Detailed map of the united states of america. Detailed map of usa with states. What is a "state" and how many are there in the US

US political maps

In appearance, the political map of the United States remarkably resembles a rustic patchwork quilt, with the patches getting smaller and smaller from west to east as you get closer to New York. The almost even sides of the states seem to say that before the advent of the US political system, this place on planet earth was a single whole, without any borders. Only in a few states does the border coincide with the watershed of large rivers, and it turns out that on one side of the river one state, and on the other completely different. On the US political maps the boundaries of fifty states, absolutely equal subjects of the federation, are drawn. The capital city of Washington is located in federal district Colombia, which is not officially part of any of the states. The states are subdivided into districts, the administrative divisions of which must be no less than the territory of the city. In total, there are 3141 counties in the United States. The number of counties in the states is completely arbitrary, so there are only three counties in the state of Delaware, and 254 counties in the state of Texas. Each state has separate legislative, executive and judicial branches. The names of the states come most often from the names of the kings of France and England and the names of Indian tribes.

Regions of the United States

The Americans themselves divide their country into a number of large regions. These are cultural formations that have developed on the map of the United States under the influence of history and geography. They are characterized by a commonality of economics and literature, as well as mores and customs. The multinational historical heritage gives the regions their originality, clear demographic characteristics that determine the age and occupation of the population. Different dialects are spoken in the regions, and the views and outlook of people differ, depending on the geographical location of the region. The total number of such conditional regions per USA map four. They are the US Northeast, US South, US Midwest, and US West.

Political-geographical and physical maps of the USA

The territory of the United States mainly consists of three parts located on the mainland of North America, if you look at the geographical maps of the United States. This is the continental, main part, the Alaska Peninsula with islands and 24 islands of the Hawaii archipelago. The border of the main continental part is adjacent to Canada in the North and in the South to Mexico. Separated by Canada, the state of Alaska borders, in addition to Canada, Russia. Besides geographic map of the usa denotes several possessions in the Caribbean Sea, these are the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and also officially islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as Guam, Wake, Midway, belong to the United States. Eastern Samoa is also part of the United States.

The United States of America is located on an area of ​​9826630 square kilometers, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. Moreover, the land occupies 9161923 square kilometers, the water surface covers 664707 square kilometers. The vast majority of America, if you look closely at the physical maps of the United States, is located on the central plain, relatively high mountains in the west, low mountains and hills are located in the east of the country. Alaska also has wide river valleys and mountains. The main volcanic relief is located in Hawaii. identifies several climatic zones located on the vast territory of the country.

Map of time zones

Five time zones of the USA

In 1878, the famous Canadian engineer S. Fleming, first proposed the term standard time, which was adopted in 1884 at a regular meeting of the International Astronomical Congress. The idea of ​​S. Fleming was as follows, the surface of the globe was conditionally divided by meridians into 24 hour zones each 15 ° long or one 1 hour in longitude. At the same time, in each time zone, the time is valid, which corresponds to the average meridian of this zone. When moving from one zone to an adjacent one, standard time changes by a jump of 1 hour. The standard time of individual time zones has been assigned special names. For example, the time of the zero zone is called Western European, the time of the first zone is called Central European, and the time of the second zone is considered Eastern European. Standard time was first used in 1883 in Canada and the United States. From the beginning of the 20th century, it began to be used in European states.

USA or United States of America is a country located in North America. Often the term America is used instead of the toponym USA. A map of the United States shows that the country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The total area of ​​the country is 9,518,900 km2 (the fourth largest country in the world).

On a detailed map of the United States, you can see that the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, the country includes some islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The states are divided into 3141 districts. The US state map represents the largest cities in the country: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Houston. The capital of the USA is Washington.

America has the highest GDP in the economy. Despite the crisis of 2008, which hit the US economy hard, the US is one of the most developed countries in the world. The US economy is maintained at a high level largely due to natural resources, high-tech manufacturing, services, scientific research and software development.

The US plays a significant role in world politics. After World War II, the country became one of the strongest states in the world. The US is a member of NATO and the UN Security Council.

History reference

The USA was formed in 1776 from 13 British colonies. Until 1783, the country waged a War of Independence from the British Empire. In 1787, the Constitution was adopted, and in 1791, the Bill of Rights. In the 1860s, between the northern and southern states begins Civil War which leads to the unification of the country and the prohibition of slavery.

