Grow vegetables at home in winter. Vegetable garden on a windowsill in winter for beginners. The best variety for home growing

Do you want to ensure that your favorite vegetables are never out of stock in your home? Nothing could be simpler. Set up a miniature vegetable garden on your balcony or windowsill. Find out what vegetables and herbs you can grow at home in our article.

Green favorite

Cucumbers are ideal for growing vegetables at home. But only if these are seeds of self-pollinating varieties, such as “Mashenka”, “Kuzya’s brownie” or “Marinda”. The growing container must be spacious, at least 5 liters, and have holes in the bottom. We fill it with drainage, moistened soil and plant the seeds. Remember, drink a lot of water, avoid drafts and love warmth. Just don’t overheat them above 20–25 °C. Did you notice the first 10–12 leaves? Trim the top, otherwise you will be left without a harvest.

The sun is in the window

Tomatoes are another vegetable that is easy to grow at home. Here we give preference to dwarf varieties that are tolerant of lack of light: “baby”, “hummingbird” or “balcony miracle”. Seeds can be planted either in large boxes or in plastic bottles without a neck. The main thing is to feed them more often, moisten the soil, but do not overdo it with watering. They feel most comfortable at a temperature of 23–25 °C. When the first fruits become heavy, tie the branches so that they do not break.

Bow and arrows

What vegetables can you grow at home with cucumbers and tomatoes? , which is easiest to obtain from onions. The most productive are multi-germ varieties, such as “Rostovsky” or “Spassky”. Before planting, soak the bulbs in hot water overnight, then remove the husks and trim the tops a little. We plant the bulbs at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other, without deepening them into the soil. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed 18–20 °C. As soon as the green arrows stretch 25–30 cm, feel free to cut them off.

Sweet traffic light

A vegetable that is not at all burdensome to grow at home. The “Treasure Island” or “Winnie the Pooh” varieties will help with this. First we germinate them in plastic cups. When 6–7 leaves appear, transplant the pepper into a 4–5 liter ceramic container. Do not forget to regularly water and spray the seedlings, treat them against aphids once a week and maintain the temperature no higher than 25 °C. We remove ripe fruits immediately - there should be no more than 4 peppers on the stems.

Beauty sits on the windowsill

What vegetables can you grow at home on the windowsill besides this? You may be surprised, but this is . Unpretentious and prolific mini-varieties “parmex”, “sophie” or “granddaughter” are the most successful choice. Growing containers should be deep so that the root crops have room to grow. Carrots are very heat-loving, but they wither away from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature range is from 15 to 25 °C. Water it more often and do not get carried away with fertilizers, otherwise you will get tops instead of root vegetables.

Queen of Greens

Is it possible to grow greens at home? It is possible, and very different. First of all, we will need parsley. Most quick way- grow it from mature root vegetables weighing 30–60 g, always with a bud on the top. We plant them in a pot or box, sprinkle the tops with soil and water them generously. It is best to keep parsley in a cool place until sprouts appear. Sprouted greens need more heat and light, ideally 20–25 °C. To make the bushes lush, water them moderately and often.

Good salad

Your own watercress is a great way to tell children how to grow greens at home on the windowsill, and at the same time show them a small miracle of nature. This is one of the most unpretentious herbs, so failure is almost impossible. The main thing is to provide the watercress with a temperature no higher than 18 °C and moderate shade. Regularly moisten the soil and the air around you - and after 2-3 weeks the first harvest will appear in your balcony garden. Don't cut large number greens, since watercress quickly withers.

Young, green and tasty

Juicy lettuce very capricious. So the question of how to grow greens at home needs to be approached competently. The salad loves an abundance of light, so additional lighting will not hurt on cloudy days. At the same time, it painfully tolerates drought. The heat makes the leaves hard and bitter. Try not to overheat them above 25°C. And the seedlings need to be constantly thinned out - the first time a week after their appearance. Without this, the leaves will weaken and wither.

Gourmet seasoning

What greens can be grown at home as an excellent seasoning for any dishes? Basil is one of them. The fastest way to grow it is from fresh shoots. Soak them for 2 weeks in water, then transplant them into a pot with expanded clay and soil. From seeds, basil will grow much longer, but the bush will be thicker, and it can be used more than once. Make sure the soil is always moist. Basil also needs a lot of heat and light. The optimal temperature for it is 20–25 °C.

To grow greens at home all year round, as well as vegetables, you don’t need to be a seasoned gardener. Basic care, a little patience, a little care - and soon you will be able to be proud of your own harvest.

