The main differences between remontant raspberries and regular ones (pros and cons). The best varieties of remontant raspberries (70 photos with descriptions): features of planting early varieties, care and advice from gardeners How to distinguish remontant raspberries from ordinary ones in the spring

The ability of a plant to bear fruit continuously throughout the growing season is called remontancy. Remontant raspberries are capable of producing stably on two-year and one-year-old shoots good harvest berries

Remontant raspberries differ from ordinary varieties in their ability to produce two harvests in one season: first on last year’s shoots, and then on young ones that grew during the summer period. Some gardeners try to avoid such varieties, because the berries of the second harvest may not have time to ripen before the first frost.

Comparative characteristics of raspberry varieties

Qualities and propertiesRegularRemontantnaya
CareMore difficultEasier
Winter hardinessSome varieties are not resistant to frostDoesn't freeze
Susceptibility to diseases and pestsAlways gets damagedRarely gets sick and is damaged by pests
Harvest qualityExcellent and good fruitsGood berries
The appearance of the first fruitsIn the second yearIn the year of landing
Illumination requirementsAverageHigh
Nutrition and moisture requirementsAverageHigh

If a gardener does not have the necessary experience in caring for and growing remontant raspberries, it is better to gain first experience on varieties that are unpretentious to foliar feeding and pruning and do not have thorns on the trunks.

Important information about landing

The size of the future berry harvest largely depends on the selected remontant variety. More than two hundred types of remontant varieties are known, of which eighty are successfully grown in Russian climatic conditions. Our gardeners most often choose remontant varieties with telling names “Yellow Giant”, “Apricot”, “Atlant”, “Bryanskoe Miracle” and “Indian Summer”.

When planting remontant raspberries, you cannot use conventional technologies, because if special care rules are not followed, the bushes will develop much more slowly and will not live up to the hopes placed on them. The planting process must be carried out according to special, but very simple rules.

  1. Depth. Raspberry bushes grow up to 2.5 meters in height, have thick stems and a root system that does not have a main root. In this case, the lateral roots take nutrients at a depth accessible to them, that is, each stem must be planted at a depth of 35-50 cm, in contrast to conventional varieties, which require a depth of 20-25 cm. By increasing the volume of land for collecting the necessary substances, the durability and productivity of each bush of the remontant variety significantly increases.

  2. Deadlines. The time for planting seedlings in the soil begins a week before the onset of frost, since the movement of juices in these varieties is active even at fairly low temperatures. Therefore, the fruits ripen even during the first frosty days, but planting new bushes in the soil becomes significantly more difficult. Sometimes they choose the beginning of April or a week after the final frost for planting, then the results are better than with autumn plantings. A significant disadvantage is the fact that after four months the seedlings do not reach generative development and after planting they produce a very small harvest. They begin to bear fruit normally only in the second year.
  3. Planting density should not exceed two bushes per meter of bed so that the bushes develop strong. We must not forget that planting of material is done once for a period of 7 to 15 years; for this, you need to properly plan the free space so that the plants can be fully cared for.

Caring for remontant varieties of raspberries requires well-planned steps. Within a month after planting, you need to fertilize the soil twice as much in bushes that require large number potassium and nitrogen to provide good growth additional shoots.

Before planting a cutting with buds in a hole, you need to add compost and cover it with soil about ten centimeters high, since the grown roots should not come into direct contact with the fertilizer. If the weather is hot, the roots may burn.

To prevent the root system from starting to rot and to gain full strength in the first year, good soil drainage must be ensured before planting remontant varieties. At the bottom of a deep hole you need to pour a 10-centimeter layer of coarse crushed stone, which is covered with fertile soil. In addition to fertilizers, stones and a layer of soil, you need to leave an additional at least thirty centimeters for the seedling of the future bush.

Feeding the shoots with special fertilizers begins in the spring and continues until the end of summer, finishing fertilizing the soil three weeks before the start of picking the first berries, so that the crop is not saturated with chemicals.

The remaining rules for planting and care are exactly the same as for ordinary berry varieties. To plant remontant bushes, choose turf or loamy soil, having previously filled it with organic fertilizers and compost.

Video - Planting remontant raspberries

Video - How to get a large harvest of remontant raspberries

Video - Planting raspberries. Summer and remontant, spring and autumn

Autumn care measures

In order for the bushes to be able to survive the winter without loss and in the spring to fully stock up on the necessary vitality, it is necessary to fulfill the following points:

Careful implementation of all points will double the resistance of raspberry bushes to frost. Then in the spring the plants will develop much faster and will certainly bring a good harvest to the caring owner.

