The order of the air unit. Love and sex

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten... There is very little left until the great Victory Day, in a couple of days the Internet will be full of photographs from the parade. In the meantime, we invite you to remember how the Victory Day parade took place last year.

(Total 35 photos)

1. Russian MIG-29 fighter jets, the Ilyushin Il 78 tanker and the Tupolev Tu-95 aircraft fly over the Kremlin in Moscow on May 7, 2009 during the dress rehearsal for the Victory Day parade. (NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA/AFP/Getty Images)

3. Topol missile systems enter Red Square against the backdrop of St. Basil's Cathedral on April 28, 2009, during a rehearsal for the Victory Day parade. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

4. A couple kisses in front of heavy artillery passing by. Russian army to Red Square on April 28, 2009. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

6. A column of Msta-S self-propelled artillery units rides along Red Square at the parade on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

7. President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at the parade in honor of Victory Day on May 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Grigory Dukor)

8. A Russian honor guard stands at attention during a parade on Red Square in 2009. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

9. T-90 tanks drive along Red Square against the backdrop of the State Historical Museum on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

10. Russian military personnel march at a parade in Moscow on May 9 last year. (REUTERS/Grigory Dukor)

11. A man holds the flags of Russia and Bulgaria near the monument Soviet army in the center of Sofia on May 9, 20009. (REUTERS/Stoyan Nenov)

12. Belarusian soldiers at the parade in honor of Victory Day in Minsk. The Great Patriotic War did not bypass Belarus, which every year honors the memory of soldiers killed in the war. (VIKTOR DRACHEV/AFP/Getty Images)

13. A WWII veteran in a naval uniform celebrates Victory Day with his comrades on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel)

14. Russian BTR-90 armored personnel carriers drive along the streets of Moscow on May 7, 2009 during. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

15. Two Ka-50 helicopters (codenamed “Black Shark”) fly over Red Square during the Victory Day celebrations on May 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Alexander Natruskin)

16. Russian soldiers march at the rehearsal of the Victory Day parade on April 24 in Alabino. (Dmitry Korotayev/Epsilon/Getty Images)

17. A boy runs past the “wall of memory” of the heroes of the USSR who died in the war, at the memorial in Kyiv on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

18. A WWII veteran stands near the red star of the USSR at a communist demonstration in the center of Moscow on May 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Alexander Natruskin)

19. Russian soldiers on the Sprut SD salute the spectators at the parade on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

20. Dmitry Medvedev gives a speech on Red Square at the Victory Day parade on May 9. Russia threatened its enemies to abandon all attempts to display aggression against the country, demonstrating the full power of its weapons, including missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. (NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA/AFP/Getty Images)

21. Russian cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations march at the annual parade in honor of Victory Day on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

22. Moldovan soldiers hold flowers in memory of those killed at the Victory Monument in Chisinau on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/John McConnico)

23. Seven-year-old Victor in a traditional Ukrainian costume puts flowers on the monument to the unknown soldier in Kyiv. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

24. Topol missile systems ride along Red Square at the parade on May 9, 2009. (Alexander Zemlanichenko Jr/Bloomberg News)

25. Traditional salute at the walls of the Kremlin at the parade on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel)

26. Russian fighter jets and Tu-160 fly over Red Square. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

27. Russian cadet at the parade in honor of Victory Day in Grozny on May 9, 2009. (REUTERS/Said Tsarnayev)

28. A woman at the grave of a WWII hero at a military cemetery in Moscow on May 8, 2009. (Alexey SAZONOV/AFP/Getty Images)

29. A man stands at the monument German soldiers, who died in the Second World War, in Korpovo. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

30. People throw flowers on the coffins with the remains of WWII prisoners of war during a reburial ceremony at the Field of Memory, near the Ukrainian city of Slavuta, Khmelnytsky district on May 8, 2009. The Field of Memory is located on the site of a former concentration camp where more than 150,000 Soviet soldiers died. (MYKHAYLO MARKIV/AFP/Getty Images)

