Financial literacy lessons: how to save for your own home? Forecast savings correctly

Hello, dear readers of the site magazine! Today we will tell you how to earn money for an apartment and save money to buy your own home, even for a person with a small salary.

Have your own home (house or apartment) – the cherished dream of most people. However, not many people are willing to start implementing it. Fear is caused by high prices for square meters, the level of wages, especially in the regions, as well as legal difficulties in preparing documents.

As one wise saying goes, every road begins with the first step. You can implement your plans only by setting a clear goal and having a coherent scheme for achieving it.

This publication is for those who, having a small but stable income, or simply a desire, or a vital necessity, have decided to purchase their own apartment, despite numerous assurances that this is difficult, impracticable and threatens with huge bank loans.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to correctly formulate a goal;
  • What real schemes for earning and saving exist to quickly acquire a large sum for the purchase of a home;
  • How to save on purchasing an apartment from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles. and more.

In addition, you will receive practical advice on earning and saving big money + ways to increase it. This will help create capital for the purchase of their own family nest for young families, and for those who have rented an apartment almost all their lives, it will give them a chance to get their own property without huge loans, which, however, are difficult to obtain with an average salary.

Read about how to buy your apartment quickly and save money right now!

Practical advice + working ways to earn and save money for an apartment

1. What you need to know to earn and save for an apartment in 1 year - calculations and possibilities 📝

In order to determine a way to earn money or save money for housing, it is necessary determine its parameters . At first glance, this point seems unimportant, however, as practice shows, most of the time and money are spent searching for what is needed.

To carry out a transaction it is necessary to involve realtors, who, with significant professional experience, help to understand the client’s needs and determine the right option.

For example, it is important for a person to have a certain school or kindergarten nearby, a sports section for children, or he spends several hours a day traveling to his place of work, but this option can be simplified by buying an apartment near a certain metro line or in the same area .

When real estate agencies are involved in the process of choosing housing, it is natural that the cost of an apartment increases by an average of 10 15 %. With the price of a one-room apartment in the capital being approximately 4–5 million rubles, the cost of additional services will amount to 400–600 thousand rubles.

These funds can be spent on good repairs or the purchase of quality furniture, wouldn’t you agree? Therefore, we analyze what is a priority for us and our family, and We compile the exact characteristics of the property planned for purchase:

  • Apartment characteristics: one, two or three rooms. The location of the bedrooms - for example, if you have two children, and you are going to buy a two-room apartment, then the option with a combined layout with a passage to the bedroom through the hall is not acceptable. A certain area of ​​the apartment and premises is taken into account. Perhaps your wife spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and there are always a lot of guests in the house, then it is better to ensure that the apartment has a spacious kitchen, also combined with a living room. If there is a single person living there who is constantly traveling or eats in restaurants, you should not pay attention to this fact.
  • Where should housing be located: in the city or outside it. Those who are accustomed to motor transport and are tired of the city bustle, love nature, can count on buying an apartment (townhouse) in a cottage community or an individual development project. The cost may be lower or remain the same. It is important what exactly your soul desires, and that the upcoming purchase brings only joy and is associated with positive emotions. The psychological attitude plays a special role.
  • Terms of purchase: making a percentage payment, installments for a certain period, payment with maternity capital, (mortgage).
  • Volume of funds, which have been accumulated for the purchase of an apartment, and the allowable monthly expenses for the purchase of real estate.

Once you decide on all these criteria, the range of objects with specific characteristics, price levels and payment terms will become much smaller. From them, you can choose exactly the option that completely suits all the criteria.

Based on these parameters, we determine financial possibilities. For example, a one-room apartment in the region will cost about 2 million rubles. You have an amount of 500 thousand rubles available. To purchase you need another 1.5 million rubles.

When calculating for a year it turns out: 1,500,000 / 12 months = 125,000 rub.

That is, during the year you need to save monthly for the purchase. By 125 000 rub. If such income is not expected at the existing place of employment, then it is necessary to find a way. There are several proven ideas on this matter.

Real ideas and ways to make money to buy an apartment

2. How to earn money for an apartment 💰 - 5 proven ways

If there is an urgent need to purchase your own apartment, and your income remains at an average level, do not rush to get into "debt hole on 25 -30 years", signing a mortgage agreement.

Psychologists say that loan obligations are akin to serfdom in their emotional content. A person falls into slavery, driven by the desire to quickly receive material benefits. He lives on the “patrimony”, but redeems it with daily hard work.

When purchasing something with a loan, people sell their future: all their thoughts are directed towards the need to deposit a certain amount of money by a certain date.

Think how many sleepless nights you will spend thinking about the possibility of another crisis, an unexpected rise in currency prices and, accordingly, the same rapid increase in prices in stores. What about the fear of being fired, getting laid off, or losing the physical ability to work at the same strength? Isn’t it easier to devote yourself to assessing your needs and options to solve the housing problem? one evening without resorting to the help of a bank?

Advertising convinces us that taking out a mortgage is profitable because of the processes inflation . So, using examples, they explain to us that in 10-15 years the cost of housing will increase, money will depreciate, so that paying for an apartment will be mere pennies. It's probably no more than thoughtful marketing move for financial enslavement. We talked about the conditions in more detail in the last issue.

Let's analyze what is happening in reality using the latest examples 10 years. Average real estate prices in Russia remains at the same level or has decreased.

The reasons for this are:

  • low purchasing power;
  • increased competition in the construction industry;
  • increase in consumer prices.

As a result middle social class can no longer afford housing even using credit products.

Let's take, for example, the state of the housing market in the Irkutsk region. As of 2000, the cost of a one-room apartment in a new building with an area of ​​45-60 square meters. m. was about 2,500,000 rubles. Today developers offer the same apartments for 1 500 000 rub., offering discounts in 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. for the "Bring a Friend" promotion.

At the same time, salaries in Russia remain approximately the same as 7-8 years ago. Income of 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. monthly is considered normal. Only earnings in Moscow have a high bar. Even in St. Petersburg the salary is 30,000 rubles. for a specialist with higher education – this is the standard .

Result: Having received a mortgage, you may have to go through 10 years to also pay off a salary of 20-30 thousand rubles. monthly, despite the fact that the rise in prices of products and utilities occurs with enviable frequency. Moreover, inflation rate officially remains within normal limits.

Considering the massive layoffs due to economic crises that occur regularly every 2-3 years, you can imagine your life for the next two to three decades ahead.

What to do and how to change this situation?

