DIY chessboard. How to make chess pieces with your own hands. Products made from strips of paper

Mathematicians have calculated that the number of possible positions of 32 figures on 64 cells is greater than the number of atoms in the Universe. The number of chess sets is, of course, smaller, but their diversity is amazing. The blog “About Chess” offers its own version of the “best of”, leaving the list far from complete...

Since we are on a sports site, we will start with this topic.

Football is represented by a set of American football, the "just" football ones that I found are inferior to this:

The most automobile:

The kit is made from the same materials as the Renault Formula 1 car: titanium, steel and aluminum. The figures are made in the form of bushings, pendants, a pilot's seat, and the board creates the illusion of a track. The clean, minimalist lines of the Renault Formula 1 kit symbolize the simplicity and austerity of modernity. Cost: $42,000.



Another question that interests many is the maximum price for a set.

The most expensive chess set in the world was sold in Britain by Jewel Royale. It is made of gold, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, black and white pearls. Each figurine is decorated in the middle with a spiral of precious stones. The largest chess piece - the king - costs 100 thousand dollars. Despite the fact that the figures look airy and light, they are quite heavy. So, the king weighs 165.2 grams. The total cost of the kit was $9.8 million.

The cost, perhaps, could rival Faberge chess,

It’s difficult to say the exact cost, but I was estimated at “from $5 million”

Let's continue the money topic.

Sometimes people come up with very strange ideas, and some even implement them. So, one eccentric, apparently a chess lover, decided to make himself a board and pieces out of money. He collected enough change and took out brand new bills from the bank. He began to assemble a chessboard from banknotes, bending the pieces of paper in a certain way, and from coins - chess pieces. The playing field was made up of 20-pound and 50-pound notes, and the rim was made up of 10-pound notes. To prevent the field from starting to unfold on its own, it was kept under pressure for some time.

The figures from the coins turned out to be recognizable. The pawns are 1 penny coins. The cost of the chess was 2402 pounds and 68 pence.

The largest chess set (or rather, one piece) was made by order of Rex Sinquefield in 2012 for the start of the first cup named after him.

The height of the king is almost 4.5 meters, the base is 1.8 meters. The figure is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

You can even watch how the record was prepared.

The smallest ones, apparently, were made by master Anatoly Konenko:

Miniature wooden chess pieces are turned under a microscope on a miniature lathe. The height of the chess pieces is 2.0 - 3.8 mm. Playing field 17.0 x 17.0 mm. Checkerboard squares from different types of trees. Birch bark ornament. The bumblebee is real.

The theme of alcohol is popular in chess, and there are many “drunk” sets. My choice fell on this one:

I understand that you don’t heed the advice, so I suggest using the most stable chess in the world:

This set was invented and developed by industrial engineer Adin Mumma, who back in 1970 was inspired by the roly-poly toys, or, simply put, tumblers, for this masterpiece. The result of the work was so successful that it was awarded the International Design Award.

A picky chess player will notice that the a1 square here is white, but we will not be so strict and note the beauty and originality of the idea. And after alcoholic chess, who will pay attention to such a trifle?!

Just in case, a video explanation is also included.

It’s impossible to ignore the topic of food, namely sweets, so I consider these the most delicious figures:

You can even make them yourself. The main thing is not to over-salt, then this will be the “spiciest” batch:

However, such games are not a problem for the tough Chelyabinsk chess players who are credited with this set:

Computer scientists also have their own style.

The board is made from the bottom of the motherboard, and the 32 pieces are made from chips various types two colors - green and black (if necessary, hand-painted). Stands in the form of bolts screwed into holes along the edges.

The capacitors that any computer is equipped with are used as pawns. Rooks are transformers. More complex figures use several objects, such as inductors, hard drive elements, batteries, motor parts, etc.

In ten years I expect a set of old buttons mobile phones, as well as smartphones, tablets, readers... Or maybe someone has already seen it?

But we already have the most photographic chess:

Anyone who is not a photographer will not understand what the fundamental difference is between Canon and Nikon cameras. But photographers can argue about this for years on specialized forums and in personal meetings. And now, thanks to the Lensrentals Chess set, they can arrange matches between Canon and Nikon on the chessboard.

All thirty-two pieces in the Lensrentals Chess set represent super-expensive camera lenses produced by competitors Nikon and Canon. So people, playing chess with this set, will simultaneously participate in the age-old dispute about whose photographic equipment is better! Whites play for Canon, blacks play for Nikon.

