What happens on Friday the thirteenth. Friday the Thirteenth: A Brief History of Superstition and Facts about a “Bad” Day. From Paganism to Christianity

Friday the 13th: signs and superstitions, interesting facts, poetry and humor

Among the huge variety of different signs and superstitions invented by humanity throughout the history of its existence, there are those that have become most widespread throughout the world. These include superstitions associated with Friday, which falls on the 13th of the month.

This superstition is known to almost everyone and many people believe in it. Everyone is familiar with the situation when people, frightened by scary stories about Friday the 13th, associate every fall, every failure and every misfortune with this day. Let the car break down, the electricity in the house be turned off, or you get fired from your job - it turns out that all this is not without reason.

Some, especially superstitious people, on Friday the 13th they lock themselves in their home for the whole day, do not answer phone calls, do not look out the window and do not open the door for anyone, waiting impatiently for the minute when this day will end.

Friday the 13th is considered a day of bad luck and misfortune in many cultures, damn day. The historical development of this superstition is associated not only with the unlucky 13th number, the so-called “Devil's Dozen,” but also with Friday - the fifth day of the week - but initially there was no connection between them. Where did this superstition come from?

The combination of Friday and the 13th, which strikes fear into many people, originates in ancient times.
If you believe the oldest beliefs, then on this day 12 witches always flocked to the Sabbath, ghouls and other evil spirits gathered, and at the height of the fun, when the full moon rose, Satan himself appeared thirteenth.
In Christian culture it is believed that On Friday the 13th, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit;
exactly On this ominous Friday, Cain mercilessly killed his brother Abel.
The crucifixion of Christ took place on Friday.
The thirteenth apostle at the Last Supper was Judas, who betrayed Christ..

Since ancient times, Friday the 13th has been called “black”.
Another basis for this superstition is real historical fact, telling that on Friday 13 April 1307 was caught and arrested large number members of a very rich and powerful organization at that time - the Order of the Templars.
They were thrown into prison, and after a short time, they were burned at the hot bonfires of the Holy Inquisition as heretics. Since then, the tension around Friday the 13th, overshadowed by this story, has intensified and acquired many superstitions, riddles and secrets.

At the end of the 18th century, the superstition about Friday the 13th became so strongly entrenched in the minds of the English people that the authorities decided to publicly prove the absurdity of this terrible omen.
For this purpose, a ship was built under the “black” name “Friday”. Its construction began on Friday the 13th. It was also launched on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public again on Friday the 13th the ship set out on the open sea.
Since then, no one has seen "Friday" again.: the ship and its crew went missing.
Since then old saying about "Black" Friday still makes many sailors around the world to postpone, under any pretext, going to the open sea on this day.
Friday the 13th is also associated with one of the most notorious shipwrecks of the 20th century, which shocked the imagination of many Americans.
On Friday 13th December 1907 In 1902, one of the largest ships at that time - the seven-masted schooner Thomas Laurson, built in 1902 - was wrecked on the reefs.

The interesting thing is that Spanish and Portuguese sailors, on the contrary, consider Friday the 13th a very favorable day for sailing.
This is explained by the fact that Christopher Columbus began his historic voyage to the shores of the still unknown America on Friday.
In addition to sailors, many surgeons are afraid of Friday the 13th.
Some doctors do not schedule operations on this day, and already scheduled operations are postponed to any other day.
English doctors are convinced that the risk of failure of an operation performed on Friday the 13th doubles.
This superstition has not escaped computer users who believe that “Black Friday” the most dangerous day in terms of virus attacks.
At the dawn of the computer era, many creators of virus programs set the mechanism for triggering the malicious properties of the virus precisely on this day.
It is not recommended to make deals or celebrate weddings on Friday the 13th.
It is believed that it is better not to leave the house at all on this day.
According to the laws of the American state of Indiana, on Friday the 13th, all owners of black cats, when letting their pets out for a walk, are required to put on collars with ringing bells.
Interesting fact is that The 13th of the month falls on a Friday more often than on any other day of the week.
To avoid the terrible consequences of Friday the 13th, according to popular belief, you just need to visit church on this day.

Interesting facts:
The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia(from the Greek words "Paraskevi" (Παρασκευή), meaning "Friday" and "Decatreis" (δεκατρείς), meaning "Thirteen").

Another name for this phobia is also used - friggatriskaidekaphobia, which comes from the name of the goddess Frigg (Old Norse Frigg) in German-Scandinavian mythology. Basically, it is a special case of triskaidekaphobia.