  • Firstly, you need to understand that buying an apartment in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city in Russia is just like that won't happen . This will require some effort.
  • Secondly, you will have to leave your “comfort zone” for a while. Everyone has their own: accommodation in Khrushchev 20 sq. m. area, monthly rent payment of 10-15 thousand rubles, living together with parents, etc.
  • Thirdly, you need to come up with new ways to earn money that will allow you to quickly save and raise your material level.

The methods described below will help you earn money for an apartment in a year or two.

Method 1. Creating passive income on the Internet

Until recently, this method was a utopia and remains so in the minds of most Russians. But the goal is not to adapt to all-Russian stereotypes, but to create your own working online business model.

Western analysts recommend that if you are not satisfied with your income level, you should look around and think about what else you could do. Maybe that even hobby will bring more income than the main salary in the specialty. The Internet provides unlimited opportunities for development and earnings in this regard. Read about it in a separate article.

For example, take a closer look at copywriting exchanges if you have writing talent or the ability to organize a team of writers. You can do this work in your free time or on weekends, saving up to buy a home.

Method No. 1. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are the most popular and simple way increasing savings. Today you can make investments very quickly and even without contacting the bank, if you are a client of this bank.

For example, you have a salary card. In mode online or in a mobile bank, funds are credited to a special account with an interest rate within a few minutes. There is no need to visit specialists at a branch of a credit institution. The accrued interest is from 0.01 up to 18% depending on the amount deposited and the period of storage in the bank.

There are cumulative, or replenished deposits, the amount of funds on which can be increased, or non-replenishable - with an increased interest rate, but penalties for early withdrawal. If the money will be in accounts for 1-3 years or more in order to save for housing, then it is better to choose last option, income from such programs is much more profitable.

You can invest funds as in Russian, so foreign currency. The interest rate on foreign banknotes is lower, but investments are protected from exchange rate fluctuations. It is especially important to take this into account when purchasing property abroad.

Method number 2. Investment in a non-state pension fund (NPF)

The scheme for making a profit is approximately the same as when opening a deposit. Per year from funds you can get 8 -10 % of income.

Method No. 3. Mutual investment fund (UIF)

Mutual funds are the most profitable form of increasing savings. It is characterized by stability and reliability. Has a higher rate - 30 -60 % annually, which gives advantage compared to banking products.

Method number 4. Forex exchange

Good results can be achieved by accumulating funds for PAMM accounts. You can earn money monthly with this scheme from 4 to 5% from the amount of savings. However, this method has high risks. Large earnings can result in a complete loss of savings.

In one of the articles in our magazine you can familiarize yourself with a novice trader.

Method No. 5. Renting your own property

If there are plans to expand the housing area, for example, from a 2 to 3 room apartment due to the birth of a child, then, as an option, you can temporarily move to your parents or rent an economy option and your own apartment rent out at a good price.

Method number 6. Rent out your car

If you own a car, but you rarely use it, then you can rent it out to a taxi service. Income of 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. monthly would be helpful.

If you have funds in the region of 500,000 rubles. and higher, it is recommended to use several ways.

For example:

  • 300,000 rub. you can leave it on a bank deposit, receiving 330,000 rubles at the end of the year.
  • 200,000 rub. distributed between mutual funds in half at 15% and 20%.

In total, at the end of the year, the accounts will have an amount of 115,000 and 120,000 rubles. respectively.

So over the course of a year, savings will increase from 500,000 rub. up to 565,000 rub.

Is it possible for an ordinary family to save money for a coveted apartment with a small salary and how to do it - tips and recommendations

4. How to save money for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles per month 💡

To decide on a scheme for accumulating funds at the average salary in Russia, you need to decide where the desired housing should be located: in Moscow/St. Petersburg (SPb) or in the region. The two cases will be very different due to the difference in pricing policies.

For example, let’s take a one-room apartment with an average area of ​​40-50 sq.m.

1) Housing in the region

A one-room apartment in the region will cost an average of 2.1 million rubles. The salary is 30,000 rubles per month, but it is impossible to leave all of it for savings, since there are expenses for renting real estate, and there are expenses for food and a car.

Since your own transport is quite expensive, it is better to have it first sell, leaving money for the apartment.

Renting housing in the regions is approximately 14 thousand rubles. Meals for one will cost 8-9 thousand rubles. Total monthly remains 7 thousand rubles.

How much will you have to save to buy an apartment: 2,100,000 /7 = 300 months, that is, in total 25 years old.

If you live as a family and both work, then the prospects are brighter. This one will take about 70 months, that is 6 years. However, in practice, one circumstance arises: when a couple is formed, a one-room apartment is not enough for it.

2) Apartment in Moscow

In the capital, live on a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. almost impossible, let alone saving money for your own housing, especially with Moscow prices.

On average, statistical income from employment is 70 000 rub. You can earn good money in the capital, the main thing is to have desire and assertiveness.

If you have good education and skills, you should think about changing your place of employment to a more profitable one. It will take time get out of your comfort zone, but the result will be worth it.

Because saving up for an apartment when you earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles. possible only for a few dozens years, then it makes no sense to provide a calculation.

Is it possible to get a mortgage with this income?

Let's turn to the calculator of Sberbank of Russia. We enter the cost of housing at 5 million rubles. with an income of 30,000 rubles. The system indicates that with such earnings you can only get 2 million rubles. loan, provided that an initial payment of 1 million rubles will be provided. The payment period will be 15 years, and the overpayment will be equal to RUB 2,168,000.

Let's summarize. Having a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. buy an apartment in Moscow, even with a mortgage it’s impossible.

Alternatively, you might consider buying an apartment in the Moscow region. Now many residential complexes with express transport links to the capital are being built there. Or consider moving to a region with low apartment prices.

By the way, you can buy an apartment at a relatively low price in a new building at the excavation stage. But here it is important to assess all the risks that it carries.

You can also try to change jobs or look for offers in Moscow with a higher salary.

How to earn money for an apartment in 3 years from scratch in a large metropolis (Moscow, St. Petersburg)

5. How to earn money for an apartment in Moscow in 3 years - a clear example with calculations 📊

As an example, a savings scheme for real estate in the capital will be given for a family renting an apartment for 30,000 rubles per month.

1st year

Let's assume that the family's monthly income is 110,000 rubles, i.e. about 1,320,000 annually. Of this, 360,000 is spent on renting an apartment, for a total of 960,000 rubles. per year.

The apartment the family wants to buy costs 7 500 000 rub. Taking into account a possible increase in price, repair and decoration costs - 9,000,000 rubles.