To provide gardeners with fresh vegetable products year-round, you can use window sills and insulated loggias in apartments in winter. Cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, salads and even beans and beans grow well on the windowsill. By providing vegetables with minimal conditions in terms of temperature, light and humidity, you can receive vitamins from fresh fruits and aromatic herbs throughout the non-dacha season.

On the windowsill you can grow a wide range of different types of vegetables from greens to fruit crops:

  • greens from forced crops (onions, parsley, celery);
  • leaf salads,
  • endive salad Witloof,
  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes,
  • legumes (beans, beans).

Conditions for growing vegetables on a windowsill in winter

In order to successfully grow vegetable crops at home, you need to provide them with all the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

  • Choose a suitable growing container

The most important nuance is the volume of the growing container. If greens can be planted in ordinary pots for indoor plants, tomatoes - in 5-7 liter containers, then for cucumber you will need a container with a volume of at least 8-10 liters.

  • Find a place

It is advisable that the windows for growing vegetables in winter face the south and southeast. These are the most preferred cardinal directions. If there are eastern, northern, or northwestern windows, the use of lighting will be required in winter. Specialized fluorescent and phytolamps are suitable for additional illumination.

  • Humidify the air

Air humidity for all crops at home should be at least 60-70%. At the same time, a cucumber needs a humidity of 80% or higher, and 60% will be enough for tomatoes, because at higher levels the tomato does not set fruit. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow tomatoes and cucumbers on the same windowsill (or in the same greenhouse).

  • Adjust the temperature

Night and day temperatures at home should imitate “wild” ones natural conditions. At night, plants grow more intensively due to the photosynthetic products accumulated during the daylight hours. Therefore, in the dark, you need to reduce the temperature to 15-17 °C.

The daytime temperature for greens and salads should not be higher than 20-22 °C. When heated, plants stretch, internodes lengthen, marketability decreases, and a black leg may appear. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the ventilation and open the windows, especially at night.

The exception is the heat-loving crop of cucumbers. They do not tolerate drafts and can easily withstand temperatures of 25-36 °C.

  • Provide adequate lighting

It is advisable to make the daylight hours 12-16 hours. For example, in Siberia, the shortage in winter is supplemented in the morning from 8 to 10 (when it is still dark), and in the evening from 16.00 to 18.00. In this case, the illumination should be intense (read the recommendations on the use of artificial lighting lamps).

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter

Cucumbers can be grown at home from January to May. In the summer months, growing indoors is less relevant. Firstly, the temperature rises greatly, the air becomes dry and hot. These are excellent conditions for the spread of spider mites on cucumber plants.

In April-May, the growing season of cucumbers at home ends. The fruiting period is even shorter. Nevertheless, during the 3 winter months you can get environmentally friendly, fresh and crispy greens directly from your windowsill.

If all the rules of agricultural technology are observed, cucumbers produce impressive yields: up to 5-7 kg per plant.

Cucumber planting dates

In order to get the first cucumbers early, you need to sow the seeds as soon as the day begins to grow. Immediately after the New Year, literally in the first days of January, you can already start sowing. cucumbers With good agricultural technology, the first fruits will appear by March 8 or even earlier

Watering and spraying cucumbers

Cucumbers need regular watering and high humidity. It is recommended to water weekly at the root. Since the air in the apartment is dry, it is recommended to cover heating radiators with a damp cloth. Make sure there is always water in the pan and spray daily.

Spraying helps provide the necessary air humidity and prevents the colonization of spider mites, which settle on a dry leaf in dry air.

Cucumber feeding

When growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, you need to fertilize them once a week with any complex mineral fertilizer. You can use both universal and specialized fertilizers for pumpkin crops marked: Cucumber, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Patisson, etc.

Tying a cucumber

You need to create an artificial trellis on the windowsill and be sure to tie up the cucumbers. Or tie the plant to structures on a window or curtain with hemp twine, as in a regular greenhouse.

Cucumber varieties for growing on a windowsill in winter

To grow cucumbers at home in winter, you need to select shade-tolerant, low-growing varieties. Among the varieties bred by SibNIIRS, varieties are suitable for indoor cultivation: Sagittarius And Homer .

