The arrest of Ladonshchikov, a defendant in the case of theft of Roscosmos funds, was recognized as legal. The former first vice-president of Fondservisbank told where the Roscosmos money disappeared. Peter Ladonshchikov, detention

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested in absentia the former general director of the Capital Trust Company Soyuz and member of the board of directors of Fondservisbank Eduard Chesnov. He is a defendant in the case of the theft of 7.5 billion rubles from a credit institution, which for more than ten years was supporting bank of Roscosmos. According to the Investigation Department (ID) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the arrested person, being a confidant of the former owner of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, led a separate group of specialists who managed the assets withdrawn from the bank.

The decision to arrest Eduard Chesnov was made by the capital's Tverskoy Court in absentia: location of the former general director of the Capital Trust Company Soyuz and member of the board of directors Fundservicebank The investigation has not yet been able to establish. In this regard, Mr. Chesnov has been put on the wanted list. Note that judgment of arrest now allows Russian law enforcement agencies to send materials on the person under investigation to Interpol. The former banker is charged with Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organized criminal community) and Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale),

According to the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Eduard Chesnov was a proxy of the former owner of Fondservisbank Alexandra Volovnik, who for several years led a criminal group engaged in large-scale theft of depositors’ funds. It is worth noting that for a long time Fondservisbank was the supporting bank for Roscosmos, which held $800 million in its accounts.

As follows from the case materials, Mr. Chesnov headed a separate group, the “criminal functions” of which included performing “various financial transactions” with money withdrawn from the bank, managing property “acquired by criminal means,” as well as “accounting for and distributing criminal income” between accomplices. So, following the instructions of the owner of the bank, as well as his first vice president Petra Ladonshchikova, Mr. Chesnov, the case says, found 31 companies - one-day trip, with which in the period from May 1, 2013 to February 24, 2015 the bank concluded 216 loan agreements. According to them, Fondservisbank transferred 6.7 billion rubles to borrowers, which, according to the investigation, were then “not returned to the bank” - their members criminal community"used at their own discretion."

Another episode imputed to Mr. Chesnov dates back to November 2014. Then, according to investigators, Eduard Chesnov took part in the withdrawal of 800 million rubles “by signing a fictitious contract» with a broker - FINSO Management Company LLC. This money, the SD believes, was also stolen. As a result, according to the investigation, with the participation of Mr. Chesnov, 7.5 billion rubles were withdrawn and laundered from the bank.

The case against the bank's managers was initiated three years ago, after the bank refused to immediately return to Roscosmos its funds deposited with the credit institution. At first, the amount of damage in the case was 1.38 billion rubles, then it increased sharply.

The owner of the bank, Alexander Volovnik, and the first vice-president, Petr Ladonshchikov, were recently transferred from the pre-trial detention center

As Kommersant learned, the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has completed an investigation into the circumstances of the theft of 7.5 billion rubles. in Fondservisbank (FSB), whose main client for a long time there was Roscosmos. 12 defendants, including the former owner and head of the bank Alexander Volovnik and first vice-president Pyotr Ladonshchikov, are accused of organizing a criminal community and participating in it, as well as of particularly large-scale fraud. The accused themselves deny involvement in illegal operations, insisting that there were no criminal schemes for the withdrawal of assets at the bank, and those actions of the bankers, which the investigation considers criminal, corresponded to their official duties.

After the completion of investigative actions in the Fondservisbank case, the investigation materials amounted to about 200 volumes. The defendants in the case have been charged under especially serious Art. 210 (organization of a criminal community and participation in it using one’s official position), as well as under Part 4 of Art. 159 (fraud on an especially large scale) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that one of the 12 defendants - former general director of the Capital Trust Company Soyuz and member of the board of directors of Fondservisbank Eduard Chesnov - is wanted and arrested by the court in absentia. According to the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which conducted the investigation, the damage from the activities of the organized crime group amounted to 7.5 billion rubles.

