KVN fire safety. Scenario competition for fire safety. Be careful with fire always! ”

Extracurricular event "KVN on fire safety" for students

Topic:Assistants of the young firefighters.

Goal:To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge of fire safety rules.


fire plays a very important role in human life. With the help of fire, a man provided himself with heat and light. Without fire today, human life on our planet is impossible: fire melts the ore, drives cars, ships, planes,
  helps generate electricity.
  Fire is beneficial if a person handles it carefully, observing the necessary safety measures. But fire can become a disaster for a person due to careless handling of it, due to violation of fire safety rules.
  Today we recall these safety rules.

We have two teams.

1 team - “Twinkle”

Motto: "Fire is a dangerous thing."
  He doesn’t like jokes over himself. "

Team 2 - Sparkles

"In case of fire, in case of fire
  Every citizen knows.
  In case of fire, in case of fire
  We type "01". "

Another variant.

1 team - “Twinkle”

“It’s easier than putting out a fire,
  We should warn him. ”

2 team - “Fire extinguisher”

“Remember well, friends,
  It’s impossible to joke with fire. ”

1st competition: “Warm-up”.

The whole universe lives in it,
  But an ordinary thing. (TV set)

From a burning well.
  It flows through the nose. (kettle).

Admire look
  North pole inside!
  Snow and ice sparkles there
  Winter itself lives there.
  Forever to us this winter
  Brought from the store. (fridge)

There is a steamboat
  Now up and down
  And behind him is such a smooth surface,
  Not a wrinkle to see. (iron)

Leading:how can one call these objects?
  (electrical appliances)

Leading:each team should name 2 rules for safe handling of electrical appliances.

Do not use faulty electrical appliances.

Do not leave electrical appliances unattended.

Do not plug multiple appliances into one outlet.

Do not touch the appliance with wet hands.

Do not repair the appliance itself.

Do not use the appliance if there are bare wires.

(fans supplement the rules).

2 contest: "Call zero - one."

Leading:   Guys, tell me, if there was a trouble, by what number will we report the fire?

And who knows why the fire service got the number “01”?

Because 01 is simple, everyone will remember it;
  - 01 - the number is short, every minute is expensive in a fire;
- 01 - the number is convenient, it is easy to dial it in the dark on the phone’s disk.

Leading:now we will spend game "Fire!"   and test your knowledge of emergency behavior. I need 2 people from each team. (we blindfold, we turn around and at the command “Fire!” the players are given the task to inform that the school is on the 2nd floor).


What is burning.

Where lit (address).

Who says (F.I.).

3rd competition: “Situational tasks”.

The situation for the 1st team.

When watching a TV show, the image disappeared, and smoke came from the TV. Your actions.

Disconnect the TV from the network.

Inform adults.

Call the wizard.

The situation for the 2nd team.

You are at home. We noticed that various things started to burn on the balcony from the abandoned cigarette butt. Your actions.

Report to the fire department "01".

Extinguish a fire with any improvised means (water, wet cloth, earth from flower pots).

Warn neighbors from the upper floors, call for help.

The game "The best driver."


And now the cars are red
  Hurry to dangerous places
  Passers-by shy away -
  Firefighters are in a hurry!

Leading:   and now I’ll ask the guys who want to become firefighters?
  (go to the 1st child from each team). The players sit down on a chair, cords are stretched to the chairs, the ends of which are tied cars. The first to bring the car closer to himself will win.

4 contest "Field of Miracles".


Today I’m playing a game with you,
  I invite you to the field of miracles.
  The topic is relevant and important -
  Fire safety.
  Rest assured friends:
  You can’t joke with fire!
  Game tasks.

1. What body does a cotton gauze bandage protect in case of fire? There are 7 letters in this word.

Answer: breath.

2. One of the causes of burns. There are 7 letters in this word.

Answer: boiling water.

Answer: flame.

4. Burn caused by flame, boiling water, steam, touch of hot metal objects. There are 11 letters in this word.

Answer: thermal.

5. Extinguishing media. There are 12 letters in this word.

Answer: fire extinguisher.

6. Why do people most often die in a fire? Two answer options are accepted: in one word 4 letters, in another 3 letters.

Answer: waste.

Answer: smoke.

7. What is the most common cause of fire? There are 11 letters in this word

The answer is negligence.

8. What can not be opened, pierced with burns? There are 7 letters in this word.

Answer: blisters.

9. What exit should be sought during evacuation in case of fire in a store, cinema and other public places? There are 9 letters in this word.

Answer: emergency.

10. What happens to muscles and bones with a degree IV burn? There are 11 letters in this word

Answer: carbonization.

5th contest: "Expert in proverbs and sayings about fire."

