Shakro young his daughter Khatuna. Shakro Young (Zachary Kalashev). "Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world, it is a sect or secret society."

A week before the arrest of Zakhary Kalashov, a foreman who was repairing a drinking establishment was arrested

Thief in law Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, who during the lifetime of the legends of the criminal world Yaponchik and Ded Khasan was not inferior to them in importance in the criminal hierarchy, was detained by FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs officers. This special operation is considered almost the main event of the year both in the world of crime and among law enforcement officers.

Officially, Shakro is suspected of extorting 9 million from the owner of the Moscow restaurant “Elements” Zhanna Kim (“MK” wrote about the high-profile case of a shootout on Rochdelskaya Street). But in reality everything is much more serious: “the boss of all bosses of the Russian mafia” was shown his place in modern Russia. Experts believe that this is the beginning of a large-scale war between security officers and thieves who allow themselves too much.

Shakro Young. Still from the Ministry of Internal Affairs video

If you were, for example, on an excursion to the Imperial half of the Grand Kremlin Palace, then even then your breath might stop at the sight of Shakro’s apartments. The operational filming of the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed his mansion in all its glory. By the way, according to rumors, this is the same house that was given to him immediately after returning from a Spanish prison by two famous thieves - Vasily Khristoforov (nicknamed Vasya Voskres) and Yuri Pichugin (Pichuga). An interesting detail: then, immediately upon arrival in Moscow on October 29, 2014, Shakro was taken from the airport to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Zhitnaya, where one of the first people from the ministry had a preventive conversation with him. And then the trio (Shakro, Voskres and Pichuga) went to the Vagankovskoye and Khovanskoye cemeteries - to the graves of the murdered Yaponchik and Ded Khasan.


63-year-old native of Tbilisi Zakhary Kalashov, also known as Zakhar or Shakro Molodoy, became famous in the criminal world back in Soviet times. We have been convicted 7 times, including in absentia in Georgia for murder. In total, the term that the courts imposed on him is almost 40 years in prison, of which he served 20.

This is what his criminal path looks like.

1971 - sentenced to three years for theft. In the same year, when he was only 17 years old, he was crowned in Tbilisi.

1975 - convicted of theft, malicious hooliganism and sentenced to 3.5 years in prison.

1979 - convicted of malicious hooliganism and sentenced to 2.5 years.

1980 - sentenced to 3 years and 9 months for theft.

1985 - sentenced to 2 years for theft

2006 - 18 years for murder (tried in absentia in Georgia).

2010 - sentenced by a Spanish court to 7.5 years (then the term was increased to 9 years) for laundering criminal proceeds.

And here is how representatives of the criminal world briefly describe his life: he began the path of a “thief in law” in Georgia, where he was one of the most authoritative thieves. Then in 1993 he moved to Moscow, from where he had to leave because of the war with Aksen (the leader of the Izmailovo organized crime group) to Spain. There, according to the local police, he was involved in illegal supplies of weapons to the Kurds, for which he was prosecuted.

“Why a camera? No need to put on a show!” - Shakro says on the official video of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thanks to this camera, Russians were able, as they say, to touch the beautiful by performing virtual tour around the mansion.

The operational filming of the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed the Shakro mansion in all its glory. By the way, according to rumors, this is the same house that was given to him immediately after returning from a Spanish prison by two famous thieves - Vasily Khristoforov (nicknamed Vasya Voskres) and Yuri Pichugin (Pichuga). An interesting detail: then, immediately upon arrival in Moscow on October 29, 2014, Shakro was taken from the airport to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Zhitnaya, where one of the first people from the ministry had a preventive conversation with him. And then the trio (Shakro, Voskres and Pichuga) went to the Vagankovskoye and Khovanskoye cemeteries - to the graves of the murdered Yaponchik and Ded Khasan.

So, a beautiful house and several outbuildings behind black iron gates. Inside there are numerous halls, richly and elaborately furnished. Everything around is gilded, carved furniture made from rare wood. In one of the rooms there is just a royal white piano. Paintings, expensive wall clocks, porcelain figurines and vases... there is hardly even a meter of space in the house free from luxury items. All this splendor dazzles the eyes, so the participants in the special operation admitted: “There was a feeling of awkwardness. It was as if we were walking into a museum, and not into someone’s home.”

Moves on. A marble swimming pool, several bars, wine cellars filled to capacity with expensive drinks, gym with the most modern sports equipment - even presidential residences do not have the kind that was in Shakro’s house.

Do you think this is immodest? - asks his “colleague”, looking after one of the central districts of Moscow. - Well, it depends on how you look at it. Shakro is objectively the richest thief today, not only in the entire country, but also beyond its borders. At one time, he actually owned the Crystal and Golden Palace casinos. Can you imagine what kind of “grandmothers” these are?! Yes, if he wanted, he could build the whole house from pure gold.

What is 9 million rubles for such a person? But that’s exactly what Shakro’s “brigade” demanded from Zhanna Kim.


