Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen if. Open lesson "hyphen and continuous spelling of compound adjectives"

Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science (natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: rarely used, nearby,burning, dear, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent,wild, evergreen, plain-dyed.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, exactly the opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names of settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, northeastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky,Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter Scott, Leo Tolstoy, Erofey-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissyk-Kul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-komsomol, gardening,meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: boomingly loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue,dark blond, black-brown, slate blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with eastern , western ,north- And north- , south And south- , For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-dusty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself- , herself- , For example: self-friend, himself-third, on your own, she-heel.

§ 80. Complex adjectives are written together:

1. Formed from compound nouns written together, for example: plumbing(plumbing), agricultural(farmer, agriculture), Novosibirsk(Novosibirsk).

2. Formed from combinations of words that are subordinate in meaning to one another, for example: railway(railway), national economic(national economy), natural science(natural sciences), complex(complex in the way of subordination), rail rolling(rolling rails), nationwide(common for the people), marshy scrub(forming protection for fields), metal-cutting(cutting metal); This also includes those denoting a single concept of formation (including terminological ones) from an adverb and an adjective (or participle), for example: little-used, nearby, vital, deeply respected, freshly baked, clairvoyant, potent, wild-growing, evergreen, plain-colored.

Note. Complex adjectives, which include adverbs, should not be mixed with phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle) and written separately, for example: diametrically opposed, directly opposite, purely Russian, childishly naive, poorly hidden, clearly expressed.

3. Used as terms and formed from two or three bases, regardless of the nature of the latter, for example: thoracoabdominal(block), Indo-European(languages), Old High German(language), bicarbonate(gas); Also - deaf-mute.

§ 81. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen:

1. Formed from nouns written with a hyphen, from personal names - combinations of first and last names, as well as from names settlements, which are combinations of first and last names, first names and patronymics, for example: diesel engine, social democratic, Buryat-Mongolian, North-Eastern, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Nizhne-Maslovsky, Ust-Abakansky, Romain-Rolandovsky, Walter-Scott, Lev-Tolstovsky, Erofei-Pavlovichsky.

Note 1. The adjective is written together Moskvoretsky.

Note 2. Adjectives formed from proper names, written with a hyphen, and having a prefix that is not present in the noun, are written together, for example: Priamudarya, Zaissykkul.

2. Formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts, for example: interest-free, convex-concave, party-Komsomol, gardening, meat and dairy, English-Japanese, Russian-German-French(dictionary), blue-white-red(flag).

3. Formed from two bases and denoting: a) quality with an additional shade, for example: rolling-loud, bitter-salty; b) shades of colors, for example: pale pink, bright blue, dark brown, black-brown, bluish blue, golden yellow, ash gray, bottle green, lemon yellow, yellow-red.

4. Included in geographical proper names and starting with east, west, north And north, south And south-, For example: West Kazakhstan region, East China Sea, Union of South Africa.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from two or more stems that do not fit the listed rules are written with a hyphen, for example: literary and artistic(almanac), political-mass(Job), vocabulary-technical(department), podzolic-marsh, loose-lumpy-silty, elongated-lanceolate.

Note 2. Words are also written with a hyphen, the first component of which is myself-, myself- , For example: self-friend, self-third, self-heel, self-heel.

Each of us has at least once had the opportunity to check how to write such adjectives as “popular science”, “zootechnical”, “two-story”, “blue-green”. To make a mistake means to make a serious mistake in your knowledge of your native language. However, it is not always clear how the presence or absence of a hyphen is determined.

Adjectives consisting of two, and sometimes even three stems at once are called complex. If you remember simple rules, then you no longer have to use search engines to check the next phrase.

When is a hyphen placed between parts of a compound adjective?

The Russian language provides four cases in which the constituent parts of an adjective are separated by a line.

  • If the two underlying words are heterogeneous in meaning. For example, “popular science” - the parts of the adjective do not complement each other, but describe two different concepts.
  • If the adjective comes from a compound noun, which, in turn, is written with a hyphen. For example, “northeast” - since the original noun “northeast” contains a hyphen, the adjective derived from it must also be equipped with a hyphen.
  • If both parts of a complex adjective describe some quality of the object - “blue-green”, “sweet and sour”.
  • If a word consists of two equal parts, and the hyphen between them can be replaced without loss by the conjunction “and”. For example, “literary and artistic concept” - one can say that the concept is “literary and artistic”, the essence will remain the same.

In what cases is a complex adjective written together?

Remembering in which cases a hyphen is not necessary is also quite easy.

  • If the first part is a numeral. For example, “two-story” or “three-digit.” Also, a hyphen is not placed if the first part is an adverb ending in “o” and “e”. The words “sedentary” and “highly flammable” would be examples.
  • If the adjective comes from a compound noun, also written without a hyphen - for example, the word “semiannual”, formed from “half a year”.
  • When the first or second part of an adjective cannot be used on its own. For example, in the word "broad-chested", the first part has descriptive meaning only when combined with the second part.

In addition, most scientific and lexical terms are written together. No hyphen is used in phrases with subordinating connection within a sentence - for example, “blood vessel,” that is, “a vessel that carries blood.”

In the Russian language, a huge lexical layer belongs to complex adjectives, the spelling of which can cause difficulties and provoke errors. However, you should not be afraid of them, because there are clearly defined rules.

Adjectives formed by adding two stems are written together if:

1. Derived from nouns spelled together. For example:

  • Novorossiysk (Novorossiysk), Krasnodar (Krasnodar), freedom-loving (love of freedom).