Leading:more than once we were convinced that "an old proverb does not pass by." According to the right remark of the people, proverbs and sayings teach, warn, protect, guard. That is why again I suggest you turn to the long-standing, through the centuries, pervasive wisdom of our people about fire, its significance and danger. You will be participants in the proverbial and proverbial connoisseurs competition. Who knows more proverbs and sayings about fire and with the words associated with this phenomenon? We’ll check it right now.

Examples of proverbs and sayings for the answer:

There is no smoke without fire.

Straw is not friendly with fire.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

Do not touch matches - they have fire.

The match is small, the fire is a giant.

The furnace burns, do not touch it, because there is fire in it.

Spark carcasses before a fire, take trouble before a blow.

There will not light up, where there is no fire.

Do not have the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

A box of matches is small, but it can do a lot of evil.

Electrical appliances can cause a fire when left unattended.

With matches, games are always dangerous, from a small spark - a big disaster.

Do not have the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

A small match burns a large forest.

On fire and iron is fusible.

Leading:   this is how folk proverbs note the connection of phenomena and the dependence of effects on causes.

6th competition: "Competition of readers".

If dad is not at home,
  my grandfather ran away
  And mom’s at work
  Unexpected banquet;
  If at this time suddenly
  Your best friend came to you -
  Pyrotechnician and electrician -
  That cannot be included:
  Fridge, boiler,
  New grandma’s lamp,
  Vacuum cleaner, electric kettle,
  TV and soldering iron:
  Never and never
  Do not grab the wires
  And without adults, even a plug
  Do not stick anywhere.

Matches doze, like matches
  In a box for the time being.
  Only small matches
  Not suitable for the game:
  If the spark is accidental
  Will fall on the pile of the carpet -
  May end sadly
  Interesting game:
  Light up like straw
  Furniture, walls and floors,
  And stay from home
  Only a handful of ash.

7th contest: "Find the right phrase."

Leading:   Now each team will receive a card with the task: you need to combine the beginning of the phrases with their end, and you will receive fire safety rules and actions in case of fire.

Leading:   while the jury sums up, I want to believe that you will always use the knowledge gained, not to allow any deviations. Remember the safety formula that includes these commandments:

Anticipate the danger.

Avoid it whenever possible.

If necessary, act decisively and clearly.

Fight to the last, actively ask for help and provide it yourself.

Leading:(reading a poem).

Matches in the household are a necessary item.
  None of us have doubts about this.
  Know the purpose of its application -
  You must be able to do this.
  There is no place for matches in games!
  Friend, remember this advice.
  We adults put matches away
  So that children do not play with fire.
  We tell them about a terrible misfortune,
  Which happens to people on fire.
  Unfortunately, contrary to this, this is a disaster,
  Children never listen to us.
  Guys, please do not let the fire go!
  Believe me, there is no worse nightmare.

Announcement of the winners of the game, their celebration, rewarding.


Anastasova L.P., Ivanova N.V., Izhevsky P.V. Life without dangers. Learn to be independent: Album-task book. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 1998 .-- 64 p.

The basics of life safety. Grades 1-4: a school course in tests, crosswords, poems, games and tasks with pictures / ed. G.P. Popova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. - 104p.

Fire safety in elementary school: class notes and class hours / comp. O.V. Pavlova, G.P. Popova, G.N. Shevchenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. - 143 p.

Syunkova V.Ya. Methods of teaching the course "Fundamentals of life safety." Grades 1-4: A book for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1997. - 76p.

Tasks: Teach you how to handle fire with care. To consolidate knowledge about fires, their occurrence, actions in case of fire. Provide children with the opportunity to apply motor skills acquired in physical education classes.

Equipment:Stopwatch, 2 landmarks, 2 buckets of water, handkerchiefs (according to the number of children in the team), 2 benches, 2 hoops, 2 bandages.

Dictionary:   Firefighters, service "01", spark, obstacle course, short circuit, smoke zone, electrical wiring.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys.

The sun makes us laugh and teases,

We have fun in the morning.

Today is a holiday with you,

And the main guest on it is the game.

Today we conduct KVN. 2 teams take part in it - "Firefighters" and "Sparks". So, we meet the team.

The music includes teams, take places.

Team "Firefighters".

Motto:   "The smoke saw - do not yawn, rather call us."

Team "Lights".

Motto:   "A boy and a girl know - matches to children are not a toy."

Submission by the jury.

1 part.Within 1 minute, each team is asked five puzzles or questions. For each correct answer, the team is awarded a point.

