical safety requirements when exposed to electric fields of industrial frequency according to GOST 12.1.002-84, when exposed to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies according to GOST 12.1.006-84.

1.5 Electrical safety must be ensured:

design of electrical installations;

technical methods and means of protection;

organizational and technical measures.

Electrical installations and their parts must be constructed in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects electric current and electromagnetic fields, and comply with electrical safety requirements.

1.4- 1.5. The points are no longer valid. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

1.6 Electrical safety requirements (rules and regulations) for the design and installation of electrical installations must be established in the standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System, as well as in the standards and technical specifications for electrical products.

1.7 Technical methods and means of protection that ensure electrical safety must be installed taking into account:

a) rated voltage, type and frequency of electrical installation current;

b) method of power supply (from a stationary network, from an autonomous power supply);

c) mode of the neutral (midpoint) of the electrical power supply (isolated, grounded neutral);

d) type of execution (stationary, mobile, portable);

e) environmental conditions:

especially dangerous premises,

high-risk premises,

premises without increased danger,


Note - Classification of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock is determined in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules;

f) the possibility of relieving voltage from live parts on which or near which work must be carried out;

g) the nature of possible human contact with the elements of the current circuit:

single-phase (single-pole) touch,

biphasic (two-pole) touch,

touching metal non-current-carrying parts that are energized;

h) the possibility of approaching live parts that are energized at a distance less than permissible or entering the current spreading zone;

i) types of work:

installation, adjustment, testing, operation of electrical installations carried out in the area where electrical installations are located, including in the area of ​​overhead power lines.

1.8 Safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations in production must be established by regulatory and technical documentation on labor protection, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.9 Safety requirements for the use of household electrical installations must be contained in the manufacturer’s operating instructions attached to them.

2 Ensuring electrical safety by technical methods and means

2.1 To ensure protection from accidental contact with live parts, the following methods and means must be used:

protective shells;

protective barriers (temporary or permanent);

safe location of live parts;

insulation of live parts (working, additional, reinforced, double);

workplace isolation;

low voltage;

protective shutdown;

warning alarm, lockout, safety signs.

2.2 To ensure protection against electric shock when touching metal non-current-carrying parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage, the following methods are used:

protective grounding;


protective wire system;

insulation of non-current-carrying parts;

electrical network separation;

low voltage;

insulation control;

compensation of ground fault currents;

funds personal protection.

Technical methods and means are used separately or in combination with each other so that optimal protection is ensured.

2.1- 2.2. The points are no longer valid. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

2.3 Requirements for technical methods and means of protection must be established in standards and technical specifications.

3 Organizational and technical measures to ensure electrical safety

3.1 Persons who have been instructed and trained in safe working methods, tested their knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with the position held in relation to the work performed, with the assignment of the appropriate safety qualification group and who do not have medical contraindications established by the Ministry of Health of the USSR must be allowed to work in electrical installations .

3.2 To ensure the safety of work in existing electrical installations, the following must be followed: organizational events:

appointment of persons responsible for the organization and safety of work;

drawing up a work order or order for work;

granting access to work;

organization of supervision of work;

registration of the end of work, breaks in work, transfers to other workplaces;

establishment of rational work and rest schedules. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

3.3 Specific lists of work that must be performed according to work order or order should be established in industry regulatory documentation.

3.4 To ensure the safety of work in electrical installations, the following should be done:

disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power source;

checking for lack of voltage;

mechanically locking the drives of switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of supply lines and other measures to eliminate the possibility of erroneous supply of voltage to the place of work;

grounding of disconnected live parts (application of portable grounding conductors, switching on of grounding blades);

fencing the workplace or live parts that remain energized, which can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance during work. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

3.4.1 When carrying out work involving voltage relief in or near existing electrical installations:

disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power supply;

mechanically locking the drives of disconnected switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of supply lines and other measures to ensure that it is impossible to erroneously supply voltage to the place of work;

installation of safety signs and fencing of live parts that remain energized, which during operation can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance;

applying grounding (turning on grounding blades or applying portable grounding);

fencing the workplace and installing mandatory safety signs.

3.4.2 When carrying out work on live parts that are energized:

carrying out work simultaneously by at least two persons, using electrical protective equipment, ensuring the safe location of working and used mechanisms and devices. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

4 Monitoring electrical safety requirements

4.1 Monitoring compliance with the electrical safety requirements established by this standard should be carried out at the following stages:


manufacturing (including testing and commissioning);

exploitation (as amended by Changes No. 1)

2. Protective fencing - a measure to protect against accidental contact with live parts. The principle of its operation is based on fencing live parts with devices that provide partial protection from contact.

