Kolyada gift Slavic calendar. History of the calendar. How the Kolyada Dar calendar appeared

Since the baptism of Rus', time has changed five times. The last transition took place in 1918. Then the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar. But in pagan times, the Slavic calendar was used, which is still considered the most accurate in the world. But it is fundamentally different from the modern one, since it is built on a model of the Universe and the galactic orientation of the Earth. Despite the lack of relevance of the ancient calculation of time, many Old Believers use Kolyada's gift for summer 7527 (2018-2019). It will also be useful to people interested in the history and culture of the Slavic people.

How the Kolyada Dar calendar appeared

In ancient mythology, the Kolyada Gift was created and given to people as a gift by the goddess Kolyada (mother of the Sun and wife of Dazhbog). This is where the name of the calendar comes from. The countdown begins from the establishment of a truce between the Slavic-Aryans and the Arima. The two races entered into a peace treaty on the first day of the First Month of the year 5500 (Lethe) from the Ice Age. The Slavs won the battle. This is evidenced by the pagan symbol of victory - a horseman piercing a dragon (snake) with a spear. With the advent of the Christian faith, it was renamed St. George the Victorious.

Many people confuse the Ancient Slavic calendar with Chislobog’s Circular Year. But you need to take into account the significant difference between them. The first calculates time taking into account natural cycles on Earth. The second considers the influence of time on the fate of peoples, countries and specific individuals.

Ancient Slavic calendar system

Gift of Kolyada is built on a 16-year cycle of calculation, which is called Krugolet. Each 16-year cycle passes through 9 elements, making up the Circle of Life. It is equal to 144 years (16 x 9). In the modern calendar, a century (100 years) includes ten 10th anniversaries.
The Slavic day has 16 hours, the week consists of 9 days, and the month includes 40 - 41 days and is called “Sorokovnik”. Our ancestors did not use the word “year”, but considered Summer. This name has survived to this day. For example: “chronicle”, “many years”, “50 years” and so on. Summer is divided into 9 forties and 3 seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. A normal Summer lasts 365 days, and every ninth - 369. The Slavs also called the movement of the Sun's disk across the sky the “Svarozh Circle”. It is divided into 16 Halls, which are also divided into 9 Halls (ancient Slavic signs of the Zodiac).

It is interesting that despite the unusual chronology of Kolyada Dar, over tens of thousands of years, it “works” like a clock. No time shift is observed. Moreover, scientists have highlighted its superiority over the European calendar.

Summer 7527 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple: details

The past 7526 Summer of the Fire Phoenix brought Russian society out of many years of “hibernation.” People saw the light and were able to see the real situation, drawing the right conclusions. It is already difficult to lead them astray from the path of truth. The year showed an unprecedented growth in the spiritual, moral and moral self-awareness of the people. During this period, professional leaders emerged who were capable of changing the world for the better.

The New Summer continues the era of the Wolf and begins on September 21-22, 2018 (according to the Gregorian calendar). This is the 7th summer in the hexadecimal Krugolet. The year 7527 will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Fox. And the reign of this period is taken over by God Veles. The year also corresponds to the element of the Sun and the color gold.

According to the legends of the Vedas, Year of the Yellow Fox favorable for making important decisions. But they must be objective and fair. Only in this case can success be achieved. People who for a long time“have been hatching” an idea on how to ensure a comfortable future - the time has come to act! The fox will help you in any endeavor and show you how to behave further. The period is also favorable for reaching a compromise between the warring parties due to disputed territories. Peoples will have a chance to choose their own future path.

It is better for people who are unsure of their abilities to devote time to reviewing the life they have lived and the heights they have achieved. You should “lay low” until the middle of the year and, taking into account your past mistakes, start doing important things at the end of the year. Those born under the auspices of the Fox are characterized by a desire for spiritual and creative harmony. They love children very much, so they invest all their energy and finances in their offspring.