After the Second World War, America, which was slightly affected by hostilities, unlike the countries of Europe, becomes the leader of world politics. From 1946 to the 1980s, the Cold War was waged between the United States and the USSR.

DevelopmentsXXI century:

2003-2010 - military operations in Iraq

September 2005 - Hurricane Katrina breaks dams and floods New Orleans

2009 - Inauguration of President Barack Obama - the first African American President

October 2012 - Hurricane Sandy flooding New York

must visit

The US map in Russian is full of sights: from skyscrapers in New York to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Must-visit major US cities: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and San Diego.

It is recommended to visit the gaming capital of Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, the Mississippi River Valley, the Grand Canyon National Park, the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the White House and Memorial Parks in Washington, Boldt Castle on Hart Island Island, Willis Tower and Empire State Building, Disneyland Florida, Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

The United States on the world map is not only the most powerful superpower of our time, the economic, political and cultural leader of the modern world, but also one of the most interesting countries in the world in terms of tourism.

USA on the world map in Russian

Huge and diverse territories, a large population, large and developed cities, a bright, albeit young, history compose big picture a place where you can travel indefinitely, marveling at the diversity of natural landscapes, the richness of different cultures and the modern achievements of science and economy.

And even though the USA does not have such an ancient and rich culture as in the countries of Europe or Asia, modern achievements alleviate this relative disadvantage and allow the US to attract more than 70 million tourists annually.

This number of tourists allows the United States to rank second in terms of tourism potential, second only to.

The total area of ​​the United States is 9.5 million km², which allows the United States of America to share with China the 3rd and 4th places in terms of territory among all countries in the world.

Where is?

The United States of America is located in the Western Hemisphere on the continent North America. From the west, the mainland of the United States of America is bounded by the Pacific Ocean, from the east - by the Atlantic. The country also includes Alaska partly washed by the Arctic Ocean. Alaska is separated from the main body of the American states by Canada.

Administrative division

The administrative division of the United States is quite complex. The country is divided into:

  • 48 so-called continental states connected by land borders;
  • 2 states separated from the main territory (Alaska and Hawaii);
  • District of Columbia with the capital of the country Washington;
  • overseas territories with different legal status(Puerto Rico, Guam, Palmyra Atoll and others).

Despite their officially equal status, the roles of the states in domestic politics and the economy are very different, since the states themselves are extremely heterogeneous. For example, Alaska is 430 times larger than Rhode Island, and California is 80 times larger than Wyoming.

the largest states countries by territory are:

  1. Alaska(more than 1.7 million km²);
  2. Texas(almost 700 thousand km²);
  3. California(more than 420 thousand km²).

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country. The most populated are the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Great Lakes region and the Gulf of Mexico coast. The states of the northwest have the smallest number of inhabitants - Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming, North Dakota. most populated states USA are:

  • California(40 million people);
  • Texas(27 million inhabitants);
  • Florida(more than 20 million people);
  • state New York(almost 20 million inhabitants);
  • Illinois(almost 13 million people);
  • Pennsylvania(12.7 million people).

Largest settlements

When listing the largest US cities by population, one should consider the preferred settlement type in this country. In the US, it is extremely common to live in the suburbs outside the administrative boundaries of cities, so the number of largest cities is not amazing.

The American agglomerations created by merging cities, towns and settlements are among the largest in the world.

By population within administrative boundaries, the largest American cities are:

  1. New York, population 8.5 million people;
  2. Los Angeles, population 3.8 million people;
  3. Chicago- 2.7 million inhabitants;
  4. Houston, population 2.3 million people;
  5. Philadelphia and Phoenix each have 1.5 million inhabitants.

The list of urban agglomerations shows a completely different number of residents involved in labor migration agglomeration core:

  • New York agglomeration - more than 21 million people;
  • Los Angeles agglomeration - 15 million people;
  • agglomeration Chicago- more than 9 million inhabitants;
  • agglomeration Boston- 7.2 million people;
  • agglomerations Dallas and San Francisco have a population of 6.5 million people.

Curious is the fact that the capital of the country Washington is not included in the list of the largest cities and agglomerations of the United States.

How to get to the United States of America?

You can only get to the US air transport, except for such an exotic and expensive mode of transport in our time as sea transport.