Questions for the first team

1. That there was no fire, do not play me. I am a little sister fire ... (match).

2. The smoke saw - do not yawn, rather call us (firefighters).

3. Where people are careless with fire, it will be sure (fire).

4. Dwarves live in a wooden house. Oh, such good-natured ones - they give out lights to everyone (matches).

5. Whoever does not take care of me will soon be burned (fire).

Questions for the second team

1. In a fire, we don’t sit, we type ... (01).

2. It is dangerous for us, they call it ... (gas).

3. There is a house, many sisters in it. I advise children - do not play with this house (matchbox and matches).

4. Hisses and gets angry, but is afraid of water, with his tongue, and does not bark, without teeth, but bites (fire).

The word of the jury.

2 part.   Each team has two puzzles. For a solved puzzle, 3 points are awarded.

3 part.   Game relay competitions.

“Do not spill water”. The participant from each team must run to the landmark with a bucket (a children's bucket, water in it), run around it, return to his team and pass the bucket to the next participant in the team. And so it is repeated until the whole team completes the task.

“Do it fast”. Participants need to put on a gas mask on a team, crawl along the bench, run around a landmark, return to their team. The task is performed by the next participant.

"First Aid."   2 people from each team participate. Bandage the arm and leg of the victim. 1 minute is given to complete this competition.

“Overcome the smoke zone”. On command, the first member of the team moves to the landmark with a “goose pace,” while covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief. Back - run. The task is performed by the next participant.

“Help a friend”. On command, the first participant runs to the landmark, runs around him, returns to his team. He takes the next participant by the hand, and together they run. Then the task is performed by the third, fourth, etc. participant.

The word of the jury.

4 part.   Captains competition. Team captains take turns calling possible causes of fires. The captain wins, who called the cause last.

Some possible reasons:

Game with matches;

Lightning strike;

Making bonfires without adults;

Short circuit;

Lighting candles on Christmas trees;


Electrical devices;

Faulty wiring;

Off gas;

Drying laundry over fired gas.

5 part. Choose one member per team. The task. report the fire to the 01 service via a toy telephone.

6 part.   Choose one member per team. Assignment: a fire occurred in your apartment. Tell about your actions in case of fire.

7 part. Final part.

Leading. This is where our game ends. I would like to thank the teams for their knowledge, dexterity, patience, desire to win. (The word of the jury. Determination of winners. Awarding of teams.)

Explanatory note

The topic of fire safety is extremely relevant at the present time. Sometimes children's games and pranks with fire, inept handling of flammable objects cause fires and terrible troubles. Why is this happening? The answer is simple - lack of vigilance of adults, inability to teach the child the rules of safe behavior in time. If we do not teach children this, starting from preschool age, then we will plan present and future fires. After all, an enormous role in the process of forming children's relations to the world around us belongs to us adults: parents, teachers. They learn about the world from us, often taking everything on faith. And since the leading activity of preschoolers is a game, training in a culture of safe behavior and actions in a fire should take place in a playful way. This material is to help preschool teachers and parents who raise children 6-7 years old.

goal: consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety, create a festive mood, emotional response.

Equipment:   2 easels, 2 sets of cards with images according to the rules of fire safety, 2 images of fire stands, a set of cards with the image of fire equipment, 2 buckets, 2 hoops, cubes, emblems for participants, incentive prizes for playing with spectators.

The course of the holiday:

Team members (children and parents) enter the hall with musical accompaniment (Sports March V. Zolotareva), forming a circle.

Leading: What is the fire singing about

Walking the logs?

That he is busy

Not only heating.

1 child:   What rolls does he bake

And cooks noodle soup

What is located to you

With all my fiery soul.

2 children: Without swearing and quarreling

There is a fire in the apartment

Just asks for one thing

So you don’t joke with him.

3 child: Sings fire all day

In his outfit scarlet,

And sleeps at night in the ashes

Under the black blanket.

4 child: He red his suit,

Lying down in bed, takes off.

And the wind on the pipe

He plays all night.

5 child: And in the morning at dawn

Matches wake him up

And again he sings

And burns out of habit.

Leading:   Today we have a simple entertainment. We will conduct a fire safety KVN. For the KVN, we have two teams, which include adults and children. But what KVN without spectators and jury? In our hall there are not only players, but also active fans and a respected jury.

Leading: So, welcome our brave players!

Team members to the music ("Sports March" by V. Zolotarev)pass into place.

Leading: We are starting KVN!

Leading: 1 contest "Greeting teams." Begin first, we provide an opportunity for a team of parents.

Greetings from the parents team:

Captain: Team!

In chorus:   "Fire fighters"

Captain: Our motto!

In chorus: Guys, they say to you for good reason!

You cannot play with matches!

Fire is dangerous, unfortunately

For all people without exception!

Leading: Greeting 2 teams.

