The history of the saying, the grandmother said in two. Grandma said in two. “Grandmother said in two”: the meaning of phraseology. Referring to phraseological and explanatory dictionaries

Grandma said in two

Grandma said in two, GRANDMOTHER, and, well.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what “Granny said in two” is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    GRANDMOTHER SAID IN TWO- It is unknown how it will be. Implies anticipation of an expected event or matter; probability or improbability of matching what l. reality information. This means that what is being said, i.e. (P), causes great feelings in the speaker... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Grandma said in two- Razg. It is still unknown whether it will succeed. About Athos, my grandmother said two more things, although I really want to go (Chekhov. Letter to P. A. Serzhenko, May 4, 1888). “On the Intercession, if everything goes well, my “Three Saints” will land on Kakhtak, but I’ll get there... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    grandma said in two- last it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently. The expression is formed by truncation of the proverb Grandma said in two: either it rains or snows, either it will happen or it won’t... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    grandma said in two- it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently. The expression is formed by truncation of the proverb Grandma said in two: either it rains or snows, either it will happen or it won’t... Phraseology Guide

    See Grandma was wondering, but she said in two... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    grandma said in two- It is still unknown whether this will happen or not... Dictionary of many expressions

It is unknown how it will be.

Implies anticipation of an expected event or matter; probability or improbability of matching smb. reality information. This means that what is being said, i.e. (P), raises great doubts in the speaker. speech standard. ? This is R grandma said in two.

Lobanov's enthusiasm had an infectious effect on everyone except Krivitsky. This hopeless skeptic concluded dejectedly: “The repairs are a fact, the rest is grandma said in two. D. Granin, The Seekers.

We have already submitted the manuscript to the editor, but will it be published by September? grandma said again. (Speech)

If he ends up with some crook, then Grandma also said in two. With people like that you never know how it will end. K. Simonov, The Living and the Dead.

Hydrologists and climatologists, however, take a timid position regarding the Greenland ice shell. You see, it could melt and flood Europe! But power engineers are not giving up their positions and have the support of scientists. So what's here Grandma also said in two. S. Gerasimov, By the lake.

And our production is also a well-known thing. Achieving competitiveness in it is Grandma also said in two. And Western goods are already competitive, just let them come to us, they will devour us. LG, 2001.

- More grandma said in two, who wins! - Yemelyan Ivanovich shouted and, taking a full lungful of air, disappeared under the water. V. Shishkov, Emelyan Pugachev.

In Prioksk, the movement for joining the single and indivisible Stupinsky district is growing. Residents of Prioksk (but this Grandma also said in two: after all, according to their passports, many of them are registered in Stupino!) they begin to count. And they understand that they have achieved nothing good from this independence. MK, 2001.

As for the local people, this Grandma also said in two whether they need us. Maybe they are thriving without us. A. and B. Strugatsky, Malysh.

And why is my horse worse than others? He stumbled when I was galloping home from mowing. “By tomorrow everything will be over,” Gagarin became excited. - Well, this is my grandmother was still wondering in two, - Kargin did not give up. - What if he has a midge or a hoofworm? K. Sedykh, Dauria.

cultural commentary: phraseol. formed by truncation of proverbs Grandmother (grandmother) wondered, but said in two; The grandmother (grandmother) said in two ways: either it will rain or it will snow, either it will happen or it won’t. (Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 37.) Image of phraseology. goes back to the oldest form of socially canonized ordered behavior - to the ritual of fortune-telling, which is aimed at establishing contact with the other world in order to obtain information about the future and which is based on the basic opposition “friend - foe”. Fortune telling, as a rule, assumes that knowledge is “closed” to the uninitiated, so this ritual was often “led” by elderly, old women who reported its results. Phraseol component. grandmother correlates with the anthropic, or actually human, code of culture - with the set of names for a person as a whole, which, in addition to his natural properties, carry meanings that are functionally significant for culture. In the form of phraseologists. This component is associated with a knowledgeable, experienced, revered woman due to her age, which also reflects folk ideas that go back to the archetypal, i.e., ancient, opposition “young - old.” An old person is a bearer of magical knowledge and can establish contact with the “other world” (Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 449), being very close to the conventional border between the world of “ours” and the world of “strangers” (cf. .healer, sorcerer). Over time, the ritual of fortune telling has lost its sacred meaning, including due to a change in the attitude of modern man to the ritual itself, hence the distrust and doubt in the results of fortune telling, which is expressed by the component in two as part of phraseols. (i.e. it can be this way or that way). phraseol. in general, reflects a stereotypical idea of ​​uncertainty, the impossibility of accurately predicting the further development of the situation. I. V. Zakharenko

Sometimes it is unclear exactly how future life will develop after one or more actions. It is in such cases, when it is impossible to predict the future, that people say - the grandmother said it in two.

But for a more detailed and accurate answer, you can turn to the help of M.I.’s dictionary. Stepanova. It is in this dictionary that the following definition of the expression is given: “It is unknown whether something will happen (come true) or not).

You can also refer to the Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. It says that “the grandmother said in two” - this is a saying that means that “it is not yet known how it will be. Everything can be one way or the other.”

In other words, if you do not describe the definition of the saying and explain it in two words, then “the grandmother said in two” can be replaced with synonyms “not defined”, “not clear” or similar.


The phrase is a proverb, which means that it refers to a saying from among the nations. It was no coincidence that the expression appeared - a long time ago people were pagans, and in order to find out their future, they went to fortune-tellers.

An important point: the saying is somewhat longer than it is used today. The full expression looks like this: the grandmother (grandmother) was wondering, but she said it in two. Agree, there is obvious irony in the expression.