Of course, in the Lensrentals Chess set, the significance of the pieces depends on the size and cost of the corresponding photographic lenses. So, for example, Canon uses the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM lenses (costing about $2,000) as pawns, the Canon EF 500mm f/4.0 L IS USM ($7,000) as the queen, and for king is the Canon EF 600mm f/4.0 L IS USM ($9,500). In total, this entire set costs over a hundred thousand dollars! But you can’t buy a Lensrentals Chess set (you can only make the same one, but hardly anyone will dare) - the Lensrentals company gives it for rent, demanding $9,221 for a week of using these unusual chess sets. And, what’s most amazing, she has a lot of clients!

Unless they're lying, of course.

And we smoothly move on to political chess.

The set is beautiful, and, most importantly, inexpensive - only 29,000 rubles. The board is mahogany. The figurines are made of high quality porcelain and painted by hand. The height of the king is 13 cm. For some reason, the black king is wearing a white judo kimono. Either an oversight, or the political foresight of the manufacturer.

Where there is politics, there is war.

The cost of this kit is $800.


The creators of the original chess set offer to play out a real war on the board. Namely, the anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan. So the Terror Chess Set is dedicated to her, having two versions: American and British.

In the “American” Terror Chess Set, the President is the King, the Queen is the Statue of Liberty, and the Rooks (Towers) are the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, destroyed during the attack on September 11, 2001.

In the "British" version of Terror Chess Set, the King is Prime Minister David Cameron, the Queen is Queen Elizabeth II, and the Tower Rooks are Big Ben. Well, the “enemies” of the USA and Great Britain are always the same. The King is the now deceased Osama bin Laden, the Queen is a woman tightly wrapped in a burqa, the Elephant (in English, Bishop) is a Muslim mullah, the Horse (in English, Knight) is a terrorist with a grenade launcher. Moreover, the chessboard itself in the Terror Chess Set is stylized as a map of Afghanistan.


Designer Jim Arnold created the War of 1812 Chess Set, which recreates the famous battle between the USS Constitution and the British HMS Guerierre during the War of 1812, also known as the Second Revolutionary War.

I don’t know who invented these chess and when, but let’s close the topic of politics with an anti-racist set:

Politics sometimes leads to zugundera, and in prison there is a craving for chess. Here is a set made from bread crumbs for prisoners.

This set is kept in the Vorkuta Interdistrict Museum of Local Lore.

Chess players are people too (yes, yes!), and therefore our ranking includes a place for the sexiest chess set:

Children are offered such wonderful figures:

For the development of children, not only chess is useful, but also various construction sets, and here there are three in one: build chess from Lego, play with them, and also remind you of the heroes of “Star Wars:”

For adult fans of this film there is also a corresponding kit:

Dedicated to Aliens fans:

It is impossible to ignore the theme of the animal world; after all, in the game itself there are horses and elephants. Therefore, the most “animal” chess is represented by the inhabitants mainly of the African continent.

As the owner of a cat with the name of the goddess of chess - Kaissa (in everyday life simply Kasya), the set of “cats” against “dogs” must be in our review.

The feathered world is represented only by parrots:

Let's talk a little about geography.

Slavic and northern motifs were used by the master in the manufacture of chess pieces. The chessboard with an openwork pattern has special drawers for storing chess pieces. The work is made from an authentic mammoth tusk found in Yakutia, which is more than 10,000 years old. Author: Klimenko Alexey. Board dimensions 36.3 x 36.3 cm, board height 8 cm, chess field dimensions - 29 x 29 cm, figures height - 5.5 - 8.2 cm Material: Mammoth tusk, oak; Weight: 5.70 kg

British designers have harnessed the iconic look of their capital, which boasts dozens of world-famous buildings, to create the Skyline Chess set.

Let’s finish our “travels” with “Roman” chess:

Do you still remember your school geometry course?

Would you say it’s difficult to play on these? Let's be optimistic!

And there are also three-dimensional, icy, acidic, transparent...

We admire these types of chess more, but prefer to play with regular ones.

Photos and descriptions were used from the sites (Vladimir Barsky), and others.

Good afternoon, dear blog readers, pump up your brain. As promised, a continuation of the selection of unusual chess sets.