Download Kolyada gift 7527

For those who want to always have the Slavic calendar for summer 7527 (2018-2019) at hand, we suggest downloading an electronic copy of the source in Word format and printing it on a printer.

New Year of the Fire Phoenix

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the Autumn Equinox, all enlightened Rus - Russians - Slavic-Aryans - will celebrate the New Year of the Fire Phoenix! During this period, Summer 7526 begins from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H)!
Currently, the World is still under the influence of “Biblical civilization” and most people use dates from the Nativity of Christ and Gregorian church calendar. The Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar by approximately 13 days, called the “old style,” is also preserved in memory. It so happened in Russia that since the time of Peter I, every year in January he is remembered when the “Old New Year».

Also, the media obsessively reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese and other calendars. For example, the Chinese have at the moment The year is 4713, the Jews have already celebrated their 5778 year.

Of course, this expands our general horizons, but in order for it to become more real, objective, and reflect a true worldview, we need to touch precisely our native Old Russian tradition of chronology.

All holidays of the Rus are astronomical and are associated with their native Vedic faith. Therefore, they are firmly tied to Space and Sidereal Time, and do not depend on any human innovations - neither on the “old” nor on the “new” style of chronology.

The origins of the culture of our Ancestors lie many millennia before the beginning of the “new era”, and echoes persist to this day...
In them we find the most ancient layer - objects and phenomena of the immediate environment that were woven into human life.
These are the forces of Space and Nature, and our Great Ancestors associated with them: Svarog, Lada, Perun, Veles, Makosh - our entire Family. But also animal and flora, trees, groves, forests, rivers, lakes, stones, scrolls, etc.

Our Ancestors had many totem animals into which Russian Gods could transform, that is, they were hypostases of these gods: Bear (Veles), Wolf (Semargl), Horse (Kitovras), Eagle (Perun), Finist Yasny Falcon (the image of the Rus) , Phoenix (Eternal Life – The Cycle of Svarog), etc.
The ancient Faith of the Rus is characterized as a Russian philosophical-Vedic teaching - the wisdom that everything that exists is God, identifying the Universe, Nature and the absolute beginning of being. And man is a microcosm. God is not outside, but inside – in the abyss of the human soul. The object of the cult was Nature, perceived as a single organic whole, full of various manifestations of life and in constant movement.

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Rus - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify the Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog, which governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Glorifying the Rule is Orthodoxy. As we see, this was the name of the Faith of our Ancestors already in that distant time. Slavism gave the basis to all currently existing world religions.

The Rus are a wonderful people with great Ancestors and a rich culture! And our people have their own holidays every month associated with Nature, Space, our Russian Gods - our Family.
The Old Russian calendar - Kolyady Dar - Chislobog's Circle came to us from our Ancestors from Slavic-Aryan astrology, according to which our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves in a circle cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, a complete revolution of the starry sky, visually observable from Earth, occurs in 25,920 years - this is the known period of revolution of the solar system of Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. Our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

The rotation cycle of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc. have been preserved in our language.

Likewise, the longest period of time among our ancestors, “Svarog Circle,” was also long: 25,920 years. Such a huge figure still remains unnoticed by contemporaries, accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not the time scale of the Cosmic existence of mankind and ice ages.

During the Svarog Circle, for the earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the vault of heaven from constellation to constellation (otherwise, the palace) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In which palace is Yarilo-Sun located on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) in that era we live.

Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology Slavic-Aryans distinguished not 12, but 16 in the firmament zodiac constellations, then, accordingly, the zodiac era, in their opinion, lasted 1620 years. That is, the autumn solstice point of the Yarilo-Sun moves into a new palace (constellation) every 1620 years.

Almost all Rus holidays coincide with the cycle of life of the Earth and Space, and therefore they have not only spiritual significance, but also something else - familiarization with Nature, bringing into your life the feeling that the Universe is alive.

