Quick buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes for the whole family Pancakes with buckwheat flour in the oven

Buckwheat-based pancakes are a universal option for a tasty and healthy dish. They are easy to prepare and come in many different variations. We have prepared for you a selection of recipes for pancakes made from buckwheat flour and porridge, and you can choose the most suitable one.

Buckwheat has many beneficial properties. It contains vitamins B, C, PP, P, E, as well as amino acids, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, iron in large quantities and some other useful elements. In addition, buckwheat helps with low hemoglobin, high cholesterol, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Plus, buckwheat pancakes are lower in calories than wheat pancakes.

Step-by-step recipes for buckwheat pancakes

From buckwheat flour

Buckwheat pancakes are usually prepared using milk, kefir or other fermented milk products. To taste, you can add bananas, apples, berries, chicken liver, and vegetables to the classic recipe.

Classic with milk

Buckwheat pancakes can be prepared using milk or any fermented milk product


  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • buckwheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • kefir - 1 tbsp. (you can use milk instead of kefir);
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes;

number of servings: 4;

cuisine: Russian.


1. In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder.

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl

2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the milk with the yolks until smooth.

Whisk milk and yolks

3. Gradually pour the milk-yolk mixture into the flour mixture, stirring constantly.

Combine dry mixture with milk

4. Separately beat the whites with a mixer and add them to the mixture. Mix carefully.

5. Fry the pancakes in heated sunflower oil until golden brown.

Video: preparing pancakes from buckwheat flour with kefir

With pumpkin


  • buckwheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • baked pumpkin - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • honey or syrup - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • ginger - 1 tsp;
  • cardamom - 0.5 tsp;
  • allspice - 0.5 tsp;
  • coffee - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cashews - 50 g.

Cooking time: 40 minutes (excluding the time for baking the pumpkin);

number of servings: 4;

cuisine: Russian.


1. Mix milk, pumpkin and spices.

Mix all ingredients in a blender bowl

2. Mix and grind with a blender.

Grind everything to a homogeneous consistency

3. Add buckwheat flour and mix again.

Add flour to the resulting mixture

4. Spoon portions of dough into a heated frying pan. Bake over low heat for five minutes on each side.

Fry pancakes for 5 minutes on each side

Video: how to cook buckwheat pancakes with pumpkin and spices

From porridge

Basic recipe

Buckwheat porridge makes pancakes more satisfying


  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • buckwheat porridge - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes (excluding the cooking time for buckwheat porridge);

number of servings: 4;

cuisine: Russian.


1. Mix pre-boiled and cooled buckwheat with eggs.

Mix buckwheat with eggs

2. Add milk, sugar, baking powder, salt. You can do without sugar.

Add milk, salt, baking powder and sugar, mix

3. Grind with a blender until smooth. For those who love vegetables and mushrooms, this recipe can become universal - grated zucchini and chopped champignons will go well with buckwheat.

4. Fry the pancakes in a preheated frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

With garlic and onions

Pancakes can also be made from whole buckwheat
  • boiled buckwheat - 4 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • raw potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes (excluding time for preparing buckwheat porridge);

number of servings: 4;

cuisine: Russian.


1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Chop onion and garlic

2. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat and fry the onion and garlic until golden brown.

Fry the onion until golden brown

3. Mix boiled buckwheat with flour. Then add salt and pepper and mix well.

Mix boiled buckwheat with flour

4. Then add fried onions and garlic.

Add fried onions to buckwheat with flour

5. Beat in the egg, add grated potatoes, stir.

Add grated potatoes and egg

6. Take a small portion of the buckwheat mixture and form into pancakes. Place in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Fry pancakes on both sides

Video: boiled buckwheat pancakes with garlic and potatoes

The most common buckwheat makes simple, but tasty and healthy pancakes. Well, who likes to experiment - go ahead! Try, add vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, fruits, serve with different sauces and sweet syrup. Bon appetit!

Everyone knows natural homemade delicacies such as pancakes. According to the standard recipe, they are prepared from wheat flour, but buckwheat pancakes are to some extent a novelty in the field of cooking. They can be prepared with kefir and milk. You can use exclusively buckwheat flour for the recipe, or you can add wheat flour to it.

We offer two recipes: pancakes made from buckwheat flour with milk and kefir.

Buckwheat pancakes with milk (recipe)

Necessary products for cooking:

  • 200 g buckwheat flour and 100 g wheat flour,
  • 250 ml milk,
  • half a teaspoon of soda,
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil for dough,
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar,
  • 150 ml water,
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • a pinch of salt.