In Foerester's Doomsday Theory model, calculations predict that the human population will reach infinity or a mathematical singularity on Friday, November 13, 2026.

October 13, 1066 William the Conqueror invited the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harold II, to abdicate the throne. Harold II did not accept this offer and died the next day at the Battle of Hastings, which led to the Norman conquest of England.

October 13, 1307 King Phillip IV of France, in collusion with Pope Clement V, carried out mass arrests of the “Poor Knights of Christ,” putting an end to the influence of the Templar Order.

August 13, 1965 At 9 am, the famous saint Srila Prabhupada departs for New York on the ship Jaladuta to begin the extremely successful spread of the philosophy of Krishna consciousness throughout the world.

October 13, 1972 year there was a plane crash in the Andes. The survivors of the crash fought for life for 72 days.

October 13, 1995, on the day of his sixtieth birthday, the Soviet and Russian pop composer Vadim Gamalia was killed.

September 13, 1996 In Las Vegas, Nevada, rapper Tupac Shakur died in intensive care without regaining consciousness. The car in which Tupac was riding was shot on September 7, the rapper received seven bullets.

November 13, 2009 A fire broke out at an ammunition depot in Ulyanovsk, leading to casualties and numerous explosions.

And a few anecdotes and jokes...

In a moment of tenderness, the wife asks her husband:
- Kolenka, you remember the day when we met?
- I won’t forget it until I die. It happened on Friday the thirteenth. When I was on my way to visit, a black cat crossed my path. At the door I tripped on my left foot, and there were thirteen of us at the table. And there I met you!

Black cats have a day off on Friday the thirteenth.

On Friday the 13th, the devils invited the angels to play football.
“We agree,” answered the angels. - Moreover, the best players are with us...
“Perhaps,” the devils did not argue, “but all the judges are ours...

If you stood with your left foot on a black cat, which, with a heart-rending meow, rushed at the feet of a woman with empty buckets, and she, turning around in fear, with one bucket breaks the mirror hanging on the wall, and with the other, knocks a full salt shaker off the table, on the calendar - 13th, Friday leap year, and then it turns out that you overslept for work due to a hangover, and your mother-in-law comes in the evening to stay for a week, then know: according to folk signs- the day will not be very successful.

From the detective story: “Nothing foreshadowed trouble. It was an ordinary day - Friday the 13th.”

Whatever one may say, Monday the 13th is much worse than Friday the 13th. Because every Monday is a little zombie apocalypse.

For some, Friday the 13th is an ordinary day, and for others it is an ordinary day, like Friday the 13th.

I don’t understand how Friday the 13th can be a bad day - It’s Friday!

Announcements at the airport: - The plane operating flight No. 13 wanted to land... - Daddy, why does my birthday never fall on Friday the thirteenth?!
- Yes, because you were born on June 27, son!

Monday the 13th sounds even more threatening than that Friday...

Friday the 13th. Today is not the case. Even the bread fell on the carpet with mayonnaise upside down.

Friday the 13th is not the worst day, because after it there always comes the terrible morning of Saturday the 14th.
- Yeah, Saturday the 14th in February is especially terrible, those who survived the 13th will be finished off by Valentine on the 14th.

Look at the pattern: this year there are 3 Friday the 13th. January, April, July, multiply 3x13=39, now look -
39+627=666, I went nuts when I got that number, what a diabolical year!
- 627 - where does this number come from?
- Well, that makes it 666. It’s just impossible without him.

Friday the 13th is bullshit, it's Monday... and the 13th is really scary

Two neighbors are talking on Saturday the 14th:
- Did you hear? Petrov's wife left him yesterday!
- Are you kidding? And how did he survive it?
- I’ve calmed down now. But at first I thought I would go crazy with joy!

Blondes talking: - This year New Year falls on Friday! - I hope it’s not Friday the 13th?

Only working people understand that Friday the 13th is bullshit compared to Monday the 13th.

What could be worse than Friday the 13th?
- Monday.
- On the 13th?
- Any!