For tens of thousands of years, calendar dates served our Ancestors, helping them to cultivate the land, harvest crops, hunt and fish on time. Summer, divided into sixteen (modern - twelve) parts, was depicted on ritual thickets and each month had a special sign. Summer (annual wheel) - Kolo Svarog - carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for everyday life, it is always decorated with joyful holidays.

Ramhat is coming - the month of the Divine Beginning. This month is associated with the beginning of the Russian calendar New Summer - the New Year in the New Slavic space era of the Wolf under the auspices of the God Veles.

1 Ramhat - September 22 - Day of the autumn equinox, Birthday. Svarog Day, Harvest Festival - Russian New Year!

Astronomically, autumn begins on Ramkhat 1 or September 22. These are the autumn months in which the Sun transits the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cold dew, the bee stops carrying a bribe. Then we meet autumn, see off the sunset in the field, with songs. And the last flight of swallows, harvesting (completion of the harvest).

In the old days, this month was also called “Ruin” - from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The Old Russian form of the verb “ryuti” (roar) is known, which when applied to the autumn wind meant “roar, blow, call.” He received the name “gloomy” due to his weather differences from others - the sky often begins to frown, it rains, autumn is in nature. Another name for this month, “heather,” is explained by the fact that at this time the heather begins to bloom.

But the most ancient name of the month was “Ramkhat” - the month of the Divine Beginning, the month of fortieth - 41 days. The first day of the month Ramhat corresponds to September 21-22, that is, the Slavic-Aryan day included the evening and part of the night of September 21 plus the rest of the night, morning and day of September 22.

During this period, Makoshino Poletye is celebrated - the “old Indian summer”, a series of holy days up to the 38th Ramkhat (October 28), dedicated to the Goddess Mokosh the Ancestress, the last warm days of the passing summer. Goddess Makosh - Goddess of Universal Fate, Goddess of the Law of Karma.

Makosh complements Veles, which personifies women's wisdom, guards women's fertility and productivity, thriftiness and prosperity in the home, and also patronizes women's handicrafts on Earth. Goddess Makosh is the Main Goddess of Rus'! Thanks to this Goddess, the concept of “unknown fate” exists in Rus', since all the threads of the Fates are in the hands of Mokosh (whose Will is known only to Rod). Patronizing entirely family happiness and prosperity, Makosh is a rather strict and demanding Goddess.

Field work ends, Makoshino Poletye passes, the last warm days of the passing Summer and the Great Holidays begin: Roda, Svarog, Lada, Rozhanitsa, Mother Earth, Harvest!
This is the time of summing up the results, and the onset of the New Summer - making decisions about concluding a marriage, - after all, this is the astronomical Day of the autumn equinox - 1 Ramhat (September 21-22)!
On this day they bring the demand to the Almighty Family and the Heavenly Family - the Ancestors-Forefathers, and also glorify the Earthly Family - all relatives according to the Rule of the living:
“Glory to God Rod forever, praise to us according to our deeds.”

1 Ramkhat (from September 21 to 22) - Svarog Day - the most important day - Day of the autumn equinox - Holiday of the Heavenly Blacksmith. The rituals of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) have already passed. The influence of the Light Gods is falling. The earth remains in the care of Veles...

So that people could survive difficult times, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft. Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. The autumn equinox, or harvest time, was traditionally associated with the procurement of wild or green fruits, gifts from Mother Earth. This equinox is the second of two days in the year when day equals night in the Kola of Svarog, the end of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and remaining grains.
The day of the autumnal equinox reminds of the arrival of winter; during this period, magic rituals are performed to ensure that there is enough food in the winter: the ritual consists of first demonstrating and then eating the best gifts of summer...

According to scientists, the construction of housing and religious buildings began long before our era, because there are still fragments of buildings that even for the ancient Egyptians and Greeks were considered ancient buildings, causing increased interest. Naturally, most of the ancient architectural masterpieces were completely restored, but this did not make them lose their significance.