31. A volunteer inspects the site of a mass grave of unknown Soviet soldiers who died in the Second World War in the city of Pochinok on May 3, 2009. Search teams wanted to identify as many remains as possible by Victory Day. The remains of 221 soldiers were found at this location. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

32. A member of military archeology works at the site of mass graves of unknown Soviet soldiers in the city of Pochinok. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

33. A volunteer demonstrates the capsules in which pieces of paper with the names of soldiers were stored. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

34. A member of the search party launches a signal flare in Demyansk. (DMITRY KOSTYUKOV/AFP/Getty Images)

35. The eternal flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier against the backdrop of new buildings in Kyiv on May 9, 2009. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

The parade was commanded by the commander of the Moscow Military District, Colonel General Valery Vasilyevich Gerasimov, and the Russian Minister of Defense, Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov, hosted the parade. The President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev made a solemn speech at the parade.

A number of high-ranking officials were present at the parade officials states, including: Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, Chairman of the Federation Council S.M. Mironov, Chairman of the State Duma B.V. Gryzlov.

Parade program

At the beginning of the parade, the National Flag of Russia and the Victory Banner were carried out, after which Minister of Defense Serdyukov and the commander of the Moscow District Gerasimov toured the troops in two ZIL-115 convertibles and congratulated the participants on the 64th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The Minister of Defense reported on the readiness of the parade to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, after which Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev made a solemn speech. Then the parade of troops took place - first, boxes of soldiers and officers of various troops and military schools walked across Red Square, then military equipment passed, and finally aircraft flew over GUM.

Troops represented

Along Red Square, the vehicles moved in two rows (with the exception of the Topol complexes); some boxes, instead of their own vehicles, were headed by command UAZ-469s. .

The order of ground military equipment

Cars! Military unit
Column No. 1
9 GAZ-2975 "Tiger" 10th separate special forces brigade
9 BTR-80 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division (1st Guards Motorized Rifle Sevastopol Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment)
9 BMP-3 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division (15th Guards Shavlinsky Motorized Rifle Regiment)
9 T-90 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division (1st Guards Tank Regiment named after Marshal of Armored Forces Katukov)
8 self-propelled guns 2S25SD "Sprut" * 234th Guards Black Sea Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree air assault regiment named after Alexander Nevsky 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division (Pskov) At the head of the column is the commander of the 234th Guards. dshp guards Colonel Vadim Govorov
8 self-propelled guns 2S19 “Msta-S” * 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division (147th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery Simferopol Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment)
Column No. 2
8 SZRK 9K37M1 "Buk" * Anti-aircraft missile brigade
8 MLRS 9K58 “Smerch” * Guards Rocket Artillery Brigade
4 S-300PMU “Favorite” air defense systems *
4 S-400 Triumph air defense systems**
Anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Special Forces Command
4 SPU 9P78 “Iskander” *
4 TZM 9T250 Iskander**
Separate missile brigade
4 SMBC RT-2PM “Topol” * Ivanovsky Regiment of the Teikov Missile Division
* - headed by a command UAZ-469 ** - without a command car

A total of 101 units were presented at the parade military equipment(of which 13 are UAZ-469).

Support and escort were provided by engineering armored vehicles BREM "Topaz", wheeled and tracked (MTLB) tank tractors, command and staff vehicles and other equipment. The above types of equipment, together with reserve units, did not move along Red Square, but remained outside its borders and were to be used only if necessary.

The order of the air unit

A total of 69 aircraft took part in the aerial part of the parade. Air Force Russia - 17 helicopters and 52 airplanes. Their number has more than doubled compared to the 2008 parade.

