Unified State Exam in Russian language number. Rules and procedure for conducting the exam. Trial and main stages

Many of next year’s graduates are beginning to ask questions about what changes may occur in the Unified State Examination, what subjects are and, of course, what date is the Unified State Examination in 2017?. Today's tenth graders are already preparing with all their might for the most important exam of their school life.

Conscientious students take hold of their textbooks more tightly, go to tutors and preparatory courses, voraciously read and re-read notes on preparation for the Unified State Exam in order to successfully pass it and enter a good university.

Parents of future graduates are seriously concerned about the upcoming testing: having just passed the State Examination Test, the children will once again plunge into an atmosphere of constant stress.

And, along with young people, caring mothers and fathers scour the endless “web” of the Internet, trying to find both reliable information and more or less true rumors regarding the Unified State Exam 2017.

What date is the Unified State Exam in 2017?

Already now we can name with absolute certainty the exact dates of the event, and we will also remember the dates for past periods.

Unified State Exam schedule for 2017

Early period:

  • April 10 (Mon) reserve - geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history;
  • April 12 (Wed) reserve - foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology;
  • April 14 (Fri) reserve - Russian language, mathematics B, P.

Main stage:

Reserve period:

Unified State Exam schedule in 2015-2016.

Date Unified State Exam subjects
2015 2016 2015 2016
Early period
March 23 (Mon) March 21 (Mon) Mathematics (basic level)
March 26 (Thu) March 23 (Wed) Computer Science and ICT, History
March 28 (Sat) March 25 (Fri) Geography, literature Russian language
March 30 (Mon) March 28 (Mon) Russian language Mathematics (profile level)
April 4 (Sat) March 30 (Wed) Social studies, chemistry Social science
April 10 (Fri) April 1 (Fri) Foreign languages, physics Geography, literature
April 11 (Sat) April 2 (Sat) Foreign languages ​​(oral) Physics, chemistry
April 18 (Sat) April 8 (Fri) Computer Science, Biology, History Foreign languages ​​(oral)
April 9 (Sat) Foreign languages, biology
Reserve days
April 20 (Mon) April 15 (Fri) Russian language
April 21 (Mon) April 16 (Sat)
April 22 (Wed) April 21 (Thu) Literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT
April 23 (Thu) April 22 (Fri) Foreign languages, history, biology, computer science Foreign languages, history, social studies
April 24 (Fri) April 23 (Sat) Foreign languages ​​(oral) Foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology
Main period
May 25 (Mon) May 27 (Fri) Geography, literature
May 28 (Thu) May 30 (Mon) Russian language
June 1 (Mon) June 2 (Thu) Mathematics (basic level)
June 4 (Thu) June 6 (Mon) Mathematics (profile level)
June 8 (Mon) June 8 (Wed) Social studies, chemistry Social science
June 11 (Thu) June 10 (Fri) Foreign languages, chemistry Foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 15 (Mon) June 11 (Sat) Foreign languages, physics
June 17 (Wed) June 14 (Tue) Foreign languages ​​(oral) Foreign languages, biology
June 18 (Thu) June 16 (Thu) Computer Science and ICT, History
June 20 (Mon) Chemistry, physics
Reserve days
June 22 (Mon) June 22 (Wed) Russian language Geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, computer science and ICT
June 23 (Tue) June 23 (Thu) Mathematics (basic level), mathematics (professional level) Foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 24 (Wed) June 24 (Fri) Geography, chemistry, literature, social studies, physics Literature, physics, history, biology
June 25 (Thu) June 27 (Mon) Foreign languages, history, biology, computer science and ICT Russian language
June 26 (Fri) June 28 (Tue) Foreign languages ​​(oral) Mathematics (basic level), mathematics (professional level)
June 30 (Thu) For all subjects

Based on the table, certain conclusions can be drawn:

  • in 2017, early period for passing the Unified State Exam will probably begin on the twentieth of March, with the first reserve days for exams in mid-April;
  • main period for passing the Unified State Exam, most likely, will begin at the end of the twentieth of May, with the beginning of the reserve days for passing the Unified State Exam in the twentieth of June.

What changes are planned for the Unified State Exam 2017

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is going to remove the test part from the Unified State Exam. Previously, tests gave the student, who was not entirely sure of the correct answer, several options to choose from. That is, there was a danger of “blind” testing, when schoolchildren put answer options at random, relying on intuition.

This testing system, of course, played into the hands of careless graduates who failed to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam. It is expected that from 2017 the survey form will completely return (as it was before 2009).

Also, the head of RAO Lyudmila Verbitskaya announced the real possibility of introducing the oral part into the 2017 Unified State Exam. She recalled that the oral part had already been added to the foreign language exam and clarified that the Russian language exam needed more advanced development of the oral exam.