And this is proven by the fact that modern inhabitants of the planet rush with admiration and reverence to the found temples, mounds and pantheons, because some of them amaze the imagination even now.

At all times, when archaeologists managed to find an ancient city or at least a surviving fragment of a settlement, it was considered great luck. As a rule, such amazing finds, after lengthy research by scientists, over time turned into the most visited places, where streams of tourists flocked and still flock. And this is no wonder, because they are the ones who allow us to lift the curtain of time, telling about the life of our ancestors. Therefore, the authors of Novate.Ru have found 10 of the most interesting ancient buildings, which, after more than one millennium, will take your breath away with their grandeur and cause only admiration.

1. Newgrange Temple in Ireland (built 5.2 thousand years BC)

The ancient religious building of Newgrange, which is located in Ireland, is currently considered the oldest structure that has been discovered by scientists. For many centuries it was considered a burial mound, but this hypothesis was dispelled in the middle of the last century, proving that this was a real prehistoric temple.

2. Bugon Mound or Bugon Necropolis in France (built 4.7 - 3.5 thousand years BC)

The Tumulus of Bougon Cemetery consists of five Stone Age burial mounds located near Poitou-Charente in France. To date, more than 200 burials have been discovered in the ancient necropolis, which were transferred to the Bugon Museum. Considering that the necropolis was created over several centuries, it is not surprising that each mound has its own unique architectural style.

3. Tumulus Saint-Michel in France (built 4.5 thousand years BC)

Tumulus de St-Michel is one of five mounds located east of Carnac in northwestern France. It is the largest grave in continental Europe, because it has a height of 12 m, a length of 125 m and a width of 60. Until 1980, excursions were held in one of the oldest man-made structures, but now the entrance is closed and sealed.

4. Temple complex of Ggantija (built 3.7 thousand years BC)

Ggantija, which means "tower of giants", is a Neolithic megalithic temple complex on the island of Gozo, off the coast of Malta. This powerful ensemble consists of two temples connected to each other, which (according to archaeologists) belong to ritual buildings.

Given the fact that bones and remains of animals, statues of goddesses of fertility and abundance, as well as stone hearths were found in them, it is believed that rituals and sacrifices were carried out in them. Already in the 20th century, this complex was recognized as a monument of world culture and is protected by UNESCO, and at the beginning of the third millennium AD (i.e., from January 1, 2001), Ggantija was completely restored and now welcomes tourists.

Educational: Megaliths are architectural structures created from huge blocks of stone. Megalithic structures discovered in our time date back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC. e. and are characteristic of the late Neolithic and Eneolithic.

5. Midhow Mound in Scotland (built 3.5 thousand years BC)

Midhow is a huge Neolithic tomb (stone mound) that was discovered on the south coast of the Isle of Rousey in Scotland. The stone tomb and broch form a real temple complex with 12 chambers and a main 23-meter passage. The walls of this necropolis rise 2.5 m above the ground.

Unfortunately, the roof of those times has not survived, but experts believe that these were huge monolithic stones. Judging by the fact that the remains of 25 people and animals were found inside the complex, archaeologists suggested that this structure was intended to protect the peace of the deceased and provide relatives with access to their ashes.

Interesting to know: Broch is a round fortification structure created without the use of a fastening mortar (dry masonry method).

6. Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt (built 3 thousand years BC)

This is one of the oldest unprocessed structures that has been found so far and is located in the city of Saqqara in Egypt. This first pyramid, consisting of 6 steps carved from stone, was built for Pharaoh Djoser by his architect Imhotep. The scale of the tomb is truly impressive, because the base, laid out of white limestone, measures 125*115 m and reaches a height of 62 m.

