Board game World of Tanks Rush. Board game World Of Tanks Rush – tanks, forward

WorldofTanks is an online computer game. In a relatively short time, the game has become so popular that it is already played by millions of people on every continent. WoT- This Counter-Strike on tanks. Battles take place on maps, each battle involves 30 units of military equipment (15 on each side). Each side has a base. You need to capture someone else's base in 15 minutes, and protect your own. For victory they give experience and local game currency, for which you can upgrade your tank (change guns, engine, armor). The choice of tanks is huge - from old non-tanks to prototypes of our time.

I know that both children and adults play this game, and so far there are no signs of players leaving it.

Apparently due to the enormous popularity of their game, the developers decided to expand the line of their products related to Tanks, and specifically announced a browser-based card game and a board game. The information thrown into the network was so tiny that it was impossible to understand anything about what awaited us. And while computer geeks were discussing the prospects for a browser game, board gamers were guessing on the tea leaves what a game about tanks could be like on a table.

I then decided not to build castles in the air, but tried to contact someone from to interview him, talking about the board game. I thought that for a fellow countryman they would have a little time to reveal a couple of secrets to the desktop public =) But nothing worthwhile came of this idea, because they kicked me around several managers (they improved their bureaucracy skills well), the last of whom said - “ What is it not enough for you to know from what is written in the press release? Everything is there" Nobody answered me anymore.

As far as I know, the browser-based computer game remains in the plans, but the board game was released in early September thanks to a Russian publishing house HobbyWorld. I would like to emphasize that HW made the game as a contractor, and the customer is

The game came to me immediately, almost on the first day of sales, so I had a lot of time to understand the game and give my verdict on it.

Deckbuilding in Russian

Due to the signing of a non-disclosure document, almost nothing was known about the game before its release. No art, no rules, nothing could be found. Somehow information leaked (from Kubans, if I'm not mistaken), that the game is deck-building. According to another information, the game was similar to Ascension And Bang! And no one knew what to expect from this vigorous mixture.

I assumed that in WoT:R will be in a large box with 500 cards, as in Dominion, and the game will cost about 40-50 euros. My assumptions were completely wrong, since the box was smaller than I thought, inside which were the rules and 212 cards. Moreover, there are only 100 main tank cards. Everything else is starting decks and support cards, including victory points, memos, the first player card, etc.

In general, the packaging of the box is quite standard for deckbuilding. I was pleased that the box is small, there is no air (especially if you put the cards in protectors).

The art on the cards is hand-drawn. Decide for yourself whether this is good or bad. I think it would be better if the pictures were more modern and fashionable (I don’t know how to explain this with an example). But this kind of drawing, which is more suitable for illustrations for military books, is also not bad. The only thing I note is that I did not have the desire to carefully examine each card. The tanks are recognizable, so you look at the map - “ yeah, MS, it’s clear, I recognize it" and you play it. But what’s there in the background is not interesting. I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the pictures for the game were created by This is what I mean so that those who are dissatisfied with the art do not throw stones at HW =)

I’d better tell you about the information content of the cards in my impressions of the game, there is something to complain about there. What's interesting is that even such useless cards as the first player card and the graveyard are present. But you can find fault with the quality of the cards - after 5 games, the paint on some cards began to rub off on the edges. I'm afraid that the more I play, the more the cards will look like they're very, very used. I immediately put the cards in protectors, so that only some of the starting cards remained tattered.

White spots are abrasions. After several games

If someone plans to actively play tabletop Tanks, then it is better to worry about protectors in advance.

How do tanks drive across the field correctly?

The rules are very simple for those familiar with deckbuilding. I will not describe in detail what kind of mechanics this is, I will focus on the fact that everyone knows what it is.

Each player receives 3 bases (special cards) and a starting deck. There are 6 cards in the starting deck - 4 bring resources, 2 are actions. Resources in the game are canisters drawn at the bottom right.

All tanks, of which there are 100 in the game (and they are all different!!!), are put into one deck, 4 cards are removed from it and laid out in a row - this vehicle is available for purchase. Seeing the picture laid out on the table, I realized that this was the real thing. Ascension.

Medal cards are given to players for downing enemy tanks. These are victory points that litter the deck (like provinces in the Dominion), but bring the player closer to victory.

But achievement cards are something new in deckbuilding games. At the beginning of the game, achievements are laid out on the table in an amount calculated using the formula number of players+1. Achievements are awarded at the very end of the game. For example, who will have more Soviet tanks, who has destroyed more bases, who has more heavy weapons, etc. He receives an achievement card, which brings as many as 5 victory points. And it’s quite logical to build your deck based on your achievements in the game.

Everyone is probably already accustomed to the fact that every turn a player draws 5 or 6 cards into his hand. In Tanks you only get 3. With these cards you can do the following:

- play cards as canisters and buy one tank from a number of vehicles for them. There is only one purchase, unless you play another special card that allows you to make more purchases;

- use the card's ability and, if possible, put the card to protect one of your bases. The ability is listed at the bottom of the card and is indicated by a symbol. Abilities can be like this: take n-cards from the deck, get the opportunity to buy an unlimited amount of equipment, force you to discard all opponents from your hand one card at a time, etc.;

— attack enemy equipment or base.