What is Friday the 13th?
- This is when witches, kikimoras and mermaids get together and have a coven.
- Do not confuse Friday 13th and 8th March

Dude, guess what, it was Friday the 13th this month!
- Cool! And when?
- You won’t believe it if I tell you

One scientist is an ethnographer,
collecting your property,
to the island, to the Tumb-Yumba tribe,
went. Fundamentals of rights,
customs and language
he studied for sure
but beyond the basics,
wrote entries for the diary:

Eleventh. April.
Wednesday. Such a gimmick
happened in the tribe today:
barely leaving bed,
Suddenly the Leader's daughter was lost.
They were looking for a tribe. Having found
above her, according to the decision of the "gangway",
everyone got upset after a while...

The twelfth was Thursday.
I was literally shocked
this incident... we need details,
yes I'm a decent person...
So, on Thursday, after the rain,
lost the Leader himself,
Having found it, they violated each other,
observing an ancient custom...
Thirteenth. I can't...
extend the line about Friday:
and it was necessary early
I'm going to get lost, I'm a fool."

If it's thirteen on Friday
The calendar showed you
Interest in life
You've dropped to zero.
Don't rush to shake with fear,
Who said: thirteen is evil?
Thus ruining this date,
Have you made a fool of us all?
Well, even more so on Friday -
Just God's grace
It's not for nothing all week
We are ready to wait for her!

What does Friday the 13th mean? Why is it associated with something bad and dark for many? And how much truth is hidden in all the rumors and superstitions associated with this mystical number?

In order to get to the truth, let's take a short excursion into the history of mankind and look there for information about Friday the 13th. And, believe me, there are a lot of them, and some of them really make you believe in the fatal power of this date. But first things first.

What does Friday the 13th mean today?

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, people still believe in the existence of mystical forces and mysterious signs. One of the strangest is the superstition that Friday the 13th is a very bad day.

For some reason, people believe that on such days misfortune follows them on their heels. Therefore, particularly superstitious individuals try to give up all serious matters and stay away from anything that could harm their health. Sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity: those who are especially fearful lock themselves in their own rooms and refuse to contact the outside world.

Naturally, most people don't do this, because it's stupid. And yet the fact remains: with the arrival of Friday the 13th, here and there you can hear whispered stories about mysterious incidents associated with this day.

But when did it start? Who first began to consider this day dark? And why did this happen? In order to understand this, let's find out what Friday the 13th means in the understanding of our distant ancestors.

Mystical numbers in antiquity

The ancient Greeks were obsessed with numbers, which is probably why they became the forefathers of many geometric theories. In particular, they believed that 12 was an ideal number that symbolized order and harmony. But the number 13, on the contrary, was bad, since its existence upset the balance.

As for Friday, it was not considered dark or unlucky. Moreover, only on this day of the week was it allowed to hold celebrations in honor of the goddess Athena. Therefore, for the Greeks, Friday was more of a solemn date than a harbinger of misfortune.

Beliefs of our ancestors

If everything is clear with the Greeks, then what does Friday the 13th mean for the Slavs? It just so happened that for our ancestors this day of the week was sacred. It was here that the most important celebrations and rituals of those times fell.

The Slavs believed that the last Friday of the month is the day of the Mother of the World. Therefore, with her arrival, all women in Rus' had an extra-hour day off. They could do nothing and just enjoy the world around them.

The Slavs also had a special date: the “thirteenth” Friday of the year. It was calculated by lunar calendar and was a very important religious event. After all, it was on this day that rituals aimed at strengthening the clan were held. At the same time, both women and men took part in the celebration.

So, the girls prayed to the goddess of fertility to grant them her protection. As for the guys, they competed with each other in strength and endurance. And the ladies standing nearby could watch them and choose a worthy betrothed.

The sad fate of the Templars

As for the notoriety, according to scientists, it stuck to this day at the beginning of the 14th century, during the reign of Philip IV. And to be more precise, after he dealt with the Order of the Knights Templar.

This happened because the Holy Order began to gain too much power. Numerous people helped the knights acquire lands that brought huge profits. And where there is money, there is the opportunity to control others, including courtiers and even kings.

This order of things suited many monarchs, but not Philip IV, popularly nicknamed the Handsome. He did not want to share his power with the holy army, and therefore decides to get rid of them. On October 13, 1307, he issues a decree: to arrest all the Templars, and transfer their property to the disposal of the state.

A little later, most of the prisoners were burned at the stake as heretics and criminals of the faith. Moreover, the massacre fell on Friday the 13th. That is why it will be remembered for a long time as a bloody date.

Myths of Christianity

The Catholic Church added even more fuel to the fire by expressing its opinion on what Friday the 13th means. This number, in their opinion, has been famous since the beginning of time for its bad influence on people. So, it was on this day that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, and sin fell on all people. In addition, on Friday the 13th, Cain killed Abel, forever staining this date with human blood.