7. Pyramid of Cheops at Giza (built 2560 BC)

The Pyramid of Khufu (as the Egyptians themselves call it) is the only ancient structure that has survived to this day, which is ranked among the 7 wonders of the world. The largest structure created by mankind is truly gigantic in size, given that its base covers an area of ​​53 thousand square meters. m. (10 football fields), and the side surface area reaches 85.5 thousand square meters. m.

Initially, its height was 147 m, but now there are 138 m left to the top. And the most interesting thing is that inside the Cheops pyramid, Egyptologists found only a small portrait in the passage to the queen’s tomb, and there are simply no other inscriptions or decorative paintings. Thus, no evidence has yet been found to prove that the pyramid belonged specifically to Pharaoh Khufu.

8. Mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Egypt (built 1470 BC)

This truly magnificent structure, which has survived to this day, began to be built during the lifetime of Queen Hatshepsut, who was considered a usurper of power. Its incredible size, architectural solutions and huge amount statues had truly sacred meaning in that era, it was not for nothing that he was reverently called “Djeser Djeseru”, which means “The Most Sacred of the Sacred”. But not only the ancient Egyptians were amazed by its greatness; it is still considered one of the most beautiful temple buildings in the world.

9. Acropolis of Athens (Pantheon) in Greece (built 560-527 BC)

This is the most famous monument of ancient architecture located in Greece, was the main temple in ancient Athens and was erected in honor of the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin. The Acropolis consists of a quadrangular structure, built in the style of the ancient Greek Doric order, and is located on the top of a cliff, rising 150 m above sea level.

Over the many centuries of its existence and military operations, the temple was almost completely destroyed, and only after the proclamation of Greek independence began to be restored, and by this time it was completely restored.

10. Great Stupa at Sanchi (built 300 BC)

In the village of Sanchi (India), truly outstanding buildings of early Buddhist culture have been preserved to this day, among which the Great Stupa is considered the main attraction. According to legend, it was in it that the main relics of Buddha were kept. This unusual and delightful structure, having a diameter of 36 m and a height of 15 m, is crowned by three harliks ​​(umbrellas), which symbolize the past, present and future of the Buddha.

Our ancient system for measuring time intervals was simple, accessible and visual, as it was based on well-known astronomical phenomena.

In ancient times, the Slavs had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day...

It's coming now 7521 years since the Creation of the world in the Star Temple. In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus we have " new system countdown."

This very peace treaty between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). The Great Race then won, which was depicted in the form of an image - A white knight on a horse strikes a Dragon with a spear. Now the original meaning of this image has already been forgotten, since it is heavily exploited by the Christian church under the name “St. George the Victorious.”

Different peoples living in Europe had different systems for counting days. This wide variety of calendar systems sometimes introduced great confusion into the definition of “big trading days,” so in 45 BC. e. by decree of Emperor Julius Caesar, was introduced "new" calendar system, which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire.

Christian missionaries who went to “enlighten” the pagans of Europe faced serious problems. Even if they introduced someone to a new faith, they immediately encountered problems of misunderstanding when to celebrate holidays or at what time to observe fasts.

A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly determine which date of the local calendar corresponded to the Julian calendar, because local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides, comparable dates were constantly “floating”.

Only one way out was found. Ban the old calendar and introduce a new one - Julian.

The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus'. The people did not accept the introduced Julian calendar. It was not clear to him why a foreign calendar was needed on Russian soil, with numbered months in Latin, of which there were three more, and besides, it began not on the Day of the Autumn Equinox, but at the beginning of spring.

But Christians found a way out of this situation: they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar - and the months, instead of numbers in Latin, received Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Grass, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen, Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyuty.

Only in this form were Christians able to impose Slavic peoples someone else's calendar. In other Slavic countries the same reconstruction of the Julian calendar was done, and the months received their Slavic names...

Our Slavic calendar - or, as we say, Kolyada's Gift- was banned by Peter the Great. In Summer 7208 (1699) he issued a decree abolishing all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers ) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated start date- 1700:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and joy, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults shouldn’t indulge in drunkenness and massacres—there are plenty of other days for that.”