After analyzing expenses, it turned out that it is possible to save 720,000 rubles per year. It was also decided to move in with my parents for 2 years, saving 360,000 rubles per year. Total for the first year it was possible to postpone RUB 1,080,000

2nd year

The family now has additional income:

  • My wife started blogging and took up copywriting ( writing articles). In total, she manages to earn extra money 15 000 rub.
  • My husband mastered programming and began to earn 15 000 rub. monthly through freelancing.

Thus, income increased to 140,000 rubles, and in annual equivalent - 1,680,000 rubles. Of these will go towards savings RUB 1,320,000

It was decided to divide the money saved for the first year in the amount of 1,080,000 into parts and invest them:

  • 500,000 rub. put it at 12% in a reliable bank. Over the course of a year, they gained interest and it turned out 560 000 rub.
  • The amount is 300,000 rubles. was invested in a mutual fund with a 15% interest rate. At the end of the year it turned out 345 000 rub.
  • The balance is 280,000 rubles. was transferred to another mutual fund at 23% per year. The return was received 345 000 rub.

The total amount from investments is 1,080,000 rubles. managed to increase up to RUB 1,250,000

Earned funds for the second year are 1,320,000 rubles. added to those earned and accumulated will ultimately give RUB 2,570,000 This money will be enough to buy housing in the region.

3rd year

For example, at work they gave me a raise of 5,000 rubles. monthly, and the wife’s earnings from copywriting increased by the same amount. The total monthly income was 150,000 rubles. You move from your parents to a rented apartment again at the same price as before - 30,000 rubles. per month.

Since there are now expenses in the amount of 600,000 rubles per year. Savings will amount to only RUB 1,200,000

Savings are now distributed as follows:

  • 1 million rub. at 10% per annum to the bank, which will turn into 1 100 000 rub.
  • 400,000 rub. are invested in mutual funds at 15%, and in the end it turns out 460 000 rub.
  • 600,000 rub. will remain for storage in the third mutual fund with 10% income. As a result, you will be able to pick up 660 000 rub.
  • Another 570,000 rubles. will be transferred to management at a 15% rate per year to Forex traders. The total amount of funds will increase to 656 000 rub.

So, based on the results of the third year, the capital will increase to 2 876 000 rub. + capital in the amount 1 200 000 rub. for the third year of accumulation. Now the total amount RUB 4,076,000 enough to buy an apartment in a remote area of ​​Moscow or for good 2- or even 3-room housing in the region.

Table of savings for an apartment in Moscow for 3 years:

1 th year 2 th year 3 th year
RUB 1,320,000 RUB 2,570,000 RUB 4,076,000

To achieve a result of 9 million rubles, you need to follow the same scheme. The total time will be approximately 6,5 years before purchasing your own real estate in the capital.

How to save a large sum of money when buying an apartment - advice from leading lawyers

6. How to save up to 150,000 rubles on buying an apartment 📎

For support of a real estate transaction, metropolitan agencies charge a fee of approximately 150 000 to 250 000 rub. from the object, that is approximately 1,5-2% from its cost.

Leading lawyers advise distinguishing between concepts real estate services And legal support. The first ones mainly come down to selecting offers or finding buyers. This procedure is carried out as standard– through bulletin boards.

Pay attention! A small number of professional realtors have their own base, and it is unstable due to changes in consumer demand.

There is an opinion that agencies can select exclusive offers from their own database, but in practice they are limited, at best, to one or two apartments, information about which is not posted in open sources. It is not a fact that these particular options will suit the specific requirements of a particular buyer in terms of the characteristics of the area, area, distance from the metro, cost, etc.

The agency's assessment is carried out on the basis of data available on the market. In the best case, the check-out of those living in the purchased housing is monitored and their deregistration is carried out.

If children lived in the apartment, permission is obtained from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to remove the registration from the place of residence with the obligatory settlement in other square meters with conditions that are not inferior to the previous ones or predominantly better.

If these requirements are not met, or there are debts for paying utilities, tax contributions, the best thing a realtor can advise is take a look at other offers, less problems in terms of design and possible consequences.

Purchasing an apartment without concluding guardianship, or if the owners have children who are not registered at the place of residence of their parents, the transaction may litigate due to non-compliance with the legal procedure for its registration and infringement of the rights of minors.

Legal support is distinguished by the completeness of the analysis not only of information available on hand or received from the Rosreestr and house management authorities, but also in predicting the legal consequences that may be caused by the signing of a purchase and sale agreement. By the way, we already wrote about this in one of our publications.

Lawyers specializing in real estate disputes can foresee the conditions for the occurrence of any negative consequences in the future.

The work of realtors for the most part comes down to presenting the objects available on the market to the buyer and describing their characteristics. Anyone can do this on their own , especially since all information is freely available, and viewing of apartments and their selection in most cases is carried out only in the presence of the buyer. Search technologies are automated and do not change over time.

There is a category of realtors who have the skills to check legal data on housing and have specialized legal education. But there are only a few of them , and the cost of their services is often overpriced. They are trusted not only to search for interesting offers, but also to provide legal support for purchase and sale.

The role of realtors is to reserve housing by concluding an advance payment agreement. In practice, such agreements often contain many not only legal, but also grammatical errors . Probably many of them are printed from the Internet without even making the appropriate changes.

The task of a lawyer is to protect the interests of the client, while realtors strive to obtain quick material benefits. This is supported by the fact that the advance agreement is concluded at the stage of inspection of the apartment to checking the legal purity of documents for housing.

The deposited funds are returned to the buyer only if there is fault on the part of the real estate agency. If the transaction cannot be completed for objective reasons, for example , presence of arrest, pledge of housing as collateral for loan obligations, etc., the realtor is not responsible for this . Everything that he must do under such an agreement is considered fulfilled.

Thus, by overpaying for real estate services, the buyer does not receive a guarantee of the legal purity of the transaction. There is no proper level of security and predictability of performing such a legal action.

The assistance of a lawyer costs approximately 2 -2,5 times cheaper than the cost of real estate services, while the level of buyer protection much better. Much also depends on the length of service and professional skills of the lawyer.

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

This material presented options for quickly accumulating funds to purchase housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg or the regions. We hope that this information will help you acquire treasured square meters without mortgage or credit slavery. And remember proper financial planning , is the basis for a prosperous future in any area of ​​​​relationships.

At the end of our article, we advise you to watch the educational video “How to save for an apartment in 2 years with a regular salary” , in which an expert shares his experience on how you can quickly save up for an apartment. You will learn about 15 valuable things that help make your cherished dream come true:

Dear readers of the magazine “”, if you have thoughts on the topic of publication or experience in earning money and saving for an apartment, leave your comments and feedback on the article. Thanks in advance!