Greeting kids team:

Captain:   Team!

In chorus: "Firefighters"

Captain: Our motto!

In chorus: An alarm sounded,

Rush along the road fast

Fire brigade

Come on, insidious fire! ...

Captain(addressing the rivals): Hello! Opponents, we say, do not worry if we win!


Leading:2 contest "Guess the riddle." Each team takes turns asking 4 puzzles. Evaluated - the speed, clarity and correctness of the answer. The Firefighters team is the first to respond in this contest. So, attention, your questions:

1. The wooden floor is lit

Do not look, do not wait, do not stand,

And fill it: (with water)

2. We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

We all really need people,

So who are we? (firefighters)

3. If younger sisters

Light the matches at home

What should you do?

Immediately matches those: (take away)

4. Hisses and gets angry,

Afraid of water

With the tongue, not barking

Without teeth, but bites (fire)

Leading: Well, now the questions for the Firebighters team are Ready? Getting started!

1. With barely touching

Turns firewood into smoke? (the fire)

2. Without arms, without legs

Creeps to the sky (smoke)

3. At the window I am sitting.

I look at him all over the world. (TV set)

4. Now back, then forward

Goes - the ship is wandering.

Stop - grief

Holes the sea. (iron)


Leading: 3 contest- relay "Caution fire" (Photo 1).

In its implementation, we will be helped by an instructor in physical education.

Leading: The house is on fire, you need to put it out.

Participants run with a bucket of water (ball), run around the cones with a “snake”, run to the container, pour water (ball), run back and pass the bucket to the next participant.

The next relay "Save a friend from the fire." Participants jump over the blocks, crawl into the hoop, pull out a friend (soft toy) from the container and put it in a basket nearby, run back and pass the baton.

(Musical accompaniment (Charleston) team members complete the task)

Leading: All of us have made efforts

And we put out the fire.

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity

It saved us from disaster.

We ask the jury to summarize the competition.

(the jury shows the plates with the corresponding points of Muz.T. Lomova "Who better to ride?")

Leading: Continuing our KVN.

4 contest "Fire hazardous objects" Creative competition. Competition conditions: each team must draw fire hazardous objects. Estimated number of items and their originality.

(Participants take places at their easels and use markers to paint pictures)

Leading:   In the meantime, our teams carry out the next task. I invite the fans and all spectators to take an active part in the game "Dangerous Tale". From which works the following lines are taken. In my hands you see an unusual bag in which a surprise awaits you. Everyone who correctly names the tale will have the opportunity to get this surprise out of the bag.

1. The sea burns with flame

A whale ran out of the sea,

Hey firemen, run!

Help, help!

(K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

2. What kind of smoke above your head?

What kind of thunder on the pavement?

Smoke flames around the corner.

Team puts stairs -

The house saves from fire.

(S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa")

3. Firefighters are looking, police are looking,

Looking for photographers in our capital,

Looking for a long time, but can not find

A guy of about twenty.

(S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero")

4. With a bang, click and thunder

There was a fire over the new house.

Looks around, waves a red sleeve.

(S. Marshak “Cat's House”)

5. Mother went to the market,

To daughter Lena she said:

"The stove, Helen, do not touch,

It’s burning, Helen, the fire! ”

(S. Marshak “Fire”)

6. And the chanterelles took matches,

They went to the blue sea

They lit the blue sea.

(K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

Leading:   The competition has come to an end, we ask the team to postpone markers and submit their work. Dear jury, evaluate the creativity of our participants.

(the jury shows the plates with the corresponding points of Muz.T. Lomova "Who better to ride?")

Musical pause.

Leading: Continuing our KVN. And the next 5 contest "Captains".

The captains of each team must take turns to approach the table on which the flipped cards with the image of fire safety rules are lying. The captains, choosing a card, must explain the fire safety rules. (captains take turns approaching the table and complete the task)

Leading: We ask the jury to summarize the competition.

(the jury shows the plates with the corresponding points. Muz.T. Lomova "Who better to ride?")

Leading: Our KVN continues the 6th contest “Fire Stand”

Competition conditions: each team must collect and place the necessary tools on the fire stand. (Post images of tools)

Leading: While our players are competing, I offer the fans a game of attention. I will read poetry, if you agree with what I said, you say, “This is me, this is me. These are all my friends! ” If you do not agree, be silent.

Who is perky and cheerful

Fidelity to rules storing,

Saves your house and garden then fire?

Who set fire to the grass near the house

Did you burn unnecessary rubbish?

And the garage of my friends burned down

And a building fence.

Who is the neighboring kid

Explains in the yard.

What a game with fire not without reason

Ends in a fire?