In April 2015, the owner of the Asian restaurant Elements on Rochdelskaya Street, Zhanna Kim, met a female fashion designer and asked her to decorate the establishment. However, Zhanna was not satisfied with the quality of the work, and she paid only part of the amount - 600 thousand euros - and terminated the contract. The designer turned to Shakro Molodoy. On December 14, 2015, a delegation came to Elements and demanded money from Zhanna, threatening to take away her entire business. Kim, in turn, resorted to the intercession of her lawyer, the former commander of the capital's SOBR, once a KGB officer, Eduard Budantsev. Shakro and Budantsev's people clashed. As a result, as a result of the shootout, two of Shakro’s team were killed and eight more people were wounded.

This is a personal matter for Shakro, people from his team say. - He intervened in a conflict between two ladies at the request of his friend. Nobody expected that there would be difficulties. But in such matters something can always go wrong. Shakro arrived with his “rapid response team.” He collected it after returning to Russia, when he began to restore order in the family. Shakro took off a dozen “hats” (dethroned the authorities). Many were unhappy with this, so he feared for his life. And that day there were even fewer fighters with him than usual, because he did not see any danger - ordinary negotiations that happen several times a week. But in the process, Shakro lost his temper and called Budantsev a bad word. After that, everything started to move forward. Shakro himself received a bullet, but the wound was not serious, so he quickly left the scene of the emergency. And then his name did not appear in the reports.

But why wasn’t Shakro detained without delay? We looked for the answer to this question from the other side.

It was necessary to obtain 100% evidence regarding his relationship,” says our source in the intelligence services. “You can’t even imagine how serious the operation was.” Everything is serious with Shakro. Playing with him is like pulling death's whiskers. But we went for it, firstly, because he became impudent and lost his sense of proportion. Secondly, it was necessary to protect the owner of the restaurant: she was in real danger while Shakro was free. Thirdly, it was necessary to support Budantsev - he is a really good person.

It is interesting that exactly a week before Shakro’s arrest, two more people were arrested in connection with the showdown on Rochdelskaya - as investigators believe, from his group. Maybe one of them testified against the criminal king? Having found out their biographies, we realized that this was unlikely. For example, one of those arrested in the case is Gerson Gamidov, a native of Derbent. The man worked in Zhanna Kim’s cafe as a simple foreman. It is unlikely that in addition to the construction team, he was also a member of the racketeering team.

Gerson drew up estimates, selected craftsmen, and supervised their work, the family said. “He fulfilled his duties perfectly, since he has been working on construction sites in the Moscow region for many years. In Derbent, Gerson has a wife and two children, the youngest is 5 months old. He is a forced person, he just got into this mess between two warring parties. Until June 15, Gerson was a witness in the case, and then Zhanna suddenly wrote a statement that the foreman allegedly extorted money from her. He was detained along with an Uzbek comrade and arrested on July 5. Gerson is a deeply decent person. His father Suleiman Ramazanovich is a famous inventor of devices for the respiratory system and other health-improving devices, his mother Saniyat Dzhabarovna is a candidate of sciences. Gerson's wife flew to Moscow to sort out the matter. The lawyer promises that he will be released soon

And experts believe that Shakro will most likely soon be released. It's not just about his money, but also that he is necessary to maintain balance and order (without him, the disorderly coronations of those who are not worthy of the title of thief will begin again). Well, and most importantly, they can take into account his dubious merits: for example, the sale of weapons abroad.


Interior designer Nikita STARTSEV:

The cost of the fabrics alone in the living room amounts to several million euros. The floor is laid with artistic parquet. This is not mass production, such a drawing is made on special order. In addition, there are elements of inlay here. Square meter Such parquet costs 30–50 thousand rubles. The chandeliers are clearly made of crystal - glass doesn't glow like that. One chandelier costs approximately 10–20 thousand euros. The chairs are also expensive, several tens of thousands of euros apiece. A bathtub with a ladder is a set of the bowl itself and the mosaic. It all depends on whose production the mosaic is made. If it’s Italian, then the bill also runs into hundreds of thousands of euros. If China is ten times lower. The composition is most likely smalt interspersed with gold or aventurine. But the columns along the perimeter of the bowl are incredibly expensive - hundreds of thousands of euros. This is clearly an individual order and handmade; there are no such standard elements.

Law enforcement officials consider Shakro Molodoy (aka Zakhary Kalashov) the leader of the Russian criminal community.

According to Russian law enforcement officers who are conducting an investigation into the case of Zakhary Kalashov, known by the nickname Shakro Molodoy, he is the leader criminal community Russia - the organizer and coordinator of stable connections between various Russian organized crime groups, to which other criminal authorities report.

Kommersant reports that investigators have introduced a new legal term in the case of thief in law Shakro Molodoy.

As a source close to the investigation notes, Shakro Molodoy headed the Russian criminal community in 2013 after thief in law Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich - Ded Khasan.

It is reported that Zakhary Kalashov, who is under investigation in connection with a criminal case of extortion, was the organizer of stable connections between various organized crime groups, and also coordinated smaller crime bosses. In connection with the newly identified circumstances in the Shakro Molodoy case, new suspects may appear.

Zakhary Knyazevich Kalashov. Born on March 20, 1953 in Tbilisi. Russian entrepreneur and criminal figure. Yazidi by nationality. Thief in law. Widely known in criminal circles of the post-Soviet space under the nickname. He was convicted three times in Russia. At least ten attempts were made on his life.