How many time zones?

The continental United States, which consists of 48 mainland states, has the following Time Zones:

  1. UTC-4- North American Eastern Time;
  2. UTC-5- Central American time;
  3. UTC-6- Mountain time;
  4. UTC-7- North American Pacific Time.

The state of Alaska has Alaska Standard Time. UTC-9. The Hawaiian Islands are in Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time. UTC-10.

The maximum time difference in the United States is observed between the Atlantic coast and Hawaii and is 6 hours.

Due to the huge size of the US and Russia and the abundance of time zones in these countries difference in time can range from relatively small sizes (6 hours between Kaliningrad and the East Coast in summer) to almost a daily difference near the border Chukotka and Alaska (the difference in summer is 20 hours).

Thus, when it is noon in Kamchatka or Chukotka, in Alaska the time is 16 hours, and in Hawaii 14 hours, but of the previous day.

Difference between capitals countries in Moscow and Washington is 7 hours in summer and 8 in winter.

How to fly from Russia?

Due to the fact that Russia and the United States do not have a land border, practically the only way to get to this country is to use air transport. Air communication between the Russian capital and major US cities is developed good enough. From Moscow, you can fly with Russian or US airlines to the following cities in the United States:

  • New York;
  • Washington;
  • Los Angeles;
  • Chicago;
  • Boston;
  • Dallas.

Travel time is from 9 hours when flying to the East Coast of the United States and from 12 hours - to the West.

You can also fly to the United States using connecting flights at European airports.

You can find a plane ticket to the States using this search form. Specify departure and arrival cities, date and number of passengers.

From Petersburg flights to, Washington and Los Angeles are available, but you will have to make a transfer in Moscow. Travel time for a flight from St. Petersburg to New York with a connection in the Russian capital will be 14 hours. In order to get to the USA from other cities of Russia, you will have to use a transfer in Moscow or at European airports.

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The maps of the world that we see from childhood - especially those that are shown to us at school - shape our idea of ​​how the world works. There would be nothing wrong with this if we did not forget that a flat map - is just a conditional and distorted representation of a round world.

However, many of us transfer the stereotypes learned through the map to our personal relationship to the real world. We begin to believe that there are countries that play a dominant role in the world, are in its center, and there are those that play a subordinate role, are on its periphery.

As will be seen below, in different countries - Russia, Europe, USA, China, Australia, Chile, South Africa - world maps are very different. It all depends on what the author of the map chooses in each of the following three conditions: 1) how to center the map relative to West and East; 2) how to center the map relative to North and South; 3) which projection method to use.

World map for Russia

The vertical axis of the world (the centering of the West and the East) passes through Moscow. The Americas and Australia are on the periphery of the world. The Pacific Ocean is not perceived as an integral space.

World map for Europe

The vertical axis of the world passes through London. As for the Russian map, here both Americas and Australia are on the periphery of the world, and the Pacific Ocean is not perceived as an integral space. In addition, the equator (centering North and South) is shifted to the bottom half of the map, making Africa, South America, and Australia appear smaller in relation to North America and Eurasia than they really are.

World map for USA

The vertical axis of the world passes through the USA. America turns out to be an "island" washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west and the Atlantic Ocean from the east. As in the European map, here the equator is shifted to the lower half of the map, which makes the size of North America and Eurasia much larger in relation to the size of South America, Africa and Australia than they are in reality. In addition, the perception of Russia, India and China becomes more difficult for an American: these countries are present for an American twice - in the west and in the east.

World map for China

China on its map is located on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. All the continents have access to this ocean, except for Africa and Europe, which thus find themselves on the periphery of the world.

World map for Australia

There is a general stereotype that what is above dominates, and what is below - is in a subordinate position. The Australians not only draw the vertical axis of the world through their mainland, they also place it on top of all others, turning the map 180 degrees. Like the USA, they turn out to be an island lying between three oceans: the Pacific, the Indian and the South. Yet important role Antarctica starts playing, hidden at the very bottom on all other maps.

World map for South Africa

South Africa, like Australia, is at the top, not the bottom of the map, which makes it perceived as a country that dominates all others. South Africa turns out to be a peninsula wedged between two oceans: the Indian and the Atlantic. The Pacific region and Russia go to the periphery of the world.