For the dough you need to take both types of flour: buckwheat and wheat (the amount indicated in the recipe), salt, soda and sugar, mix well in a deep bowl. Then beat the eggs with a fork and add them to the contents along with olive oil, gradually adding milk and water. Knead the contents into a thick dough.

Then put it in the refrigerator for 25–30 minutes, covering it tightly with a lid. When the specified time has passed, you need to take it out and start frying the buckwheat pancakes. It is important to warm up the pan well before starting. It is convenient to apply the dough by tablespoonfuls, three pancakes at a time. You need to brown on each side.

Other recipes for dishes made from buckwheat flour:

Recipe for delicious pancakes made from buckwheat flour and kefir

Ingredients for the recipe you will need:

  • a glass of buckwheat flour,
  • a glass of low-fat kefir,
  • a little salt, 4 eggs,
  • a packet of baking powder for fluffiness,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

First you need to mix the liquid ingredients together - these are kefir and egg yolks, then the dry ones - these are flour, sugar, baking powder, salt. Then you need to add the kefir-yolk mass to the buckwheat mixture and mix everything thoroughly. At first it seems very liquid, but after standing for a while, the buckwheat flour swells and the dough thickens. While kefir and buckwheat flour are doing their job, you need to beat the egg whites until thick foam, then add them to the dough. It should be noted that it is recommended to introduce the proteins gradually, stirring gently with a wooden spatula.

Buckwheat pancakes are baked with kefir and vegetable oil in a preheated frying pan over low heat. They are also fried on both sides. Kefir pancakes turn out very tender, so you need to turn them over carefully.

Eating pancakes is very tasty with honey, sour cream, jam, in general, with whatever you like. This is an ideal nutritious and healthy breakfast for adults and children.

Pancakes made from wheat flour will not surprise anyone: this dish is very simple and economical to prepare. But wheat pancakes are not healthy at all and are very high in calories. Try baking pancakes from buckwheat flour instead - please your household with healthy baked goods!

Buckwheat flour pancakes with milk

To make buckwheat pancakes you will need the following ingredients:

- 250 milliliters of milk;

- 150 milliliters of water;

- 200 g buckwheat flour;

- 100 g wheat flour;

- 2.5 g salt (half a teaspoon);

- 2.5 g of soda;

- 2 chicken eggs;

- 1 tablespoon of sugar;

- 1 tablespoon of olive oil;

- sunflower oil.

Prepare a container for kneading the dough. Pour in buckwheat and wheat flour, soda, quenched with vinegar, salt and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. Continuing to stir, carefully pour in the water and milk. Add olive oil and whisked eggs. The result should be a thick dough.

Cover the container with the dough with a towel or cling film and put it in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator) for 30 minutes. After half an hour, take out the dough and you can start baking the pancakes.

Buckwheat flour pancakes with kefir without wheat flour

Ingredients you will need to make pancakes:

- 1 glass of buckwheat flour;

- 1 glass of kefir;

- 4 chicken eggs;

- 2 tablespoons of sugar;

- a pinch of salt;

- 1 package of baking powder.

Buckwheat pancakes are more difficult to prepare than wheat pancakes, because buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, which makes the dough dough. Therefore, you have to take more eggs to make pancakes in the end.

First mix kefir with egg yolks. Separately, mix flour with salt, sugar and baking powder. Pour in the first mixture and stir.

Separately, beat the egg whites into a thick, thick foam and add it to the future dough. At this point, the dough should become thicker from liquid. The dough is ready. You can bake pancakes. But note that they burn quickly, so it is better to turn the heat on to medium.

You can buy excellent quality buckwheat flour for making pancakes in our store.

My first experience in cooking gluten-free dishes. Fortunately, in my family there are no contraindications to eating gluten, which is gluten. So I didn't have to worry about it before. I have always prepared all pancakes and pancakes made from corn, buckwheat, and oatmeal with the addition of wheat flour. But this time I had to try to do without it. I have already shown corn pancakes once. But buckwheat has not yet appeared on this blog. That's why I stopped using buckwheat flour.

Gluten is a gluten that is naturally found in wheat, rye, and oat flour. Gluten is necessary for flour to produce elastic, elastic dough, for which we, in fact, value wheat flour. Another thing is that the presence of gluten proteins in food poses a health threat to some people; fortunately, their percentage is small. This recipe is for one of those people.