As Kommersant sources note, the case file states that in May 2013, the owner and first president of the bank formed a criminal group whose goal was “systematic theft cash» FSB. In addition to bank employees, the creators of OPS, according to investigators, used LLC Capital Trust Company Soyuz, LLC, Automation of Business Processes LLC, Management Company FINSO LLC, controlled by them, as well as shell companies as a “tool for committing crimes” . At the same time, the case says, the criminal community was divided into several “separate groups” - according to the specialization of its members. Thus, employees of “Automation of Business Processes,” according to the investigation, looked for shell companies, prepared packages of documents necessary for drawing up loan agreements for them, and then controlled the transfer of bank funds to the accounts of these companies “under the guise of completing civil transactions.” . After which they destroyed documentation about the activities of the creditors. At the same time, the group itself, as noted in the investigation materials, was also divided into divisions - legal, accounting and support department.

The group, which, according to investigators, was headed by the general director of STC Soyuz Eduard Chesnov, was engaged in various financial transactions with funds stolen from the bank, management of property “acquired by criminal means,” as well as “accounting and distribution of criminal income” between participants in the fraud.

The division, which, according to the case materials, was controlled by the management of Management Company FINSO, not only ensured the preparation of documents for the theft of bank funds by issuing obviously bad loans, but also, according to the investigation, used this money to engage in various operations on the market securities“for the purpose of concealing traces of a crime.”

Finally, the security group, which, according to detectives, was led by the head of the FSB resource protection department, ensured secrecy, prepared inspection reports and other documents “containing false information” in relations with shell companies to which FSB money was transferred. And the loan documents processing group was engaged, the case says, in “concealing the traces of systematic theft,” issuing positive opinions, professional judgments, etc., necessary to give the appearance of legality to the issuance of non-performing loans.

As a result, as follows from the case materials, members of the group, following the instructions of the owner of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, and the first vice-president of the bank, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, found 31 shell companies to withdraw funds, with which from May 1, 2013 to February 24, 2015, the FSB 216 loan agreements were concluded. According to them, the bank transferred 6.7 billion rubles, which were then “not returned to the bank”: the money issued, according to the investigation, was “used by members of the criminal community at their own discretion.” Moreover, in November 2014, in the bank building (Butyrsky Val, 18), according to investigators, a scheme was drawn up to withdraw 800 million rubles. “by signing a fictitious contract” with Management Company FINSO, who were also kidnapped. Thus, the total amount of damage in the case amounted to 7.5 billion rubles.

It is worth noting that for ten years the FSB was the supporting bank for Roscosmos, which at that time held $800 million in its accounts. The bank served almost all the largest industry enterprises, salary projects and foreign currency accounts of Roscosmos. The FSB's problems began after in 2015, the new management of the state corporation demanded the return of funds placed in the bank, but in response they heard an offer to wait three years, since the money was invested in various projects. The then Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (now the head of Roscosmos) said: “There were smart people (I won’t call them fools) who created various kinds of schemes in which the money earned by the country for space launches was either poured into the pocket of this space bosses, or in one jar that had nothing to do with state control.” And he added that “hundreds of millions of dollars earned by the country settled in this financial structure.”

The management of Roscosmos turned to the Central Bank with a request to look into the work of Fondservicebank. After an audit, which, according to the then deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Mikhail Sukhov, discovered “facts of significant overvaluation of assets,” the FSB fell under the reorganization program carried out by Novikombank. Roscosmos itself offered him as a sanatorium, agreeing at the same time to freeze part of its funds deposited in Fondservisbank.

The defendants in the case do not admit guilt. They claim that all financial transactions carried out by the FSB were legal, and the investigation considers those actions that corresponded to the official duties of the accused to be criminal.

Vladislav Trifonov

"Connections / Partners"


Roscosmos money disappeared in the criminal community

As Kommersant learned, the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspected former leaders of Fondservisbank Alexander Volovnik and Pyotr Ladonshchikov of organizing a criminal community of a dozen people who stole, laundered or cashed out 6.5 billion rubles that belonged to Roscosmos. Nevertheless, by decision of the Moscow City Court, the ex-bankers, who served a year in a pre-trial detention center, were transferred to house arrest.