Who's furtively in the corner

Burning a candle in the attic?

The old table caught fire

He barely barely left.

Who helps firefighters

Doesn’t break the rules?

Who is the example for all the guys

Toddlers and preschoolers?

Leading: Well done boys!

Leading: Well, now we ask the jury to summarize our competition program, calculate the earned points of each team and finally name the team the winner!

(while the jury counts the points, a musical break by Muz.T. Lomova “Who better to ride?”)

Presenter: Dear participants of KVN. I congratulate you, you all became winners today! You so accurately, accurately and vividly coped with all tasks, I am proud of you! Let me take you to young firefighters.

(We distribute medals. Muses R. Schumann)

Bottom line (analysis): Playing various life situations, getting acquainted with works of fiction, competitions and competitions on fire-related topics will help children learn these rules more reliably and create a culture of safe and responsible behavior in the field of fire safety. And it is good that the parents of preschool children became the first assistants to the teachers.

Used Books:

1. T.A. Shorygina "Conversations about the rules of fire safety."

Shikunova Irina Nikolaevna,


first qualification category

MADOU Borovsky kindergarten "Crane"

KVN on safety

(traffic rules, fire safety rules)

Purpose: to conduct competitions between first-grade students and pupils of the preparatory group.

1. To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge of the rules of fire and road safety.

2. To increase interest in the road alphabet, to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, about various road signs.

3. To improve the adequacy of behavior in extreme everyday situations:

be able to attract attention and call for help in case of fire;

be able to use the phone in case of fire;

4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions.

5. To educate the volitional qualities of the personality; rules of safe behavior at home and on the road.

6. Increase personal responsibility for their actions, their consequences.

7. To cultivate a sense of respect for the work of firefighters, police officers, responsibility, endurance.

Materials: Computer, multimedia projector, screen. Road signs, fire equipment, telephones, posters, cards.

(KVN music sounds)

Event progress:

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! We are glad to see you all. Today we will hold KVN between future students and first graders. You all know that it is very important to follow the rules of the road and the rules of conduct in case of fire. Indeed, knowledge of the rules of the road protects people from misfortunes, saves their lives, and fire is beneficial if a person treats him carefully, observing safety measures.

Today we have KVN for those who are inquisitive.

Today, KVN is very informative.

Fun club

Club perky,

Club of resourceful guys.

Two teams of our national teams

Begin your parade.

Leading.   Let's welcome the team: “Traffic Light”

Team captain:

Your motto:

Rules we know

Just top class!

If you want

We will teach you!

Leading.   Let's welcome the team: “Rescuers”

Team captain:

Your motto:

We are serious

Although it does not look menacing.

For victory in the good hour

Let's get around you today!

Listen to the rules of the game:

The facilitator asks you a question; you listen carefully, do not interrupt.

The game is a team game, you need to consult with friends to give the correct answer.

If you answer incorrectly, then you do not get a point, and your question passes to your rivals.

For each correct answer you get one point.

Assess the results of the competition will be the jury of ...

1. Inspector TO VDPO Tyumen region ...;

2. Senior Inspector MOND 9 ...;

3. Inspector of the traffic police ...;

4. The head of the kindergarten ...

Leading: We will divide our game into two rounds: the first round will be devoted to the rules of the road, and the second - the rules of conduct in case of fire.

1. Lead: So, you remember the rules of the game, we start our game.

You need to solve riddles, listen carefully to them, consult with your friends when you are confident in your answer, answer.


Dragonfly buzzing big

I invite you to fly!

Soft chairs for you

And the pilots are top class! ( helicopter)

You won’t take this tape

And you won’t get into a pigtail. She lies on the ground

Transport runs along it. ( Road)...

What kind of store is this?

It sells gasoline. Here the car pulls up

A full tank fills them.

Started up and ran.

So another drove up. ( Gas station)...

Here is a road riddle:

What is that horse called

What lay on the transitions,

Where do pedestrians walk? ( zebra)

Our bus rode

And drove up to the site.

And people are bored on it,

Silently transport awaits. ( Stop)...

Here is a three-eyed fellow.

What a cunning he is!

Who will go from nowhere

He winks at that and that.

Knows how to settle a dispute

Multi-colored ... ( Traffic light)

2. Lead:And we move on to the next contest.

  "Road signs".

Leading: Traffic signs help traffic and pedestrians. I will solve riddles in turn for each team, and you will have to guess which road sign I'm talking about.

(slide show)

3. Presenter: “Choose a Sign” contestOn the streets and roads can not do without Road Signs. Traffic Signs are the rules we need to know.

Each team needs to choose specific road signs.

To the team ... - prohibition signs (in the red circle),

team ... - warning signs (in a red triangle).