Group number Group composition Military unit
1 Mi-8 with flags of Russia, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Air Force on the suspension - 3 units. 206th Air Base of the 8th Special Purpose Aviation Division (Malino)
2 Mi-26 - 1 unit, Ka-50 - 2 units, Ka-52 - 2 units. Torzhok)
3 Mi-28 - 3 units. 344th Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Army Aviation Flight Personnel (Torzhok)
4 Mi-24 - 6 units. Aerobatic team "Berkuts" (344th TsBP and PLS AA).
5 Su-25 - 5 units. (Klin formation) 899th Guards ShAP (Buturlinovka)
6 An-124 "Ruslan" - 1 unit. and Su-27 - 4 units. n/a
7 A-50 (b/n 50) - 1 unit. and Su-27 - 4 units. A-50 - 2457th air base for the combat use of long-range radar detection aircraft (Ivanovo-Severny)
Su-27 - n/a
8 IL-78 - 1 unit. (imitation refueling - 2 hoses) and Su-24 - 2 units. Il-78 - 203rd Guards Oryol Aviation Regiment of tanker aircraft (Dyaghilevo)
Su-24 - n/a
9 Il-78 Tu-95MS (w/n 21) - 1 unit. and MiG-29 - 4 units. Diaghilevo)
Tu-95MS - 184th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment (Engels)
MiG-29 - n/a
10 IL-78 - 1 unit. (imitation refueling - 1 hose), Tu-160 (b/n 10) - 1 unit. and MiG-31BM - 4 units. Il-78 - 203rd Guards Oryol Aviation Regiment of tanker aircraft (Dyaghilevo)
Tu-160 - 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment (Engels)
MiG-31 - n/a
11 Tu-22M3 - 3 units. aircraft - 52nd heavy bomber aviation regiment (Shaikovka)
crews - 840th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment (Soltsy)
12 Su-34 - 1 unit, Su-24 - 3 units, Su-27 - 4 units. and MiG-29 - 2 units. 4th Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Air Force Flight Personnel
13 Su-27 - 5 units. and MiG-29 - 4 units. (diamond formation) Aerobatic teams “Russian Knights” and “Swifts” (Kubinka)

It was planned that planes and helicopters participating in the parade would fly over Red Square with new identification marks, which were proposed by the Russian Government and approved by the State Duma. The draft of the new identification mark was a five-pointed star bordered by blue and white stripes and a red line along the contour. Some aircraft were pre-applied with new identification marks, however, the bill on their adoption was rejected by the Federation Council. In this regard, the new stars were repainted to resemble the old ones.

Preparing for the parade

According to some expert estimates, the parade cost half a billion rubles, of which 200 million rubles were allocated from the Moscow city budget.

Musical accompaniment

The Victory Parade was accompanied by the combined orchestra of the Moscow garrison, which included 19 orchestras consisting of a total of 1000 musicians. The parade began with a performance by the drummers of the Military Academy of the Military University and ended with the march of the combined military orchestra of the Moscow garrison.

List of works from the service repertoire for the musical support of the military parade on May 9, 2009.

I. Meeting of the Victory Banner:

1. March of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment

II. Detour of troops:

1. S. Chernetsky “Counter march of the victorious tankers” 2. D. Kadeev “Counter march to carry out the battle flag” 3. N. Ivanov-Radkevich “Guards counter march of the Navy” 4. S. Chernetsky “Counter march of military schools” 5 . D. Pertsev “Counter March” 6. S. Chernetsky “Counter March of the Red Army” 7. E. Aksenov “Counter March” 8. M. Glinka “Glory” (from the opera “Life for the Tsar”) 9. A. Golovin “Moscow ceremonial fanfare” (“Listen everyone”)

III. End of the President's speech Russian Federation:

1. State Anthem of the Russian Federation 2. Signal “All clear!”

IV. Passage of foot columns in a solemn march:

1. V. Agapkin march “Farewell of a Slav” 2. V. Runov “In Defense of the Motherland” 3. Y. Khait “Everything Higher” 4. V. Pleshak “The crew is one family” 5. B. Okudzhava “We need one victory” 6. V. Khalilov “Kant” 7. B. Diev march “Guardian of the world” 8. E. Hanok “Serve Russia” 9. D. Tukhmanov “Victory Day”