In addition to the above innovations, which the Russian Academy of Education has “pleased” us with, it is also planned to introduce a system of assessment for essays. Previously, eleventh graders received a pass/fail for their final presentation.

Moreover, each student will have the opportunity to retake an essay if they receive an unsatisfactory grade. However, this can only be done once, otherwise the student will have to wait a whole year to pass all the exams.

All students intending to graduate from secondary education in 2017 will be required to pass the Unified State Examination (USE), a unified state exam aimed at assessing the student’s knowledge acquired throughout his school life. Passing the Unified State Exam is always accompanied by stress not only on the part of the children themselves, but also their parents and even teachers who worry about their students. Therefore, the question of what number of Unified State Examinations in 2017 worries everyone interested long before the end of the next one.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in 2017

It should be noted that the 2017 Unified State Exam will be held in two stages: early (trial) and, accordingly, the main one. According to the Rosobrnadzor project, the trial stage of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held from March 14 to April 7 , and the main one is from May 26 to June 30, 2017 .

Trial and main stages

So, the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held in two stages: early (preparatory) and main. The early stage is necessary in order to familiarize the student with the technique of passing the required subject on the Unified State Exam, to eliminate the possibility of a “first scare” when the graduate may become confused by the unusual form of passing the exam. In addition, at this stage, students become familiar with the form of asking questions, with the level of tasks, and can independently and with the help of teachers assess their actual level of preparation for passing the subject. The good news is that the trial level is completed in advance, which gives the graduate time to improve his knowledge and get a decent grade.

Unified State Exam 2017 - exam schedule

Thus, the preparatory stage will traditionally take place from March 14 to April 7. In turn, the main stage of the unified state exam is planned to be held from May 26 to June 30. This stage will be decisive in the struggle for a decent certificate.

Required subjects in 2017

Let us immediately note that various changes in the Unified State Exam 2017 do not affect compulsory subjects, as before, in order for graduates to receive a certificate, they will need to pass the following compulsory subjects, such as: mathematics and Russian language. According to experts from Rosobrnadzor, in the coming years there are no plans to add a new subject to the list of compulsory ones; only after 2022, the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination will be replenished with another compulsory subject - a foreign language.

All other subjects are optional, and for this reason, are taken by graduates on a voluntary basis, based on their choice for admission to universities, a certain focus.

Unified State Exam 2017: changes, latest news

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is talking about canceling the test regime for passing the exam. This idea arose due to the fact that some students who did not know how to solve a particular problem could simply choose an answer option and guess it by chance. According to the latest data, since 2017, Rosobrnadzor plans to abandon tests, in almost all subjects of the Unified State Exam 2017, including: biology, physics and chemistry.

Rosobrnadzor will begin to approve the methodology by which the minimum score will be calculated in 2017 for the unified state exam.

Introduction of the oral form of delivery. In order to pass the Russian language or history, students will need to pass an oral exam so that their level of preparation is most fully assessed.

Every schoolchild in our country is required to take unified state exams, which demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired at school and become the basis for the further development of education - admission to a university. Such an important event requires a long preparation, and therefore every student strives to find out the schedule of USE exams 2017 in advance.

Features of the Unified State Exam 2017

Until 2017, tests were the main form of knowledge testing. In 2016, the form of test questions was recognized as outdated, because even without knowing the correct answer, the student had the opportunity to guess it from the options provided. Starting from 2017, it was decided to return to the survey form for passing exams, that is, most subjects will be taken as it was customary in the “noughties” - in the period before 2009. In addition, the student can expect a whole series of innovations. Let's tell you more about them.

Firstly, a third is added to the two mandatory exams - it should be history. True, the name of the third subject has not yet been firmly established, but at the beginning of the school year this information will already be made public. That is, you will have to take the Russian language, mathematics and, most likely, history - more precisely, it will be known by the date of the Unified State Exam 2017.

Secondly, the RAO (Russian Academy of Education) insists on introducing a point scale for grading essays. Until today, essays were assessed according to only two criteria: pass or fail. This, according to representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, negatively affects the knowledge of students and gives advantages to those students who are simply too lazy to study literature - it is much easier to get a “pass” in an essay than an “A”.

Thirdly, the results of the Unified State Exam will also be influenced by the grades in the certificate. The higher the scores for school subjects, the higher the final grade for the state exam.

Fourthly, if the points scored do not reach the threshold level, students will be given the opportunity to retake the Unified State Exam twice more. It will also be possible to take a retake if the student for some reason is not satisfied with the points he scored.