1. DIY chess

There are many people on our planet who know how to work with their hands. So one of their representatives made himself a chess set. And he made them from the insides of his computer.

Naturally used under the board motherboard, and the figures are made from chips of various types. The chips were selected in two colors - black and green, although some still had to be tinted. This entire structure was installed on bolts screwed into holes in the corners of the board.

The pawns are made of capacitors. Rooks made from transformers. The remaining figures are made of several elements, each of motors, parts of a hard drive, coils, and batteries.

But this option, according to the creator, is not the final version yet. If he manages to collect enough chips, he will make a board with adjustable size.

“Eat a piece” is a fairly common expression among amateurs, although rivals will not chew each other’s pieces. But in the PI.K.DA chessboard project by the Argentine designer, you can “eat” a piece not only figuratively, but also literally put it in your mouth and wash it down with tea.

The author of the project decided that since the game of chess often drags on for for a long time, that is, it makes sense to combine the game with the opportunity to refresh yourself. But since all players are different and have different tastes, it was decided to shift the choice of snacks to the shoulders of the players themselves. As a result of this decision, all the pieces on this chessboard were made in the form of baking tins. So everyone can bake their own shapes to taste or cut them out of sausage, ham, cheese, vegetables or fruits. And exchange armies with the enemy.

And the chessboard itself is made in the form of a tray, on which you can put saucers for molds and napkins successfully eaten during the game.

Seafood dishes are very common in Thailand. The “Cambodian/Thai Chess Set” chess pieces are made in the shape of seafood.

In all the sets I previously described, the main changes concerned the chess pieces. But the creator of this set decided to change the board and created three-dimensional chess. The only thing that is a little alarming about these chess is the practical ease of playing them.

So that you can play them without allowing large quantity mistakes, you need to sit over the chess set to see the entire field. When playing, you need to be extremely careful when moving pieces, because it is very easy to knock over one, or even several at once.

5. Chess from a sex shop

These chess are suitable for those who believe that intelligence is sexy, and the brain is the most important erogenous zone. Simply because Vibrator Chess Set is a chess set whose figures are made in the form of sexual toys. New York designers received a very unusual order. An elite store of erotic goods asked to create erotic chess. And this is what they came up with.

Each piece of this chess set is a sexual toy, a vibrator. The variety of different shapes allows any girl to find a figure to her taste,

This set costs quite a bit - $7,000.

Here is another original chess set, in which the pieces are made of electronic vacuum tubes with a luminous part corresponding to its value. When the lamp is in one of the sockets it lights up, if you pull it out, it goes out.

Chess pieces are often made in the form of various objects, historical characters or fairy-tale creatures. I present to you another option, but already close to ours real life: businessmen against officials.

Here you can find many representatives: the oligarch, the judge and the president, representatives of our valiant army and personal bodyguards, the tax inspector is able to eat any manager. There is even a horse with the memorable nickname Dollar.

These chess are for late-night gatherings. For a boring night train ride when the lights are off and the passengers are asleep. The designers slightly changed the color of the figures, now they are not the usual black and white colors, but blue, green and red. Each chess piece glows from its own LED, and for mobility, the kit includes an adapter and sockets.

And of course, there are holes inherent in the knuckles, which at the same time tell the players how the figure moves.

These chess are built on the principle of a toy, in which you need to insert pieces into slots on the playing field. Chess pieces are just plastic cards with images that are familiar to us.

Their main advantage is that you can play in any weather and under any circumstances. If necessary, the playing field can be turned over; all the pieces will remain in their places.

This chess is especially good outdoors

Chess - interesting board game, which requires a certain strategy of action and patience. Unfortunately, quite often chess sets are quite expensive. But if you're looking for a cheaper gift option for a chess lover, try creating a set of pieces using nuts and bolts. Work on this project will only take you a couple of hours, and you will spend a total of about five hundred rubles on materials.