3. Isolation of the workplace - a method of protection based on the insulation of the workplace (floor, platform, flooring, etc.) and conductive parts in the area of ​​the workplace, the potential of which differs from the potential of the conductive parts and touching which is intended or possible.

4. Insulation of live parts (protective insulation) - a method of protecting against touching live parts. The principle of its operation is based on covering current-carrying parts with insulating material.

5. Insulation of non-current-carrying parts (protective insulation) - a measure to protect against electric shock when touching metal non-current-carrying parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage. The principle of its operation is based on covering non-current-carrying parts in some justified cases with insulating material or isolating them from live parts. (as amended by Changes No. 1)

GOST 12.1.019-79
Group T58

Occupational Safety Standards System
General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
Occupational safety standards system.

Electric safety. General requirements

and nomenclature of kinds of protection

OKP 00 1200

Date of introduction 1980-07-01

ENTERED INTO EFFECT by resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated July 17, 1979 N 2582
The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart Decree dated December 17, 1984 N 4463
EDITION (April 2001) with Amendment No. 1, approved in October 1985 (IUS 1-86)

This standard applies to electrical installations for industrial and domestic purposes at the stages of design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, testing and operation and establishes general requirements for preventing dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic field, as well as a range of types of protection for workers from influence of these factors.
The standard does not establish requirements and a range of types of protection against static and atmospheric electricity.
The standard complies with ST SEV 4830-84 regarding the range of types of protection. Terms and explanations for them are given in the appendix.


1.1. Dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields manifest themselves in the form of electrical injuries and occupational diseases.
1.2. The degree of dangerous and harmful effects on a person from electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields depends on:
type and magnitude of voltage and current;
frequency of electric current;
current paths through the human body;
the duration of exposure to electric current or electromagnetic field on the human body;
environmental conditions.
1.3. Standards for permissible touch currents and voltages in electrical installations must be established in accordance with the maximum permissible levels of human exposure to touch currents and voltages and approved in the prescribed manner.
1.4. Electrical safety requirements when exposed to electric fields of industrial frequency according to #M12291 5200271GOST 12.1.002-84#S, when exposed to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies - according to #M12291 5200272GOST 12.1.006-84#S.
1.5. Electrical safety must be ensured:
design of electrical installations;
technical methods and means of protection;
organizational and technical measures.
Electrical installations and their parts must be designed in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects of electric current and electromagnetic fields, and comply with electrical safety requirements.
1.4, 1.5. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
1.6. Electrical safety requirements (rules and regulations) for the design and installation of electrical installations must be established in the standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System, as well as in the standards and technical specifications for electrical products.
1.7. Technical methods and means of protection that ensure electrical safety must be installed taking into account:
a) rated voltage, type and frequency of electrical installation current;
b) method of power supply (from a stationary network, from an autonomous power supply);
c) mode of the neutral (midpoint) of the electrical power supply (isolated, grounded neutral);
d) type of execution (stationary, mobile, portable);
e) environmental conditions:
especially dangerous premises;
high-risk premises;
premises without increased danger;
Note. Classification of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock is determined in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules;

f) the possibility of relieving voltage from live parts on which or near which work must be carried out;
g) the nature of possible human contact with the elements of the current circuit:
single-phase (single-pole) touch;
biphasic (two-pole) touch;
touching metal non-current-carrying parts that are energized;
h) the possibility of approaching live parts that are energized at a distance less than permissible or entering the current spreading zone;
i) types of work: installation, adjustment, testing, operation of electrical installations carried out in the area where electrical installations are located, including in the area of ​​overhead power lines.
1.8. Safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations in production must be established by regulatory and technical documentation on labor protection, approved in the prescribed manner.
1.9. Safety requirements for using household electrical installations must be contained in the manufacturer's operating instructions attached to them.



#G02.1. To ensure protection against accidental contact with live parts, the following methods and means must be used:
protective shells;
protective barriers (temporary or permanent);
safe location of live parts;
insulation of live parts (working, additional, reinforced, double);
workplace isolation;
low voltage;
protective shutdown;
warning alarms, lockouts, safety signs.
2.2. To provide protection against electric shock when touching metal non-live parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage, the following methods are used:
protective grounding;
potential leveling;
protective wire system;
protective shutdown;
insulation of non-current-carrying parts;
electrical network separation;
low voltage;
insulation control;
compensation of ground fault currents;
personal protective equipment.
Technical methods and means are used separately or in combination with each other so that optimal protection is ensured.
2.1., 2.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
2.3. Requirements for technical methods and means of protection must be established in standards and technical specifications.