Zakhary Kalashov was “crowned” in 1971 in Tbilisi by thief in law Avdo Mirzoev.

He served several prison sentences between 1971 and 1985. Then he left Georgia and began living in Moscow in 1989.

In the 1990s, Kalashov met thieves in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) and Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik). Over time, he became one of the most respected thieves in law. After more than a dozen assassination attempts, which were probably behind the Izmailovskaya organized crime group, he moved to Spain in 2003.

Shakro Molodoy (Zakhary Kalashov) in his youth

In Spain, Kalashov began “laundering money” received from criminal business in Russia and a number of other countries. In June 2005, Spanish intelligence services carried out an operation codenamed “Wasp” against the leaders of the “Russian mafia,” as a result of which several dozen people were detained.

Zakhary Kalashov managed to escape; he was detained only in May 2006 in the United Arab Emirates, after which he was extradited to Spain.

On June 1, 2006, Zakhary Kalashov was sentenced by a Spanish court in Madrid to seven and a half years in prison and a fine of 20 million euros. He was found guilty of laundering illegally obtained funds and creating a criminal group. Later, the Spanish court's sentence was revised in favor of increasing the term (from 7.5 to 9 years).

Kalashov’s arrest led to controversy in the Russian criminal community regarding control over his business, which was left without management. These disputes resulted in a criminal war between Aslan Usoyan and another criminal figure, Tariel Oniani, during which Vyacheslav Ivankov also died.

In 2010, Georgia submitted a request to the Spanish Ministry of Justice to extradite Zakhary Kalashov for criminal prosecution. There he was sentenced in absentia to 18 years in prison for the kidnapping of criminal “accountant” Alex Crane, associated with the Moscow gambling business, and organizing an illegal armed group (Articles 144 and 223 of the Criminal Code of Georgia). His property in Georgia, including a 62-room palace in Tskneti, was confiscated in favor of the state.

In 2011, after receiving the consent of the UAE, the Spanish authorities decided to satisfy this request. Therefore, the Spaniards refused the Russian request to transfer Kalashov to Russia to further serve his sentence. However, Kalashov was allowed to appeal to the Spanish Supreme Court against the extradition.

On October 27, 2014, the court decided that he would be deported to Russia rather than extradited to Georgia to serve his sentence. The reason for this is not completely clear, but one of the versions is the assistance of Russian investigative authorities to the Spanish side in uncovering a criminal community in Spain.

On October 29, 2015, Shakro Molodoy returned to Russia after being released from prison and, after a preventive conversation with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was released. Several songs were dedicated to this event. Georgia sought his extradition, but was refused on the grounds that Kalashov has Russian citizenship.

Initially he had the nickname “Shakro”, after the coronation he became “Shakro the Young” - so that there would be no confusion with another thief in law - “Shakro the Old”.

Thief in law Shakro the Old (Shakro Rozhdenovich Kakachiya) belonged to a clan of Georgian thieves in law, natives of the city of Zugdidi. More than 20 years in prison, as well as strict adherence to thieves’ traditions, made Shakro one of the most authoritative people in the criminal world. As an arbitrator, he was constantly invited to thieves' gatherings, and he participated in resolving conflicts between various criminal groups.

Shakro the Old (Shakro Kakachia)

According to Berlin police, Kakachia's body was found at about 19.20 at the exit of one of the floors of an underground parking lot in Berlin in the administrative district of Wilmersdorf. According to the police, the cause of death of the authority was several gunshot wounds to the head. As far as we know, German detectives failed to get on the trail of the killers or even at least reconstruct the picture of the crime.

Criminal case and arrest of Shakro Molodoy

On December 14, 2015, Shakro Molodoy, together with Andrei Kochuykov (Italian) and Eduard Romanov, took part in a shootout on Rochdelskaya Street, which was the result of the extortion of 8 million rubles from the owner of the Elements cafe. Then Kochuykov and Romanov were detained.

Subsequently, according to the investigation, Shakro Molodoy tried, for a bribe of about 1 million dollars, to reclassify the cases filed against his associates and to release them from prison. During the investigation, the article used changed: first, in December, they were charged with hooliganism (Article 213 of the Criminal Code), and in the spring, after the case was transferred to the Investigative Committee for the Central Administrative District, they planned to reclassify the case into an even milder article of “arbitrariness” (Article 330 of the Criminal Code), which would mean the automatic release of the accused on June 15, 2016, after six months of imprisonment.

On June 14, Kochuykov and Romanov were formally released, but they were immediately detained for extortion of money (Part 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and the investigation of the case itself was transferred to the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On July 12, 2016, Zakhary Kalashov was detained and taken to the police on charges of extortion.

Detention of Shakro Molodoy

Law enforcement officers detained Shakro Molodoy and one of his accomplices right in his luxurious country residence, bursting with expensive antiques.

The interiors of the mansion captured in the operational shooting amaze with the abundance of luxury items. The rooms of the crime boss’s residence are furnished with expensive furniture; Shakro Molodoy also had a white piano.