The game ends when one of the stacks of medals runs out or one of the players has all their bases destroyed. After this, achievement cards are distributed, and players begin to count the winning medals on the cards. Whoever has more of them wins.

Banga I didn't see it in the rules, but here it is Ascension feels good.


My feelings

Box with Tanks My friend asked me to play for a week, so it wasn’t I who taught him to play, but he who taught me, plus he shared his impressions:

« A simple, easy game that you immediately get into, there are no questions about the gameplay and your brain is relaxed. In general, I really liked that it was so relaxed, but at the same time interesting", said a friend.

And indeed it is. While he was laying out the game and explaining the rules, I immediately grasped everything and could already correctly guess what he would talk about next. Therefore, experienced players will grab everything on the fly. Take 3 cards, one purchase is available, one tank kills another tank, 2 tanks of one nation destroy an unprotected base - it’s simple.

There are not entirely logical moments in the game that you just need to accept. For example, there are no vehicles in the starting deck, and then you buy only one vehicle.

The next point: you can attack with tanks of only one nation. Why? Not clear. Those. There is simply no logic in this. It is clear that the game developer (and this is a well-known Nikolay Pegasov) was guided by the ideas of making the game balanced, because who knows what will happen if you are allowed to attack with any tanks. It might be complete trash.

The tank, which was played as an ability, goes to defend the base. And the tank sent to attack will then go into discard. Why? Don't know. And it was precisely this roughness in the game that gave rise to many disputes on the Internet about the dampness of the rules.

The problem is this - the player played the ability, the tank stood on the base, another player shot it down and received a medal for this. The medal is worth one victory point and will possibly bring the player closer to completing the medal type achievement. The thing is that abilities don't seem as tasty compared to victory points. Of the 8 abilities, I actively use only sabotage and assault, less often reinforcements, research and, if I'm lucky, invulnerability. That being said, I like to play abilities, and some players don’t see anything good in abilities at all, so they prefer to just attack.

And if you play only using attacks, then the game turns into:

- buy a bunch of tanks;

— take out more opponents’ bases.

But some people want to play a tabletop tank battle simulator, and not shoot at bases from afar. And then everyone who was dissatisfied thought - what if?- i.e. They began to come up with their own rules so that the game would become good in their opinion.

Someone, like me, thought that after an attack the tanks should not go to the discard, but also stand up to defend the base. I had a crazy thought about cubes, which was also expressed by a user on Tesera. For example, he declared an attack by a tank, rolled the dice and determined the damage. But the dice will give the game so much randomness that I’m afraid the game will be criticized even more.

Removing the base

All this talk about adding to the rules only appeared because geeks did not accept the basic rules, which are actually playable, despite the reproaches. Perhaps the reason for this is that the Tanks were made for a different target audience. Still, most likely wanted to give the game to its multimillion-dollar players. And tabletop players were already more of an additional audience than a target one. But I'm just guessing. I can’t imagine how a non-board player, an ordinary gamer, will understand a more complex game, which is Tanks. From my point of view WoT:R just such that we would be interested, and gamers would not throw the box at the wall out of anger.

I agree that some things could be changed to make the game better. But I haven’t tested any of the options proposed by the Teserans, it’s better to let others do it for me, and I’ll use the final version =) As I understand it, those who are against the game didn’t like its simplicity, because they wanted a deep strategy. Well, there are other games with deep strategy, but WoT: R is what it is.

But there is one thing that 100% annoys me - reshuffling the deck. First, you buy a tank from a row, move the cards from the vehicle deck to the side and replace the empty space with a new card. At the end of the turn, the last card of the row is discarded, all cards are shifted again, and a new vehicle card is placed at the end. This is done so that the deck scrolls faster and players can buy more different tanks. But it turns out that this hassle of moving is so annoying that it clearly asks for a home rule. I would suggest not moving anything, instead of the purchased tank, placing a new card from the vehicle deck. And at the end of the turn, at the player’s request, any other card is discarded. This was done in order to somehow annoy the next player - I won't let you buy this cool tank. A conflict appears and the deck is scrolled – isn’t that cool?

And it’s not at all surprising that after constant scrolling of the deck, the cards rub.

Another click on the nose of the Tanks - the game is slowly unwinding. At the beginning of the game, your hand can have from 1 to 3 resources. Tanks in a number of purchases can cost from 0 to 6. It can easily turn out that for several turns no one can buy anything. Fortunately, at least one tank in a row will change, but you may have 3 resources on hand, but nothing to buy. There are no additional abilities provided in this case. The same problem exists in Ascension(but there are 6 cards in a row), I just wish this bug didn’t wander from game to game. Let’s say that in Dominion there is a huge selection of purchases, you can buy almost everything, another thing is that sometimes small cards are not needed at all. I would like the player to be able to take some action if they can't buy something. For example, discard any card and replace it with a new one from the top of the deck. A kind of last chance to buy. Or if you didn’t buy anything, then next time you draw not 3 cards, but 4.