Variety Homer known since 2009. Parthenocarpic hybrid. Good for salads and pickling. The first fruits are produced 1.5 months after germination. The bush is medium-branched with medium-sized leaves, female flowering type, the number of female flowers in a node is 1-3. The cucumbers ripen short, weighing 50 g, cylindrical in shape with tubercles and white pubescence. The taste of fresh and salted greens is excellent. from 1 m² you can collect 9 kg. Resistant to fusarium and bacteriosis, tolerant to downy mildew (downy mildew).

Variety Sagittarius available to summer residents since 2000. Very productive early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid for universal use. The bush is climbing, indeterminate. The plant is medium-sized. The fruits are cylindrical in shape with sparse tubercles and white pubescence. The greens ripen with a length of approx. 10 cm, 3 cm in diameter and weighing just over 90 g. Fresh, canned and pickled cucumbers have a good taste. Average yield in open ground is 4.5 kg per 1 m², in a greenhouse it reaches 15 kg. The variety is valued for its high yield and decent taste.

Of the varieties from other breeding institutions, I can recommend Blizzard . The hybrid was also tested at SibNIIRS and showed excellent results for cultivation under indoor conditions.

Variety Blizzard available for cultivation since 2006. High-yielding parthenocarpic hybrid of early ripening. Intended for consumption fresh and canned. It produces fruits 40 days after full germination. The bush is indeterminate, weakly branched. The cucumbers are short but weighty - weighing more than 70 g, cylindrical in shape with tubercles and sparse white pubescence. They taste good. Yields are up to 15 kg per 1 m². They resist cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and peronosporosis.

Growing tomatoes on a windowsill in winter

Tomatoes are less demanding on lighting conditions than cucumbers, so they can be planted earlier. So already before the New Year, in the second half of December, the seeds are sown. Then the first fruits of early ripening varieties can be obtained by March 8.

Tomato varieties for growing on a windowsill in winter

There is a wide variety of varieties for growing tomatoes indoors. These are standard low bushes, only 30 cm long, which do not need to be pinched or tied up. They can be used as an ornamental crop. Ripe fruits look very beautiful, and a homemade tomato can easily replace a potted flowering plant.

Of the varieties bred by SibNIIRS, the variety that is most suitable for home cultivation is Philippok . Known since 2010. Standard variety with medium-sized red fruits 40-50 g. Very early ripening. It is easy to form and looks quite decorative.

Of the varieties from other companies, we can recommend Tom yellow And Tom red . They are perfect for indoor culture. Available to tomato growers since 2013. Good for salads and whole-fruit canning. The varieties are early ripening, determinate plants. The fruits are red and yellow, respectively, neat, weighing up to 20 g and with good taste. The yield is about 3 kg per 1 m².

Varieties such as Balcony miracle (1997), Bonsai (2001), Craiova.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter

In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can provide yourself with onion greens almost all year round, from September to May.

For forcing greens, shallots are best suited, not onions:

  • Shallots have multiple bulbs, so they produce more abundant greens;
  • shallots have a shorter dormant period;
  • Shallot greens are richer in vitamins and microelements, they contain more dry matter, and have much better culinary properties.
  • earlier ripening shallots have a higher growth rate*.

If onions are planted for forcing, they will awaken in 1.5-2 months, or they may not awaken at all. Shallots begin to re-grow within two weeks. After another 2 weeks it is ready for harvesting. Thus, the forcing period for shallots lasts 1 month. Therefore, shallots can be planted for forcing every two weeks and greens can be obtained from them regularly.

*Growth rate is determined by the ratio of the mass of grown greenery to the mass of the planted bulb. Shallots have a growth rate of 1.5-2, i.e. greenery grows 2 times more in mass than the bulbs were planted. Onions have a growth rate of approx. 0.8, it is less profitable.

Growing greens on a windowsill in winter

You can grow greens not only onions and garlic, but also root vegetables:

  • parsley,
  • celery,
  • parsnip,
  • Witloof endive salad.

Root crops grown the day before in summer are planted in 2-2.5 liter pots. The root crop is planted and sprinkled with earth up to the neck. You need to water well and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Regrowth begins quickly. In just 2 weeks you will be eating aromatic, vitamin-rich greens.

It is convenient to grow the so-called on the windowsill. microgreens. This includes various green and salad crops that produce fresh greens in just 2 weeks:

  • watercress,
  • leaf lettuce of early varieties (for example, Moscow greenhouse),
  • salad mustard,
  • spinach.

Is it possible to grow dill on a windowsill in winter?