Pest control of remontant raspberries

Raspberry bushes are damaged by fungi, insects and viruses.

The most common diseases of remontant raspberries and measures to combat them

Pests and diseasesImageSigns of defeatTreatment measures
Powdery mildew occurs when there is high humidity Leaves, flowers and tips of young shoots are affected. A gray-white coating is visible, leaves curl and fall offWatering at the root, pruning and burning shoots in spring and summer. Before and after flowering, spray with a 0.3 percent solution of calcium polysulfate, a one percent suspension of colloidal sulfur
Apple codling moth caterpillar gets into raspberries from fallen apples Damages raspberry fruitsSpraying with 0.3 percent karbofos emulsion, 0.6 percent fozalon emulsion two weeks after flowering
Rough skeletonization of leavesSpraying before flowering with 0.6 percent fozalon emulsion
Spotty darkening and deformation of the leaf blade along the edgeRemoving infected branches or the entire plant
Affects most fruitsTransplantation to other parts of the site and treatment with Gardon and Vofatox

And yet, remontant species, in comparison with conventional varieties, behave much more resistant to pests and diseases. Control and protection measures are:

  • planting bushes remote from other plantings to prevent infection with the raspberry beetle;
  • in the use of tinctures of onion and garlic peels and sulfur solution in the fight against spider mites;
  • in protecting leaves from caterpillars by feeding with preparations with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

We must not forget that during flowering it is forbidden to treat the plantings with chemicals so that they do not get into the berries.

The main pest control is carried out with the help of beneficial insects, such as the hoverfly larva, ladybug, dragonfly, lacewing, apanteles and other biological species that are best not destroyed.

A correctly chosen place for planting cuttings, proper pruning and good care allow you to harvest at least two excellent raspberry harvests in one season.

After reading the reviews and seeing the abundant harvest of large raspberries in the neighboring plots, completely covering the bushes from early summer to late autumn, every gardener has a desire to plant the plot with remontant species. Then it will be possible to collect two harvests of delicious berries every year until late autumn.

Video - Remontant and regular raspberries

Video - Sheltering raspberries for the winter

The remontant properties of plants mean their ability to bear fruit again. Planting varieties of remontant raspberries on the site allows you to obtain an almost continuous harvest of berries throughout the summer.

Differences between remontant raspberries and ordinary ones

In agricultural technology it is not much different from conventional varieties, but nevertheless, it has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Harvest in the first year. If you plant remontant raspberries in the fall or even early spring, you will definitely taste the first berries in August!
  2. Simplified care. Remontant raspberries almost do not produce shoots, which ordinary raspberries have to “fight” along with a weed; remontant raspberries do not need to be covered for the winter, since, simply, there is nothing to do.
  3. Resistance to pests and diseases. “Raspberry ailments” are naturally tuned to the biorhythm of ordinary varieties, and the life cycle of remontant raspberries does not coincide with it, hence the resistance to the problems of ordinary raspberries.
  4. Large-fruited - the berries of remontant varieties are always larger, moreover, if you harvest them not twice, but once, the size of the berries will be even larger.

Growing remontant raspberry varieties today can be considered a priority for experienced gardeners. Therefore, we recommend that you follow their example and definitely decide to cultivate it.

The process of planting remontant raspberries from “A” to “Z”

To obtain optimal quality and quantity of the harvest, choose sunny, wind-protected corners of the garden and light loamy soils with deep groundwater for planting remontant raspberries.

Choosing a place for raspberries

Requirements for the growing location and plenty of sun are fundamental for remontant raspberries.

The soil must be fertile, and it is advisable to choose the area for cultivation that was under plantings of lupine, mustard, rye or was fallow. Areas where tomatoes, peppers, potatoes previously grew, or where there were raspberries are absolutely not suitable.

Preparing the soil for planting raspberries

It is advisable to plant remontant varieties in the fall, at the beginning of October, however, spring planting is also quite acceptable, its only drawback is that the berries may not have time to ripen in the first year, because the plant will devote all its efforts to the formation of the root system and adaptation. The site should be prepared several months before planting:

  • remove weeds;
  • dig up the ground;
  • add rotted organic matter (10-20 kg per 1 sq.m of manure or compost);
  • add complex mineral fertilizers (can be replaced with potassium sulfate and superphosphate in equal parts).