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, that is, on January 1 Christian Church The Circumcision of the Lord was celebrated.

This date was chosen by Peter the Great. By his decree, he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the Happy New Year, that is, with the “New God” (God - English God)

Slavic New Year(we did not have the concept of “year”, there was only “summer”) began at the point of the autumnal equinox (in modern September), which was easily determined on the horizon by periodically observing the place of sunrise or sunset of Yarila the Sun. The points of the autumn and spring equinoxes on the horizon coincide and lie strictly between the points of the summer and winter solstice. Therefore, having once determined the winter and summer solstices and the point between them, and then placing the corresponding three landmarks on the horizon (mounds, dolmens, etc.), you can quite accurately record the New Year, as well as the rotation of the day to decrease and increase.

The modern calendar has been complicated to serve political interests. So, now, the New Year begins on a day that is unremarkable from the point of view of an observer of celestial phenomena.

New days used to begin at the moment of setting of the Yarila-Sun on the day of the equinox - very simply and clearly. Now the day begins at night, when everyone is sleeping. But even if you weren’t sleeping, you still can’t record the beginning of a new day, since there’s nothing to observe in the sky at that moment.

Have you ever wondered why the adverb “today” is used when referring to a night that has already passed? They say: "tonight". After all, the new day seemed to have already begun exactly at midnight. This means it’s already yesterday’s night... As a child, I puzzled over this question for a long time, and the adults could not explain this point to me, because they themselves did not know. They just got used to talking like that, but there was no understanding anymore.

But this is yet another confirmation of the existence of the old chronology system. The new day for the Slavs began at the end of the day, in the evening, and the night already referred to the coming day. This is what happened in the morning - “ WITHtoday At night I dreamed...«.

IN " Dark times“The week was shortened from nine to seven days thanks to fans of the lunar cult. Yes, yes, the Slavs used to have nine days in a week. Remember Ershov's fairy tale " Little Humpbacked Horse«: "And on the first seventh week he went to the capital city", "...here octagon already passed, and week came..."

The number of months in a year increased, and their names changed, as some ancient rulers wanted to perpetuate their name by inventing new months and giving them their name. First, the names of the first nine months were changed and a tenth was added. December in Latin means "tenth month". The ninth month was called November, the eighth - October, the seventh - September.

Then, at the whim of ambitious and vain rulers, they added two more months in the middle of the year ( July- lat. Julius - in honor of Julius Caesar; August- lat. Augustus - in honor of Emperor Augustus). And December has already become twelfth in order, although it continued (and continues) to mean “tenth” in the sense of its Latin root. The same applies to the words “September”, “October” and “November”, which, contrary to the meaning of their roots, became the designations of the corresponding ninth, tenth and eleventh months.

Due to the increase in the number of months, a leapfrog occurred in their duration. It has shrunk (just like in the famous cartoon about sewing sheepskin hats: is seven possible? - maybe seven!), and since there were no more days in the year than there are (365 or 366), the months became 31, 30, 28 or 29 days. Due to these changes, months and years began to begin on different days of the week. The order of ancient chronology has collapsed.

The number of hours in a day was increased to 24, changing the duration of an hour and thereby losing the concept of a part, a beat, a moment, an instant, a moment. And to top it all off, these short periods of time began to be measured in Sumerian, sexagesimal number system. An hour is divided into 60 minutes, and a minute into 60 seconds. Much later, the second began to be divided into parts already in the decimal number system - into milliseconds, microseconds, etc.

Many elements of the Slavic calendar ( Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog) have survived to this day in the form of sayings and customs, the origins of which have already been forgotten. For example, Great funeral feast, that is, the commemoration of the deceased, takes place after a week and a month, that is, on the ninth and fortieth day. The seventh day of the week is commemorated, for on this day Dazhdbog was crucified in the Caucasus Mountains.