I would not recommend growing dill on a windowsill. You can grow it, but there will be no effect from dill greens, because it will have absolutely no essential oils. Dill grown on a windowsill in the absence of ultraviolet rays does not accumulate essential oils and has neither taste nor smell. Dill takes a long time to sprout and quickly stretches out.

Perhaps, on a specially equipped loggia, where there is a higher percentage of illumination and exposure to sunlight, you can get dill greens that are more aromatic and tasty.

Growing legumes on a windowsill in winter

Now compact varieties of legumes have been developed that can also be grown in pots. Sowing is done later than for cucumbers and tomatoes, when the day has already arrived quite well. It is better to plant in late February - early March.

Beans variety Patio – compact bush fruits very abundantly. They belong to vegetable legumes, i.e. they can be eaten with the leaves still on, they have not yet hardened (like green beans)

You can get the fruits of vegetable beans quite successfully. Among the varieties selected by SibNIIRS, I would highlight Nika bean variety with green vegetable beans and the Sun variety. They can be easily obtained in room culture.

Unfortunately, the vegetable (green) bean crop is not as popular among vegetable growers as we would like. After all, for food, medicinal and nutritional value she has no equal. You should definitely eat vegetable beans, especially if you have thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, i.e. for diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, I advise you to grow beans in the ground in the summer, on a windowsill in the winter, or buy frozen products.

Tatyana Steinert, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Before you start growing plants for sale at home, you need to carefully think through your actions and make a plan. First you need to decide on the choice of plants. It is better for beginning gardeners to limit themselves to a small number of plants at first, choosing the most unpretentious varieties. Having gained experience, it will be possible to increase both the number of plants and the number of varieties. Early ripening varieties are best suited for home gardening, since plants develop much more slowly indoors than outdoors.

Next, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the selected varieties. They can be easily found on the Internet, and for the most meticulous gardeners special periodicals and library literature will be useful. Then you need to decide on the container that will be used for your home garden. Some plants require space, others make do with very limited space. The next stage is soil preparation. Soil from garden beds is not suitable for a home garden. It must be bought in special stores. The last stage is choosing a place for the garden. Most plants need plenty of sunlight, for this reason, it is best to arrange a vegetable garden on the west or south side of the house.

The most suitable plants for home growing

The number of plants that can be grown at home for sale is enormous. In order not to get confused in all their diversity, the following classification will be useful:

  • greens and herbs;
  • vegetables;
  • exotic plants.

Greens and herbs do not require special care. The most popular types are:

  • green onions;
  • sorrel;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • tarragon;
  • cilantro;
  • parsley;
  • lavender;
  • thyme;
  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • spinach.

Growing vegetables at home is somewhat more difficult than greens, but there are no insurmountable problems here. In your home garden you can grow:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato;
  • bell pepper;
  • sweet potato.

Exotic plants are the most difficult to grow at home. But this is not impossible either. You just need to gain special knowledge regarding their cultivation. Among the most popular exotic plants used for these purposes are the following:

  • pineapples;
  • lemons;
  • tangerines;
  • kiwi.

Of course, you need to take into account that when growing for sale, the profitability of exotic plant species is low, so they will bring more pleasure than money.

Basic ways to grow plants at home

To grow herbs, vegetables and herbs at home, you can use the walls of rooms, balconies, window sills, loggias, external window and kitchen cornices. The following methods are used:

  • Growing by sowing seeds. This method is suitable for growing various greens on the windowsill (cilantro, watercress, watercress, salad mustard, lettuce, basil, etc.).
  • Extended cultivation. At the onset of autumn, part of the rhizomes or entire plants are dug up along with a lump of earth, then they are transplanted into pots and transferred to the apartment. This method is suitable for growing peppers, sorrel, tomatoes, cucumbers, tarragon, rhubarb, and horseradish.
  • Growing from seedlings. This method is suitable for growing any vegetables, but it has a drawback - the need to purchase seedlings. To get around this drawback, you can grow seedlings yourself.
  • Forcing. This is the best method for growing greens. It is suitable for plants that have a supply of nutrients in underground parts (tubers, root crops, bulbs). For this purpose, bulbs of garlic, onions, celery and parsley roots are used.

Features of home growing herbs

For those who have no experience growing plants at home, the easiest way to start is by growing herbs, which are relatively easy to grow. To do this, you just need to give them a sunny place and constantly water them.