Each participant selects only 1 character according to the assignment and returns to his place. Get down to the task!

So team members ... raise your signs. Guys, look, are your opponents making mistakes, are all signs prohibitive? Jury, do you agree?

What signs did the team members choose ...

(ask 2 to 3 children: what is your sign?)

4. Lead:

And now “Zebra” has prepared a task for you: a game according to the rules of the road.

Soundtrack sounds “Captains”

  5. Host: And now the captain’s competition

Leading. I suggest answering comic questions:

1) Favorite type of transport of the cat Leopold? (bicycle)

2) What gift did Uncle Fedor's parents give to the postman Pechkin (bicycle)

3) What did the good fairy pumpkin turn for Cinderella? (carriage)

4) What did Aladdin fly on? (Magic carpet)

5) What did Kai ride from the fairy tale the snow queen? (sled)

6) Personal transportation of Baba Yaga (stupa).

Leading. The next task for captains on fire safety.

Now I will list the various actions. If you, dear captains, think that this should be done, then raise the blue card, and if not, the red one. For each correct answer points will be awarded. So, is it necessary:

Play with matches without lighting them

Meet firefighters and inform them of the fire

Call an ambulance for the victim by calling 03

Decorate the Christmas tree with colorful candles

Screaming and calling for help from adults

Hide from the fire under the bed in the closet

6. Host: The next contest, “Make no mistake.”

"Rules of conduct in case of fire"

(on slides)

7 .   Host: Next Contest "Fire Maze"

You need to find a way out of the maze. Competition for speed and accuracy.

Presenter: In the meantime, our teams carry out the next task. I invite the fans and all spectators to take an active part in the game "Dangerous Tale". From which works the following lines are taken. In my hands you see an unusual bag in which a surprise awaits you. Everyone who correctly names the tale will have the opportunity to get this surprise out of the bag.

1. The sea burns with flame

A whale ran out of the sea,

Hey firemen, run!

Help, help!

(K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

2. What kind of smoke above your head?

What kind of thunder on the pavement?

Smoke flames around the corner.

Team puts stairs -

The house saves from fire.

(S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa")

3. With a bang, click and thunder

There was a fire over the new house.

Looks around, waves a red sleeve.

(S. Marshak “Cat's House”)

4. And the chanterelles took matches,

They went to the blue sea

They lit the blue sea.

(K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

And now the puzzles:

What a cramped, cramped house?

One hundred little sisters huddle in him.

And any of the little sisters

May flare up like a bonfire.

Don’t joke with the sisters,

Thin ...

(with matches)

It is so different -

White, blue and red

Bright yellow and yet

He can be Olympic.

(the fire)

Dare the fire, they are bolder

He is strong, they are stronger

Do not scare them with fire

They can’t get used to the fire!


A little born - he's funny

Quiet, weak, but treacherous.

Grows up - bursts and burns,

A swarm of sparks dangerously curls

And dancing on the coals

Often causes fear.

  (The fire.)

At rest we helped

Cooked soup, baked potato,

He’s good for a hike,

You won’t carry it with you.


Mischievous gnomes

They live in a house.

They give us all

Very needed lights.


8.   Host: Next Contest   "Firefighters Challenge"

(make phone, table and chair)

Your task is to call this service by phone, explain what happened and give the address, your first and last name.

9.Head: And the last competition"Extinguishing the fire."

We invite all team members to this relay race. Lined up one after another. At the command of the march, overcoming obstacles with a snake, you need to put out the fire and run back, transfer the baton to another. The team that correctly and quickly extinguishes the fire wins.

Leading. I believe that if disaster strikes, you can easily cope even with such a complex matter as a fire. In the meantime, the jury sums up the game, let's play.

(mobile game with flags "Traffic light")

Leading. Summing up the game.

A jury representative speaks and congratulates the children and presents medals and prizes to both teams.

Leading:You know the rules without hesitation, strictly observe the rules of firefighters!

Be careful in the morning, evening and afternoon, be with fire!


1. The general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", ed. Veraksy N.E., Komarova I.S., Vasilyeva M.A .; M. "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2015

2. Avdeeva NN, Knyazeva NL, Sterkina RB Security. A tutorial on the basics of life safety of children of preschool age. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2003.

3. Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N., Kondrykinskaya L.A. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. Summaries of the basics of safety of preschool children. Book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Education, 2004.

4. Kogan M.S. Everyone knows the rules of the road. Educational games with preschool children and schoolchildren. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. Publishing House, 2007.

5. Traffic rules for preschool children Sost.N.A. Izvekova, A.F. Medvedev, L.B. Polyakova, A.N. Fetodova .; Ed. E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina.- M.: SC Sphere, 2006.