Part 1

Prepare the necessary materials

    Buy materials to make pawns. In chess, pawns represent infantry. These are the weakest pieces on the chessboard, worth only one point. A complete set of chess pieces has a total of 16 pawns, eight each white and eight black, and they are placed opposite each other in the second row from opposite ends of the board. To make pawns, you will need to take:

    Buy parts to make boats. There are only four rooks, sometimes called tours, in any chess set (two of each color). Rooks are worth five points. Each of them starts the game from their own corner of the chessboard. To make rooks, you will need to take:

    Prepare parts for the horses. There are only four knights on the chessboard (two of each color), they occupy a place next to each rook in the same row. These chess pieces are worth three points. To make horses, you will need the following parts:

    Buy elephant parts. There are only four bishops on the chessboard (two of each color), which in the initial position stand next to the knights in the same row. Bishops are valued in the same way as knights, at three points. For the elephants you will need the following materials:

    Prepare materials for queens. The queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard and is worth nine points. Moreover, the set contains only one queen of each color. The queen starts the game from a square of the same color as the piece itself, located next to the bishop (the white queen stands on a white square, and the black queen on a black one). To make queens, you will need to take:

    Prepare materials for the kings. The king is the most important piece in chess, so it is not assigned a point value. To end the game, you need to trap the opponent's king (checkmate). The king begins the game on the square between the bishop and the queen. In any set of chess pieces there is only one king for each color. To make kings, you will need to take:

    Part 2

    Make chess pieces
    1. Collect pawn pieces. Take the hex nuts and screw them onto the carriage bolts until the nuts are flush with the ends of the bolts. Then use glue to attach a washer to the ends of the bolts to create a base for each pawn.

      • Pawns on a chessboard are usually the smallest pieces with a wide base, thin middle and rounded head.
    2. Make the boats. Screw castle nuts onto the ends of the machine bolts so that their teeth protrude. Then, successively glue flat washers onto the bolt heads to create a base for the shapes.

      • You will probably have to press the glue-on washer against the head of the bolt for a few minutes to get the glue to set, otherwise the parts may come unglued later.
      • Rooks are quite powerful pieces in regular chess sets, they have a wide base and a shape that resembles a tower or tour.
    3. Collect the horses. Take the hex nuts and thread them onto the machine bolts (1½" (40mm) long) until halfway through the threads. Next, thread the wing nuts onto the bolts flush with the ends of the bolts. Then do the following.

      Make elephants. Screw hex nuts onto machine bolts (2" (50 mm) long) until they are ¾ of the way from the bolt head. Place a washer on the bolt and screw a cap nut on top. Apply glue to the bottom of the cap nut and press it to with a washer to glue it. Next, follow the steps below.

      Collect queens. Screw onto the bolts (2½" (65mm) long) over the hex nut, flush to the head. Apply glue to the washers on one side and stick them onto the hex nuts. Then screw onto the bolts over the second hex nut until they are about 6mm higher. first washers, and then stick the second washers on them. Next, follow the steps below.

      Make kings. Screw the hex nuts onto the bolts (2½" (65mm) long) all the way to the end. Apply glue to one side of the washers and thread them onto the bolts to adhere to the nuts. Next, follow the steps below.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary classes KOU KHMAO-Yugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities."
Description: Chess is not only a game that brings children a lot of joy and pleasure, but also an effective and efficient means of their mental development. The process of teaching the basics of the chess game contributes to the development of children's ability to navigate on a plane, the development of analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, judgments, inferences, teaches the child to remember, compare, generalize, anticipate the results of his activities and Practice has shown that a well-structured process of teaching chess gives a lot and gifted children, and conditionally ordinary, and weak, and children with various functional disorders. Therefore, it is advisable to start teaching wise play as early as possible, but, of course, at a level accessible to the child.
The master class provides a detailed description of making a paper chess game and paper chess pieces using a magnet.
Purpose: ready-made demonstration material is necessary in class when studying any topic on the subject of chess.
Target: Production of demonstration material on the subject of chess.
1. Repeat the concept of “figures on a plane.” Develop design abilities.
2. Development of children's ability to visually model.
3. Cultivate the desire to make a product with your own hands.
4. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, and bringing the work started to its logical conclusion.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings.

Materials and tools:
1. Drawing paper A-4 or whatman paper.
2. Colored paper, corrugated cardboard.
3. Ruler (50cm), pencil, scissors, cutter.
4. Magnets, tape, glue.

Description of making a visual aid
"Chess and chessboard."
1. To make a chessboard, prepare 2 sheets of A-3 drawing paper. The standard sheet size is 42 cm by 29.7 cm.
The photo shows half of the chessboard. For easy storage of the manual, prepare two such parts. They were glued together on the reverse side with a strip of wide tape.
You can also make a chessboard from a single piece of whatman paper. After pencil markings on the base of the squares, prepare shapes from black or gray paper. Make sure that the black square matches the markings on the white sheet of paper.