Fortune tellers went about their business, that is, they made fortunes, but their predictions did not come true in all cases. And many people realized that what the fortune teller predicted would not be completely reliable. This is where the expression “grandmother said in two” came from, which was used in any situation when a person did not know whether what was predicted had come true or not.

The expression has become popular and has survived to this day, albeit in a slightly shortened version.

Use of sayings

The saying, like many others, is used not only in colloquial speech, but also in literature. For example, the phrase can be found in the following works:

  1. "Fathers and Sons".
  2. "Emelyan Pugachev."
  3. “The rook is a spring bird.”
  4. “Petitioner” and in other works.

There was even such a film - “The Grandmothers Said in Two”, filmed in 1979. Well, as an example, the expression is used in politics and newspapers, especially after a loud statement or promise by a deputy.


The expression “grandmother said in two” is only part of the original saying, meaning the uncertainty of the consequences after committing actions. The roots of the expression refer us to fortune telling, which few people believed in and questioned.

Due to its meaning, the expression began to be used in various fields, from politics to cinema and literature. The phrase has survived to this day and allows us to describe the uncertainty of the consequences in a vivid, capacious expression.


it is unknown whether what is expected and counted on will come true; It is still unknown how it will be: as expected, or differently. The expression is formed by truncation of the proverb Grandmother said in two: either it will rain or it will snow, either it will happen or it won’t.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what GRANDMOTHER SAID IN Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    cm. …
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Lexicon of Sex:
    1) father’s or mother’s mother; 2) decomposition - appeal to the old...
  • IN TWO in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , adv. In two parts. Cut n. * Grandmother said in two (verbal) - it’s still unknown what will happen, maybe...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -and, ac. 1. Mother of father or mother. 2. Generally about an old woman (colloquial). * Grandmother said in two words: ...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ba"bushka, ...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • IN TWO in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || grandmother in two...
  • GRANDMOTHER in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • IN TWO
    in half...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    woman, grandmother, granny, granny, granny, granny, grandma, granny, old woman, old woman, old woman, ...
  • IN TWO
    adv. 1) In two parts; in half. 2) transfer decomposition Ambiguous, vague, with the possibility of understanding one way or another...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. g. 1) Mother of a father or mother in relation to their children. 2) decomposition Old woman. 2. g. Same, …
  • IN TWO in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • GRANDMOTHER in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    grandmother, -i, r. pl. ...
  • IN TWO in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    grandmother, -i, r. pl. ...
  • IN TWO in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    grandmother, -i, r. pl. ...
  • IN TWO
    Cut into two parts...
  • GRANDMOTHER in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Colloq is generally about an old woman, grandmother, mother, father or...
  • IN TWO in Dahl's Dictionary:
    adv. into two parts, in half; or | in two ways, this way and that, ambiguous. Divide, cut in two. At least break in two, yes...
  • GRANDMOTHER in Dahl's Dictionary:
    grandmother, babishka, woman, etc. see baba and...
  • IN TWO
    adv. In two parts. Split in two. - Ambiguous, vague, with the possibility of a double outcome (colloquially). Grandma said in two. ...
  • GRANDMOTHER in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    grandmothers, women 1. Mother of father or mother. 2. Addressing an old woman (colloquially). Grandmother casts a spell - see cast a spell. Grandma in two...
  • IN TWO
    in two adv. 1) In two parts; in half. 2) transfer decomposition Ambiguous, vague, with the possibility of understanding one way or another...
  • GRANDMOTHER in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    grandmother 1. f. 1) Mother of a father or mother in relation to their children. 2) decomposition Old woman. 2. g. That …
  • IN TWO
    adv. quality-quantity 1. In two parts; in half. 2. transfer decomposition With the ability to understand in two ways; ambiguous...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I 1. Mother of a father or mother in relation to their children. 2. decompression Old woman. II Same, …
  • IN TWO
    I adv. quality-quantity In two parts; in half. II adv. quality-circumstances decomposition With the ability to understand in two ways; ambiguous...
  • GRANDMOTHER in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I Mother of a father or mother in relation to their children. II decomposition Old woman. III Used as...
  • BABA WAS WELL AND PUT IT IN TWO. AUNT ARINA SPEAKED AGAIN. in Dahl's Proverbs of the Russian People.
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The expression comes from Russian proverbs:

1) Indicated for the word “in two” in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (1863-1866):

Grandma was wondering, but she said in two

Baba cast a spell and laid it in two

Grandmother said in two: either it rains or it snows, either it will happen or it won’t.

The grandmother said in two: either a son or a daughter (section - " ")

Here the gypsy (old woman) said in two (section - " ")

Word " in two" means - 1. In two parts 2. Ambiguous, indefinite, with the possibility of a double outcome (Explanatory Dictionary, 1935-1940).

That is, the expression “grandmother said in two” literally means that grandmother said something vague.


"I don't know. Just this Grandma also said in two, what happened to those crucian carp: some of them were eaten, some of them were put in a planter. And they live happily there on the monastery’s bread!”

(1823 - 1886)

Voivode. 41, 4. Marya Vlasevna:

"Well, no, the old woman said in two. A merchant's son marries with honor."

(1818 - 1883)

" " (1861), ch. 10:

“If they crush you, that’s the way,” said Bazarov. “Only grandma said again. There are not as many of us as you think."

Pisemsky Alexey Feofilaktovich (1821 - 1881)

"Bourgeois" 3, 4:

“But will we still triumph? Grandma said in two“It’s either rain or snow, either it will happen or it won’t.”

"The Troubled Sea" 5, 3:

"Well, that's still the old woman said in two; It is difficult to conquer a whole people. He pricks like a hedgehog from all sides."