The savings process should begin with the distribution of family expenses. Calculate how much you spend per month on food and necessary clothing, on your child’s education and entertainment on weekends, and don’t forget about mandatory payments and other available expenses.

Summarize your calculations. Now subtract the resulting result from the amount that was at the beginning of the month.

If it's not impressive at all, think about cutting your expenses. For example, buy products in bulk, plan your vacation outside the peak season, etc.

Try to spend less on various jewelry and fashionable clothes. Of course, you need to get dressed, but instead of five pairs of shoes, buy one for going out and one for every day.

You should not immediately set aside the entire balance obtained during the calculations. Very often there are unforeseen situations. And if you constantly “pull out” from the savings envelope for certain needs, the housing issue may not be resolved for many years. Therefore, save money in an amount that is reasonable for you.

You can deposit the accumulated amount in the bank. It is better if it is a foreign currency deposit. If you are confident in your capabilities in the market, try investing your savings in some very profitable asset.

If you have the amount to buy an apartment of even the smallest size, buy it and rent it out. Thus, it will become even easier to save for an apartment, and additional funds will appear for investment.

Continue to accumulate monthly in the same way and at the same time receive additional funds from those renting your apartment.

When the missing amount has been successfully accumulated, sell the apartment you bought earlier, add and buy the one that suits you.


  • How to save money to buy a home in 2019

Not all people are enthusiastic about bank loans. I just don't want to have debt. And some do not meet the high requirements of banks to obtain long-term loans. In both cases, you have to think about saving for an apartment on your own. Whether this will be possible depends on proper planning. It is the plan that can give hope for success. It turns a bubble of dreams into a well-built ladder of success.


Create a strategic reserve. With the current level, you may not succeed. You have a breakthrough, you need to raise yourself to another level, where you can have income that matches your plan. Such a leap will require time, during which you must be confident that you will be able to pay bills and not go into debt. A strategic reserve can consist of both monetary savings and real things. Make a list of household “consumables”. For example, this is washing powder, soap, and other items without which life is impossible. Make sure you have a supply of everything on your list for some time ahead. This will allow you to calmly make global life changes.

Find people who earn enough to achieve your goal. Think about what they do. If a business interests you, set a goal to learn it and make money from it. apartment.

Ask to become a student. Having a strategic reserve, you can afford it. You won’t be deterred if you don’t have any income at first. Since there is nowhere to retreat, you will make every effort to achieve success.

Raise your own level. Absorb everything you can from mentors.

Follow the plan for buying an apartment. When increasing your income level, do not forget about the initial goal. Continue to live modestly until you achieve your dream.

Video on the topic

Please note

There are many cases where people rose from poverty to a decent level. Read their books - they write that they are no smarter or more talented than others. We just decided to live differently. Such examples will drive away the fear of the unknown.

Useful advice

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki lived in a car without a home. They were determined to achieve their goal. That’s why we overcame difficulties and achieved our goal. Read their life story.


  • Banks provide loans for the purchase of apartments

Today, few people would refuse to have their own apartment. Moreover, many people desperately want this, but only a few know how to achieve their dreams. If you simply save a small amount every month, it will be decades before you buy your own home. But if you invest your savings wisely, you can buy an apartment much faster.


Choosing an organization where you will invest money At this stage, you need to familiarize yourself with all the conditions offered by mutual funds (mutual investment funds) and banks (). Half of your income, as well as your savings, can be sent every month to a mixed mutual fund. It is worth choosing the “middle peasant”, who shows a stable income, but does not lead among the rest in terms of growth (as practice shows, such people become outsiders after a certain time). In recent years, the average return on these investments has been approximately 37% per annum.

Investing cash savings As practice shows, investing 10 thousand rubles a month has the least discomfort on the family budget. Naturally, multiplying it in a short time is only possible with the right strategy. By investing an amount of 10 thousand rubles in a bank deposit, for example, with a 12% rate, in a year you will already receive capital of 260 thousand rubles.

Buying an apartment with a mortgageBefore concluding an agreement, you need to read all the documents and requirements. The first thing you need to focus on is the size of the down payment.

Video on the topic

Please note

You can earn much less than planned from the very beginning. This happens when you chase high percentages. Many people also make these mistakes when investing in an index fund. But in other cases, you can achieve the desired result much faster, although such an investment has high risks.

Useful advice

If you save money the old way - “money in a stocking”, you will only be able to save for the down payment on a mortgage. Don't be afraid to invest money. But before you invest them, carefully study the history of the organization and the agreements that will be concluded with them. Combining interest-bearing investments and mortgages makes it possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to buy your own home.

The cost per square meter in Moscow increases every year. Therefore, buying your own home often remains just a dream. However, if you make an effort, you can save up for an apartment.


Use all available ways to make money. If there is an apartment, a room, a house in an area where no one lives, rent it out. Pay the rent to your bank card. There they will be safe and the risk of wasting them ahead of time is not great. As soon as you have a sufficient amount - three hundred, four hundred, five hundred thousand - open. Many banks accept money from the public for a period of twelve months to two years, at eight to ten percent per annum. Please note that the contract must indicate that the contribution. Then you can add money to the account, and interest will be calculated monthly based on the new amount.

Find a new job with a higher salary. Specialists of various professions are in demand on the Moscow labor market. Post your resume on the websites,,, tell all your friends and acquaintances that you are going to change your place of work. Create a new resume, describing all your professional experience, skills and abilities. Send it to the email addresses of companies you would like to work for. Perhaps they do not post vacancies on the Internet, but they are looking for just such an employee. And your resume will come in handy.

Find a part-time job. Think about what else you know and can do so well that it can be appreciated by an employer. If you have studied languages ​​and speak them at the proper level, start translating texts. This can be done at home, as long as you have the Internet at hand. If you have a financial background, look for companies that require a field accountant. If you are a lawyer, you can give paid consultations to firms that do not have such a specialist on staff. Yes, just walk the dogs on weekends and evenings, this is also paid. The main thing is not to sit still and wait for money to fall from the sky. As soon as you start taking active steps to earn them, everything will fall into place.

Useful advice

Pay attention to the "Young Family" program. The Moscow government partially sponsors the purchase of an apartment and provides a mortgage at lower interest rates. Perhaps you just fit into the category of citizens who are eligible to participate in it. Then you won’t have to save for as long as when purchasing a home using only your own funds.

Not having your own home gives a person a feeling of uncertainty. A rented apartment is not an option: you must monthly give most of the money you earn to “someone else’s uncle,” without being the owner of the property.