On July 19, 2016, the FSB arrested the first deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Denis Nikandrov, the head of the internal security department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Maksimenko, and his deputy, Alexander Lamonov, on charges of taking a bribe.

After the arrests in the Investigative Committee and the return of the case from the department of the Investigative Committee for the Central Administrative District to the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, it is being dealt with by the senior investigator for especially important cases, Andrei Suprunenko, who previously opened a criminal case for the murder of two or more persons (Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) immediately after the events on Rochdelskaya. Under his leadership, the investigation came to the conclusion that the extortionists acted as part of an organized criminal community, and opened another criminal case under the relevant article. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, Part 4 of this article, intended for the organizers of the organized crime group, was applied to Kalashov. Initiation of a case under Art. 210 indicates that similar cases in which Kalashov is involved are under operational development.

If convicted, he could be sentenced to life in prison.

Employees of the most informed publication about the life of the criminal elite of Russia, PrimeCrime, in an interview with colleagues from, shared their opinion about the detention of criminal authority Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy. Journalists talked about the jubilation of Greece after the arrest of the authority, the upcoming redistribution of the criminal world and the role of women in the success of every man.

"Thieves" is one of the most closed communities in the world, it is a sect or secret society."

In the 90s, a lot was said and written about “thieves” as a kind of parallel branch of government. Then the topic went away. Who are the modern “thieves in law”? How many are there anyway?

According to the latest data, today there are 478 “thieves”, give or take. This is twice as much as it was in the 80s, and half as much as it was in the 90s.

Why haven't we heard much about them lately? Have they gone into the shadows? Have you reduced your activity? Or have you learned to coexist with the authorities and law enforcement agencies?

Everyone who has real power is always in the shadows. “Vory” is one of the most closed communities in the world. This is a sect or secret society (as you like), with its own powerful ideology and army of believers. Coexistence with the authorities is their cross, and they were taught to find a common language with law enforcement agencies approximately in the mid-70s, when Andropov was still head of the KGB.

- Is it true that Shakro is recognized as thief in law No. 1? What is his reputation?

Shakro is a strong, sophisticated, authoritarian and very authoritative leader on a global scale. A good part of today’s “thieves,” including “Slavs” (representatives of “Slavic” criminal groups, in many ways opposed to “Caucasian” ones), are approx. edit.), - his nominees and godsons. Most of Russia's dollar billionaires are his friends, associates, or even former wards. For example: when the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to intercede for him - murderers of mothers do not live long in prison.

- The media wrote that his fortune back in the 90s was estimated at $200 million - could this be true?

A much higher estimate may also be true.

When the son of billionaire Sosin killed his mother, Shakro personally came to Kazan to intercede for him - mother killers do not live long in prison. Photo

“At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his significance for history”

According to some reports, Shakro controlled some oil transportation enterprises back in the 90s, and now he has switched mainly to the underground gambling business. Is this true?

Some of this is definitely true, especially about the gambling business.

Did he really have very good connections in the world of legal business, government, and the creative environment? Who was he most friendly with?

Excellent, I would say, connections. I will add that he also has very good connections with the heads of some Caucasian republics.

- Does he have many enemies? Who?

There are, of course, bloody ill-wishers. First of all, from a “thieves’ environment.” Those who want to take his place. And those whom he pushed aside when he returned from Spain. “Thieves” are very proud and extremely reluctant to admit someone else’s superiority over themselves, and even less often forgive the wrongs caused. You won’t be good to everyone, and Shakro didn’t really try to please everyone. Shakro definitely has more enemies than friends.

Many versions of Kalashov’s sudden arrest are being discussed: criminal redistribution, the raid of authorities on the “thieves’ world”, politics, economics. Which one is closer to the truth?

It seems to me that his arrest was a simple coincidence of circumstances, an unpredictable development of ordinary events. At some point, Shakro probably overestimated his importance for history, forgot that no one is irreplaceable... If not for his defiant ignorance [approx. ed.: apparently ignoring] subpoenas from the investigator, everything could have been decided at the level of the same investigator, although gunshot corpses a five-minute walk from the Government House are an extraordinary event. The FSB, after all, also employs people with ambition and high self-esteem; their shakro-macro does not inspire awe - thank God, there are better examples of servility. Apparently, Shakro “seriously angered” some of them with his insolence, like Smoked Zheglova... And when such a flywheel is launched, then Shakro will have to disentangle it with a spoonful...

But now the “thieves” who were beaten by Shakro have no greater joy than his misfortune. His arrest was received with great favor, all of Greece (a country in which many “thieves” from Russia have recently settled - approx. edit.) was jubilant that day. Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro, a redistribution will occur in the world of thieves; someone will definitely take his place. There are not so many obvious contenders, but last word It will be in the hands of the authorities (just kidding).

Definitely, with the arrest of Shakro, a redistribution will occur in the world of thieves; someone will definitely take his place. Photo

"Behind every great man there is an even greater woman"

- Why hasn’t Shakro tried to escape since December, after the shootout in the restaurant?