V. Passage of a mechanized column:

1. March “Triumph of the Winners” 2. M. Blanter “Katyusha” 3. T. Khrennikov “March of the Artillerymen” 4. March “Hero”

VI. Aviation flight:

1. Y. Khait “Everything Higher” 2. V. Solovyov-Sedoy “Pilots” 3. Yu. Khayt “Everything Higher” 4. V. Solovyov-Sedoy “Pilots”

VII. End of the parade:

1. B. Alexandrov “Long live our state” 2. A. Alexandrov “Song about the Soviet Army”

The conductor of the combined orchestra is the head of the Military Band Service of the RF Armed Forces - Chief Military Conductor, Major General Valery Khalilov.

TV broadcast

The parade was broadcast from 10:00 to 10:55 on Channel One, the Rossiya channel, TVC, Vesti and the Zvezda TV channel.

Parades in other cities

  • Yekaterinburg (on the 1905 Goda Square)
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • St. Petersburg (on Palace Square)
  • Saratov (on Teatralnaya Square)
  • as well as other cities.

Write a review of the article "Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2009"


  1. . Live broadcast recording
  2. The commander of the parade crew has not changed compared to 2008
  3. on the blog
  4. Newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets No. 99 (25.051) dated May 12 (Tuesday) 2009, article “The parade has become an expensive show”, p. 2

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An excerpt characterizing the Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2009