Also, the unfortunate number brought a lot of troubles to Jesus Christ. First, according to some sources, he was crucified on Friday the 13th, making it a bad day in the eyes of his followers. Secondly, at the last supper, which became the last for the savior, 13 people were present. These may be mere coincidences, but many see them as bad omens.

That is why, if you ask a Christian: “What does Friday the 13th mean?”, he will most likely answer that it is And, taking into account all of the above, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise.

Witches and witchcraft

Now let's talk about what Friday the 13th means for Satanists and witches. After all, if you think about it, this is the best time for dark charms and spells. And indeed, according to legend, it is on this day that all witches gather together. The Great Sabbath is what Friday the 13th means. The full moon falling on this date only enhances its significance for dark sorceresses and sorcerers.

What is going on at such a Sabbath? If you believe the stories of occultists, then such magical meetings are held at various places where dark forces emerge. For example, it could be a cemetery, old forest or the field of a long-ago battle. According to the laws of the Sabbath, it is conducted by 12 witches, and their 13th guest is the devil himself, who appears in the form of a goat or a man with a goat’s head.

Together they dance in a wild, shameless dance, thereby showing their love for sin and debauchery. A little later, an orgy begins, during which the wicked bestows his power on the witches. After which everyone scatters to their homes in order to continue to do evil and wreak havoc.

As for Satanists, they also love Friday the 13th. Even though they don’t organize covens, they still practice dark magic.

Dark dates associated with Friday the 13th

Over the long history of mankind, there have been hundreds of mysterious cases related to this fateful date. Unfortunately, it is impossible to list them all, so let's focus only on the most significant of them:

  • Thus, on October 13, 1066, the last Anglo-Saxon king, Harold II, refused the Normans’ offer to surrender the kingdom. As a result, his army still lost and the monarch himself died at the hands of his enemies.
  • In 1791, British authorities decided to dispel mystical rumors about Friday the 13th. To do this, they built a new ship, which they named after the dark date. Moreover, he went to sea on Friday the 13th. Alas, their hopes were dashed, as the ship disappeared forever in the vast expanses of the ocean.
  • This date was also unlucky for the great gangster Al Capone. After all, it was on Friday that he was arrested by Chicago police.
  • The famous American Shakur has always been famous for his extraordinary luck. Throughout his career, he successfully evaded repeated attempts on his life. But on September 13, 1996, luck failed him, and the killer’s bullet still overtook Shakur.

Popularization of the myth

Today, almost everyone on the planet knows what Friday the 13th means. If we do not take into account the mystical origin of this myth, then a completely logical question arises: “How is it that everyone thinks this is a bad day?”

And it’s all the fault of television, which has repeatedly raised the topic of mysticism and witchcraft on its television shows and films. Just look at the American horror film called “Friday the 13th”, which reveals the life of a psychopathic maniac.

Psychics and fortune tellers also made a lot of noise. They constantly reassure their clients that Friday the 13th is a dark day indeed. Some clergy also join their opinion, which is true, the official church assures: there is nothing terrible about this date.

Famous refutation of the Black Friday myth

As soon as rumors spread that Friday the 13th was an unlucky number, those who wanted to refute them also appeared. And if in the case of the British ship the experiment was a failure, then our next hero achieved his goal.

It all started with the fact that a certain William Fowler decided to found a club that would dispel various mystical rumors and fictions. Naturally, such an organization should have an appropriate name. And therefore, William, without thinking twice, calls it the “Club of Thirteen”, because that’s exactly how many people are included in it. Moreover, the official opening is set for Friday, January 13, 1881.

Since the club's main goal was to destroy myths, they did everything possible to do this. For example, they ate dinner at a table on which salt was scattered, or walked through a door under a staircase. And here’s what makes me happy: during the entire existence of the club, nothing bad happened to its members.

In history, many events are associated with the number 13 and the day of the week Friday, and only tragic ones are remembered. 13 people attended the Last Supper, after which Christ was executed. Moreover, he was executed on Friday, but obviously not on Friday the 13th. But this event is associated specifically with Friday the 13th.