Take up freelancing as a supplement to your main income. Your skills, hobbies and abilities can benefit you and bring you significant income. Holders of honors diplomas and teachers can write diplomas and essays to order, students of the Faculty of Philology can engage in copywriting, and lovers of weaving beaded jewelry can sell hand-made jewelry through online stores. Don’t be biased about freelancing: you can earn good money if you have 3-4 hours of free time a day.

Become the owner of a rare, but extremely in demand profession - headhunters will tear such workers away. Who should I study to earn a lot and earn an apartment as soon as possible? Become a genetic engineer, a geologist specializing in oil and gas production, a sommelier, or a furniture restorer. These professions have many advantages: the earnings are always decent, and you are unlikely to be left without work. True, you will have to spend several years of your life studying at a suitable university, but it is undoubtedly worth it.

Video on the topic

Not everyone will be able to buy their own home, because the cost of an apartment is many times higher than the annual income of the average Russian. Of course, you can borrow money from the bank, but the amount you will overpay when repaying the debt may seem unaffordable. In this case, you can use another option - saving money. And this is not a utopia at all. In order to save for an apartment, you need not only to have willpower, but also to master a certain saving technology.


The most important thing is to set a realistic goal, and then move towards it in small but sure steps. The goal should be the minimum possible and accessible. Let’s say, if you don’t have any real estate, you can start with a small room or apartment in a remote area of ​​your city - these options will be cheaper than luxury housing in the city center. If you own any kind of living space, then everything becomes simpler - a one-room apartment can be exchanged for a two-room or even three-room apartment. And it’s much easier to save up for an additional payment than for an entire apartment.

To build and maintain your enthusiasm, you must have tools that will motivate you. And you will be motivated by specific amounts to strive for. Let’s say you need to save up for a down payment in order to purchase a home with a mortgage. First, find out the price of the home and how much the down payment will be as a percentage, as well as additional costs. The latter includes bank expenses and real estate agency services. Now you have a specific number. And even if you are going to exchange an apartment with an additional payment or buy entirely in cash, in any case you must have certain amounts in front of you.

In order to have a clear vision of how much you received, how much you saved and saved, it is recommended to keep reports. Keep a notebook for this, or create a special document in which you will record three indicators: income, deferred amount, total savings. When you have the opportunity to present these numbers before your eyes at any time, there will be a strong motivation in the subconscious not to give up everything halfway, but to save further.

To begin with, it is important to determine exactly how much money will be needed to purchase an apartment. Study the housing market, choose the appropriate option based on area, location and price. So you will have before your eyes an approximate figure that needs to be accumulated. Knowing even the approximate cost, you can draw up an action plan: calculate your income and expenses and determine how long it will take to collect the required amount. Do not forget about possible inflation, devaluation and financial crises, which may affect the rise in real estate prices. This is also worth considering when saving money.

Tighten your belt

Make it a rule to save a certain amount from each salary. At a minimum, it should be 10% of earnings. Also review all your expenses. Think about what you can save on and what you can give up. For example, stop smoking, stop buying clothes that you can do without, give up expensive products. If you can walk to work, stop using public transport. Calculate how much money you spend on mobile communication services, Internet, and utilities. Find ways to cut these costs too. If you are used to going to a cafe or a bakery during your lunch break, get rid of this habit and take food with you from home. All savings should go into the piggy bank. And to avoid the temptation to spend it, you should put the money on deposit. It is best to choose one where you can top up your account at any time. This way, you will not only save the savings, but also receive additional interest.

Additional income

Find extra income. Write essays and term papers, become a copywriter. Do handicrafts, for example, knit warm clothes, make jewelry or souvenirs; lately, handmade items have been very much appreciated. Walk dogs for a fee. Grow decorative flowers and sell cuttings. Are you good at repairing household electrical appliances and office equipment? Advertise that you provide similar services. Don’t refuse if you are asked to work overtime at your main job. In general, do not miss any opportunity to earn extra money. And put all the funds from your additional earnings into a bank deposit.

Perhaps it will take more than one year to realize your dream - to raise money and buy your own apartment. However, if you are patient, gather all your will into a fist and don’t give up halfway, you will soon celebrate a housewarming party on your honestly earned square meters.

Every person in one way or another thinks about their own housing if they don’t have one. As they say, my home is my castle. Own housing instills confidence in a person. And that's right. In any weather, you have somewhere to return - where they are waiting for you. However, not everyone can afford housing. Many people have been saving for it for years. There are people who pay their mortgage - overpaying 2 times. You need to start saving for an apartment as early as possible.

The question is: how much to save? An apartment savings calculator can help with this. It allows you to calculate how much you need to save from your salary in order to save up for housing in a few years? Perhaps someone thinks that they can simply save without making a contribution. In this case, set the deposit rate close to zero (0.01%) In this case, you will receive the approximate amount of contributions without taking into account the capitalization of interest.
The calculation method is written in the article -.

Calculation features

  1. If you do not have an initial amount, enter the value 0
  2. The calculation is made excluding taxation and holidays. Those. with a real deposit in the bank, the income may be less
  3. The calculation is based on a deposit with interest capitalization

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 30,000?

A salary of 30 thousand rubles is quite small. Let’s say you save half your salary each time
10 thousand will be spent on groceries, 5 thousand on utilities and entertainment, if you have a car, then on it (gasoline, etc.) If you calculate on a calculator with an apartment price of 1.5 million, then every month you need to put aside 7322.60 in the bank for a deposit with an interest rate 10%. As you can see, you will still have approximately 7,500 left for expenses, i.e. You can easily accumulate 1.5 million in 10 years. However, by saving 15 thousand over 6 years you will accumulate 1.5 million rubles from scratch. However, there are a number of nuances:

  • The apartment may become more expensive
  • Money may depreciate and we do not take inflation into account
  • You may get sick, you will have a child - the risks will increase

The solution may be to take out a mortgage - then, although you overpay, you get ownership of the home.
The only question is whether they will give you a loan with a salary of 30 to 1.5 million rubles.
To do this you need to use a calculator. It will show you how much the bank will give you.

  1. Invest in yourself. Your knowledge and skills will bring you more income and make you more competitive in the labor market.
  2. Forget about risky instruments - Forex, mutual funds, trust management. If you are not a professional at this, you will lose money and that's it. 90% of people who invest in this end up losing money. The same applies to trading stocks and bonds.
  3. Deposit is the best means of savings. If you don't believe me. I have a deposit for 5 years, at 20% per annum with capitalization. It is better to invest in times of crisis when the stakes are high
  4. Keep track of your finances. Install water and electricity meters. Buy a travel ticket. Take advantage of discounts in stores
  5. Try not to take loans and not be creditors. Don't be a guarantor for loans
  6. Make it your own. What do you like most - start your project, which you will do and which will generate profit. Website, program, your own business selling Socks. Start earning a small income. But remember, to get income you need to invest money and time.
  7. Forget credit cards. Live within your means! Do not apply for any expensive cards, for example

Greetings! Judging by the experience of my friends, taking out an apartment with a mortgage is terribly expensive and very psychologically unpleasant. And it is clear that it is advisable to buy your first (second, third) property without loans and with your “hard earned money”.