Apparently, Shakro did not see much danger for himself in this matter. And then, he has nowhere to hide. It will cost him more to leave Russia: he is on the international wanted list [at the request of Georgia], where he was sentenced in absentia to 18 years. This sentence, in particular, was the main trump card of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when, upon his arrival from Spain, they took “patronage” over him.

Is his common-law wife Marina Goldberg known in the criminal world? The United States included the “Brotherly Circle” - the top of international organized crime - on its list.

There is such a Marina... Behind every outstanding man there is an even greater woman - a mother or a wife in the role of a mother. Shakro’s mother, in my opinion, died during his birth. Then there was Donara the Magnificent, a woman who deserves the most flattering words. An excellent match for Tbilisi. And when Shakro reached the world level, who else should stand behind him if not the Goldbergs?

Background: an incident in a restaurant

In December 2015, representatives of the owner of the establishment, Zhanna Kim, and designer Fatima Misikova, met at the Elements restaurant in the center of Moscow to resolve financial differences between the women. As it turned out later, the restaurateur attracted former Rubopovite Eduard Budantsev, and the designer attracted certain people who introduced themselves as “from Shakro.” The tense conversation ended in a shootout, as a result of which two “Shakro representatives” were killed. Budantsev, who fired at opponents from a premium Beretta, was taken into custody. But a few months later the situation turned upside down: the ex-Rubopovite was replaced by the article “murder” with “excess of self-defense”, and Shakro’s people and himself are now accused of extortion.

Personal matter

Shakro Molodoy is not so young anymore - he is 63 years old. The son of the famous Georgian thief in law. He was convicted three times in Russia. Survived at least five assassination attempts from competitors.

In 2003, he moved to Spain, where he lived well until, in 2005, as a result of a high-profile operation by Spanish intelligence services codenamed “Wasp,” he was detained and sentenced to 9 years in prison for laundering criminal funds and a fine of 20 million euros.

After his release, he returned to Russia, where he was solemnly welcomed by the criminal community. Several songs were even dedicated to the return.

On July 12, 2016, he was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

On July 12, 2016, Kalashov was detained in his own luxurious mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Photo - screenshot of the Ministry of Internal Affairs video

Friend the prosecutor and the “golden palace”

Member of the Georgian “Club of Experts” Irakli Tskitishvili told what is known about Kalashov in his homeland:

As you know, the “thieves’ institution” was most developed in Georgia, and quite a few “thieves in law” from Georgia thundered throughout Soviet Union. In Georgia there were also groups of Dzhangveladze, Oniani, Ekhvaya, Kokhia and many others. True, Kalashov remained in Russia after Ded Khasan, and other clans that could resist him were purged.

- Did he have patrons in the Georgian tops?

Taking into account the creation of the general institution of “thieves in law” even under the Bolshevik regime, it is impossible to admit that “thieves in law” could not have connections not only in law enforcement agencies, but also among politicians. Without them, their activities would not be possible. According to the information I have, in those years they even bought cars and equipment for law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies often even worked as their personal security. At all levels they had their own people who settled any matters. Well, the most striking example was thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, leader of the armed group Mkhedrioni, who was one of the members of the State Council of Georgia under Shevardnadze - deputy chairman of the state council, in fact the second person in the country. Saakashvili was against all “thieves”, against this institution in general, and nipped it all in the bud.

- It is known that Kalashov had a palace with 76 rooms in the suburbs of Tbilisi. What happened to him?

The palace was confiscated and handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the court. It housed a commercial operator of the electrical power system. On at the moment his mansion houses the National Statistics Office.

There was some kind of scandal related to the question of why the Spanish authorities extradited Shakro not to Georgia, but to Russia?

When the question of Kalashov’s extradition from Spain was raised, the opposition made a fuss about the fact that Georgia had not sent a request to the Spaniards for his extradition to Georgia. It is interesting that at that time the post of chief prosecutor of Georgia was taken by Kalashov’s lawyer Archil Kbilashvili. Many people associate this with the fact that in 2014 he was deported not to Georgia, but to Russia. In Georgia, he would have gone straight to prison, but in Russia, the place of Ded Khasan was waiting for him, says Irakli Tskitishvili.

Anatoly Yakunin said that the city will be cleared of “thieves in law” within a year. Photo

“A shameful phenomenon that must be ended”

The head of the Moscow police said in an interview with Interfax that the city will be cleared of “thieves in law” within a year. “These people continue to form their criminal ideology,” said Anatoly Yakunin. “They control a number of organized criminal groups that operate in the field of vehicle theft, drug trafficking, and fraud. At the board meeting, I assigned the heads of operational units the task of undermining their economic base this year. This is a shameful phenomenon that must be stopped.”

Online newspaper "Real Time"

"Most billionaires– Shakro’s friends, companions or even former wards"

What is behind the arrest of crime boss Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro Molodoy, I learned from an expert at

However, the guests did not suspect that they were being closely watched by the Spanish intelligence services. The result was 3 large-scale police special operations “Osa”, “Bee” and “Troika”, during which about 300 people were detained and 1.5 thousand bank accounts were frozen.