6. Stepanenkova E.Ya., Filenko M.F. Preschoolers on the rules of the road.- M.: Education, 2005.

7. OBZH. Preparatory group. Comp. L. B. Poddubnaya - Volgograd: ITD

"Coryphaeus" 2008.

8. Rules of the road for children 3 to 7 years old; author - comp. G.D. Belyaevskova (and others) - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

9. Conversations on the basics of safety with children 5 - 8 years old .- M.: SCHERE TC, 2015.

10. Cognition of the objective world. Preparatory group; author –Sost. O.V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.

11. T.F. Saulina. Three traffic signals: Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

12. F.S. Mayorova. Learning the road alphabet. Forward planning. - "Publishing House Scriptorium 2003", 2005.

13. O.A. Skorolupova. Lesson with children of preschool age on the topic "Rules and road safety." - M .: "Publishing House Scriptorium 2003", 2009.

14. N.V. Kolomiyets. The formation of a culture of safe behavior in children 3 to 7 years old: "The ABC of security." - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

15. T.A. Shorygin. Fire safety rules for children 5 to 8 years old. - M.: SC Sphere, 2007.

16. V.A. Shipunova. Child safety: a teaching aid for educators. - M.: Publishing House "Color World", 2013.

17. N.A. Aralina. Introducing preschoolers to fire safety rules. - M .: "Publishing House Scriptorium 2003", 2007.

18. I.V. Kononova. Fire safety scenarios for preschoolers. - M .: Iris - press, 2007.

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra to publish their teaching material:
   - Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
   - Personally developed abstracts and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

goal: consolidate the basics of human life safety.



1. Educate mindfulness;

2. To educate the ability to work together, to help each other;


1. To deepen and systematize children's knowledge of the causes of fire;

2. To strengthen children's knowledge of fire hazardous objects;

3. To consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules;


  1. To develop thinking, imagination, observation, visual memory,

2. Develop cognitive interest;

Integration of educational areas:   social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.


Easel (2), markers,

Set of numbers (2) - for the jury, score

Illustrations to the works “Fire Dogs” A.N. Tolstoy; S. Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Fire”; "Mowgli" R. Kipling; "Confusion" K. Chukovsky

Chips - prizes (for playing by guests as children)

Multimedia installation

Pictures of tools needed to eliminate a fire

Fire shield (2)

Bell (2)



Jury (parents, DOU employees, DOU manager)

Guests (children of a different age group, teachers)

Representative of the Fire and Rescue Service

Previous work:

- definition of teams of children;

Comfortable clothes

Event progress:

Presenter: Hello everyone! We welcome you!

Slide 1. All of you are invited to the KVN on fire safety "In the world of dangerous objects."

Today we have KVN for those who are inquisitive,
  Today we have KVN fire and entertainment!
  Getting started! Let's start our firefighter KVN!

(The presenter draws attention to the jury members).

Presenter: The jury, as you see, is worthy of respect!
  They had to - and more than once - evaluate performances!
  (Represented by the jury)

What is KVN everyone knows? Yes!

- Chorus all children:

Club fun, club perky,
  Club of resourceful teams,

Presenter: So! Two teams of our national teams
  Begin your parade!



Captain's Choice

2 COMPETITION: “Warm up”.

Questions for one team: (answers on slides)

Slide 2.   1. What are the ways and how to put out the fire? (water, sand, fire extinguisher)

Slide 3.   2. Which medicinal plant stops pain from burns? (plantain)

Slide 4. 3. What are the items that are considered flammable? (paper, cotton)

Questions for another team:

Slide 5. 4. What benefits does fire bring? (warms, lights)

Slide 6.5. How to call a fire service in case of fire? (01, 112)

Slide 7. 6. In what cases can a fire be evil?

The jury will evaluate each correct answer with 1 point.

Leading: Our KVN continues 3 COMPETITION "FIRE SHIELD". Competition conditions: each team member must select and place the necessary tools on the fire shield. (Place images of tools).

While our members are resting, I want invite children to play   at GAME "FINISH THE PHRASE". For the correct answers you will receive chips.

If the smoke blows in clubs, the flame beats with tongues, and fire everywhere and heat is a disaster

- Slide 8   -fire

Whoever is careless with fire, that fire is possible, children, remember that you can’t joke with

- Slide 9   -fire

This is a cramped, cramped house: a hundred little sisters are clutching in it, and any of the sisters can break out like a fire! Do not joke with thin sisters

- Slide 10   matches

If younger sisters light matches at home, what should you do? All matches right away

Pick up

A coal fell onto the floor, lit a wooden floor, don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but pour it

- Slide 11   - water

If an electric iron suddenly becomes hot, what should we do, kids? - Remove the plug from

- Slide 12   - sockets

The insidious one's name will defeat the fire

- Slide 13   - fireman

Smoked carbon monoxide, the room is full of fire, what is the fireman putting on? What can’t you do without?