2. Derived from phrases, the types of connections between which were originally subordination or composition. For example:

  • railway (railroad), legitimate (born in a legal marriage), Krasnoarmeisky (red army), woodworking (wood processing), meat procurement (preparing meat), rail rolling (rolling rails), national (common for the people), etc.

This group also includes adjectives that denote a single concept, including terminological units. They are formed from a phrase like “adverb + adjective”. For example:

  • wild, evergreen, highly respected, rarely used, etc.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from compound proper names are written with a small letter .

Note 2. Complex adjectives, formed by combining an adverb with a simple adjective, are often confused with phrases like “adverb + adjective (or participle),” which, naturally, are written separately. For example:

  • childishly trusting, poorly hidden, wildly annoying, forever young .

Such phrases differ from compound adjectives because they are not sustainable.

3. They are terminological units, formed from several bases, the nature of which does not matter. For example:

  • hip (bone), ankle (joint), Old Church Slavonic (tongue), deaf-mute, etc.

Adjectives formed by merging two stems are written with a hyphen if:

1. Derived from nouns that were originally written with a hyphen. This group also includes complex adjectives formed from combinations of personal names and patronymics, first names and last names. This group also includes the names of geographical objects (most often settlements), formed from combinations of personal names and patronymics, first names and surnames. For example:

  • diesel engine, social democratic, Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, north-eastern, Buryat-Mongolian;
  • Lev-Tolstvosky, Alexander-Pushkinsky, Stephen-King, Chuck-Polanovsky, etc.
  • Erofey-Pavlovichsky

Note 1. The exception is the adjective “Zamoskvoretsky”, which is written together.

Note 2. All of the above subgroups of adjectives formed from proper names are written together if the prefix appears in them:

  • podalmaatsky, zaorehovozuevsky.

2. Derived from two or more equal words:

  • interest-free, gardening, meat and dairy, bouquet and candy (period in a relationship), blue-white-red (flag), etc.

2. Derived from two bases and denote either quality with an additional shade, or shades of colors and undertones. For example:

  • rollingly loud, iridescently melodious, provocatively ringing;
  • pale pink, blue-green, light orange, dark blue, yellow-red, blue-black, smoky gray, etc.

3. Included geographical names with the first parts north (north), south (south), east, west, for example:

  • North Caucasus, South Korean, East China, West Ukrainian, etc.

Note 1. All other adjectives formed from two or more stems are written with a hyphen. For example:

  • Literary and artistic (club), mass political (propaganda), vocabulary and technical (department), etc.

Note 2. Words whose first part is the stem “sam-”, “sama-” are also written with a hyphen. For example:

  • Self-third, self-heel, etc.
  • compound adjectives formed from compound nouns written together, for example: chronicle (chronicle), local history (local history);
  • complex adjectives formed from such combinations of words in which one word is subordinate in meaning to another (connected by means of coordination, control or adjacency), for example: widescreen (wide screen), cast iron (casting cast iron), precocious (which will soon ripen).


  1. Complex adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, should be distinguished from ordinary phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle), written SEPARATELY, For example: diametrically opposite, purely Russian, Badly hidden, clearly expressed. In a sentence, the first part of the combination acts as a separate member of the sentence (answers questions How? to what extent? how?).

    The first part of such phrases is adverbs absolutely ( absolutely calm), immaculate ( impeccably honest), vital ( vital necessary), originally ( originally Russian), true ( true revolutionary), truly ( truly scientific), straight ( directly opposite), sharply ( sharp negative), fatal ( fatal poisonous, fatal pale), strictly ( strictly logical) and etc.

    SEPARATELY phrases are written that include adverbs in -ski , For example: historically important.

  2. A number of compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, is written FULL. Such adjectives are bookish in nature and are often terms, denoting a single, integral concept, for example: highly ideological(play), highly qualified(specialist), above(example), easily soluble(material), insignificant(fact), promising(experiment), following(review), visually impaired(Human), difficult to reach(rise). If dependent words are used with such adjectives, then the adverb and adjective are usually written separately (i.e., they become a phrase). Compare: promising student(= very talented, promising) - student, promising but not fulfilling his obligations; difficult to reach (= almost inaccessible) vertexdifficult to access even for experienced climbers the summit.

With a hyphen it is written:

  • compound adjectives formed from names, for example: northeastern (northeast), Orekhovo-Zuevo (Orekhovo-Zuevo);
  • complex adjectives formed from combinations of words that are equal in meaning and independent of each other (connected by the method of composition), for example: interest-free deposits(interest-free, but winning), scientific and technological progress(scientific and technical), spinning mill(spinning and weaving), blue-white-red flag(blue, white and red) (in these cases, a conjunction can be inserted between the words from which a complex adjective is formed And or But );
  • compound adjectives denoting shades of colors, for example: bright blue, silver gray, lemon yellow, dark brown, yellow red;
  • compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from foreign words and ends in -iko , For example: chemical-technological, physical-mathematical, mechanical-mathematical(But: Great Russian, high society).


  1. With a hyphen compound adjectives denoting quality with an additional connotation are written, for example: bitter-salty(salty and bitter) respectfully polite(polite and respectful).
  2. With a hyphen a number of complex adjectives are written, parts of which denote heterogeneous characteristics, for example: military revolutionary committee(military revolutionary), mass political Job(mass political), popular science magazine(scientific popular). It should be borne in mind that among complex adjectives there are many traditional spellings, for example: world historical(But: world famous), people's liberation(But: national economic). Therefore, if you have doubts about spelling, you should consult a spelling dictionary.

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