- Where, where did she stay? - said Pierre. From the expression on his animated face, his woman realized that this man could help her.
- Father! Father! – she screamed, grabbing his legs. “Benefactor, at least calm my heart... Aniska, go, you vile one, see her off,” she shouted at the girl, angrily opening her mouth and with this movement showing off her long teeth even more.
“Show me off, show me off, I’ll... I’ll... I’ll do it,” Pierre said hastily in a breathless voice.
The dirty girl came out from behind the chest, tidied up her braid and, sighing, walked forward along the path with her blunt bare feet. Pierre seemed to suddenly come to life after a severe faint. He raised his head higher, his eyes lit up with the sparkle of life, and he quickly followed the girl, overtook her and went out onto Povarskaya. The entire street was covered in a cloud of black smoke. Tongues of flame burst out here and there from this cloud. A large crowd of people crowded in front of the fire. A French general stood in the middle of the street and said something to those around him. Pierre, accompanied by the girl, approached the place where the general stood; but French soldiers stopped him.
“On ne passe pas, [They don’t pass here,”] a voice shouted to him.
- Here, uncle! - said the girl. - We'll go through the Nikulins along the alley.
Pierre turned back and walked, occasionally jumping up to keep up with her. The girl ran across the street, turned left into an alley and, after passing three houses, turned right into the gate.
“Right here now,” said the girl, and, running through the yard, she opened the gate in the plank fence and, stopping, pointed to Pierre a small wooden outbuilding that burned brightly and hotly. One side of it collapsed, the other was burning, and the flames were shining brightly from under the window openings and from under the roof.
When Pierre entered the gate, he was overcome with heat, and he involuntarily stopped.
-Which, which is your house? he asked.
- Oh oh oh! - the girl howled, pointing to the outbuilding. “He’s the one, she’s the one who was our very own.” You burned, my treasure, Katechka, my beloved young lady, oh, oh! - Aniska howled at the sight of the fire, feeling the need to express her feelings.
Pierre leaned towards the outbuilding, but the heat was so strong that he involuntarily described an arc around the outbuilding and found himself next to big house, which was still burning only on one side of the roof and around which a crowd of French was swarming. Pierre at first did not understand what these French were doing, carrying something; but, seeing in front of him a Frenchman who was beating a peasant with a blunt cleaver, taking away his fox fur coat, Pierre vaguely understood that they were robbing here, but he had no time to dwell on this thought.
The sound of the crackling and roar of collapsing walls and ceilings, the whistle and hiss of flames and animated cries of the people, the sight of wavering, now sullen, thick black, now soaring lightening clouds of smoke with sparkles and sometimes solid, sheaf-shaped, red, sometimes scaly golden flame moving along the walls , the sensation of heat and smoke and the speed of movement produced on Pierre their usual stimulating effect of fires. This effect was especially strong on Pierre, because Pierre suddenly, at the sight of this fire, felt freed from the thoughts that were weighing him down. He felt young, cheerful, agile and determined. He ran around the outbuilding from the side of the house and was about to run to the part of it that was still standing, when a cry of several voices was heard above his head, followed by the cracking and ringing of something heavy that fell next to him.
Pierre looked around and saw the French in the windows of the house, who had thrown out a chest of drawers filled with some kind of metal things. Other French soldiers below approached the box.
“Eh bien, qu"est ce qu"il veut celui la, [This one still needs something," one of the French shouted at Pierre.
- Un enfant dans cette maison. N"avez vous pas vu un enfant? [A child in this house. Have you seen the child?] - said Pierre.
– Tiens, qu"est ce qu"il chante celui la? Va te promener, [What else is this interpreting? “Get to hell,” voices were heard, and one of the soldiers, apparently afraid that Pierre would take it into his head to take away the silver and bronze that were in the box, advanced threateningly towards him.
- Un enfant? - the Frenchman shouted from above. - J"ai entendu piailler quelque chose au jardin. Peut etre c"est sou moutard au bonhomme. Faut etre humain, voyez vous... [Child? I heard something squeaking in the garden. Maybe it's his child. Well, it is necessary according to humanity. We are all human...]
– Ou est il? Ou est il? [Where is he? Where is he?] asked Pierre.
- Par ici! Par ici! [Here, here!] - the Frenchman shouted to him from the window, pointing to the garden that was behind the house. – Attendez, je vais descendre. [Wait, I'll get off now.]
And indeed, a minute later a Frenchman, a black-eyed fellow with some kind of spot on his cheek, in only his shirt, jumped out of the window of the lower floor and, slapping Pierre on the shoulder, ran with him into the garden.
“Depechez vous, vous autres,” he shouted to his comrades, “commence a faire chaud.” [Hey, you're more lively, it's starting to get hot.]
Running out behind the house onto a sand-strewn path, the Frenchman pulled Pierre's hand and pointed him towards the circle. Under the bench lay a three-year-old girl in a pink dress.
– Voila votre moutard. “Ah, une petite, tant mieux,” said the Frenchman. - Au revoir, mon gros. Faut être humaine. Nous sommes tous mortels, voyez vous, [Here is your child. Ah, girl, so much the better. Goodbye, fat man. Well, it is necessary according to humanity. All people,] - and the Frenchman with a spot on his cheek ran back to his comrades.
Pierre, gasping for joy, ran up to the girl and wanted to take her in his arms. But, seeing a stranger, the scrofulous, unpleasant-looking, scrofulous, mother-like girl screamed and ran away. Pierre, however, grabbed her and lifted her into his arms; she screamed in a desperately angry voice and with her small hands began to tear Pierre’s hands away from her and bite them with her snotty mouth. Pierre was overcome by a feeling of horror and disgust, similar to the one he experienced when touching some small animal. But he made an effort over himself so as not to abandon the child, and ran with him back to the big house. But it was no longer possible to go back the same way; the girl Aniska was no longer there, and Pierre, with a feeling of pity and disgust, hugging the painfully sobbing and wet girl as tenderly as possible, ran through the garden to look for another way out.