So, at the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren will have to take one of their choice. They can be taken several times until the student finds the result satisfactory.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in 2017

The Unified State Exam schedule in 2017 consists of two parts - early and main exams.

Early period for passing the Unified State Examination

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • Russian language / compulsory subject
  • history, chemistry
  • mathematics / compulsory subject
  • Geography, literature
  • foreign languages ​​(oral exam)
  • foreign languages, biology, physics
  • social studies, literature

Starting next week, reserve time begins for all exams included in the Unified State Examination list.

  • reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
  • reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
  • reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
  • Foreign language, history, social studies (reserve)
  • Foreign language (oral), geography, physics, biology (reserve).

However, not every student is in a hurry to take advantage of the right to take the exam early. Therefore, most students will be interested in the second section of the 2017 Unified State Exam schedule - the main period.

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • mathematics B
  • mathematics P
  • social science
  • physics, literature
  • Russian language
  • foreign languages, biology
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • chemistry, history

Reserve days for the Unified State Exam begin on Tuesday.

  • reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
  • reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies
  • reserve: biology, history foreign languages
  • reserve: foreign languages
  • reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P
  • reserve: Russian language
  • reserve: for all subjects

Additional period (September)

Retaking the Unified State Examinations in 2017

In addition to the main and reserve days, the Unified State Examination process itself also provides for a third period - a retake. The right to retake is granted to every student - both those who did not reach the minimum threshold and those who simply want to improve their own results and score more points. True, to improve your own level you will need remarkable confidence in your own strengths and knowledge.

The Unified State Exam retake usually takes place in September, most often in the first half of the month. However, the schedule for a possible retake will be known only by August 2017.

Extra points

Additional points may be added for exam scores. So, 10 points can be added to:

  • for a certificate with only A's;
  • for prizes won at Olympiads in school subjects;
  • for achievements in sports.

Considering the possible addition of points, it is worth thinking about taking the Unified State Exam in advance: taking part in olympiads and competitions in all subjects, not just specialized ones; increase your level of knowledge, striving for excellent grades; participate in the sports life of the school.

The schedule of the Unified State Exam (USE) for 2019 was approved by joint orders of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Download the order.

The Unified State Exam in 2019 for grade 11 will traditionally be held in three stages:

The early and main periods of the Unified State Examination will begin with exams in geography and literature. Reserve periods are provided for each examination period.

Graduates of previous years can take the Unified State Exam during the early period and reserve periods of the main period of the Unified State Exam, graduates of the current year - during the main periods of the main period. Graduates who have the same exam dates in individual academic subjects can also take them on reserve dates. It is possible to take part in the Unified State Exam at other times only if there are valid reasons (illness or other circumstances), documented and confirmed by a corresponding decision of the state examination commission.

Early period of the Unified State Exam 2019 (State Examination Grade 11)

Graduates who received unsatisfactory results in the Russian language and mathematics, or who repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one of these academic subjects on a reserve day, can participate in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and mathematics at the basic level in the additional (September) period.

Additional period (September terms)

The same orders approved the duration of examinations and a list of additional training aids that can be carried with you during examinations in various subjects. They remained unchanged compared to last year.

The Unified State Examination in all academic subjects begins at 10.00 local time.

Duration of the Unified State Exam in profile-level mathematics, physics, literature, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, history is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes); in Russian language, chemistry, biology - 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes); in basic level mathematics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese) (except for the “Speaking” section) - 3 hours (180 minutes); in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (section “Speaking”) - 15 minutes; in Chinese (section “Speaking”) - 12 minutes.

Exam participants use teaching and educational tools to complete tasks of control measuring materials of the Unified State Examination in the classrooms of the examination point.

Exam participants are allowed to use the following teaching and educational tools in relevant academic subjects:

In mathematics - a ruler that does not contain reference information (hereinafter referred to as the ruler), for constructing drawings and drawings;

In physics - a ruler for drawing graphs, optical and electrical circuits; a non-programmable calculator that performs arithmetic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root extraction) and the calculation of trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg, ctg, arctg, arccos, arcsin), and also does not perform the functions of a communication device or database storage and does not have access to data networks (including the Internet) (hereinafter referred to as a non-programmable calculator);

In chemistry - non-programmable calculator; periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water, electrochemical series of metal voltages;

In geography - a ruler for measuring distances on a topographic map; a protractor that does not contain reference information for determining azimuths from a topographic map; non-programmable calculator;

For foreign languages ​​- technical means that provide playback of audio recordings contained on electronic media to complete tasks in the “Listening” section of the KIM Unified State Examination; computer equipment that does not have access to the Internet, an audio headset for completing tasks in the “Speaking” section of the KIM Unified State Examination.