Reported Speech for Dummies: Affirmations. Indirect speech in English. Indirect speech or reported speech What is direct speech

There are such concepts as "direct speech" And "indirect speech". Most likely, everyone knows about direct speech; this is the so-called speech in quotation marks. Indirect speech in English used when we want to communicate what another person said, then indirect speech is used. For example:

“I want a cup of coffee.”(direct speech)

She said that she wanted a cup of coffee.(indirect speech)

Depending on the type of sentence being transformed (affirmative, interrogative or request), its structure will change.

Please note, which when transforming into indirect speech, very often needs to be changed:

    • pronouns
    • time (backshift)
    • time and place indicators

Affirmative sentences

1. If the introductory sentence in direct speech is in the Present Simple, then in indirect speech there is no shift (replacement) of tenses:

She says, “I like ice cream” ? She says that she likes ice cream.

As can be seen from the example, the pronoun has changed from I on she, therefore the verb from like on likes, but remained at the same time.

2. If the introductory sentence is in the past tense, then we change the main one to the past tense (backshift):

She said, “I like ice cream” ? She said that she liked the ice cream.
My sister said, “I have just come back from the park” ? My sister told me that she had just come from the park.
Kate said “I am going to buy a new car” ? Kate said that she was going to buy a new car.
“I will be 30 next summer,” said Tom. ? Tom said that he would be 30 the following summer.

Table of tense changes in indirect speech

Direct Speech
Present Simple Present Simple
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Past Simple Past Perfect
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Future I (going to) Was/ were going to
Future I (will) Conditional I would
Conditional I (would)

As mentioned above, not only time changes, but also indicators of time and place.

Direct Speech
today that day
now then
yesterday the day before
tomorrow the next day/ the following day
…days ago ...days before
last week the week before
next year the following year
here there
this that
these those

She said “This is the best summer” ? She said that that was the best summer.
My mother said “I found your book several days ago” ? My mother said that she had found my book several days before.
I called my friend and she said “I am watching TV now” ? I called my friend and she said that she was watching TV then.

Interrogative sentences

Direct questions are transformed into indirect questions, question words or introductory words are used if/whether.

“How old are you?” ? He asked me how old I was.
Tom asked Jane “Where do you live?” ? Tom asked Jane where she lived.
She asked “Do you know this man?” ? She asked if I knew that man.
My friend asks “Are you going with us?” ? My friend asks whether I am going with them.

Requests, wishes, advice

For requests, wishes and advice, times do not matter, since the form is used to+infinitive:

He said “Bring me the book” ? He asked to bring him the book.
She said “Come to me tomorrow” ? She asked to come to her place the next day.
My mother said “Don’t eat the cake before dinner” ? My mother asked me not to eat the cake before dinner.

If you need to convey what someone has said, you can do this using direct speech (Direct Speech) or indirect speech (Indirect Speech).
In direct speech, what someone said is conveyed exactly, without changes, and is written in quotation marks. In indirect speech, some of the speaker's words may be changed, and quotation marks are not used.

Examples:Direct Speech: Bob said, “Paris is great.” Bob said: “Paris is beautiful.”
Indirect Speech: Bob said (that) Paris was great. Bob said Paris was beautiful.

Rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech

There are simple rules for transmitting direct speech by indirect speech:

1. Verbs in direct speech in the Present Tense form are used in indirect speech in the Past Tense form. More about .
Present SimplePast Simple
Present ContinuousPast Continuous
Present PerfectPast Perfect

2. Verbs in direct speech in the Past Tense form are used in indirect speech in the Past Perfect form (or may not be used). More about .
Past SimplePast Perfect
Present PerfectPast Perfect

3. Verbs in direct speech do not change in form.
Past PerfectPast Perfect

4. Verbs in direct speech in any future tense pass into the corresponding future in the past in indirect speech. More about .
Future SimpleFuture Simple in the Past
Future ContinuousFuture Continuous in the Past
Future PerfectFuture Perfect in the Past

5. Forms in direct speech in the Past Tense form change in indirect speech as follows.
But Past Tense forms from modal verbs could, would, should, might in indirect speech are preserved.