The game begins to gain momentum well if from the 5th move.

I don't like where and how the information is placed on the maps. The tank's attack and defense are written in small font and placed in the corner. It's not noticeable at all. And I, a bespectacled person, sometimes have to squint to see what is written there. The tank class is a tiny symbol, although it clearly begs to be highlighted. The nation has a big icon, but the class is small... I would still redesign the cards.

But I like to think about actions: collect tanks of one nation or take everything; collect heavy or light tanks to get the achievement; Is it worth playing the card's ability, because then the tank at the base will be easily demolished and you will receive a medal for it. Considering that a game lasts 30-45 minutes, the game simply does not have time to get boring. I usually play Tanks several times during the evening. And I don't feel bad.

Free tank for online

As you know, there is a code in the game box. If you enter it in an online computer game WoT, then you get +1 slot and +1 Pz.Kpfw tank in your hangar. B2 740 (f).

For some reason, no one writes about this in reviews; apparently, no one plays tanks on a computer. I played a little in 2010 until I got tired of it. This code made me start WoT again, update the game, be surprised by the new tanks of other nations and test a premium tank. On almost any map, this tank appears first on the list (but it is only level 4). In about half of the cases it is quite difficult to penetrate, so in a match you can receive up to 100 hits to the armor and still survive. But the tank is small, so its value is low. If anyone thinks that gamers buy a board game for the tank, they are mistaken, because a gift tank is just a nice addition to the game, rather than a tank worth spending that kind of money on.

Final report

Despite all the shortcomings of the game, I like it. I don’t argue that there is something to complain about, but in the future the rules will be tweaked a little and everything will be great. Geekam, i.e. people who love serious challenging games, I would not recommend Tanks. Because they will definitely find flaws. If you don't demand unrealistic depth from the game, it's quite fun to play and I personally enjoy the game. I would even take part in the Tank Championship if they decided to hold it. I think the game is successful and you can spend money on it.

If someone is afraid that they won’t like the game, then they can wait new version rules and additions, then everything will definitely become clear.

My copy of Tanks on the shelf will definitely not gather dust.

Board game World of Tanks: Rush provided by the company.

World of Tanks: Rush - tabletop card game based on the online hit World of Tanks. It is illustrated by artists working on the online game, and also uses its design, terminology and other elements.

Players in World of Tanks: Rush become commanders of tank units, each task is to form a combat-ready squad from hundreds of available vehicle cards. Throw tanks into battle, defend bases, call for reinforcements and receive battle medals that will be the key to your victory!

The goal of the game is to get more by the end of the game

total medals. There are three sources for obtaining them:

1. for each destroyed unit of equipment one medal is issued;

2. a destroyed enemy base is equal to three medals;

3. completed at the end of the game achieving the equivalent of five medals.

100 vehicle cards, 25 cards from each of the four nations (USSR, USA, Germany, France)

1 starting player card

1 cemetery card

15 base maps

5 reminder cards (double-sided)

48 medal cards, 12 cards from each of the four nations (USSR, Germany, USA, France)

30 barracks cards

12 achievement cards

Starting lineup for 5 players


Medal Decks


Technique deck

Hangar + cards on hand

Place to reset

Tank squad of one of the players

Cards in hand

Warehouse space

one of the players

1. Last played receives the online game World of Tanks and places it in front of him first player card. This card does not change owner until the end of the game.

2. Deal 3 cards to each player bases Players place these cards face up in front of them. The game ends when all three bases are destroyed by any player.

3. Give each player a starting set consisting of 6 barracks cards:

4 Engineer cards,1 “Techniques” card,1 “Volunteer” card(see page 11).

4. Each player shuffles their barracks cards and places the resulting deck face down next to them. All these cards form player's tank squad. Squad cards lying face down in the deck are called hangar, and discarded cards that will be lying next to the deck face up are called warehouse. The player can look at the cards in his warehouse at any time during the game.

5. Each player draws on hand the top 3 cards from your hangar. The player keeps the cards in his hand face down until it is his turn (the player can look at his hand). At the beginning of his turn, a player places cards from his hand face up in front of him.

6. Shuffle the 100-card Tech deck. Place it face down in the center of the table, leaving space on the side for discarding. Reveal the top 4 cards and place them in a single row near the deck. This row will be a public reserve.

7. Place a tank card in the center of the table cemeteries. It marks the place for cards removed from play. Place the graveyard away from the vehicle deck to avoid accidentally mixing cards from the graveyard with cards from the discard pile. Cards from the discard pile will form a new deck when the vehicle deck runs out, and cards from the graveyard will not return to play until the end of the game.