According to Kommersant, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspected the former president of Fondservisbank Alexander Volovnik and the ex-president financial structure Petr Ladonshchikov in organizing a criminal community (Part 1 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Another 11 persons involved in the investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be charged with participation in an organized criminal group.

The banker gave out six billion

As Kommersant learned, the former first vice-president of Fondservisbank, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, who was arrested along with the ex-owner of this credit institution, Alexander Volovnik, on charges of theft of 1.38 billion rubles belonging to Roscosmos, entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement. As part of the deal, he testified about how and to which companies from the bank on his behalf former owner withdrawn 6 billion rubles. A Kommersant source close to the investigation notes that after studying Mr. Ladonshchikov’s testimony to criminal liability may attract the owners of companies that participated in the scam, and Mr. Volovnik faces a more serious charge - organizing a criminal community.

Ministry of Internal Affairs collects money from Roscosmos

As Kommersant has learned, the investigation has continued against the ex-owner of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, and the first vice-president of the financial structure, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, who organized the theft from the bank of more than 1.3 billion rubles belonging to Roscosmos. Thanks to the testimony of Mr. Ladonshchikov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained three businessmen who were involved in the disappearance of funds.

Official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk reported that employees of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK), as well as other police departments, carried out a set of operational and investigative measures in a criminal case regarding the withdrawal of more than 1 billion rubles from the space industry.

The court extended the arrest of the former head of Fondservisbank Volovnik until March 25

The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow extended until March 25 the detention period of the former president of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, accused of embezzlement, a RAPSI correspondent reports from the courtroom.

“Extend the period of detention in relation to Volovnik for three months,” judge Maria Sizintseva read out the ruling.

The court also extended the period of detention in relation to the former vice-president of the bank, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, accused in this criminal case.

The court left Volovnik, the former head of Fondservisbank, under arrest in an embezzlement case.

MOSCOW, February 1 - RAPSI. The Moscow City Court recognized as legal the decision to extend the arrest of the former president of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, accused of embezzlement, the court’s press service told RAPSI.

Thus, Volovnik will remain in custody until March 25. The court also upheld the decision to extend the period of detention in relation to the former vice-president of the bank Pyotr Ladonshchikov, a defendant in the same criminal case.

According to investigators, Volovnik was involved in the embezzlement of about 50 billion rubles placed in the above-mentioned bank by the state corporation Roscosmos. Investigators believe that Volovnik and Ladonshchikov issued obviously non-repayable loans to companies, and the money was withdrawn abroad. The defendants do not admit their guilt in the charges.

The former first vice-president of Fondservisbank, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, who was arrested along with the ex-owner of this credit institution, Alexander Volovnik, on charges of theft of 1.38 billion rubles belonging to Roscosmos, entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement. As part of the deal, he testified about how and to which companies 6 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank on behalf of its former owner. A Kommersant source close to the investigation notes that after studying Mr. Ladonshchikov’s testimony, the owners of the companies that participated in the scam may be brought to criminal liability, and Mr. Volovnik faces a more serious charge - organizing a criminal community.

Unlike the former owner and president of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik, who denies his guilt, Mr. Ladonshchikov immediately admitted it, beginning to actively cooperate with the investigation. Subsequently, Mr. Ladonshchikov formalized his cooperation with the investigation by signing a pre-trial agreement with the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin. Now, according to the law, his case must be separated into separate proceedings, and he himself can be transferred from the pre-trial detention center to house arrest.