Last time we already discussed the issue of choosing between. Today’s article is intended to help those who nevertheless chose the first option. But how to save money for an apartment with average or low income? I will not descend into outright platitudes such as “save, save and invest”, “increase income and cut expenses”, “”. I will only suggest a couple of specific techniques and tricks that will slightly simplify and speed up this long and unpleasant process.

But first I’ll say a few “parting words.”

Before you start saving for an apartment, you must prepare yourself for... a continuous obstacle course lasting a couple of years. We all understand perfectly well that even with an average income it will not be possible to save for the purchase of a home in 1 year. And even more so if the income is small.

In the near future, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle: earn money by all means and constantly think about where to put your savings so that they don’t burn out.

It is extremely difficult to keep a tight rein on yourself for a year or two or five. And sometimes it’s almost impossible. In general, get ready for a long marathon with surprises. Agree, the prize in the form of separate housing is worth such sacrifices.

First, set specific deadlines for yourself.

From the experience of friends, I can say that it is extremely difficult to limit yourself in everything after four or five years of austerity. So focus on this (or better yet, a smaller) figure.

Start with starting capital

This is a very important point! “From scratch” the business will move so slowly that many will burn out without even saving up for a hallway. Therefore, either allocate an annual bonus for start-up capital, or do some general cleaning in the house and...

And start with at least some minimum amount!

Involve others in the process

Those who live with you should participate by default. And relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances - at least provide moral support.

My friend in Kazakhstan told a funny story. At a retail outlet (photography, photocopier, office) he worked alone. With the boss’s permission, he brought with him a box with a beautiful picture of a country house and the inscription: “I’m saving for a house!” I placed it somewhere on the side and worked as usual. He says that customers laughed and asked a lot of questions, but he never went home with an empty box.

Why is environmental support so important? The fact is that for some time you will have to give up a bunch of unnecessary, but familiar and pleasant things. And doing this when everyone around you is living a “normal” life is extremely difficult.

You try not to smoke around a colleague who is trying to quit and has already lasted two weeks?

Turn boring counting every penny into a game or competition

This approach is easiest for young couples. And if you involve children (from seven years old and older) in the process, you will get a long, long game for every day! The main thing is that parents have enough creativity.

Almost any situation can be played out interestingly.

We met in the evening and boasted about how much someone had saved in a day (walked three stops, didn’t buy a pie, smoked half a pack of cigarettes instead of a whole one, etc.). We calculated the total amount and put the money in a beautiful piggy bank. Or they cast lots to see who will get the money he saved - and he can safely spend it on whatever he wants. Or choose the “winner of the day” and give him a tasty “prize”.

You can appoint a “Minister of Finance” every week. It is he who will control all expenses for seven days and scold the others for wastefulness. You can draw a house, divide it into a hundred squares and paint one at a time when the amount needed to buy a “piece” is collected.

In general, there are a lot of options! The main thing is to motivate yourself and other family members to save money every day.

Create a reserve fund in case of force majeure

Be sure to set aside money for unexpected expenses!

Otherwise, one fine day, half (if not all) of the money saved for an apartment will go to pay for treatment of a family member or urgent car repairs. Moreover, funds for force majeure must be kept separately from money for an apartment!

And just forget about the “housing fund”... This amount should not be taken into account at all in your plans for the next few years.

Be sure to allocate money for recreation and entertainment

Until you buy an apartment, you are unlikely to be able to live in Italy or Austria. But you shouldn’t completely give up going to a cafe, cinema, bowling alley or theater.

You definitely need to take a break from the “economy mode” from time to time! A couple I know used a technique called “day off.” Once every two weeks, they chose a day for which they allocated a fixed amount of money (more than they usually spent).

They left home and... had an active rest. They said that during such weekends the internal “calculator” turns off - because you can finally spend the money the way you want. Within the allocated amount, of course.

Be sure to invest your savings!

Simply by putting money in the safe, you will move towards your goal at a snail's pace. Let's say, the average salary in Kyiv is now about $300, and a one-room apartment on the secondary market can be bought for $30,000. That is, a person needs to neither drink nor eat for 100 months (or more than eight years) to save up for an apartment.

And if he invests a little money in investment instruments, this period can be reduced by two or three times! Another tip: when you have a decent amount in your piggy bank, a small part of it (10%) can be carefully “rolled” into profitable instruments with high risks.

By the way, I took Kyiv as an example, because in Moscow the numbers will be absolutely fantastic.

How do you save (or have you ever saved) for an apartment? Subscribe to updates and don't forget to share links to the most interesting posts with your friends!

Most people dream of owning their own residential property, but do not take action. They most often only think about the fact that they will never save enough for the treasured square meters, or they wait until they get the property from someone.

Every day, ordinary people like you and me buy apartments. Surely you are asking the question: “How did they do this and where did they get the money?”

And everything is quite simple - they, in turn:

  • Learned how to manage your budget wisely;
  • Had a clear goal and worked towards achieving it;
  • We found additional sources of income.

If you want to change your life, but don't know, then we recommend starting by setting a goal.

Tell yourself that in a year you will buy your own home. Your goal must be clear and realistic. Earning 20-30 thousand rubles and not having any savings, you should not hope that in exactly 365 days you will become the owner of a 3-story penthouse.

Let's move from simple dreams to real actions. You need to decide on the characteristics of your future apartment in order to understand how much you will have to earn and how long it will take to save money.

To make this easier, answer the following questions.

  1. What characteristics should your future apartment meet? For example, the number of rooms, their location (adjacent or separate), kitchen area, etc.
  2. Where exactly do you want to buy an apartment? In the city or outside it.
  3. What funds do you have at your disposal at the moment?

By answering these questions, you can easily calculate how much you will have to save during the year to purchase your own property.

For example, you want to buy a one-room apartment in the city center. We go to the real estate website and see how much the apartment you would like to buy currently costs. Let’s say the cost of a one-room apartment is 2 million rubles. You have a quarter of the amount in your hands, i.e. 500 thousand rubles.

After a simple calculation, it turns out that you need to save another 1,500,000 rubles in a year.

You will have to save per month:

1,500,000/12 = 125,000 rub./month.