6. Modal verb must in indirect speech may not change, or may take the form of the past tense from the construction have to = had to.

7. and adverbs of time and place in direct speech are replaced in indirect speech by meaning with other words, as in the Russian language.

Direct speech Indirect speech
here there
this that/the
these those
now then
today that day
tonight that night
tomorrow the next day/the following day
yesterday the day before/the previous day
next Monday the following Monday
last friday the previous Friday
the day before yesterday two days before/two days earlier
ago ago before

Examples: He said, “I shall do it tomorrow" - He said he would do it tomorrow.
He said that he would do it the next day. - He said he would do it the next day.

8. and direct speech are replaced by meaning, as in the Russian language.

Examples: He says, “I have your T-shirt.” - He says: “I have your T-shirt.”
He says that he has my T-shirt. - He says he has my T-shirt.

Reported speech– this is the transmission of someone’s words without quoting them exactly, in contrast to (direct speech). Indirect speech is often simply called indirect speech and much less often when indirect discourse. It is worth noting that indirect speech is usually used, and direct speech is much less common. Compare (note that in indirect speech the tense of the main verb changes):

He said, “I am going to watch TV.”- transmission of direct speech.
He said (that) he was going to watch TV. – changing direct speech into indirect speech.

She said, “I want to buy a car.”- direct speech
She said (that) she wanted to buy a car.– indirect speech

Anna said, “I don’t like shopping.”- direct speech
Anna said (that) she didn’t like shopping.– indirect speech

Union that you can “omit”, that is, you can say:

Steve said that he felt ill. or so Steve said he felt ill.

In any case, always pay attention to the structure and sound of the sentence; for example, you should not use two that in one sentence, and also if you feel that you may not be understood. Also, if you are not sure whether you can insert a conjunction that in this sentence, then it is better not to use it. However, in official speech it is more appropriate to use the conjunction that.

But let’s move on to how to correctly change the tense form of verbs in indirect speech.

Present and future tense

“I played football.” →He said he played football or He said he had played football.

“She watched football.” →He said she watched football or He said she had watched football.

“I saw her in the street.” →He said he saw her in the street or He said he saw her...

“I didn't go to work.” →He said he didn't go to work or He said he had not gone to work

This rule is inappropriate if direct speech has already been in the past perfect:

“I had played football.” →He said she had played football

“They had broken down a car.” → She said they had broken down a car

When can you leave the present and future tenses unchanged?

Sometimes present or future The tense of verbs in indirect speech need not be changed. If situation at the time of speech transmission hasn't changed, then you can leave the tense of the verbs as they were. Note that say And tell in this case it can be put in the present or past tense.

“My new job is boring.” → Michael said (says) that his new job is boring.
(The situation has not changed, Mikhail still has a boring job)

“I speak English fluently.” → Sonia says (said) that she speaks English fluently.
(Sonia still speaks English fluently)

“I want to go to Canada again.” → David tells (told) me he wants to go to Canada again.
(David still wants to go to Canada again)

“I will go home tomorrow.” → She said (says) she will go home tomorrow.
(She's still planning to go home tomorrow)

And, of course, it won’t be a mistake if you say, for example, Sonia said she spoke English fluently. But if situation at the time of transmission of indirect speech changed, then it is necessary to put the verb as usual in the past tense form. For example, you met Tatyana. She said “Anna is in hospital.” Later that day you meet Anna on the street and say: Hi, Anna. I didn't expect to see you here. Tatyana said you were in hospital (it would be wrong to say: “Tatyana said you are in hospital", since this is not true, at the moment Anna Not in the hospital)

Changing an Interrogative Sentence

IN Indirect Questions The same rules for changing tense apply as in affirmative and negative. But they are divided into two types: general questions- Yes/No Questions, which can be answered yes or no and special– Information (or Wh-) Questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. For example:

Do you like music? (this question can be answered yes or no).

How are you? (here it is no longer possible to answer simply yes or no, it is appropriate - I am fine).