8. Sort the cards medals in 4 decks: medals of the USSR, Germany, USA, France. Place the decks face up. Players can look at and count the cards in the medal decks at any time during the game.

9. Shuffle the deck achievements Place as many achievement cards face up in the center of the table as there are players in the party, plus one (for example, six achievements in a five-player party). These are the achievements available in this game.

10. Give it to players who haven't played the game yet (and anyone who wants to), mapsmemos.

11. The remaining achievement cards, barracks cards, base cards and put the memory cards in the game box, they won't be needed in this game.

The one who received the first player's card goes first in the game, then the rest of the players go clockwise.

On his turn, the player sequentially performs the following actions: restores damage and lays out hand cards, plays hand cards, updates the reserve and draws a new hand.

I. Repair damage and lay out hand cards

If a player has damaged (rotated 90 degrees) base cards or damaged vehicle cards protecting bases, the player rotates them to their original position, thereby restoring the damage.

After this, the player places his hand (usually three cards) face up on the table in front of him. He can play the cards in his hand in a variety of ways.

II. Play hand cards

Each card in a hand can be played in one and only one of three ways:

1. use card resources for purchases;

2. use the card's ability and, if possible, put the card to protect your base;

3. attack enemy equipment or base.

If a card can be played in several ways, the player chooses which way he will play it. If a hand card cannot be played in any of the ways (or the player does not want to play it), it is sent to the player's warehouse.

Continued on page 6

Achievements are extremely important for winning the game, because one achievement gives five medals - more than destroying enemy armored vehicles or a base.

At the end of the game, an achievement card is awarded to the player who fulfilled the achievement condition. There is no other way to get the achievement card. If several players have fulfilled the achievement condition (for example, two players have the same largest number of heavy tanks in a squad), then its card is not awarded to anyone. Before starting a game, we recommend that players carefully read the available achievements.

There are the following 12 achievements:

1. Destroyed bases. Received by the player in whose squad

V At the end of the game there will be the most destroyed bases.

2. Light tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

V at the end of the game there will be the most light tanks,

regardless of nations.

Medium tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most medium tanks,

regardless of nations.

Self-propelled guns. Received by the player in whose squad at the end of the game

There will be the most self-propelled guns, regardless of nations.

Heavy tanks. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most heavy tanks,

regardless of nations.

Auxiliary troops. Receives the player whose

the squad at the end of the game will have the most support

body troops, regardless of nations.

USSR medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most orders of the Red-

th banner.

German medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most Iron Crosses.

USA medals. Received by the player in whose squad

at the end of the game there will be the most Medals of Honor.

French medals. Received by the player in whose squad

V at the end of the game there will be the most Military medals.

11. More double medal cards. The player receives

V Whose squad will have the most cards with two medals at the end of the game.

12. More cards. Received by the player in whose squad

(10 )

at the end of the game there will be the most cards, given

(11 )

maps of medals and destroyed bases.

(12 )

If during his turn a player must take a card from the hangar, and there are no cards in the hangar, then the player must shuffle all of his warehouse cards and place the resulting deck face down in front of him - this is an updated hangar. The player must get as many cards from the hangar as required.

The cards in a hand can be played in any order.

A player can only play each unique vehicle card once per turn. This means that if he played any specific vehicle card, which for some reason then ended up in the warehouse, was mixed into the hangar and returned

into a player's hand, it cannot be played again on the same turn. Otherwise, an unbreakable cycle may occur, due to which the player's turn will never be completed.

1) Use card resources for purchases

Vehicle cards, Engineer cards, and medal cards have designation of resources indicating their quantity: from 0 to 6. Such cards can be used for purchases. A player may play one or more cards from his hand that have a resource symbol on them, and use their total resource value to purchase one card from the reserve.

To do this, the player:

1. puts the played cards into his warehouse,

2. selects from reserve one vehicle card, the cost of which is equal to or less than the amount of resources played

cards, and puts it in his warehouse,

3. shifts reserve cardsaway from the tech deck so that between the reserve and the deck there is room for one card,

If a card does not indicate resources, it cannot be used for purchases. Please note that even to purchase a card with a zero cost, you also need to spend resources. On your turn, you can only purchase 1 card from the reserve (this rule is canceled by the Summon ability, see page 18).

Purchase example

(V )

The player plays two cards with a total of

my resources equal to 3 (a). The player buys from

reserve one card worth 3 (b). Then he


replenishes the reserve with a card from the vehicle deck (c).

Technique deck

for warehouse

Cards in one player's hand

2) Use the card's ability and, if possible, put the card to protect your base

Most vehicle maps and some barracks maps have designations of one or more abilities. They are displayed with special characters (see page 18).

The card's abilities are played one after the other, in any order. After fully performing the action required by a card's ability, a player may play another ability of that card, but may not choose to do so. A player must complete the play of a card with an ability before playing another card (a card with an ability is considered played when it leaves the player's hand, going to the warehouse, graveyard, or base defense).