The color of the chessboard is not fundamentally important. You can combine yellow and brown colors or yellow and green.
2. A thick white strip of paper was glued to each half of the chessboard. We will place letters and numbers on it to determine the location of the chess pieces.

3. You can print it on a printer, you can write beautifully with a felt-tip pen or marker on a white stripe of a chessboard.

4. Numbers and letters were placed and carefully glued to the appropriate place.

5. For greater aesthetics, we edged the chessboards with a thin strip of corrugated cardboard.

Here, you can take a closer look at the corner of the chess half.

In the same sequence we make the second half of the chessboard. We connect the halves on the wrong side with tape.
Now you can attach it to a metal board using magnets.

6. Let's start making chess pieces.
First print out the pieces used in chess.
Chess pieces templates:

The figures can be of different colors and shapes, for example:

We liked the streamlined shapes in gray and yellow shades more.
Glue the printed thin sheet of paper onto thick cardboard.
Each figure should preferably be “laminated” with wide tape. This will give durability and longevity in use. didactic material.
Important tip! If you decide to use tape, you first need to glue it directly to the figure, and only then cut it out. Thus, the outline of the figures will be smooth and durable, and the details themselves will look neat.

7. Glue a piece of magnet to the wrong side of each shape. You can use Moment glue.

8. Our pieces are ready to take the starting position of the chess game.

Closer view of the chess troops.

We use this demonstration material in every lesson.

You can call moves, rearrange figures, solve any logical problems. Explain and find ways to solve winning moves.
Thank you everyone for your attention! I will be glad that the material provided is useful.

I really like to play checkers and chess. And my board is the most ordinary one. To be honest, I'm already a little tired of her. That's why I decided to create something new. I looked at a wide variety of patterns and instructions for creating a chessboard with your own hands. I chose the best option and got to work. I am simply delighted with the result. My homemade product turned out to be so elegant and convenient that I did not even expect it.

For making a chessboard with your own hands I spent a lot of time, which I never regretted. Those things that we make ourselves will never go out of fashion and will never cease to please us.

The squares on my chessboard are made and attached individually. The square tiles are made from Maple and Cherry which need to be individually cut, then rounded through a router, hand sanded (3 steps) and finally glued into place. Many people will recommend using fiberboard or MDF because of its smoothness, but I don't like what it turns into when it gets wet. So I used birch plywood.

How to make a chessboard with your own hands

Step 1: Gather all the lumber.

The chessboard consists of 64 squares located on the playing field. Here are 8 rows and 8 columns, with 32 tiles of each color. I used thick cherry and maple.
So to break it you must have 1 board of each color 1.5" X 53".

I started cutting boards with a finished width of 1.5".

Step 2: Cut each square tile.

Carefully saw each square, then mark it with numbers. Once all 64 tiles plus a few extra tiles for each color have been cut out, you can move on.

Step 3: Round the top edge of each tile.

Round all edges of square tiles using a router. Do this carefully and slowly, otherwise burns may appear on the tiles that cannot be eliminated. Once you have rounded all 256 top edges, i.e. 64x4, get rid of any sawdust that appears on the tiles.

Step 4: Sand the tiles by hand.

Sanding takes a lot long time, so you can leave this work until the end. For convenience, you can hold the tile at a slight angle and move it along the sandpaper. It took me about 4 hours to sand.

Step 5: Polish the edges of each tile.

Step 6: Glue the tiles onto the plywood.

When you glue the tiles, be careful with the amount of glue, do not overdo it. After you have applied a drop of glue to the tile, carefully glue it to the intended place. When the last tile is glued, lay wax paper on top, then cover with a towel. After these procedures, place a flat granite slab on the structure so that the weight of the tiles adheres well. Leave it like this overnight.

Step 7: Adding Trim.

Now I need to make a frame for the board to hide the ugly parts of the plywood. For this I use walnut boards. The drawings will show you the process of working on the frame for the board. Unsightly parts of the plywood should be removed or covered.

Step 8: Adding More Trim.

To make your board look even more beautiful, add another layer of frame, but in a different color.

Step 9: Decorating the corners.

Decorate the corners following the designs.

Step 10: Making the legs for the board.