Slide 14 -mask


Participants have to guess the largest number of correct answers. If the answer is ready, ring the bell.

  1. He hisses and gets angry, but he is afraid of water, with his tongue, and does not bark, without teeth, but bites (fire)
  2. Dozing in the little girl’s house - brown caps (matches)
  3. The fire dared, they are bolder, it is strong, they are stronger, they cannot be scared by fire, they cannot get used to fire (firemen)
  4. The red beast sits in the furnace, the red beast growls at everyone, he eats firewood for an hour for anger, or maybe two, you don’t touch him with your hand, he bites the whole palm (fire)
  5. A midge flew - a pine leg, sat on a stack - ate all the hay (matches)
  6. What kind of ladder does this grow out of the car, rising above the house, is so familiar to all firefighters (a ladder in a fire truck)
  7. Everything is eating, not eating, but drinking, dying (fire)
  8. He is a friend of the guys, but when they play pranks with him, he becomes an enemy; he burns everything around (fire)
  9. He gives warmth and light, no need to joke with him. No! (the fire)
  10. Hanging - is silent, but you turn it over, hiss, and the foam flies (fire extinguisher)

Presenter: here we have fire extinguishers, but not real ones. And who can use a real fire extinguisher? Adults, firefighters.

The next contest is called "Who gets to faster fire and extinguish it». You need to put out the burning house as quickly as possible. Each of the participants in turn runs, overcoming an obstacle course with a "fire extinguisher", runs to the house - extinguishes the fire, runs back and gives the fire extinguisher to the next participant. (accompanied by music).

We all made a effort

AND we put out the fire

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity saved us from disaster.

  Leading: Guys, but fire is not always the enemy. Listen to our guests - children.

Leading: What is the fire singing while walking along the logs? The fact that he is busy. Not only heating.

1 child: That he bakes buns And cooks soup with noodles, Which is located to you With the whole fiery soul.

2 children: Without swearing and quarrels A fire lives in an apartment, It only asks for one thing, So that you would not joke with him.

3 child: Fire sings all day In his scarlet outfit, And at night he sleeps in ash Under a black blanket.

4 child: He red his suit, Lying down in bed, takes off. And the wind on the pipe plays him all night.

5 child: And in the morning at dawn Matches will wake Him, And again he sings And burns out of habit

6 COMPETITION: "CAPTAINS". "ARTISTS ". (one child from the team)

Assignment: I am racing with a siren to a fire,

I'm taking water with foam

Put out the fire and heat in a flash

We are fast, like arrows (fire truck)

Participants need to draw a car for a certain period of time. (for one participant - to the captain from the team)


The teams are invited in turn to name the works, which tell about firefighters, fire and pick up illustrations for them. (for example, “fire dogs” by A.N. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Fire”, “Mowgli” R. Kipling, “Confusion” K. Chukovsky).

The results of this competition are summed up by the jury.

Presenter: we have parents at the celebration, listen to what they tell you very, very important rules!

1 parent: Guys, remember that
  What can not be joked with fire
  Who is careless with fire
  That fire is possible.
2 parent:   Do not touch matches!
  There is fire in matches!
  Don’t play, my friend, with a match,
  Remember you she is small
  But from a little match
  Maybe a house burns down.
3 parent: Near the house and the barn
  Do not dare to kindle a fire!
  May be a big trouble
  For buildings and people.
4 parent: If you want to save property
  Do not leave when the stove is being heated!

When the stove is left unattended -
  One corner can set your house on fire.

5 parent: Do not play with electric stove.
  A quick flame will jump from the tile!
  Be careful with gas

Fire is possible from gas!

6 parent: Do not over a gas stove
  Dry wet clothes!
  You yourself know which
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Do not dry laundry over gas.
  Everything burns out at once!

7 parent: P iron shirt and trousers
  An iron will always help you.
  Hands should be dry
  And whole wires.

The jury summarizes all the contests, names the winners.

Leading: Dear participants of the KVN. I congratulate you, you all became winners today! You so accurately, accurately and vividly coped with all tasks, I am proud of you! You are all accepted into the Young Firefighters team.

The floor is given to the representative of the fire and rescue service.


Our teachings are over

You showed your skills

You guys are great and wish you from the heart

I wish you all good health!

Let every citizen remember
  Fire number - 01!

We wish you all the best,

And we ask each of you, about the most important thing - about one thing:

Be careful with the fire! ”