Step-by-step process for planting remontant raspberries

  1. Dig holes at a distance of 70 cm from each other. A distance of about one and a half meters is left between the rows, the volume of the pit is 40/40/40 cm.
  2. Choose a seedling no shorter than 20 cm and no thinner than 5 mm.
  3. If necessary, the root of the seedling is soaked for a day in a solution of a root growth stimulator before planting.
  4. A remontant raspberry seedling is buried at the level of the root collar with the surface of the earth.
  5. After planting, the future bush is watered abundantly (4-5 buckets), and the soil around is mulched with peat or humus in a 3-5 cm layer.

Caring for remontant raspberries in spring

In the spring, even before the soil has completely thawed, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied. To prepare it, dissolve 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water. In addition, the following actions will be necessary so that the raspberries do not get sick and bring a bountiful harvest:

  1. Before the buds swell, pruning is carried out - dried, frozen and damaged branches are removed.
  2. In April-May, therapeutic (iron sulfate) or preventive (fungicide) sprayings are carried out.
  3. At the very end of spring, remontant raspberries are protected from pests by treating them with insecticides.

Caring for remontant raspberries in summer

During the summer, it is important to arrange regular and sufficient watering for the bushes (at the rate of 3-4 buckets per 1 sq.m of soil. In extreme heat, it is better to shade the raspberry bushes by throwing a net over them.

Do not forget to also regularly loosen the soil around the bushes under the bush to a depth of 5-8 cm, in row spacing - 10-15 cm).

Also, at the beginning of summer, before fruiting begins, it is necessary to tie the raspberry branches to support pegs. But it is best to arrange trellises. For construction, try to choose materials that are least traumatic to delicate stems:

  • for supports - metal insulation;
  • for garter - twine, tapepener.

From the third year, in the summer, twice or even more often, 3-4 kg of organic matter per 1 sq.m. is added under the bushes. m, and mineral complex:

  • 9 g of nitrogen (alternative: a) 26 g of ammonium nitrate b) 20 g of urea, c) 44 g of ammonium sulfate);
  • 9 g phosphorus (alternative: 19 g superphosphate);
  • 12 g of potassium (alternative: a) 24 g of sulfate, b) 20 g of potassium chloride, c) 120-150 g of wood ash).

Caring for remontant raspberries in the fall

  1. After harvesting, on the eve of cold weather, pruning is done. Old fruit bearings are removed in October-November. For young bushes, a few stems are left, while for old bushes, all of them are cut off.
  2. Carry out water-recharging irrigation (at the rate of 5-6 buckets per 1 sq.m.)
  3. The final stage is loosening (with turning the layer over) and mulching with organic matter (a layer of at least 3 cm).

Remontant raspberries are transplanted to a new location no more than once every ten years. The bush does not require additional shelter for the winter, but if after pruning you left several stems, it is better to bend them down and cover them with spruce branches or a wooden box.

A popular variety of raspberries is remontant, which is distinguished by its ability to produce several harvests. Remontant raspberry varieties can bring a very large and profitable harvest.

Growing remontant raspberries - plant characteristics and care

Remontant raspberry is one of the raspberry varieties that is popular in Europe and the CIS countries due to its unique ability to bear fruit several times per season.

The term "repair" implies "replenishment". In Europe, this raspberry variety is better known as “everbearing,” which means “bearing fruit continuously.”

The main feature of the remontant raspberry variety is the ability to grow fruits for both one and two harvests. After planting remontant raspberries, you can harvest the first harvest in August-September after one year of care. The bush will produce its next harvest a little earlier - in mid-June. However, it is worth noting that the second harvest on two-year-old stems is of much worse quality compared to one-year-old stems. The berries obtained in the second year of cultivation are quite soft, bony and too dry.

In addition, the summer harvest of the remontant raspberry variety can significantly worsen and delay the second autumn harvest. This is due, first of all, to the fact that all energy is spent on the first summer harvest. The plant spends most of its energy on the formation of annual stems and shoots, which will serve to ripen further crops.

Reproduction of remontant raspberries can be very beneficial for summer residents. By planting several varieties of raspberries at your dacha, for example, early, mid-late and remontant, you can get several times more harvest and provide your family with delicious berries for the whole year.

Planting remontant raspberries - rules and features

Planting remontant raspberries is a rather labor-intensive process that requires a lot of attention and planning. This raspberry variety requires special care, since improper care can cause poor development of the plant and a poor harvest or its absence. Before planting plants, you need to choose the most comfortable place for this. It is best to give preference to the south side of a summer cottage with a loose and fertile plot of land. However, when planting raspberries of this variety, darkened and separated areas will not suit you. In such a plot, as a rule, the plant will not be able to produce a normal harvest.

The best time to plant a plant is autumn, but if you wish, you can also plant in the summer.