All vehicle cards have armor symbols. If a player plays a technique card's ability,

whose armor indicator is “1” or “2” (greater than zero), he is obliged, after performing an ability action, to place this card to protect one of his bases.

To do this, the player:

1. performs actions prescribed by the abilities of the vehicle card,

2. selects one of its bases ( you cannot select a protected base if there is at least one base of your own without protection),

3. places the played vehicle card on top of this base so that the edge of the base card is visible under the card played to protect.

The base can be protected by one and only one vehicle card. If all of a player's bases are already protected, the player must first send the previous defense card to the warehouse before placing a new card to protect one of the bases.

A protected base cannot be attacked by the enemy.

Some vehicle cards with armor "1" or "2" do not have abilities. Such cards can be used to protect your base - this is considered to be playing the “zero” (absent) ability of the card. If a player does not want to use the ability listed on a vehicle card, but wants to play the card to defend the base, he can do so as well - this is considered playing the card's "zero" ability.

Cards that do not indicate armor and cards with “0” armor cannot be used to defend the base. After using an ability, such cards are sent to the warehouse (or to the graveyard, if the ability requires it).

Thus, a card with an ability after being played:

1. sent to defend the base if the card’s armor is greater than zero or

2. sent to the warehouse if the card cannot be secured, or

3. goes to the graveyard, but only if this is prescribed by the card's ability.

Example of a defense

The player plays the “summon” ability and places the tank (a) to defend his base, sending the self-propelled gun (b) that was protecting this base before to the warehouse.

3) Attack enemy equipment or base

Using cards from his hand, a player can make one and only one attack on his turn. You can attack with one or more vehicle cards. All vehicle cards used in the attack are must have a strength rating of “1” or “2”(i.e. greater than zero) and must belong to the same nation.

When starting an attack, the player must declare which cards will take part in the attack.

The player chooses any of his attack cards and declares that he will attack it. The player then chooses a target to attack with that card. The target can be: a vehicle card protecting the base of any enemy, or unprotected base any opponent.

After the results of the attack with the first card are summed up, the attacking card is sent to the player's warehouse, and the player selects a target to attack with the second card, etc. To attack with the second and subsequent cards, the player can select the same target or other targets, including those belonging to to different opponents.

Two cards can be used in one attack

Attacking enemy equipment

If the strength of the attacking card greater than or equal to armor of the enemy card protecting his base, then the enemy card is destroyed and sent to the warehouse of this enemy.

If the strength of the attacking card is less than the armor of the enemy card, then the enemy card receives damage, which is indicated by rotating this card 90 degrees. If the enemy card being attacked has already been damaged (tapped), then it is destroyed and sent to the enemy’s warehouse.

Please note that destroyed vehicle cards are sent to the enemy warehouse, and not to the cemetery or warehouse of the player who destroyed them.

Attack on an undefended enemy base

If a player attacks an enemy base with an attack card, the base receives damage, which is indicated by rotating the base 90 degrees. If the attacked base has already been damaged (rotated), then it is destroyed.

If a player attacks an enemy base with a heavy tank, the base is destroyed. Only a heavy tank can destroy a base with one attack.

A destroyed base is sent to the warehouse of the player who destroyed it. At the end of the game, when determining the winner, each destroyed base in the player’s squad is equal to three medals.

Please note that the player cannot attack a protected base. But during one attack it is possible to first destroy the equipment protecting the base, and then attack the base.

Rewarding the attacker

Upon completion of the attack, the player receives 1 medal for each destroyed unit of equipment. The player takes the appropriate number of medals from the medal deck of the nation to which his attacking vehicle belonged. If a player destroys two or more units of equipment with one attack, it is recommended to take a card with the image of two medals.

The received medals are placed in the player's warehouse.

Please note that the player does not receive medals for destroying a base: the base card itself is a reward.

Thus, when performing an attack, the player performs the following actions:

1. declares which of his vehicle cards are involved in the attack;

2. selects a target to attack with one of the attack cards of his choice;

3. damages the target or destroys the target with this card, after which he sends his attack card to the warehouse;

4. selects the same or a different target to attack with the next attack card, etc., until all attack cards have taken effect, damaging the target or destroying the target;

5. upon completion of the attack, he receives the corresponding number of medals in his warehouse.

Example of an award

During the attack the player destroyed Soviet tanks 3 units of enemy equipment (a). The player takes from the deck of USSR medals one card depicting two Orders of the Red Banner and one card depicting one Order of the Red Banner (b).

Attacked Player Cards

III. Renew your reserve and draw a new hand

Player updates the reserve. To do this he:

1. places the outermost reserve card, which is located farthest from the vehicle deck, into the vehicle discard pile face up,

2. moves the reserve cards away from the vehicle deck so that between the reserve and the deck there is free space for one card,

3. reveals the top card of the vehicle deck and places it face up on the free space in the reserve.

After this, if there are still unplayed cards in the player’s hand, they are placed in his warehouse. Player pulls top three cards from the hangar, recruiting a new hand.