In ancient times, a girl got married only after 16 years, or 144 months, which is one Circle of the Daarian Circle; before this period she carried the message, learned the Message, and after that she stopped telling the message and became bride.

The mother carried the child in her womb for seven months (in ancient time reckoning) and then fed him with breast milk for forty forty (months). And after forty forty, or four years and four months, after the birth of the first child, a woman began a period of life improvement, as a result of which she becomes in charge mother(or a witch).

369 weeks after the birth of a person, the era of his spiritual training began, for in nine years The first Great introduction to the ancient wisdom of the gods and ancestors took place.

At 108 months, or at 12 years old, a person came of age, and he passed coming of age and naming rites, and after another 108 months, he, accepting spiritual consecration by the Sacred Fire, had to learn the true meaning of the existence of his Family and the true meaning of the family name.

At the age of 33, each of our ancestors had a time of spiritual improvement. And at 369 months, or 41 years, the era of spiritual insight began.

On the one hand, for those who are new to our website and have little understanding of the Slavic chronology, such a title may seem strange. On the other hand, we don’t want to “start all over again” and explain what Svarog circle And Kolyada's Gift. For this we already have .

However, for our new readers we will make a short excursion. Firstly, the Slavs counted the years from the Creation of the world in the Star Temple (this is what the abbreviation SMZH means). Moreover, according to various sources, “the creation of the world” cannot be understood literally, it is only a designation of a cycle. Secondly, the New Year begins among the Slavs in September, that is, literally the other day - September 22, 2017.
That is, now is the time to give forecasts for New Summer, 7526 from SMZH.

In fact, now we will present you a unique one of a kind Slavic “horoscope” for summer 7526, and compiled not according to the usual zodiac, as many Slavic sites sin, but according to the Svarozh circle.