As a rule, difficulties with understanding arise precisely with general questions. They are often also called “ Yes/No questions”, because direct questions that can be translated into indirect ones can be answered in one word - yes or no. Indirect questions are formed using the words “ if" or " whether”, which are placed at the very beginning of the question being translated into indirect speech. The rules for agreeing tenses in sentences are the same as in simple indirect sentences, but they do not begin with (will, have, do...), instead the words “ if" And " whether”, which are translated into Russian as “ whether”: in this case there is no difference between them. Use the conjunction “ that” in indirect questions is grammatically incorrect. Study the examples.

Direct Question Indirect Question

Do you like music?”

He asked me if I liked music. (Wrong: he asked me did I like music)

He asked me whether I liked music.

Will he participate in the quiz competition?”

She asked me if he would

She asked me whether he would participate in quiz competition.

Are“Are you feeling well?”

I asked him if he was feeling well.

I asked him whether he was feeling well.

Did you go to school?”

They asked me if I had gone to school.

They asked me whether I had gone to school.

Have you taken"the breakfast?"

He asked me if I had taken the breakfast.

He asked me whether I had taken the breakfast.

Were are they going to the car?”

She asked her husband if they had been going to the car.

She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.

Have they were going to the car”

She asked her husband if they had been going to the car.

She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.


These questions are formed without “ if" And " whether" In their place are interrogatives: where, why, which, who... The rest of the rules of formation are the same as in ordinary indirect sentences.

Direct Question Indirect Question
“How are you?" He asked me how I was. (wrong: how was I)
“What is your name? Alice asked him what his name was.
“Why did“Are you coming late?” She asked him why he had come late.
“Where have have you been?” She asked her husband where he had been.
“When will are they coming?" He asked when they would come.
“What were are you doing?” He asked Anna what she had been doing.
“Why are are you crying?” They asked his wife why she was crying.

Test yourself, take the test.

Indirect Speech Comprehension Test

We can finish here. Having carefully studied the article above, you now know what indirect speech is and how it is constructed. If you want to completely master indirect speech, then further, additional part articles for you.

Modal verbs

When changing direct speech into indirect speech, you must also pay attention to whether there are modal verbs in the sentence. Like main verbs, they must be inflected in indirect speech, but not all modal verbs can be inflected. Study the tables below.

Modal verbs that change in indirect speech
Direct Speech Indirect Speech

“I can drive a car.”

She said, “He can play a violin.”

“We can climb on a hill.”

He said he could drive a car.

She said that he could play a violin.

They said they could climb on a hill.


“I may buy a computer.”

She said, “He may visit a doctor.”

“They may go to zoo.”

He said that he might buy a computer.

She said he might visit a doctor.

They said they might go to zoo.


“I must work hard.”

She said, “They must carry on their work.”

I said to her, “You must learn English.”

He said he had to work hard.

She said that they had to carry on their work.

I said to her that she had to learn English.

Modal verbs that do not change in indirect speech
Direct Speech Indirect Speech

“I would start a business.”

“We would apply for a visa.”

“I would appear in the exam.”

He said that he would start a business.

They said they would apply for visa.

She said she would appear in the exam.


“I could run faster.”

“We could not learn the lesson.”

“She could play a piano.”

He said that he could run faster.

They said they could not learn the lesson.

She said she could play a piano.


“Guests might come.”

“I might meet him.”

“It might rain.”

He said that guest might come.

Anna said she might meet him.

She said it might rain.


“I should avail the opportunity.”

“We should take the exam.”

“I should help him.”

He said that he should avail the opportunity.

They said they should take the exam.

She said that she should help him.


He said to me, “You ought to wait for him.”

“We ought to attend our classes.”

“I ought to learn method of study.”

He said to me that I ought to wait for him.

They said that they ought to attend their classes.

She said that she ought to learn method of study.

Time and adverbs

Tense and adverbs in indirect speech also change. Examples:

“I will buy a book tomorrow” → She said that she would buy a book the next day.

“I am happy now” → He said that he was happy then.

“I like this book” → He said that he liked that book.

Imperative and exclamatory sentences

In indirect imperative and exclamatory sentences, most often there is no coordination of tenses. Depending on the context, the verbs said, told, advised, etc. can be replaced.