  • Dill loves fresh air, light and water. In order for its seeds to germinate better, they need to be soaked for several days, constantly changing the water. After sowing the seeds in neutral soil, the harvest will ripen within a month.
  • Parsley requires the same care as dill, but it tolerates cold more easily and loves open air, so it is good to use a loggia or balcony for growing it.
  • Basil, on the contrary, has increased sensitivity to temperature changes, so it is better to grow it on a windowsill.
  • For lemon balm, good lighting is most important. If this condition is met, it can be kept both on the balcony and on the windowsill. There are no particular difficulties with it - you just need to plant the seeds in moist soil and water them regularly.
  • Mint is more demanding than lemon balm. It does not tolerate temperature changes well, needs good lighting, a special soil composition and constant watering.

Features of home growing greens

Growing greens is not difficult, you just need to follow a few rules. simple rules, and the home plantation will be profitable all year round.

  • To get a quick harvest, you should choose watercress. After planting its seeds in moist soil, they need to be watered regularly, and just two weeks after planting the seeds, the first harvest can be harvested. It is important to consider that this plant does not tolerate prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and heat.
  • Sorrel grows on any soil, is unpretentious, but requires constant watering. The seeds need to be soaked for two days, planted in moist soil in a pot and covered with film until the first shoots appear. After they appear, the film is removed and the pot is placed in a bright place.
  • Spinach loves high humidity and can be harvested three to four weeks after planting the seeds in moist soil. When the first pair of leaves appears on the seedlings, they are thinned out and only the strongest are left.
  • Growing onions at home is very easy. You need to soak the onion in warm water for a day, then cut off the neck and plant it in moist soil. The pot should be placed on the windowsill and watered constantly.

Features of home growing vegetables

Since the main feature of a home garden is its limited space, tall, sprawling varieties of vegetables should be excluded.

  • When growing cucumbers, you need to keep them warm and away from drafts. If there is not enough light, then additional lamps must be used. In sunny weather, plants should not be allowed to overheat. If cucumbers are grown not on the balcony, but in the room, then you need to put gauze or nets on the windows or to prevent the penetration of insects.
  • You can successfully grow eggplants indoors. Low-growing varieties with small fruits are most suitable for this. Eggplants are grown through seedlings, which are obtained from seeds planted in February. When six to eight leaves appear on the plant, it should be transplanted into boxes or pots with a diameter of about twenty centimeters. Watering should be plentiful; spraying is useful.
  • Chinese cabbage easily tolerates a lack of light, so it can be grown on a windowsill at any time of the year. Chalk or ash must be added to the soil to reduce its acidity.

Plant compatibility

The most important factor when growing garden crops is their compatibility. Some plants get along well with others in one container, while others require a separate container. The consequence of growing incompatible crops together can be their slow growth, and in extreme cases, their death. At the same time, many plants are able to have a stimulating effect on neighboring ones, and even protect them from pests. Using knowledge about the compatibility of garden plants, you can significantly increase their productivity. Proper mixed plantings allow you to grow more plants on a smaller area of ​​land.

For example, you can grow different types of lettuce near cucumbers. Dill, borage, and chamomile planted nearby have an excellent effect on cucumbers. As for the joint cultivation of cucumbers and tomatoes, it is difficult to give a definite answer. Here it makes sense to rely on your own experience by trying to grow different varieties of these vegetable crops nearby.

Equipment for home garden

When setting up a home garden, you will definitely need containers. It can be very different: plastic and ceramic pots, boxes made of various materials, including wood, even tin cans and milk bags are useful. Some experts recommend not using containers with airtight walls, but the composition of the soil mixture plays a decisive role here. If it is prepared correctly, then air access to the roots will be ensured and the plants will not suffer from a lack of it. It is advisable to wrap the pots with foil. It reflects the sun's rays and protects the soil from overheating.

It is very important to have holes in the bottom of the container through which excess water is removed. Beginners should purchase soil for home gardening in specialized stores, but experienced gardeners can prepare it themselves.

The water used for irrigation should be at room temperature. It is acceptable to use tap water, but it must sit for at least twelve hours to allow the chlorine it contains to evaporate.

Fertilizers for home garden

You can fertilize plants grown in your home garden using a variety of means. You can even find free fertilizers for these purposes in your kitchen.

Dried tea and coffee can be placed on the surface of the soil in pots. They contain huge amount micro- and macroelements useful for plants. In addition, spent tea and coffee can be added to the soil when replanting plants. They are dried in a warm place and mixed with soil in a ratio of one to ten. They are also poured into the bottom of the pot, where they serve both as plant nutrition and soil drainage.