Let us remind you that a criminal case about the theft of Roscosmos funds placed in Fondservisbank was opened in August 2015. According to the preliminary investigation, Mr. Volovnik organized the theft of at least 1.38 billion rubles from the bank, which was transferred, including abroad, through shell companies that received non-repayable loans. At the end of April, Mr. Volovnik and the alleged accomplice in the thefts, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, were arrested by decisions of the Tverskoy District Court, which was contacted by representatives of the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now Kommersant's source claims that thanks to the testimony of Mr. Ladonshchikov, the amount of alleged thefts increased to 6 billion rubles, and in addition, companies that received bad loans from the bank, and employees of the bank itself who participated in the scam, were identified. “The decision about which of them will become new defendants in the case and who will retain their current status as witnesses will be made depending on their testimony,” the Kommersant source noted.

It is worth noting that the preliminary investigation, which was initially conducted against unidentified persons under Part 4 of Art. 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in the field of lending) and the investigation was rather sluggish; at the beginning of this year, after the intervention of the Prosecutor General’s Office, it sharply intensified. The classification of the crime was changed to Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (embezzlement committed on an especially large scale using one’s official position), and at the end of April the first alleged participants in the thefts, Messrs. Volovnik and Ladonshchikov, ended up in the pre-trial detention center. Now, as a Kommersant source close to the investigation suggests, after a comprehensive verification of Mr. Ladonshchikov’s testimony and the probable arrests of other participants in the thefts, the ex-owner of Fondservisbank Alexander Volovnik may be charged with a more serious offense under Part 1 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of a criminal community).

Meanwhile, the defense of Messrs. Volovnik and Ladonshchikov appealed their arrests in the Moscow City Court. Representatives of the first of them insisted that the crime charged against him was committed during entrepreneurial activity, proposing to transfer the banker from the pre-trial detention center to house arrest. Lawyers for the second argued the need for house arrest by saying that the Tverskoy District Court did not take into account the repentance of the accused and his assistance to the investigation. However appellate authority left the bankers in custody.

Pyotr Ladonshchikov, the former first vice-president of Fondservisbank, who was arrested on charges of stealing 1.38 billion rubles that belonged to Roscosmos, entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement and told investigators how and where 6 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank. Now the list of defendants in the case may expand.

As the newspaper reports, the former first vice-president of Fondservisbank, Pyotr Ladonshchikov, who was previously arrested along with the former owner of the credit institution, Alexander Volovnik, on charges of stealing 1.38 billion rubles that belonged to Roscosmos, entered into a pre-trial agreement. Cooperating with the investigation, he testified: he reported to which company accounts six billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank on behalf of its ex-owner. A newspaper source close to the investigation says that after studying the evidence, the owners of the companies participating in the scam may be brought to criminal liability, and Volovnik faces a more serious charge (of organizing a criminal community).

The publication also notes that, unlike the aforementioned Volovnik, who denied his guilt, Ladonshchikov admitted his guilt immediately. Ladonshchikov signed a pre-trial agreement with Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Viktor Grin. Now his case should be separated into separate proceedings, and the person involved may be transferred from the pre-trial detention center to house arrest.

A criminal case regarding the theft of Roscosmos funds placed in Fondservisbank was opened in 2015. The preliminary investigation made it possible to establish that Volovnik organized the theft of at least 1.38 billion rubles, which were also transferred abroad through shell companies that received non-repayable loans. Now Kommersant’s source indicates that the amount of alleged theft (thanks to Ladonshchikov’s testimony) has increased to 6 billion rubles.

It is difficult to know how this relatively sluggish ongoing case (since 2015) will end, despite new data.

It is also curious that the one whom the newspaper’s source calls cooperating with the investigation does not at all repent of his actions, although he admits his guilt. As reported in mid-May, Ladonshchikov and his lawyer said that he admitted guilt and was ready to cooperate with the investigation, however, in the case materials announced in the Tverskoy court, there is no information about his repentance and testimony.

According to the investigation, the agency notes, he testified, but only to a small extent: he spoke about the existence of a criminal scheme. At the same time, Ladonshchikov believes that he became an accidental participant in the crime.

Volovnik completely denies guilt and any involvement in the incriminated crimes.

All that remains is to release these figures into freedom with the words: no, no trial.