During the cooking process, I encountered some pitfalls that are worth considering.

So, since buckwheat flour contains practically no gluten, products made from it come out crumbly and do not want to hold their shape. Then the question arose, what to replace wheat flour with to get edible pancakes? After some thought, I settled on potato starch. It must retain moisture inside the product and prevent it from falling apart. I prepared: 2 eggs; a glass of milk; a quarter glass of sunflower oil; 0.5 teaspoon salt; two tablespoons of sugar; two tablespoons each of buckwheat flour and potato starch; teaspoon baking powder

Mixed flour, starch and baking powder. And then I encountered the first pitfall: the dough, which had just looked like very thin sour cream, suddenly began to thicken rapidly. A few more minutes and voila: chocolate ice cream

Thick dough is not very pleasant to work with - it is difficult to shape. I had to add milk. Finally, I get the dough to the consistency I need, namely, a little thicker than milk. I dose it with a tablespoon and bake it in a lightly oiled frying pan over low heat with a lid on. I had to add milk more than once during the process. And then I ran into another “stone”. Since the proportions were off, there was clearly not enough baking powder. The pancakes turned out a bit thin. This means you should increase the amount of baking powder or try baking with kefir and soda. In general, all my ups and downs did not affect the taste - you can’t beat the taste of buckwheat with anything. But there were a lot of pancakes

Pay attention to the bowl: Slavic ceramics. When I was last in Slavyansk, my plans included visiting the local crockery market, but unforeseen circumstances forced me to urgently return home for a long, inconvenient time, with transfers, even though it is only 90 km from my city to Slavyansk. I hoped that I would come soon specifically to the market. Well, apparently it’s not fate. Probably, ceramics are no longer produced in Slavyansk... I would like to believe that everything will work out.

Then Firefly showed up from school and we decided to open a jar of raspberry jam and serve some tea

With pancakes, of course

Warmth and comfort to your home! Take care of yourself!

Each of us loves baking, and even those who don’t eat it, so as not to gain extra pounds. After all, we all know one of the main taboos of nutritionists - no sweets or starchy foods. That’s why so many people deny themselves various delicacies, which often becomes the cause of a bad mood. But not all baked goods can harm us; there are very tasty, dietary recipes that will please the whole family and will be very beneficial for health. And among such dishes are buckwheat pancakes. Yes, yes, you can make not only porridge from cereals.

The cereal everyone needs - queen buckwheat

Buckwheat is a crop known to everyone; we have known porridge since childhood and always hear about its benefits. It only often happens that healthy dishes in our diet are present in minimal quantities, while we eat more processed foods, sandwiches, and unhealthy foods. But those who think about their nutrition understand that cereals are needed, and buckwheat is one of the leaders among them. But porridge quickly becomes boring, you want something new, and buckwheat pancakes can add color to everyday life.

In addition, the beneficial properties of buckwheat will be transferred into such baked goods, of course, in slightly smaller quantities than if you simply steamed the grain overnight, but you will still get the necessary substances and will be able to partially compensate for their deficiency. And buckwheat, by the way, is rich in vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, as well as A, E, PP. It also contains minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and others. Of course, buckwheat is a vegetable product, which means that it is a coarse fiber or fiber that our gastrointestinal tract needs, helping to cleanse the body and reduce weight.

You can prepare the dish according to different recipes, which you will learn about later - these could be buckwheat porridge pancakes, or they could be made from buckwheat flour. You will find your best option; you can serve this delicacy with jam, jam, berries and syrup. Your children will like this, and you can eat pancakes without sweets, which will be very healthy and diversify the usually poor diet of people losing weight.

This is interesting! Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on our health, including regular consumption of cereals in the diet, serves as a prevention of oncology, helps the body to be less susceptible to the negative effects of the environment, including radiation.

Buckwheat pancakes - the most delicious recipes for the whole family

Recipe with two types of flour

We will need:

  • milk - one glass;
  • water – 150 grams;
  • eggs – 2 medium;
  • buckwheat flour - a glass without a slide;
  • wheat flour - half as much, about 100 grams;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • sugar - to taste or about one tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil for frying and spoon into the dough. You can take olive or corn.

We pour two types of flour into a cup with high sides. Combine everything with salt and sugar, stir, sprinkle soda on the tip of a teaspoon. Now we begin to pour in water, stirring all the time, followed by milk and a spoonful of vegetable oil. Do not pour in everything at once, the process should be gradual while stirring the entire mass with a spoon. Beat the eggs separately with a mixer, whisk or fork. Pour into our dough, mix well so that the mass has the consistency of thick sour cream.