Shakro managed to escape to the UAE and was put on the international wanted list. But the Arabs did not quarrel with Interpol and handed over the authority to the Spanish authorities. In 2010, Shakro was sentenced to 9 years and fined 20 million euros. Now Georgia is demanding the extradition of the Spanish prisoner, where he is accused of involvement in the murder of Alex Crane, a shareholder of the Moscow Crystal casino, and was sentenced in absentia to 18 years in prison.

The essence of the matter is this: income from the capital's Crystal casino was distributed as follows: 70% - to accountant Kaplan-Lun and US citizen Alex Crane (aka Arutyunov, aka Begishvili), 10% - former employee GRU to Karlen Azizbekyan, 9.5% - a sculpture to Zurab Tsereteli, 9.5% - to businessman Musayelyan and 1% - to Vladimir Dukhnov (Tsereteli's lawyer). Soon a conflict arose between the casino owners. According to one version, the initiator was Mr. Crane, who decided to distribute his share among his closest relatives, which was contrary to the agreements. It all ended in the best Russian business traditions: lawyer Dukhnov went to a meeting with Shakro’s representatives and went missing (his body was not found). Crane was kidnapped in Georgia, then a ransom of $1.2 million was demanded from his relatives, and after the money was transferred, the hostage was killed. Moreover, according to investigators, the bank account to which the ransom was transferred allegedly belonged to Kalashov. The sculptor Tsereteli was no longer allowed into the casino, and several criminal cases were opened against the security officer Azizbekyan and he was put on the federal wanted list.

According to Mr. Azizbekyan, during these criminal events, employees of the capital’s Regional Organized Crime Control Department, led by the notorious assistant to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Orlov (???) broke into “Crystal” and started a pogrom. Then Azizbekyan was taken to Shabolovka, where, in the presence of operative Dmitry Zabednov, he was “interrogated” by the fugitive accountant Kaplan-Lann, persistently offering to give up his casino shares.

Only now, 12 years later, Investigative Committee closed all the “custom” cases against Azizbekyan, but there is virtually no one to prosecute: Shakro and the mafia accountant are in a Spanish prison; corrupt prosecutors and investigators are retired; General Orlov - on the federal wanted list; the head of the RUBOP, General Yuri Danilov, who authorized the raid on the casino, died, and the body of operative Zabednov was found on Butyrskaya Street in his Porsche Cayenne in October last year.

What to expect

So, if Kalashov miraculously ends up in Russia, investigators have their own libretto ready. Although we can expect any surprises from our law enforcement system. Suffice it to recall the story with Yaponchik, when in 2004, upon arrival from an American prison at Sheremetyevo airport, he was put on steel bracelets and charged with murder ten years ago. However, despite the loud statements of high-ranking officials to “fight crime mercilessly,” the charges were dropped, and until his death, Mr. Ivankov rested on his laurels.

In any case, the return of a criminal “figure” of such magnitude to our corrupt country will not pass without a trace and can only lead to an escalation of the criminal war, of which a dozen authorities have already become victims. And you don’t need to reassure yourself with fairy tales that the time of these people has passed. Yes, now they don’t wear crimson jackets and don’t drive “nines”, they walk along the corridors of the Duma and firmly hold in their hands, with the help of corrupt intelligence officers, very serious financial flows. Many banks operate under their control, and financial schemes for laundering dirty money, cashing out and returning “excessively” paid taxes are their area of ​​interest.

... Yes, by the way, we contacted the author of the song that the chorus girls rehearsed in the cultural center - singer David Divad. He said that in 2008, Ded Hassan called him and offered to write a song “for his friend languishing in a Spanish prison.” The singer knows nothing about Shakro’s possible return to Russia. And in addition to this song, according to Mr. Divad, he was ordered odes dedicated to Ded Khasan, his personal secretary - the authority Sadko, the heads of some subjects of the Federation and the Uzbek oligarch Gafur Rakhimov.

Spanish authorities extradite Shakro-Young to Georgia

The National Court of Justice of Spain has authorized the extradition of thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro-Young) to the Georgian authorities. For crimes committed on the territory of Georgia, the crime boss faces 18 years in prison. Let us recall that on June 1, a Spanish court sentenced Zakhary Kalashov to 7.5 years in prison for money laundering, more than four years of which he has already served.

By the decision of the National Court of Justice of Spain, criminal boss Zakhary Kalashov, who is serving a sentence in Spain for money laundering, will be extradited to Georgia. In Georgia, Kalashov was sentenced in absentia to 18 years in prison for transporting drugs from Latin American countries and other crimes. On June 7, after a request from the Georgian authorities to extradite Kalashov, a Spanish court temporarily detained him. Moreover, the Georgian authorities intend to bring new charges against Kalashov for organizing cocaine smuggling from South America to Europe through Georgian territory.

Earlier on June 1, the judicial authorities of Spain sentenced Shakro-Young to 7.5 years in prison and a fine of $25 million for organizing a criminal community, forgery of documents and money laundering. Due to the fact that Kalashov had already served half his sentence in pre-trial detention and was released in March on bail of €300 thousand, the Spanish authorities did not take him into custody pending trial for the purpose of deportation. The trial of Shakro Molodoy and his accomplices began in Madrid on November 2, 2009. The charges were based on evidence obtained in June 2005 during the police operation "Osa". Then more than 400 police officers using armored personnel carriers and helicopters conducted searches in Barcelona, ​​Alicante, as well as the resorts of Marbella, Fuengirola, Benalmadena and Torremolinos, arresting about 30 Spanish citizens, as well as immigrants from Georgia, Russia and Ukraine. They were charged with creating an organized group and money laundering "by investing in real estate."