Rebuilding our thinking and learning to save

So, you decided to buy your own apartment in a year. But for this something needs to be done. First you have to “tighten your belt” and... But you don’t need to eat only bread and wash it down with water.

Save - does not mean living worse and limiting yourself in everything. It’s enough just to control your expenses, give up “money eaters”, and not spend your hard-earned money thoughtlessly.

  1. Before each trip to the store, make shopping lists. This way you will protect yourself from impulsive purchases.
  2. Constantly analyze your spending and keep track of your cash flow.
  3. Give up bad habits. If you calculate how much you spend on tobacco products and alcohol, you will get an impressive amount.
  4. Switch to public transport. Owning a car is a very convenient means of transportation, but this benefit can take up the lion’s share of your budget.
  5. Avoid weekly visits to entertainment venues. If you cannot do this, then try to go to nightclubs or cafes not once a week, but once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, control your spending.
  6. Replace going to the gym with morning runs around the stadium.
  7. If possible, live with your parents or relatives. The money you previously spent on renting an apartment can be saved for your own property.

In order to prove to all readers that saving money is actually possible to save for an apartment, we suggest considering the following table.

Expenses Amount of expenses
Impulse purchases RUB 500/day is spent on impulse purchases. This is 15,000 rubles. per month. For the year 180 thousand rubles.
Bad habits

Cigarettes: 1 smoking family member spends from 100 rubles/day on cigarettes, for two it is approximately 150 rubles/day

Per year: (150*30)*12=54,750 rub.

Alcohol: one person drinks on average 3 liters. beer a day. This is 50*3=150 rubles. If you drink only on weekends, then 54,750 rubles are spent on alcohol per year.

Entertainment A trip to a nightclub costs on average 5 thousand rubles. per person. If you visit such establishments once a week, then in a month you will spend 20 thousand rubles. And for the year 240 thousand rubles.
Renting a home On average, renting a home costs 14 thousand rubles. per month. For a year this is 168 thousand rubles.
Total: RUB 642,750

By cutting down on useless expenses, you can save up for ¼ of the apartment in just a year. Or use these funds as initial capital.

Anyone can do the same calculations. You will be very surprised when you see your numbers.

Visualize your goal

You've probably heard that our thoughts are material. Some people believe in it, and some don't. But, nevertheless, we would advise you to still think positively and believe that in the near future you will become the owner of an apartment.

For those who do not know how to visualize their dream, we suggest using the following method. Create a poster (collage) of wishes. One of the items must be an apartment. You need to find a picture of your dream apartment (for example, in a magazine), cut it out and paste it on your poster.

Be sure to hang your creation in a visible place. Thanks to this, you will constantly meet the picture of the apartment with your eyes and achieve your goal.

Looking for money

At this stage you can go in several ways:

  1. Take out a mortgage from a bank.
  2. Find a person who wants to enter into a Lifetime Maintenance Agreement with you.
  3. Reach out to relatives for financial assistance.
  4. Take out a mortgage secured by your existing home.
  5. Learn to redistribute family income.
  6. Find additional sources of income.
  7. Change profession or.
  8. Use government programs.

Now let’s talk about how to earn money for an apartment in more detail.

Mortgage from a bank

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​taking out a loan. They believe that this is voluntary slavery into which people force themselves. But in some cases this is the only acceptable option for receiving money.

Before applying for a mortgage, carefully study all the terms of the loan and calculate how much you will overpay. This is easy to do on the bank's website. Often the amount of interest is equal to the amount of the loan itself. For example, you take 2 million rubles. for 10-15 years, but you will have to return almost 4 million.

In addition, there is always the possibility of being left without work or the family’s financial situation may worsen. When taking out a mortgage for such a long period, you cannot be sure that in 5-7 years you will be solvent.

On the other hand, due to inflation, money loses value every year and you may end up paying off your mortgage early.

The mortgage option can be considered when you have part of the amount to buy an apartment and you have additional income that will fully cover the mortgage payments.

Conclusion of a life annuity agreement

Some people make various sacrifices and inconveniences in order to have their own home. For example, you can often find a situation where older people who need special care enter into an annuity agreement with young people. According to its points, young people look after the elderly, and after the death of the latter, the apartment automatically goes to the persons who provided care.

This option is more suitable for women, because it is easier for them to adapt to such conditions. You may have to live with the elderly person you will be caring for.

But be prepared that you may have to look through it for more than one year. The main disadvantage of this option for obtaining an apartment is the possibility of terminating the contract and high costs.

For example, you have been caring for an old man for 5 years. But one day it seemed to him that you were not coping well with your responsibilities. He terminates the rental agreement, and you lose the opportunity to get his housing. At the same time, no one will return the money that you spent on the old man (you bought him food, medicine, etc.).

Weigh the pros and cons before taking such a step.

Financial assistance from relatives

Most often, young families need their own housing. If a couple has saved up, for example, a third of the money, then you can turn to your parents for help.

Close people will try to find a way to help. Perhaps they will have a certain part of the amount set aside, or maybe they will sell their dacha, which they have not visited for a long time, or their own car, in which they travel several times a year.

Mortgage secured by existing property

If you have an apartment, but want to purchase a home with a larger area, you can get a mortgage secured by the apartment in which you live.

After that, you let tenants into one of the apartments. The tenants will pay you rent each month, which you will use to pay off the mortgage.

But do not forget to take into account the fact that the apartment may remain idle for some time while you look for tenants, so you need to have some financial reserve in order to pay the monthly mortgage payments in the event of force majeure.

Also, you are not immune from troubles associated with careless tenants. They can damage your property.

Use government programs

The state takes care of young families and in some cases helps financially. The money provided by law can be spent on purchasing an apartment. You just need to set a goal and find out about all the available government agencies. programs.

For example, Russian families at the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent children can count on the so-called maternity capital.

Redistribution of the family budget

This option is suitable for families with at least 2 people working. Its meaning is as follows. The family must live for a year on the salary of one worker, and save the second.

For clarity, let's look at example:

The cost of the apartment is about 1.5 million rubles.

The salary of each family member is approximately 25 thousand rubles.

If you save these 25 thousand rubles every month, then in a year you will accumulate 300 thousand rubles.

You will be able to afford an apartment in about 3-4 years.

Find additional sources of income

If you are completely and completely satisfied with your current job, but the salary leaves much to be desired, then we advise you to acquire an additional source of income.

The best way is to find a source of passive income.

Passive income This is when you perform an action once and receive profits over a long period of time.

For example, you deposit money in a bank for a year. For 12 months, without doing anything, you can earn interest on your deposit.