When Pierre, having run around courtyards and alleys, came back with his burden to Gruzinsky’s garden, on the corner of Povarskaya, at first he did not recognize the place from which he had gone to fetch the child: it was so cluttered with people and belongings pulled out of houses. In addition to Russian families with their goods, who were fleeing here from the fire, there were also several French soldiers in various attire. Pierre did not pay attention to them. He was in a hurry to find the official’s family in order to give his daughter to his mother and go again to save someone else. It seemed to Pierre that he had a lot more to do and quickly. Inflamed from the heat and running around, Pierre at that moment, even more strongly than before, experienced that feeling of youth, revival and determination that overwhelmed him as he ran to save the child. The girl now became quiet and, holding Pierre’s caftan with her hands, sat on his hand and, like a wild animal, looked around her. Pierre occasionally glanced at her and smiled slightly. It seemed to him that he saw something touchingly innocent and angelic in this frightened and painful face.
Neither the official nor his wife were in their former place. Pierre walked quickly among the people, looking at the different faces that came his way. Involuntarily he noticed a Georgian or Armenian family, consisting of a handsome, very old man with an oriental face, dressed in a new covered sheepskin coat and new boots, an old woman of the same type and a young woman. This very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of oriental beauty, with her sharp, arched black eyebrows and a long, unusually tenderly ruddy and beautiful face without any expression. Among the scattered belongings, in the crowd in the square, she, in her rich satin cloak and a bright purple scarf covering her head, resembled a delicate greenhouse plant thrown out into the snow. She sat on a bundle somewhat behind the old woman and motionlessly looked at the ground with her large black elongated eyes with long eyelashes. Apparently, she knew her beauty and was afraid for it. This face struck Pierre, and in his haste, walking along the fence, he looked back at her several times. Having reached the fence and still not finding those he needed, Pierre stopped, looking around.
The figure of Pierre with a child in his arms was now even more remarkable than before, and several Russian men and women gathered around him.
– Or lost someone, dear man? Are you one of the nobles yourself, or what? Whose child is it? - they asked him.
Pierre answered that the child belonged to a woman in a black cloak, who was sitting with the children in this place, and asked if anyone knew her and where she had gone.
“It must be the Anferovs,” said the old deacon, turning to the pockmarked woman. “Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy,” he added in his usual bass voice.
- Where are the Anferovs! - said the woman. – The Anferovs left in the morning. And these are either the Marya Nikolaevnas or the Ivanovs.
“He says she’s a woman, but Marya Nikolaevna is a lady,” said the yard man.
“Yes, you know her, long teeth, thin,” said Pierre.
- And there is Marya Nikolaevna. “They went into the garden, when these wolves swooped in,” the woman said, pointing at the French soldiers.
“Oh, Lord have mercy,” the deacon added again.
- You go over there, they are there. She is. “I kept getting upset and crying,” the woman said again. - She is. Here it is.
But Pierre did not listen to the woman. For several seconds now, without taking his eyes off, he looked at what was happening a few steps away from him. He looked at the Armenian family and two French soldiers who approached the Armenians. One of these soldiers, a small, fidgety man, was dressed in a blue overcoat belted with a rope. He had a cap on his head and his feet were bare. The other, who especially struck Pierre, was a long, stooped, blond, thin man with slow movements and an idiotic expression on his face. This one was dressed in a frieze hood, blue trousers and large torn boots. A little Frenchman, without boots, in a blue hiss, approached the Armenians, immediately, saying something, took hold of the old man’s legs, and the old man immediately began hastily to take off his boots. The other, in a hood, stopped opposite the beautiful Armenian woman and silently, motionless, holding his hands in his pockets, looked at her.
“Take, take the child,” said Pierre, handing over the girl and addressing the woman imperiously and hastily. - Give it to them, give it to them! - he shouted almost at the woman, putting the screaming girl on the ground, and again looked back at the French and the Armenian family. The old man was already sitting barefoot. The little Frenchman took off his last boot and clapped the boots one against the other. The old man, sobbing, said something, but Pierre only caught a glimpse of it; all his attention was turned to the Frenchman in the hood, who at that time, slowly swaying, moved towards the young woman and, taking his hands out of his pockets, grabbed her neck.