However, for drainage it is best to use crushed pine and spruce cones, which contain resinous substances that prevent rotting of the root system. Another affordable product for fertilizing your home garden is eggshell, which contains a large amount of phosphorus, calcium and various trace elements. However, to make fertilizer from the shells, they must be burned. In addition, wood ash, as well as ash from weed stems or straw can be used as free fertilizer. It also contains large amounts of calcium, which plants need.

Selling ordinary varieties of vegetables grown at home does not always bring significant income. Competition from large manufacturers and wholesale suppliers is too strong, and the costs of transporting and selling small volumes of products are high. However, almost any business can be made successful if you find a competitive advantage. When growing vegetables at home, this advantage is the cultivation of small-fruited varieties.

They are very little represented in stores and markets, but at the same time they are in great demand among buyers. Some small-fruited vegetables, for example, tomatoes, are much healthier than large ones, as they contain more mineral salts, organic acids and vitamins. With the right packaging, they can be sold several times more expensive than regular vegetables.

The resulting harvest can be sold not only separately for each type of plant, but also by compiling vegetable sets, where you can add small onions and various greens for preparing salads.

To package vegetables intended for sale, you can use plastic and polypropylene bags, as well as plastic containers.

Have you noticed that in winter you really crave summer greenery or fresh cucumber from the garden, or even better, a fragrant tomato. We are so designed that we wish for the impossible... But who said that these dreams are impossible. Even in winter, you can grow many garden plants at home - start a real vegetable garden on your windowsill. Let's talk in more detail about what you can grow on a windowsill in winter.

What greens and herbs can be grown on a windowsill in winter?

When you hear the word greens, the first thoughts that come to mind are growing dill, parsley or lettuce. It's quite easy to grow them at home. To do this you need:

I advise beginning gardeners to start with unpretentious ones to grow: green onions, parsley, watercress. For herbs, you can try rosemary and basil. They will not only be useful as a seasoning, but will fill the apartment with their aroma!

Now let's look at it step by step,

Seed preparation

Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds overnight in warm water, and then put them in pink potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.


You can use any suitable container for sowing. From a box and a flower pot to a cake box. I like the last option. After sowing, it is convenient to immediately close the mini-garden with a cake lid and create greenhouse conditions there. I remove the lid only after the emergence of full shoots, and before that it needs to be ventilated every day. When sowing in boxes, cover them with plain plastic bags.

Use store-bought soil or heat your garden herbs to get rid of pests and weeds. You need to water your home garden with settled water. Do not use tap water.

To prevent plants from stretching towards the window, you need to turn containers with plants every day.

How to grow onions for greens at home

Onions on greens in a bottle

For this purpose, turnip onions of early varieties are used. The later ones have a long shelf life and will not grow well.

This is the easiest crop to grow on a windowsill. Even children in kindergarten They are trying to grow onions for feathers. It is growing quickly, useful, accessible.

It is better to use larger heads - they will provide you with vitamin greens longer.

The easiest way is to place the onion in water - just make sure that only the tip of the onion touches the water, otherwise it will begin to rot.

You can plant the onions in the ground - close to each other. And water regularly. If you make such a bed once every two weeks, you will provide yourself with greens for the whole winter.

You can expel onion greens in vertical containers. You can make them yourself. Cut holes in a plastic bottle with soil and insert the bulbs into the holes.

What vegetables can be grown on a windowsill in winter?

Homemade tomatoes

Many vegetables grow well on a windowsill if you create the right conditions for them.

You can even grow cucumbers and tomatoes.

Read in detail in the articles "" and "".

What conditions are needed for the growth of cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill?

  1. Lots of light - be sure to grow on southern, south-eastern windows.
  2. Use additional lighting; daylight hours should be more than 12 hours.
  3. Fertile soil, mandatory fertilizing with complex and organic fertilizers.
  4. Provide a suitable temperature for cucumbers - not lower than +20°C
  5. The best results will be if you hide young cucumbers under a film cover.
  6. Use only self-pollinating varieties.

Little cucumbers at home

How to grow radishes at home

A few details in the article "". The same lighting requirements must be observed as for all domestic crops. It is also necessary to sow early varieties.

Radishes in a box on the windowsill

Not only vegetables and herbs can be grown on the windowsill in winter. But also exotic plants. For example: tangerines, lemons, mangoes, avocados.

They grow well at home, despite their southern origin. All these plants will not make real trees. But you can get the fruits.

Fruiting lemon at home