There are many ways to make passive income. . But let’s focus on the 5 most popular options.

In order to save up for an apartment in a year, you can also receive passive income. There are many options for making money on your own website. There is only one “But!” You must be prepared for the fact that within 6-12 months you will have to work a lot, invest money, and you will begin to receive profits only when the site is visited, interesting for advertisers, etc.

  1. Purchasing an existing site

If you don’t know how to create websites, then for a fee. After that, you “promote” it and sell it at a higher price.

You can also buy an already promoted site. It will be more expensive, but in this case you will not have to wait long for profits to arrive.

Change your profession or start your own business

If you don't love your job and it doesn't bring you the income you want, then it's time to change it.

There are several options here:

  1. Retrain and master another profession. To do this, you don’t need to go to university and wait several years until you graduate. You can simply take short-term courses where you will be taught everything you need. Of course, over time you can obtain higher education in your specialty by studying part-time.
  2. Open your own business. Many people don’t even try, because they believe that it is quite difficult and a lot is needed. We are confident that for people with a clear goal (and you have one) and a desire to work, nothing is impossible. Moreover, you can start your own business with, and the initial capital in this case will not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Regardless of whether you change your place of work or type of employment, we are sure that it is quite possible to earn money for an apartment in 1 year.

To confirm this, we bring to your attention 8 promising ideas for making money:


Realtor is an employee of a real estate agency who helps buyers find suitable housing and accompanies the client throughout the entire purchase/sale transaction.

Selling apartments is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you have free time and a desire to work, then you can try to master this profession. Moreover, no investment is required from you.

Let us just mention that real estate agents receive 10-15% of the transaction value. Let's do the calculation. If the cost of an apartment is 2 million rubles, then you can earn 200-300 thousand rubles per transaction, and there may be several of them per month.

Resale of an apartment in a new building

Everyone knows that apartments in buildings under construction are several times cheaper than real estate that has already been put into operation.

This way you can buy an apartment that is still unfinished (at the foundation pit level), and when the house is completed and handed over, you can sell it at a higher price.

For example, you have enough money for a one-room apartment, but you want to buy a two-room apartment. In this case, you purchase a one-room apartment in an unfinished house, and when it is put into operation, you sell your property with a 15-20% markup. The proceeds should be enough to buy a two-room apartment.

Part-time work on your own car

If you have your own car, then you can and should make money on it. You can get a job in a taxi service, be a courier, or work as a driver in some organization.

In addition to the classic ways of making money on a car, you can use extraordinary methods. For example, transporting cars from abroad and selling them on the Russian market. It is best to drive cars from the Baltic countries, Germany or Poland.

Organization of training courses

If you are a creative person and know how to do things that others cannot, then you can open an author’s workshop. There you can teach everyone your skills for a fee.

This could be the production of unique dolls, jewelry, clothes, etc.

Resale of goods

Quite a good income is received by people who are engaged in the resale (speculation) of goods. You can trade a wide variety of products.

Now many people buy Chinese goods and resell them at many times higher prices.

Breeding exotic animals and plants

Good capital can be earned by breeding rare exotic animals and plants. In any city there are connoisseurs of such goods, and they are ready to shell out impressive sums for their weakness.

Representatives of flora and fauna can be sold via the Internet or specialized stores.

Starting your own business

Think about what you enjoy doing most and what you are best at. Maybe we should start doing just that. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and open your own business.

For example, a man worked as a mechanic at a service station for several years. He likes this activity and everything he doesn’t take on succeeds. Then he needs to take a risk and open his own service station. Thanks to this, he will be able to earn more, expand his business and develop.

How to save money on buying an apartment

When buying an apartment, people are often too lazy to search for their future home on their own and turn to realtors or real estate agencies. For a certain percentage of the transaction, specialists select an apartment and accompany you at all stages of the purchase and sale transaction.

All this sounds nice, but in practice it turns out that such agencies do not have their own database, but look for options in newspapers, real estate websites or bulletin boards. But you can do this yourself.

Many realtors do not have the necessary legal education and cannot properly advise you on any issues.

If you are afraid to complete the registration yourself, then it is better to contact experienced lawyers. They are the ones who know all the details and intricacies of buying real estate. Of course, lawyers will also have to pay. But this way you will spend 2-3 times less.

Is it possible to earn money for an apartment in a year with a salary of 15-30 thousand rubles? per month

In order to understand how to earn money for an apartment with a small salary, you need to analyze your expenses and decide on the parameters of the desired apartment.

Let’s say right away that at the moment we are not considering housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg, since a salary of 30 thousand rubles in these cities is unlikely to be enough for a family to live, not to mention savings.

Therefore, with such an income you will have to buy an apartment outside the city or in small towns.

So, a one-room apartment in good condition costs 2-2.5 million rubles.

Having a salary of 30 thousand rubles., you will have to give up your own car and rented housing. You will have to live with your family for a while and switch to public transport.

On average it costs one person to eat 8-9 thousand rubles. If a family of 2 people - 17 thousand rubles.

For public transport and other small expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Remains 8 thousand rubles.

We calculate and determine how much you will have to save for an apartment worth 2 million rubles.

2,000,000/8 = 250 months or 20 years

If there are 2 working people in the family, then about 10 years. But remember that during this time you will limit yourself in everything. And with the advent of children, spending will increase.

As you can see, you won’t be able to collect 2 million rubles in a year with a salary of 30 thousand rubles, even if you don’t spend a penny. But you will be able to save up for a down payment on your mortgage. To summarize, let’s say that if you really want to have your own living space, then it is vital for you to look for a part-time job or change your current job.

Having decided to save money for an apartment in a year, you set yourself a rather difficult task. During this period, you will have moments of elation and loss of strength, because you will have to work a lot.

In order not to give up and continue to move towards your cherished dream, we suggest using the following recommendations:

  • Never give up. Go towards your goal. It's worth it;
  • Don't be a skeptic. Think positively and optimistically;
  • Don’t look for simple ways and “easy” money. You remember the proverb “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”;
  • Don't be reckless. Think over any step you take, consult with your loved ones;
  • Avoid dubious offers and do not get involved with “gray” schemes.


It’s quite possible to quickly earn money for an apartment. But anyone who sets such a goal will need to get out of their comfort zone. Surely you will have to change your lifestyle, learn to save and keep track of money spent, give up entertainment, perhaps change your profession, retrain and find a new job.

Some people manage to save money, but others don’t. We know one thing: in order to earn such a sum in such a short time, you need to act. Namely, set a goal and go towards it no matter what. We are confident that you will succeed, and very soon you will be proud of yourself and show off your own home!