The beautiful Armenian woman continued to sit in the same motionless position, with her long eyelashes lowered, and as if she did not see or feel what the soldier was doing to her.
While Pierre ran those few steps that separated him from the French, a long marauder in a hood was already tearing the necklace she was wearing from the Armenian woman’s neck, and the young woman, clutching her neck with her hands, screamed in a shrill voice.
– Laissez cette femme! [Leave this woman!] - Pierre croaked in a frantic voice, grabbing the long, hunched soldier by the shoulders and throwing him away. The soldier fell, got up and ran away. But his comrade, throwing away his boots, took out a cleaver and menacingly advanced on Pierre.
- Voyons, pas de betises! [Well, well! Don’t be stupid!] – he shouted.
Pierre was in that rapture of rage in which he remembered nothing and in which his strength increased tenfold. He rushed at the barefoot Frenchman and, before he could take out his cleaver, he had already knocked him down and was hammering at him with his fists. An approving cry from the surrounding crowd was heard, and at the same time a mounted patrol of French lancers appeared around the corner. The lancers trotted up to Pierre and the Frenchman and surrounded them. Pierre did not remember anything of what happened next. He remembered that he had beaten someone, he had been beaten, and that in the end he felt that his hands were tied, that a crowd of French soldiers was standing around him and searching his dress.
“Il a un poignard, lieutenant, [Lieutenant, he has a dagger,”] were the first words that Pierre understood.
- Ah, une arme! [Ah, weapons!] - said the officer and turned to the barefoot soldier who was taken with Pierre.
“C"est bon, vous direz tout cela au conseil de guerre, [Okay, okay, you’ll tell everything at the trial," said the officer. And after that he turned to Pierre: “Parlez vous francais vous?” [Do you speak French? ]
Pierre looked around him with bloodshot eyes and did not answer. His face probably seemed very scary, because the officer said something in a whisper, and four more lancers separated from the team and stood on both sides of Pierre.
– Parlez vous francais? – the officer repeated the question to him, staying away from him. - Faites venir l "interprete. [Call an interpreter.] - A small man in a Russian civilian dress came out from behind the rows. Pierre, by his attire and speech, immediately recognized him as a Frenchman from one of the Moscow shops.
“Il n"a pas l"air d"un homme du peuple, [He does not look like a commoner," said the translator, looking at Pierre.
– Oh, oh! ca m"a bien l"air d"un des incendiaires," the officer blurred. "Demandez lui ce qu"il est? [Oh, oh! he looks a lot like an arsonist. Ask him who he is?] – he added.
-Who are you? – asked the translator. “The authorities must answer,” he said.
– Je ne vous dirai pas qui je suis. Je suis votre prisonnier. Emmenez moi, [I won't tell you who I am. I am your prisoner. Take me away,” Pierre suddenly said in French.
- Ah, Ah! – the officer said, frowning. - Marchons!
A crowd gathered around the lancers. Closest to Pierre stood a pockmarked woman with a girl; When the detour started moving, she moved forward.
-Where are they taking you, my darling? - she said. - This girl, what am I going to do with this girl, if she’s not theirs! - the woman said.
– Qu"est ce qu"elle veut cette femme? [What does she want?] - asked the officer.
Pierre looked like he was drunk. His ecstatic state intensified even more at the sight of the girl he had saved.
“Ce qu"elle dit?” he said. “Elle m”apporte ma fille que je viens de sauver des flammes,” he said. - Adieu! [What does she want? She is carrying my daughter, whom I saved from the fire. Farewell!] - and he, not knowing how this aimless lie escaped him, walked with a decisive, solemn step among the French.
The French patrol was one of those that were sent by order of Duronel to various streets of Moscow to suppress looting and especially to capture the arsonists, who, according to the general opinion that emerged that day among the French of the highest ranks, were the cause of the fires. Having traveled around several streets, the patrol picked up five more suspicious Russians, one shopkeeper, two seminarians, a peasant and a servant, and several looters. But of all the suspicious people, Pierre seemed the most suspicious of all. When they were all brought to spend the night in a large house on Zubovsky Val, in which a guardhouse was established, Pierre was placed separately under strict guard.