The new summer will force those born under this palace to use the full range of its inherent qualities. You will need to be brave, decisive and go ahead, as they say. As you understand, this will not be particularly difficult for you - this is your usual style, but this summer this approach to business and personal life will be correct and successful. The main thing is not to miss the right moments with your ears. We would also advise you to moderate your ardor when it comes to finding a partner for a long-term relationship or family matters; here you will obviously need to slow down a little. A special amulet belt can help with this. Summer of prospects. Alluring, but distant. The implementation of any plans is possible, but not immediately and only with significant effort. It will be necessary to sacrifice immediate desires for the sake of a greater future benefit. And it will be worth it. Your family and friends will help you move forward. If you haven't found a match yet, this summer it is possible, but only if you overcome your shyness. Various paraphernalia with the symbols of wolves can help you with this, for example, such a cute pendant. A good time to take a break from previously accomplished things, you deserve it. Summer will proceed smoothly and without incident. You can go on a long trip (just don’t forget to take your Wolf Guard with you) and learn something new. You can engage in self-improvement. But in your personal life, minor troubles are possible. Yes, but it’s only your fault. While relaxing yourself, do not forget that others are working, including on relationships. Appreciate this and don’t be too demanding, let alone capricious. Summer cannot be called bad, but during this period it is better not to start any major undertakings, not to change jobs or areas of activity, or to invest funds anywhere. Live a measured life, don’t be fooled by “tempting offers”, and everything will be fine. Your family and friends will help you and surround you with care and attention. By the way, this summer is good for the continuation of your Family. For single people, we recommend traveling more; there is a chance that your destiny awaits you somewhere you have never been before. Undoubtedly a successful summer for all those born under this palace. But especially for those whose activities are connected with the creation of something new and useful, both in the physical (inventions, craft) and metaphysical (teachings, writing) sense. The fruits of your labors will be appreciated. In your personal life, we advise you not to rush to be disappointed in people, but to first give them at least a chance to correct their mistakes. This summer will be a natural continuation of the previous one. What you started earlier will be completed or successfully continued. The results of your affairs, visible both to you and to those around you, will appear this summer. But no new achievements are expected. Personal life will develop according to the same principle. You will be clearly successful with the opposite sex due to your achievements. But consider two extremes. On the one hand, there is a danger of attracting those who will be more interested in your achievements than you are. On the other hand, you can become arrogant and miss the real interest. To activate intuition and receive tips from the gods, you should pay attention to protective objects with the Alatyr symbol. The new summer brings noticeable improvements at work. The power and grace inherent in your palace will help you take leadership at the right time, which will be noticed and rewarded. As a break from the work routine, we recommend doing something new, in which amulets with the Thurisaz rune or the Triscal symbol will help you. No changes are expected in your personal life, and if any troubles arise for you or your loved ones, you, as usual, will resolve everything. This summer is a good time to implement both old and new ideas. The only caveat is that they need to be implemented immediately, since there is a danger that someone will do something similar earlier and take the laurels for themselves. If you get there first, you will get what you wanted, be it fame or something worldly. But in personal life, this approach will not work: here, on the contrary, it is better to be careful, as always. We recommend using standard symbols for the palace: signs of Veles, Wolf, native palace. Summer will bring a lot of troubles. Nevertheless, the cunning and caution inherent in the palace will help you get out of them (or even predict them). Don’t let yourself be drawn into other people’s conflicts and drive yourself crazy - ill-wishers can take advantage of these. Personal life will proceed smoothly, “as usual.” But for those who have not yet found a mate, a gift of fate may await them. This summer it's worth taking the bull by the horns. Stand up to your full height and start doing what you need, not what you want. Lead people (you can’t do it alone), use your innate perseverance. And success will be achieved. As for your personal life, this summer is a great time for arranging harmony in every sense. Improve relationships, help loved ones, make small repairs, buy... The plans and ideas that appear in the new Summer will be successfully implemented and without much effort. There will be an opportunity to travel and take a break from family worries. New friends and acquaintances will appear, some of which will have an impact on later life. But you shouldn’t trust everyone: among your new acquaintances there may be unkind people who want to take advantage of your successes. We recommend purchasing Nauz for Protection from Dark Forces. Difficult summer. Most potential problems will arise at work, and most often will be initiated by you. Try to be less demanding and rude with colleagues and subordinates, do not argue with your superiors. Vseslavets will protect you from unnecessary quarrels. But in your personal life everything will be fine. Single people will finally achieve the favor of their sweethearts, and married people will live in harmony. In the new summer, you should moderate your ardor and not get involved in adventures. It will no longer be possible to solve all problems hastily. If you approach the solution of any problem with sense, feeling and alignment, success will not be long in coming. In your personal life, you should pay attention to your behavior; often it will be the beginning of conflicts. Spend more time with your family and friends, learn to understand them, then everything will be fine. The Slavic Nauz-amulet in a family way can help you in this matter. The new summer will be difficult, but interesting. Luck and material well-being will increase. But for this you will have to sweat and step over your principles: be more gentle with others, be lenient towards other people’s promises (but always keep your own). Although the representatives of this palace are only tempered by difficulties. It will be so now. But after overcoming the next obstacle, we advise you to relax in peace and quiet and take care of your health. The biggest changes are expected in your personal life and definitely for the better. The meeting of your betrothed or your betrothed is more real than ever, the main thing is not to overlook it. For already married people, summer marks an improvement in the atmosphere in the family. We advise you to make repairs, update something in the house. But be careful in actions under the influence of emotions: they can be misunderstood or even lead to the opposite results. The coming summer has many surprises in store for you. There will be so many changes that you won’t even have time to realize them. And in vain. Indeed, during this summer, in the general whirlpool of events, changes for the better can await you - both in material terms, and in opportunities for self-realization, and in your personal life. All you need to do is catch the guiding thread and not let go; for example, amulets with the Alatyr symbol can help with this. For those who have already found a match, family life will become the very “safe haven” that will be so needed.