If there are not enough cards in the hangar, then the player first takes into his hand all the cards remaining in the hangar. Then he shuffles all the cards in the warehouse and places the resulting deck face down in front of him - this is an updated hangar. The player draws so many cards from the hangar so that he has exactly three cards in his hand.

The player passes the move to the opponent on the left.

The game comes to an end in one of two cases:

one of the players has all his bases destroyed or

from the deck of medals (any of the four), the last, ninth card with the image of 1 medal is taken.

The game does not end immediately when one of the two specified events occurs. After one of two events has happened, players continue to take turns making moves until their turn ends. the player to the right of the starting player(the first player card indicates which player was first). Once this move is made, the game is over.

When the last round of the game is played out, it may turn out that all the player’s bases have been destroyed. This does not deprive the player of the right to make the last move. If that player uses card abilities, then those cards go into their warehouse (since there is nowhere to put them for defense). A player can win the game even if all his bases are destroyed.

Each player puts his hand, warehouse and hangar cards together - this is the final composition of his tank squad. Please note that the player's own surviving bases are not included in the squad.

The first player names the condition of one of the achievement cards laid out at the beginning of the game. Players check which of them has fulfilled the achievement conditions (for example, who has the most medium tank cards in their squad). The player who fulfilled the conditions

When you achieve an achievement, you receive an achievement card. If two or more players simultaneously fulfill the achievement condition (for example, two players have the same number of medium tanks in their squad), then no one gets the achievement card.

At all times, commanders tried to use technology in battle that could sow panic in the ranks of the enemy and inflict crushing damage on him. Fast and maneuverable, war chariots destroyed the enemy and put them to flight. Multi-ton elephants carried compact defensive fortifications on their backs, from which arrows fired. Time passed, and new, armored mechanical chariots appeared on the battlefield... Today on the Pink Sofa is the tank-collecting board game World of Tanks Rush.

As children, many watched with admiration films in which tank units rushed across the field with the speed of the wind, sweeping away defensive fortifications and destroying the enemy with the crushing fire of their guns. Many boys would give a lot to sit at the controls of a combat vehicle and send a “blank” towards the nearest school.

In the age of electronic technology, almost all dreams are possible, and, to the delight of potential tankers, the computer game World of Tanks was created, in which everyone can take command of an armored vehicle and try their luck in battle.

Board game developers also did not stand aside and offered their own version of the tank world, which I will talk about today...

Inside a small box from the company " Hobby World“There are two stacks of cards and reference material that allows you to easily master the rules of conducting card tank battles. The design is impressive and made in the style of a computer version - if you spend part of your time behind electronic levers, you can easily find a box with familiar icons on a store shelf.

As a free bonus, there is a promo card for the French tank AMX 12t; don’t forget to get it at the publisher’s company store (I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the sellers of the St. Petersburg branch for the card).

If you inhale the electronic smoke of your armored virtual tank in the evenings, then a card with a code will come in handy to replenish your garage...

Here's an example. This is a modified captured French B1 tank, used by the Germans as a training vehicle, stationary pillbox or flamethrower tank. In the game, this model is maneuverable, has a significant amount of ammunition and has a high rate of fire. Disadvantages: weak weapons and mediocre armor.

To avoid questions: since I am not a fan of the electronic version, I have already given the code to Vlad ( Oldman), whose screenshot was used in the review. I would like to thank Vlad for the advice and technical information on the tank.

But let's return to the desktop version...

30 Barracks cards (20 Engineers, 5 Technicians and Volunteers each) are used to make up each player's base set.

Also, each opponent will receive a double-sided memo with icons used in the game (5 cards); the first player will receive a special card with a sniper; 15 bases will become targets in the battle; special cards will find their final resting place in the cemetery.

In all wars, insignia received for successful operations are used as incentives. 48 medals from four powers (12 cards from each country) will serve as a reward for destroyed equipment. Nine cards show one medal, three cards show two.

12 tasks, if completed, will bring an additional five medals and can significantly affect the final result of the battle.

The basis of the game is 100 cards of equipment from the USA, France, USSR and Germany (25 cards of each power). Of course, most of them are tank units. What kind of technology is there...

The cards are not repeated, so I recommend looking through the deck before playing - it contains many curious pieces of engineering that will amaze the imagination. It's amazing how these peculiar machines moved at all...

In addition to tank units, the deck also contains aircraft, various guns, trucks, sappers and radio operators. There is even a SMERSH division.

Crews, get to your cars!

Opponents receive the same kits, consisting of a memo, three bases, four engineers, one technician and one volunteer squad. The first player takes the sniper card (this card remains with the owner until the end of the game and does not participate in the gameplay). Three bases are placed openly in front of each opponent.

The 12 goal cards are shuffled and laid out openly in the center of the table in the amount of “the number of players plus one.” Unused cards are put away in the box and do not participate in the game.

The 100 vehicle cards are shuffled and placed face down in a stack. Remove four cards and place them horizontally in a row. Next to the deck is a cemetery, and nearby are stacks of medals, sorted by country type.