Let us recall that the name of Zakhar Kalashov appears in the case of the assassination attempt on the most influential thief in law in the post-Soviet space, Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), which was committed in Moscow on September 16. Investigators link the crime to the confrontation between the clans of Ded Khasan and another crime boss Tariel Oniani (Taro). In 2008, a serious conflict broke out between them over the division of the empire of Shakro-Young, who was convicted in Spain. The confrontation worsened when the thieves in law could not agree on which of them would control part of the financial flows allocated by private investors for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Ded Khasan’s longtime friend Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), who supported him in this dispute, was wounded in Moscow in July 2009 and died soon after.

The leader of the “Russian mafia” was billed for investments in Spain

On Tuesday, a Spanish court sentenced one of the most influential thieves in the post-Soviet space, Zakhary Kalashov, better known as Shakro-Molodoy, to 7.5 years in prison and a fine of 20 million euros. He was found guilty of laundering dirty money and creating a criminal group. Russian lawyer Alexander Gofshtein, who was involved with him in the case, was completely acquitted by the Spanish Themis.

Vladimir Barinov, , 1.06.2010

In prison, having dual citizenship Russia and Georgia, Zakhary Kalashov (according to some sources, in 2005 he changed his last name to Knyazevich), found himself as part of the large-scale anti-mafia operation of the Spanish special services "Wasp", which took place in the Pyrenees in the summer of 2005.

Then the police captured 28 people, 22 of whom turned out to be Georgian thieves in law. 38 villas, about 800 accounts in 42 banks were seized, more than 230 thousand euros in cash, promissory notes for 100 thousand euros, 220 thousand euros in traveler's checks, jewelry and antiques were seized.

Shakro-Young evaded arrest, but later Spanish judge Fernando Andreo issued an international warrant for his arrest. He was arrested at a thieves' gathering in Dubai, which brought together criminal authorities from the CIS countries to the United Arab Emirates. In June of the same year, Kalashov was extradited to Spain and placed in Soto del Real prison. It is worth noting that Russian law enforcement agencies showed no interest in arresting Shakro.

A dozen defendants

It is curious that later only 12 people were in the dock, whom the Spanish prosecutor's office accused of creating a well-trained professional criminal group, which, through a network of companies created in Spain, laundered funds obtained by criminal means, in particular, “from gambling, drug smuggling and weapons, criminal protection in various areas of economic activity, extortion and kidnapping in Russia and other countries of the former USSR."

The indictment, previously reported by the Spanish news agency EFE, listed these companies: Megrisa S. L. Suninvest 2000 S. L., Elviria Invest S. L., Mijas Invest Development S. L., Investa Development 2003 S. L., Mijas Paradise Business Development S. L., SDI Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Estepona S. L. and Megabetta V& N S. L. In particular, Shakro was charged with illegal “investments” worth at least 7.5 million euros.

The lawyer was included in the number of mafiosi

Quite unexpectedly, one of the dozen accused in November 2006 was Kalashov’s Russian defender, Alexander Gofshtein, a partner in the large law firm Padva and Partners. A lawyer who flew from Moscow to meet with his client was sent to prison on charges of money laundering and participation in a criminal group.

Investigators assumed that the lawyer was a kind of courier for sending “black cash” to Kalashov.

Only almost a year later, on October 19, 2007, Gofshtein was released on bail of 200 thousand euros. In making this decision, the court took into account that Gofshtein’s family—his wife and small child—is in Madrid.

At the same time, he was prohibited from leaving the territory of Spain and ordered to regularly appear at the district commissariat at his place of residence for checks. Thus, while waiting for the end of the investigation and the start of the trial, Alexander Gofshtein spent three years in Spain.

It is noteworthy that, although the judicial investigation in the case of Kalashov, Gofshtein and others was in its final stage, the lawyer who was on bail was allowed to come to Russia at the end of last year to communicate with his seriously ill father, also a famous lawyer (he died in December 2009) .

They waited more than six months for the verdict

The judicial investigation itself ended in November last year. For Zakhary Kalashov, the prosecutor's office requested 12 years in prison and a fabulous fine of 32 million euros. By the way, some experts estimate the fortune of the influential thief in law at approximately 200 million euros.

The prosecution asked Alexander Gofshtein to be sentenced to 7 years and 3 months in prison with a fine of half a million euros.

It should be noted that during the trial, only one Zakhary Kalashov was in custody. He remained in prison after the court retired for sentencing in November. The verdict was very difficult for the judges. It was expected that he would be sentenced before the end of February, but instead something else happened - Kalashov was released on bail of 300 thousand euros.

The Spanish prosecutor's office was shocked by this court decision. However, its representatives, who openly called Shakro-Young a thief in law and the leader of the “Russian-Georgian mafia,” still expressed hope that he would receive a guilty verdict. True, they admitted that it would be less than what the prosecutor’s office requested.