The most famous event that happened on Friday the 13th was the execution of the Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay. Before burning, he shouted a curse: “God knows who is wrong and who has sinned. A terrible disaster will soon happen to those who sent us to death.” Members of the order were indeed executed unjustly. Thanks to the intrigues of Pope Clement V, who claimed that it was rumored that newcomers who were accepted into the order were ordered to spit on the cross, deny Christ and participate in homosexual orgies during initiation ceremonies. Of course, all this was slander. But the then king of France did not care. He needed money because he had lost a lot in the war with England.

A superstition has taken root among the people that every Friday the 13th the Lord sends troubles and failures to everyone and to all of us at once. And after all, more than 700 years have already passed since the date of the prophecy, but this superstition is alive and well thanks to the fact that one of the artists shook off the ancient dust from it and sent it to the people.

This year this is the second Friday that falls on the 13th. In Spanish-speaking countries, Tuesday the 13th is considered an unlucky day, and in Italy it is Friday the 17th. And they are all the same New Testament read. But no, Friday the 13th is an ordinary day for them.

To believe or not to believe in this superstition is up to everyone. But personally, out of harm’s way, I don’t start any new things on this day, no meetings, and in general I try not to leave the house. After all, as they say, God protects those who are taken care of. And if you don't take care of it, the devil will protect you. :)

And I always spit over my left shoulder, because my personal devil lurks behind it. And I know for sure that my Guardian Angel is sitting behind my right shoulder. I also don’t like walking under stairs and all the other structures that form a sort of pyramid.

I don’t like it when any cat, even white or gray, crosses the road. But at the same time, I clearly notice - in the floor or from under the floor. If it’s on the floor, that is, from left to right, then I expect trouble and accept it steadfastly. And if it’s from right to left, then I just spit over my left shoulder.

I'm not afraid of broken mirrors, because I know what to do with them so as not to cause trouble.

I wear rings only on my ring finger, because I believe that the evil or black evil eye penetrates the body through these two fingers. And by wearing a ring, I thereby protect myself from the black evil eye. The ring on the index and thumb, on the contrary, does not allow the energy of luck to enter my life.

I constantly cross my fingers if I feel any emotional impact on myself from others.

And when I have to say words about plans for the future, I always say - If the Lord wills and if we are alive. I even learned these words in Khibru, because I think that God understands Khibru better than other languages.

most widely distributed throughout the world. These include superstitions associated with Friday, which falls on the 13th of the month. This superstition is known to almost everyone and many people believe in it. Everyone is familiar with the situation when people, frightened by scary stories about Friday the 13th, associate every fall, every failure and every misfortune with this day. Even if your car breaks down, the electricity in your house is turned off, or you get fired from your job, it turns out that all this is not without reason.

A little bit of history

Some, especially superstitious people, lock themselves at home for the whole day on Friday the 13th, do not answer phone calls, do not look out the window and do not open the door for anyone, waiting impatiently for the minute when this day will end.

Friday the 13th In many cultures it is considered a day of failure and misfortune, a devil's day. The historical development of this superstition is associated not only with the unlucky 13th number, the so-called “Devil's Dozen,” but also with Friday - the fifth day of the week - but initially there was no connection between them. Where did this superstition come from?

The combination of Friday and the 13th, which strikes fear into many people, originates in ancient times. If you believe the oldest beliefs, then on this day 12 witches always flocked to the Sabbath, ghouls and other evil spirits gathered, and at the height of the fun, when the full moon rose, Satan himself appeared thirteenth. In Christian culture, it is believed that it was on Friday the 13th that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit; It was on this ominous Friday that Cain mercilessly killed his brother Abel. The crucifixion of Christ took place on Friday. The thirteenth apostle at the Last Supper was Judas, who betrayed Christ.

Since ancient times, Friday the 13th has been called “black”. Another basis for this superstition is the real historical fact that on Friday April 13, 1307, a large number of members of a very rich and powerful organization at that time - the Order of the Templars - were caught and arrested. They were thrown into prison, and after a short time, they were burned at the hot bonfires of the Holy Inquisition as heretics. Since then, the tension around Friday the 13th, overshadowed by this story, has intensified and acquired many superstitions, riddles and secrets.

At the end of the 18th century, the superstition about Friday the 13th became so strongly entrenched in the minds of the English people that the authorities decided to publicly prove the absurdity of this terrible omen. For this purpose, a ship was built under the “black” name “Friday”. Its construction began on Friday the 13th. It was also launched on Friday the 13th, and in front of the general public, again on Friday the 13th, the ship went out to sea. Since then, no one has seen the Friday again: the ship and its crew went missing.