Players shuffle their individual decks and take three cards into their hand, placing the remaining pile face down in front of them. Opponents take turns and can use cards from their hand in three possible ways on their turn.

Before the start of combat operations, it is necessary to restore damaged maps of bases and equipment (return all maps of equipment and bases rotated by 90 degrees to a vertical position). After repairs, the player places three cards from his hand face up in front of him and performs actions.

Let's start with shopping.

You can purchase one of four open vehicle cards. In the lower left corner of the card its cost is indicated, in the lower right - the cash equivalent (canister). Any card can either be purchased or used as monetary unit for purchase. For example: a player spends two “engineer” cards to buy a French tank worth two coins. Purchased and used in monetary transaction the cards are sent to the player's personal discard pile.

At the bottom center of some cards there are special icons, discussed in detail in the memo. One of them instructs you to discard a card to the cemetery (general discard) and take one card of the corresponding value. For example: after discarding a “vehicle” card, you can take a tank worth one coin.

I note that all purchased cards are sent to the player’s personal discard pile and will be available later. In this case, a row of technology cards is shifted from the deck to the right, and a new card removed from the deck is placed in the vacant space. Purchasing cards allows you to expand your deck for subsequent combat operations.

The cards in the vehicle deck are divided into classes and have their own characteristics in battle.

The type of unit is indicated at the top of the map: square and triangle - self-propelled guns; diamond with one, two or three notches - light, medium or heavy tank; circle - auxiliary troops. Above the icon are two numbers: attack power and defense level. In the upper left part is the flag of the power whose unit is shown in the picture.

Using a unit's special ability.

After using the special feature of the unit, the player must place an armored vehicle card with numerical attack/defense values ​​to guard any of his bases. But first, you need to fulfill the instructions of the icon: buy more than one vehicle card per turn, replenish your hand out of turn with new cards from your personal discard pile, get a medal, force your opponents to discard one card from their hand, and so on.

By the way, pay attention to the canisters (the cash equivalent of the card). Mostly the canisters are gray, but there are also colored ones (above right). In this case, these resources can only be used to purchase a card of the corresponding power. For example? The red canister will only allow you to purchase USSR armored vehicles.

So, after using the abilities, the card is sent to defend the base. If the base was previously guarded by someone, then the old equipment goes into an individual dump, and the new one takes its place. Under any circumstances, only one tank can guard one base. It doesn't matter which power owns the equipment guarding your positions. The main thing is that she can give an effective rebuff to the attacker.

Conducting combat operations against enemy units or bases.

Let's get down to the most important thing - the attack.

You can attack either the base (if it is not protected) or the armored vehicles protecting the enemy cards.

In the case of technology, attack and defense indicators are compared. If the attacker’s attack indicator is equal to or exceeds the attacker’s armor, then the defeated one is sent to the individual discard of the owner of the attacked base (the attacking card is sent to the aggressor’s individual discard). If the attack fails, the attacked card is rotated 90 degrees. If it has already been tapped, it goes into the attacked player’s discard pile.

When a base is attacked by conventional armored vehicles, the base map is rotated 90 degrees (or goes into the attacker’s individual discard if it was previously rotated). When attacked by a heavy tank, the base immediately capitulates, and the map goes to the aggressor.

I note that if a base is successfully attacked, the captured card goes to the attacking player. In the case of a technique, the attacked and attacker remain with their cards and put them into individual discard piles.

When attacking, you can group units and attack the same base with several cards. This is only possible if all attacking units fly under the flag of one power.

For each destroyed tank, the winner receives one medal from the corresponding power, which is sent to an individual reset (they can be used for purchases). If two tanks under the same flag were destroyed in battle, you will receive two medals.

At the end of the turn, the player discards all unused cards and removes three new cards from the individual deck. If the deck runs out, shuffle the individual discard and form a new deck.

As soon as all three bases of one player are destroyed, or all the medals of one of the powers are dismantled, the game ends, and opponents count the number of medals collected and the number of destroyed enemy bases (each base will bring 5 points).

In addition to medals, completed tasks are taken into account. If several players complete the same task, no one gets the card.

The tasks require you to earn the most medals of a certain power, collect the specified types of armored vehicles in your personal deck, destroy enemy bases, collect double medals...

The total amount will determine the winner, who will receive two real caterpillar tracks.

After the march...

A simple deck-building card game using the theme of popular computer entertainment. Accessible rules and stylish design will attract fans of virtual tank battles to the real gaming table. I would also like to note the unique pictures of armored vehicles and units, which certainly create the appropriate atmosphere.

If you are familiar with the board games “Dominion” or “Tanks”, then in “Tanks” you can easily discern the mechanics of these deck-building games. At the same time, if “” requires a certain level of initial training of players, then in “Tanks” everything is accessible and understandable even to a beginner. This will allow the person who sits down at the table for the first time to understand the essence of the game and fight with everyone on an equal basis. But for adults, card tank battles are quite within the capabilities of a primary school child...