The court divided the defendants into two categories

On Tuesday, their predictions came true. 57-year-old Kalashov was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. Five more defendants also received guilty verdicts. Mikhail Mdinaradze received 5 years, Konstantin Asatiani and Oleg Vorontsov (former adviser to the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin and member of the IOC) - 4 years each, Alexander Minin - 3 years, Natalya Serova - 2 years.

The verdict notes that Kalashov and the other convicts will be expelled from Spain when they have served three-quarters of their sentence, or when they enter the “third category of prisoners” - when prisoners are allowed to serve their sentences outside prison.

In the meantime, Kalashov, who has already served half of his sentence behind bars, and other convicts will remain free until their appeal against the verdict is considered Supreme Court Spain. He only needs to report to court twice a week.

The remaining 6 accused, including Alexander Gofshtein, were completely acquitted. According to Gofshtein himself, the prosecution did not provide “even inconclusive” evidence of his guilt. He claims he was only doing his job as a lawyer. “They pinned all the dogs that could be on me. Thank God that a fair and independent court made a lawful decision,” the lawyer noted. In connection with what they tried to “hang dogs” on him and who exactly did it, Gofshtein did not specify.

The lawyer said that now he needs to study the text of the verdict, the logic of the court, the legal grounds, and only then will he be able to comment on the verdict in more detail. He plans to return to Russia at the end of next week and hold a press conference.

Where to go

The question also arises where exactly Kalashov will be deported after serving his sentence. He has dual citizenship of Russia and Georgia, but it is extremely undesirable for him to return to both countries.

Shakro-Young, who received the title of thief in law after three terms in prison Russian prisons, settled in Spain in the late 1990s. It was simply unsafe for him to remain in Russia. At that time, 9 attempts were made on his life at once, and he miraculously survived.

At the same time, even his adherence to the influential clan of Georgian thieves in law, headed by Aslan Usoyan (grandfather Hasan), did not help him. And friendship with the now deceased patriarch of the Russian criminal world, Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yapochnik).

He also did not have the opportunity to hide in his historical homeland in Georgia: a Tbilisi court sentenced him in absentia to 18 years in prison for various crimes. By the way, just having the status of a thief in law entails a 10-year prison sentence in his homeland. It is curious that the Georgian authorities seized all of Kalashov’s property, including a luxurious villa that looked more like a palace and was worth more than $30 million.

By the way, recently in Moscow the FSB detained one of Kalashov’s accomplices who was wanted in the Spanish case, Leonid Kaplan.

Vorovskaya "raspberry" with 74 rooms

Property of “criminal general” seized in Georgia

Oleg Rubnikovich, Albert Eremyan, 09/20/2006.
The material was published in "Newspaper" No. 171 dated September 21, 2006.

Employees of the special operational department of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs sealed a luxurious villa in the Tbilisi suburb of Tskneti, owned by the famous thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (nickname Shakro-young). According to the most conservative estimates, the cost of this residence with 74 rooms and a helipad is at least 30 million dollars. Its construction took four years and was completed recently. However, it is still unclear who should have settled here. Shakro himself has been living outside of Georgia for a long time.

A 53-year-old native of Tbilisi (born March 20, 1953), Zachary Knyazievich Kalashov, in addition to Georgian, also has Russian citizenship. In analytical police reports he is called one of the most influential criminal authorities in Russia and the leader of a new generation of the world of thieves.

They tried to kill Kalashov several times. The most serious attempt on the life of the “criminal general” occurred at the end of March 1996 in Moscow. His armored Mercedes and a jeep with guards came under heavy fire in the very center of Moscow in Bolshoi Zlatoustinsky Lane. The fire was so dense that even the thick armor of the foreign car could not save the passengers. Shakro received four wounds - in the chest, arm and shoulder. Another of his companions was also wounded and another was killed. Then, without delay, several members of the Izmailovo organized crime group were arrested on suspicion of committing this crime. They tried to eliminate Kalashov twice more North Ossetia and the same number in their native Georgia. After the last attempt in 1999, the thief in law moved abroad.

In the early 2000s, Shakro (he recently changed his last name and became Knyazevich) settled in Spain, where he led the so-called Clan of Eleven, a criminal organization operating in the south of Andalusia - in the area of ​​the Costa del Sol resort.

In 2005, a large-scale operation was carried out in Spain to neutralize the leaders of the “Russian mafia,” which specialized in money laundering (mainly through the purchase of expensive real estate), extortion and kidnapping. The operation was codenamed "Wasp" and has been called the most successful of all international police operations in Europe. On the Spanish Mediterranean coast, about 400 law enforcement officers were simultaneously involved in it. The police froze 80 bank accounts and requisitioned dozens of expensive cars and villas. More than a dozen suspects were detained. However, Kalashov then managed to escape, and the Spanish authorities put him on the international wanted list.

In May 2006, Shakro was arrested in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, during a meeting of representatives of criminal gangs. The National Judicial College of Spain appealed to the UAE authorities with a request to extradite the crime boss, which was done in mid-June.