The main thing that needs to be taken into account when growing remontant raspberries is: the timing of planting, the depth of planting of the seedling in the ground and the density of planting.

Timing – the time for planting remontant raspberries may differ significantly from other varieties. As a rule, this type of plant must be planted at least a week before the scheduled frost. This variety has a fairly active metabolism, which allows you to get good fruits even during significant cold snaps, but it gives some complications when planting new material.

Some gardeners begin planting immediately after the last frost and, in most cases, this gives much better results than canopy planting. However, one significant problem arises - in the first 5 months after such planting, the seedlings will not have time to reach the required maturity and produce a normal, large harvest. The first berries from such planting can be obtained only in the second year after planting.

Planting in the ground - as a rule, remontant raspberry plants are up to 250 cm long, have fairly thick stems, but at the same time have a bunch-type root. This feature allows the plant to receive nutrition only from the depth where the lateral roots are located. That is why it is necessary to plant raspberries of this variety to a depth of 30-50 cm, which will allow the plant to comfortably receive all the substances necessary for nutrition and justify large area to collect minerals.

Planting density– when planting raspberries of the specified variety, it is worth taking into account the height of the bushes and the thickness of the stems. Based on these parameters, plants should not be planted too close and 2 or more bushes should not be planted per 1 linear meter. Raspberry bushes are not planted every year, but only once every 7 to 15 years, which is why it is necessary to be quite careful and attentive to this procedure so that the plant grows properly and produces a good harvest. Remember that raspberry bushes should not sit too close, because this will interfere with their normal growth, and you will be able to properly care for them.

It is worth noting that when propagating remontant raspberries, much attention should be paid to fertilizer. As a rule, when planting plants at the bottom of a prepared hole, it is necessary to place two buckets per linear meter. You can also use humus and several glasses. If desired, you can use fertilizer instead of fertilizer, which will also give very good results for planting and plant growth.

The trench must be filled in layers:

  1. The first layer contains pre-prepared fertilizers,
  2. the second - soil mixed with fertilizers,
  3. the third is a clean layer from fertile soil.

There are different ways to plant remontant raspberries:

  • Ordinary planting method - implies planting in which the distance between rows of bushes does not exceed 2 meters, when planting seedlings - 1 meter;
  • The strip planting method involves planting plants in one or several rows, the gap between which is 0.6 - 0.9 meters.
  • Bush planting method - involves planting raspberries by placing squares of area in the corners, the sides of which range from 1 to 1.5 meters; at this method Plants are planted randomly, choosing the sunniest places for planting.

Pruning remontant raspberries - what you should pay attention to

If you want to get a good and large harvest from remontant raspberries every year, you need to properly care for the plant and also trim the shoots every year. If your summer cottage also has early varieties of raspberries, then the two-year-old stems of the bushes must be pruned after harvesting. As a rule, pruning is done in November and December.

If you want to get a rich summer harvest next year, you need to trim all shoots to ground level.

When pruning remontant raspberries, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • pruning is done every year 2 times;
  • The best time for pruning is November-December and April;
  • you should not cut off the tops of the stems, this is where fertilization begins;
  • Branches are pruned only when you want to delay the harvest period.

The main mistake of many gardeners is the fact that they start pruning from the tops of the stems. This significantly reduces the yield and the time it takes to obtain it, because it is from the tops that fertilization of the plant begins.

In order to get a rich harvest of high quality, you need to regularly prune remontant raspberries in spring. Spring pruning involves removing 10-15 cm from the first bud of the plant.

Only those areas of branches and stems that have dried and frozen over the winter are removed. This type of pruning is done in early April, a period when early buds are just beginning to appear, swell and it is quite easy to find damaged links.

New varieties of remontant raspberries - the best for your garden

It is worth noting that there is quite a wide variety of different varieties of raspberries. New varieties of remontant raspberries allow you to get a rich harvest different quality. Before you start planting raspberries, you need to decide which variety you want to plant on your site. Today there are more than 200 various types remontant raspberries and each of them has its own characteristics and yield.

The most famous include:

Planting and growing remontant raspberries - video

Remontant raspberry is a special variety of selective raspberry that can bear fruit twice in one season. The first berries are harvested in the summer, when ordinary raspberries bear fruit, and from autumn until the onset of frost, miracle raspberries give a repeat harvest. To increase yield, remontant raspberry varieties are also grown as an annual crop, skipping summer fruiting. The berries can have raspberry and orange shades.