3.1. Persons who have been instructed and trained in safe work methods, tested their knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with the position held in relation to the work performed, with the assignment of the appropriate safety qualification group and who do not have medical contraindications established by the USSR Ministry of Health, should be allowed to work in electrical installations.
3.2. To ensure the safety of work in existing electrical installations, the following organizational measures must be taken:
appointment of persons responsible for the organization and safety of work;
drawing up a work order or order for work;
granting access to work;
organization of supervision of work;
registration of the end of work, breaks in work, transfers to other workplaces;
establishment of rational work and rest schedules.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.3. Specific lists of work that must be performed according to a work order or order should be established in industry regulatory documentation.
3.4. To ensure the safety of work in electrical installations, the following should be done:
disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power source;
checking for lack of voltage;
mechanical locking of switching device drives,
removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of power lines and other measures to eliminate the possibility of erroneous supply of voltage to the place of work;
grounding of disconnected live parts (application of portable grounding conductors, switching on of grounding blades);
fencing the workplace or live parts that remain energized, which can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance during work.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).
3.4.1. When carrying out work involving voltage relief in or near existing electrical installations:
disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power supply;
mechanically locking the drives of disconnected switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of supply lines and other measures to ensure that it is impossible to erroneously supply voltage to the place of work;
installation of safety signs and fencing of live parts that remain energized, which during operation can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance;
applying grounding (turning on grounding blades or applying portable grounding);
fencing the workplace and installing mandatory safety signs.
3.4.2. When carrying out work on live parts that are energized:
carrying out work simultaneously by at least two persons using electrical protective equipment, ensuring the safe location of working and used mechanisms and devices.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. Monitoring compliance with the electrical safety requirements established by this standard should be carried out at the following stages:
manufacturing (including testing and commissioning);
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).




1. Protective sheath - a measure to protect against contact with live parts. The principle of its operation is based on covering live parts with devices that provide complete protection from contact.
2. Protective fencing - a measure to protect against accidental contact with live parts. The principle of its operation is based on fencing live parts with devices that provide partial protection from contact.
3. Insulation of the workplace - a method of protection based on the insulation of the workplace (floor, platform, decking, etc.) and conductive parts in the area of ​​the workplace, the potential of which differs from the potential of the conductive parts and touching which is intended or possible.
4. Insulation of live parts (protective insulation) - a method of protecting against touching live parts. The principle of its operation is based on covering current-carrying parts with insulating material.
5. Insulation of non-current-carrying parts (protective insulation) - a measure to protect against electric shock when touching metal non-current-carrying parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage. The principle of its operation is based on covering non-current-carrying parts in some justified cases with insulating material or isolating them from live parts.
(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

OKP 00 1200

Date of introduction 1980-01-07

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated July 17, 1979 No. 2582

The validity period was removed by Gosstandart Decree No. 4463 dated December 17, 1984

REISSUE (April 2001) with Change No. 1, approved in October 1985 (IUS 1-86)

This standard applies to electrical installations for industrial and domestic purposes at the stages of design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, testing and operation and establishes general requirements for preventing dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic field, as well as a range of types of protection for workers from influence of these factors.

The standard does not establish requirements and a range of types of protection against static and atmospheric electricity.

The standard complies with ST SEV 4830-84 regarding the range of types of protection. Terms and explanations for them are given in the appendix.


1.1. Dangerous and harmful effects on people of electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields manifest themselves in the form of electrical injuries and occupational diseases.

1.2. The degree of dangerous and harmful effects on a person from electric current, electric arc and electromagnetic fields depends on:

type and magnitude of voltage and current;

frequency of electric current;

current paths through the human body;

the duration of exposure to electric current or electromagnetic field on the human body;

environmental conditions.

1.3. Standards for permissible touch currents and voltages in electrical installations must be established in accordance with the maximum permissible levels of human exposure to touch currents and voltages and approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. Electrical safety requirements when exposed to electric fields of industrial frequency according to GOST 12.1.002-84, when exposed to electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies according to GOST 12.1.006-84.

1.5. Electrical safety must be ensured:

design of electrical installations;

technical methods and means of protection;

organizational and technical measures.

Electrical installations and their parts must be designed in such a way that workers are not exposed to dangerous and harmful effects of electric current and electromagnetic fields, and comply with electrical safety requirements.

1.4, 1.5

1.6. Electrical safety requirements (rules and regulations) for the design and installation of electrical installations must be established in the standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System, as well as in the standards and technical specifications for electrical products.