Now we put our cup in a cool place on the balcony or refrigerator, covering everything on top with a towel or cling film. Time – 30 minutes. Heat the frying pan well, pour in the oil, heat it up, start frying the pancakes, spooning out the dough, about 3-4 pancakes at a time. We fry them on both sides, and you can serve the golden brown pastries to the table, seasoning them with butter, powder, sour cream, jam or honey.

Advice! To ensure that pancakes, flatbreads, and pancakes turn out fluffy, bake well and are tasty, it is better to take a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls.

Buckwheat flour pancakes with kefir

We will need:

  • buckwheat flour - glass;
  • eggs – 4 medium;
  • baking powder - 5 gram sachet;
  • kefir - a glass;
  • sugar - to taste or two tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying - whatever you prefer;
  • salt - to taste.

We prepare delicious pancakes from buckwheat flour.

Separate the whites from the yolks of the eggs, beat them with a fork or whisk, pour in the kefir and beat again. Salt the flour, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a packet of baking powder. Now combine the yolks with kefir and all the dry ingredients and stir thoroughly.

Beat the whites of four eggs until foamy with a mixer. We combine the dough and whites gradually, stirring everything well, then heat the frying pan with oil and fry the delicious pancakes. They should turn out very airy and tender.

Advice! It happens that the pancakes spread across the pan and are not baked, which means they are too liquid, the consistency of the dough should be creamy, for this you can add more flour than normal.

Pancakes with kefir and yeast

We will need:

  • yeast – 20 g;
  • buckwheat flour – 300 gr.;
  • wheat flour – 300 gr.;
  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • kefir – 300 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • one egg;
  • one medium onion;
  • oil for frying.

Preparing pancakes.

Peel the onion, chop into cubes and fry until golden brown in a frying pan with butter. Pour yeast into kefir and liquid sour cream, stirring well, add a pinch of salt and soda, and combine everything with a beaten egg. Now combine the mixture and flour, stirring to form a dough, which should then stand for half an hour at room temperature. Place onions in the dough, let it sit for another 7-10 minutes and you can fry our buckwheat pancakes with kefir. They are very tasty with sour cream.

Recipe for losing weight

We will need:

  • buckwheat – 150 gr.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - a pack;
  • sour cream is also low-fat - a glass;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • buckwheat flour – 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

Advice! To make the dish as healthy as possible, it is better to use brown cane sugar. Or you can replace it with liquid honey. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir. Such pastries will not harm your figure and are perfect for children.

Preparing pancakes.

Cook buckwheat porridge - wash the cereal, fill it with twice the volume of water, cover with a lid and wait after boiling for about 20 minutes for the water to evaporate. Let it cool, combine with cottage cheese and then grind the whole mass through a meat grinder along with the rest of the ingredients, but add sour cream at the end to the whole scrolled mass, mixing well. Now you take a baking sheet, lay parchment on it and bake the pancakes until cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For information! Sour cream for baking is suitable both fresh and the one that has already been standing for a week. Its fat content is not so important, but thinner ones make fluffier pancakes and pancakes, and thicker ones can be mixed with milk.

Pancakes and cereal recipe

By cooking according to this recipe, you will get very nutritious, but, most importantly, healthy pancakes, because they will be made from buckwheat and oatmeal. The latter are also among the leaders in the content of substances and coarse fibers (fiber) we need.
We will need:

  • two types of cereal - a glass of each;
  • kefir – ½ liter. We take 2.5%;
  • salt and soda - a teaspoon each;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • water - glass;
  • egg - one medium;
  • vegetable oil - olive, corn, sunflower for frying and two spoons should be poured into the dough.

We prepare delicious pancakes.

Heat the kefir slightly so that it is warm. Pour in a spoonful of soda, stir, wait about 10 minutes. Mix the flakes, combine with our infused kefir, mix everything thoroughly, add heated water, mix again and let the dough sit for at least half an hour.

Now we salt the dough to taste, sprinkle granulated sugar, testing the dough so that the recipe is suitable specifically for you and your family. After sitting, the flakes will swell and your dough will be very thick. Now it’s time to pour in the egg, which you first beat well, and two tablespoons of your favorite vegetable oil. Mix the whole mass well, heat the pan, fry the pancakes on both sides.

Advice! The dish can also be baked in the oven on parchment paper at a temperature of 180 degrees, which will make the pancakes as healthy as possible.