The first variety is a valuable natural mutation

The unusual flowering and fruiting of raspberries was noticed by American botanists more than 200 years ago. A natural change in the genetic code of the common raspberry caused the bush to suddenly bloom again in the fall. Observations continued, and it was discovered that the next season the fruiting part of the branch died off, and further fruits began to appear in its middle and lower parts. This feature of raspberries contributed to the development of breeding work in this direction. The developed varieties began to be called remontant raspberries, which means replenishable.

Remontant raspberry

Agricultural technology

Complete autumn pruning

The uniqueness of remontant raspberries lies in the fact that every spring the shoots re-emerge from the ground to produce a new harvest in the current season. To do this, complete pruning of the stems is done in the fall, after the raspberries have shed all their leaves. The branches are removed completely, without leaving even small trimmings that may be visible above the ground. This growing method is suitable for regions with temperate and cold climates. When choosing which raspberries are better to plant, remontant or regular, it is important to know such advice from gardeners as the remote location of these crops on the site. When planted close together, the bushes may become intertwined, making it difficult to tell which branches need pruning.

Two harvests

The scheme of harvesting two harvests in one season is more suitable for the southern regions. In winter, the shoots of the current year are not pruned, and they begin to bear fruit for the first time in early summer, and the second time in the fall. Thanks to the warm climate, all the berries have time to ripen. But in this case, the harvest of the entire season will be divided into two periods. A branch that bears fruit at the beginning of summer is immediately removed after picking the berries. After harvesting, the autumn branch is cut below the area where the berries were.

Remontant raspberry

The second type is man-made

The second variety appeared in the course of further breeding work, the difference of which was to increase fruiting along the entire stem, and not just on its periphery. Such raspberries are also called Rushbush or swift and bushy. Swift raspberries are named for their annual growth from shoot to ripening, while ordinary raspberries begin to bear fruit only in the second year. And bushiness began to mean the ability of the stem to branch, similar to a bush bouquet.

Advantages of the second variety of Rashbush

The advantages of the variety are in its features. An important difference from ordinary raspberries is that the stems of remontant raspberries for growing as an annual crop are completely cut off in the fall, leaving only the roots, securely covered underground, to overwinter. Therefore, the crop is not afraid of wintering in any climate, as well as changeable spring: it does not need to install or remove shelters. It is easy to care for the crop.

Remontant raspberry varieties that bloom at the end of summer do not coincide with the biological appearance of various pests, so the bushes do not need to be sprayed. Worms do not appear in the fruits. Eating such a berry is healthy and pleasant. But which raspberry to choose, remontant or regular, should be decided taking into account the ripening time, so that the berry has time to ripen before the onset of frost and snow, or take several different varieties that will ensure the harvest throughout the season.

Remontant raspberry

Agricultural technology of annual raspberries Rashbush

When choosing which raspberries are better, simple or remontant, you should take into account that annual raspberries, unlike ordinary ones, need to ripen in one short season. In order to grow from shoot to ripening berries, the crop will require additional care and a lot of energy, which it must receive from nutritious soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used for fertilizing.

For a high-quality and healthy harvest, abundant watering is required, without stagnation of moisture.

Repair raspberry bushes are not tall, but due to their bushiness, they may require trellises.

Plantation planting

The raspberry bush is placed in a bright, warm place so that the crop gets enough sun. The soil needs to be fertile, loose, with good drainage. To maintain the required soil conditions, the entire row is mulched with mowed grass.

In multi-row plantations, it is important to provide access to light without shading the bushes with each other, so a distance of 2-2.5 m is maintained between the rows. In one row, seedlings are placed every 80 cm.

The plant can be propagated by root cuttings or using a young green seedling “nettle”.

Remontant raspberry


Old varieties

Ottom Bliz is a mature variety, on the basis of which various subsequent species were created, including those called “raspberry tree”. The old varieties of Soviet selection include Progress, the first semi-remontant variety bred by I.V. Michurin.

With the advent of new breeding achievements, old varieties, with their lower performance, are leaving the plantations.

Modern foreign selection

  • Lačka (Laszka);
  • Malling Minerva;
  • Glen Ample.

Bryansk masterpieces by I.V. Kazakova

  • Hercules is a small bush with large berries;
  • Indian Summer-2 is a variety with medium-sized berries that have a beautiful dark crimson color;
  • Bryanskoe Miracle is a variety with large elongated berries with a sweet and sour taste.

Remontant raspberry

Reliable varieties V.V. Kichins

  • Kalashnik is an unpretentious, late-ripening, productive variety;
  • Unattainable is an early ripening dessert variety.

Growing a remontant raspberry variety means that the gardener can receive a harvest all season long. Repairing qualities are also inherent in such crops as strawberries and wild strawberries.