Since that time, the old sign about “Black” Friday still forces many sailors around the world to postpone going to the open sea on this day under any pretext.

What signs are associated with Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is also associated with one of the most notorious shipwrecks of the 20th century, which shocked the imagination of many Americans. On Friday, December 13, 1907, one of the largest ships at that time - the seven-masted schooner Thomas Laurson, built in 1902 - crashed on underwater reefs.

It is interesting that Spanish and Portuguese sailors, on the contrary, consider Friday the 13th to be a very favorable day for sailing. This is explained by the fact that Christopher Columbus began his historic voyage to the shores of the still unknown America on Friday.

In addition to sailors, many surgeons are afraid of Friday the 13th. Some doctors do not schedule operations on this day, and already scheduled operations are postponed to any other day. English doctors are convinced that the risk of failure of an operation performed on Friday the 13th doubles.

This superstition has not escaped computer users, who consider “Black Friday” the most dangerous day in terms of virus attacks. At the dawn of the computer era, many creators of virus programs installed a mechanism for triggering the malicious properties of the virus on this very day.

According to the laws of the American state of Indiana, on Friday the 13th, all owners of black cats, when letting their pets out for a walk, are required to put on collars with ringing bells.

An interesting fact is that the 13th of the month falls on a Friday more often than on any other day of the week.

To avoid the terrible consequences of Friday the 13th, according to popular belief, you just need to visit church on this day.

If you are already or still at the age to watch horror films, then you may have watched the movie "Friday the 13th". In Western culture, however, now in ours too, if Friday falls on the 13th... or not, the 13th falls on Friday... In general, if Friday the 13th has come, then everyone - turn out the lights, something will happen - something bad, Apocalypse, Khan to everyone. Well, if not everyone, then definitely you.

So why is Friday the 13th considered a bad day? Let's start with history. Back in the days Ancient Rome, i.e. a couple of thousand years ago, Friday was execution day. Agree, if you are to be executed today, then this is unlikely to make anyone happy and it will be a happy day. Subsequently, in Britain, Friday became the day of the executioner.

During pagan times, in some cultures, Friday, on the contrary, was considered a sacred day. On this day, various rituals were performed, which with the advent of Christianity began to be considered the day of the Sabbath.

This is about Friday, since ancient times it has had a bad reputation. But the number 13 came separately and was not included in the kit. That is, these were two separate superstitions. That is, Friday the 13th was not a bad day, but Friday and the number 13 were separate.

The fear of the number 13 is also a long-standing one. They even came up with a name for this fear - triskaidekaphobia. And the fear of Friday the 13th was called paraskavedekatriaphobia (or also friggatriskaidekaphobia).

The fear of the number 13 most likely arose due to a confluence of several circumstances - historical and religious.

The religious background most likely lies in the fact that 13 people were present at the Last Supper - Jesus himself and his 12 disciples. Everything would be fine, but it was during this supper that Judas betrayed his Teacher. Therefore, for a very long time it was believed that if 13 people gathered at one table, then one of them would die within a year.

Also, in England, the number 13 is a "baker's dozen". In the Middle Ages, England introduced a harsh law punishing bakers who sold inferior loaves. Therefore, so that, God forbid, one would not be left without a hand (there was such a punishment), another one was added to every dozen loaves. Perhaps this (the number 13) stuck in the subcortex of English bakers, which they passed on to their children, and they passed it on to theirs, and so on to this day.

There is another version associated with the Templar Order. It was on Friday, October 13, 1307 that it was ordered to arrest members of the Templar Order, including the entire leadership. The order was dissolved, and some of the prominent figures of the order were executed. However, alas and ah for lovers of such theories - it is not considered seriously by modern historians, since it has a modern origin.

The rejection of the number 13 has become so pervasive in Western culture that in some countries there are no floors number 13 - it is immediately followed by 14, or 12A. Sometimes there is no 13th row in a theater or an airplane, and there is no 13th row in a car race.

For the first time, these two superstitions were combined by stock gambler Thomas Lawson, who wrote the novel "Friday the 13th", in which all his problems are a stock gambler, a.k.a. main character, associated with Friday the 13th. Here, as one gentleman correctly said, “two indicators of failure eventually merged” - this is how one super unlucky day arose.

“And if it is true that he, like many Italians, considered Friday to be a day of bad luck, and thirteen to be the number of bad luck, it is remarkable that he died on Friday, November 13th.”