1.7. Technical methods and means of protection that ensure electrical safety must be installed taking into account:

a) rated voltage, type and frequency of electrical installation current;

b) method of power supply (from a stationary network, from an autonomous power supply);

c) mode of the neutral (midpoint) of the electrical power supply (isolated, grounded neutral);

d) type of execution (stationary, mobile, portable);

especially dangerous premises,

high-risk premises,

premises without increased danger,


Note . Classification of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock is determined in accordance with the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations;

f) the possibility of relieving voltage from live parts on which or near which work must be carried out;

g) the nature of possible human contact with the elements of the current circuit:

single-phase (single-pole) touch,

biphasic (two-pole) touch,

touching metal non-current-carrying parts that are energized;

h) the possibility of approaching live parts that are energized at a distance less than permissible or entering the current spreading zone;

i) types of work: installation, adjustment, testing, operation of electrical installations carried out in the area where electrical installations are located, including in the area of ​​overhead power lines.

1.8. Safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations in production must be established by regulatory and technical documentation on labor protection, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.9. Safety requirements for using household electrical installations must be contained in the manufacturer's operating instructions attached to them.



2.1. To ensure protection against accidental contact with live parts, the following methods and means must be used:

protective shells;

protective barriers (temporary or permanent);

safe location of live parts;

insulation of live parts (working, additional, reinforced, double);

workplace isolation;

low voltage;

protective shutdown;

warning alarm, lockout, safety signs.

2.2. To provide protection against electric shock when touching metal non-live parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage, the following methods are used:

protective grounding;


potential leveling;

protective wire system;

protective shutdown;

insulation of non-current-carrying parts;

electrical network separation;

low voltage;

insulation control;

compensation of ground fault currents;

personal protective equipment.

Technical methods and means are used separately or in combination with each other so that optimal protection is ensured.

2.1, 2.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. Requirements for technical methods and means of protection must be established in standards and technical specifications.



3.1. Persons who have been instructed and trained in safe work methods, tested their knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with the position held in relation to the work performed, with the assignment of the appropriate safety qualification group and who do not have medical contraindications established by the USSR Ministry of Health, should be allowed to work in electrical installations.

3.2. To ensure the safety of work in existing electrical installations, the following organizational measures must be taken:

appointment of persons responsible for the organization and safety of work;

drawing up a work order or order for work;

granting access to work;

organization of supervision of work;

registration of the end of work, breaks in work, transfers to other workplaces;

establishment of rational work and rest schedules.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.3. Specific lists of work that must be performed according to a work order or order should be established in industry regulatory documentation.

3.4. To ensure the safety of work in electrical installations, the following should be done:

disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power source;

checking for lack of voltage;

mechanically locking the drives of switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of supply lines and other measures to eliminate the possibility of erroneous supply of voltage to the place of work;

grounding of disconnected live parts (application of portable grounding conductors, switching on of grounding blades);

fencing the workplace or live parts that remain energized, which can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance during work.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.1. When carrying out work involving voltage relief in or near existing electrical installations:

disconnecting the installation (part of the installation) from the power supply;

mechanically locking the drives of disconnected switching devices, removing fuses, disconnecting the ends of supply lines and other measures to ensure that it is impossible to erroneously supply voltage to the place of work;

installation of safety signs and fencing of live parts that remain energized, which during operation can be touched or approached at an unacceptable distance;

applying grounding (turning on grounding blades or applying portable grounding);

fencing the workplace and installing mandatory safety signs.

3.4.2. When carrying out work on live parts that are energized:

carrying out work simultaneously by at least two persons, using electrical protective equipment, ensuring the safe location of working and used mechanisms and devices.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. Monitoring compliance with the electrical safety requirements established by this standard should be carried out at the following stages:


manufacturing (including testing and commissioning);


(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).




1. Protective sheath - a measure to protect against contact with live parts. The principle of its operation is based on covering live parts with devices that provide complete protection from contact.

2. Protective fencing - a measure to protect against accidental contact with live parts. The principle of its operation is based on fencing live parts with devices that provide partial protection from contact.

3. Insulation of the workplace - a method of protection based on the insulation of the workplace (floor, platform, decking, etc.) and conductive parts in the area of ​​the workplace, the potential of which differs from the potential of the conductive parts and touching which is intended or possible.

4. Insulation of live parts (protective insulation) - a method of protecting against touching live parts. The principle of its operation is based on covering current-carrying parts with insulating material.

5. Insulation of non-current-carrying parts (protective insulation) - a measure to protect against electric shock when touching metal non-current-carrying parts that may become live as a result of insulation damage. The principle of its operation is based on covering non-current-carrying parts in some justified cases with insulating material or isolating them from live parts.