In St. Petersburg at this time, in the highest circles, with greater fervor than ever, there was a complex struggle between the parties of Rumyantsev, the French, Maria Feodorovna, the Tsarevich and others, drowned out, as always, by the trumpeting of the court drones. But calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles were efforts made to recall the difficulty of the present situation. It was told in whispers how the two empresses acted opposite to each other in such difficult circumstances. Empress Maria Feodorovna, concerned about the welfare of the charitable and educational institutions under her jurisdiction, made an order to send all institutions to Kazan, and the things of these institutions were already packed. Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, when asked what orders she wanted to make, with her characteristic Russian patriotism, deigned to answer that she could not make orders about state institutions, since this concerned the sovereign; about the same thing that personally depends on her, she deigned to say that she will be the last to leave St. Petersburg.

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2012- took place on Victory Day, to commemorate the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The parade was hosted by Acting Minister of Defense Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov, and the military parade was commanded by the commander of the Central... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 1985- took place in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The second Soviet parade in honor of the anniversary of the Victory since 1965 (the third parade was held in 1990). The 1985 parade was the last in the history of the USSR... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 1990- took place on the day of the 45th anniversary of the Victory Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. The military parade was hosted by the USSR Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union D.T. Yazov, and the parade was commanded by the Commander of the Moscow Military District... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 1996- took place on Victory Day, the 51st anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. Starting this year, regular parades on Red Square were resumed (they had not been held since 1991, in 1995 they took place on Poklonnaya Hill). The parade started exactly at 9... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2000- took place on the 55th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The parade was hosted by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Marshal of the Russian Federation Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev. The parade was commanded by the commander of the troops... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 1965- took place on Victory Day, the 20th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 25, 1965, May 9 was declared a non-working day and a national holiday. The parade was carried out by troops... ... Wikipedia

    Parade on Red Square on May 9, 2010- Logo of the event... Wikipedia

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+04:00) Moon phase calculation for 05/1/2009 (12:00) To calculate the moon phase for your city register or sign in.

Characteristics of the Moon on May 9, 2009

As of date 09.05.2009 V 12:00 The moon is in phase “Full Moon (coming on 05/09/2009 at 08:02)”. This 14th lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 100%. Sunrise Moon at 22:31, and sunset at 04:51.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 14th lunar day from 21:12 05/08/2009 to 22:31 05/09/2009
  • 15th lunar day from 22:31 05/09/2009 until the next day

Moon influence May 9, 2009

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. The time has come to make the most important decisions. Improved mental activity, an increased ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem and a high level of self-criticism make it possible to separate the truly important from the superficial and insignificant.

You can safely take on new endeavors, develop business plans for new projects, and assign yourself all sorts of obligations that will be within your power.

14th lunar day (+)

May 9, 2009 at 12:00 - 14th lunar day. The most favorable day for all sorts of important undertakings. Feel free to promote your proposals, they will definitely find a response and be accepted.

However, it’s worth thinking through everything carefully and weighing it, since you can start a business that not only leads to victory, but also ends in complete collapse. The day is good for strengthening family relationships.

Full Moon (−)

The moon is in phase Full Moon. The Full Moon has the most significant impact on all life on Earth. The bleeding of wounds increases, chronic diseases remind themselves, and mental disorders worsen.

During the full moon period, the maximum birth rate of children is observed. Excessive impulsiveness in communication appears, and the craving for negative thinking and alcohol consumption increases.

On the other hand, this is the most ideal time to collect medicinal herbs, since their healing properties at this moment are maximum.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to hold business meetings on Saturday, never postpone them until Sunday.