In my opinion, fighting using dice and the ability to defend bases with several units under one flag would make the game more dynamic and realistic. In any case, you can find many “house” rules on the Internet that can be easily implemented into the gameplay.

Overall, Tanks is a beautiful and stylish deck-building game with great potential, successfully using the theme of the famous computer game. At the very least, a successful marketing move...

Take a break from the computer

The online game, known to almost everyone, received its continuation in the desktop version. Now every player at home can feel all the charm of a real tank battle, because a board game has been released.

Illustrated by artists who worked on the online game, and also uses its terminology and other elements, so everyone familiar with the original action game will be at ease.

Purpose of the game

The goal is to earn as many medals as possible by the end of the game. They are given for destroying enemy equipment, destroying enemy bases and for completing achievements.

The game ends when any player has all three bases destroyed, or when one of the medal decks runs out of all singles, but the game does not stop immediately, but continues until the end of the circle. After this, the counting of medals begins and the one who has the most of them in total (for destroyed equipment, destroyed bases and completed achievements) is declared the winner and earns himself the reputation of the best tanker.

Use aggressive tactics

The creators of the game made it such that aggressive tactics are encouraged. This makes the game sharper and therefore there are no medals for defense. Just as hundreds of thousands of users around the world loved the original World of Tanks, you will love its tabletop card version. All the nuances of the rules of the game are indicated in the instructions. Gather your company, gather your team and go into battle!

World of Tanks Rush - Bonus code

Good news for fans online games, the board game comes with a special bonus code, the owners of which will be able to receive a unique tank Pz.Kpfw B2 740, you just need to activate it in the online version of Tanks.

Who wants to buy the board game World of Tanks Rush

is a simple and fast, but at the same time quite interesting card game,
We recommend it to everyone who loves tank battles, but is not ready to spend hours of time on complex and long war games. To enjoy World of Tanks, you don’t have to be an expert on tanks and know by heart all the details in the T34 engine. You just need to invite your friends and spend an hour or two on several games of this game. Many people buy the game box for the bonus code, but believe me, the board game itself is worth the money spent on it!

Rules of the board game World of Tanks Rush


— a deck-building domestic game based on the famous online game about tanks. Inside the small box is a rule book and two stacks of cards. Each player receives three bases, a reminder card and a starting set of cards: four engineers, one technician and one volunteer. These cards are thoroughly mixed, and then each participant draws three pieces into his hand.

Start of the game

From the general deck of vehicles, the top four cards are laid out in one row in the center of the table. The cemetery card is also placed next to the deck. From the achievement deck, the number of cards equal to the number of players plus one is drawn and revealed.

All players take turns starting from the first, and the turn consists of three phases.

Drawing cards

To begin with, all damaged (turned) cards are restored, then the player reveals his entire hand, placing it on the table. Any card from your hand can be played in one of three ways.

Resources are indicated in the lower right corner of the map, and its cost is indicated in the left corner. Using cards from hand as resources, the player counts the amount and can buy any one card from the reserve for which there are enough funds.

The purchased card, along with the resources spent on it, goes into the player’s personal discard - the warehouse. The cards in the reserve are then shifted to the right and a new one comes out of the deck. The second option is to use the card's ability. They are indicated at the bottom of the card in the center and they are all discussed in detail in the rules of the board game.


Immediately after using the ability, the player places this card to protect any of the bases, if the armor indicator of this card is not zero.

Cards from your hand can be sent to attack. The player has only one attack, but any number of combat units of one nation can participate in it. The attack of each unit of equipment participating in the battle is calculated separately. The target of each attack is always one of the enemy bases.

When an unprotected base is attacked, it becomes damaged, and if it was already damaged, it is destroyed and goes to the attacker’s warehouse along with all the attacked cards.

Heavy tanks can destroy unprotected bases with one shot.


If the base was protected, then according to the rules of the board game, it will not be necessary to attack it, but the equipment protecting it. To destroy it, you need to inflict as much damage as the defense of the vehicle. If the strength is not enough, but the damage is done. The equipment turns and remains damaged until the owner moves.

For each destroyed piece of enemy equipment, the player receives a medal from the nation he controlled in the attack.

Last phase

In the last phase, the reserve is updated. The card furthest from the deck goes into the face-up discard pile of the vehicle deck, the player moves the reserve and reveals a new card. The player then discards all unplayed cards into the warehouse and collects new ones from the hangar. If there are not enough cards in the hangar, the warehouse will be shuffled and form a new hangar along with previously purchased cards.

Winning the game

A game of tabletop tanks will come to an end if one of the participants loses the last base, or if the last card with the image of one medal comes out of any medal deck. Players combine their hand, hangar and warehouse and count the victory points on their cards, then check the conditions on the achievement cards and give them to the most successful. Each surviving player base will bring him three victory points, and each achievement card will bring him as many as five.

Photo of the board game World of Tanks Rush