Imperative sentences

Imperative sentences are sentences of order, demand, proposal, advice, etc. For example: “open the doors”, “help me”, “learn your lessons”. Words such as requested, ordered, advised, suggested, forbade and not to do something are often used.

“Please help me” → He asked me to help him.

“You should work hard for the exam” → He suggested him to work hard for exam.

“Don't tell a lie” → They said to him not to tell a lie.

“Open the door” → He ordered to open the door.

“Don't waste your time” → The teacher advised the students not to waste their time.

“Don't smoke” → Doctor advised I don't smoke.

Exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences are an expression of joy, sadness, surprise, etc. For example: “Hurray! We won”, “Alas! You're late" or "Wow! You look cool.” Words such as exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with sorrow, exclaimed with wonder, etc. are often used.

“Alas! I failed in exam” → She exclaimed with sorrow that she failed in the exam.

“Wow! What a nice shirt it is” → Michel exclaimed with wonder that it was a nice shirt.

“Hurrah! I am selected for the job” → She exclaimed with joy that she was selected for the job.

“Wow! What a pleasant weather it is” → They exclaimed with wonder that it was a pleasant weather.

As in the Russian language, in the English language there are two types of speech - direct and indirect. Direct speech, as a rule, is highlighted in quotation marks and conveys speech without changes:

How old are you?”, Ben asked me. – « How old are you?“Ben asked me.

Indirect speech is the transfer of another person’s words or repetition of one’s own in another situation:

Ben asked me how old I was. – Ben asked me how old am I.

There are several rules for translating direct speech into indirect speech. The first is a change in time (the so-called tense shift). The second is changing certain words and expressions. All this is shown in the table below:

Direct speech
Indirect speech - Reported speech
Present Simple
"I want to have a cup of coffee," she said. – “I want to have a cup of coffee,” she said.
Past Simple
She said she wanted to have a cup of coffee. – She said she wanted to have a cup of coffee.
Present Continuous
"She"s playing with Joe," he said. – "She's playing with Joe," he said.
Past Continuous
He said she was playing with Joe. – He said she was playing with Joe.
Present Perfect
"I"ve bought you a perfume," he said. – “I bought you some perfume,” he said.
Past Perfect
He said he had bought her a perfume. – He said he bought her perfume.
Present Perfect Continuous
“I’ve been working here for 2 years,” Brian said. – “I've been working here for 2 years,” Brian said.
Past Perfect Continuous
Brian said that he had been working there for 2 years. – Brian said he has been working there for 2 years.
Past Simple
"He spent all the money," she said. – “He spent all the money,” she said.
Past Perfect
She said he had spent all the money. – She said he spent all the money.
Past Continuous
“I was washed up yesterday at 4 o’clock,” Mary said. – “Yesterday at 4 o’clock I was washing the dishes,” said Mary.
Past Perfect Continuous
Mary said that she had been washing up the day before at 4 o’clock. – Mary said that the day before at 4 o'clock she was washing the dishes.
Past Perfect
“She had done it,” Bobby said. – “She did it,” Bobby said.
Past Perfect (no changes)
Bobby said that she had done it. – Bobby said she did it.
Past Perfect Continuous
“Pam had been reading the book until Joe called her,” Hannah said. – “Pam was reading a book until she got a call from Joe,” Hannah said.
Past Perfect Continuous (no change)
Hannah said that Pam had been reading the book until Joe had called her. – Hannah said Pam was reading a book until she received a call from Joe.
Future Simple
"I"ll call you later," he said. – "I'll call you later," he said.
He said he would call me later. - He said he would call me later.
Future Continuous
“I’ll be watching TV at 4 o’clock tomorrow,” Carlie said. – “I'll be watching TV tomorrow at 4 o'clock,” Carly said.
Carlie said that she would be watching TV at 4 o’clock the next day. – Carly said she would be watching TV at 4 o'clock the next day.
Future Perfect
“I will have cleaned the room by 9 o’clock,” Christie said. – “I’ll finish cleaning by 9 o’clock,” Christy said.
Perfect Conditional
Christie said that she would have cleaned the room by 9 o’clock. – Christy said she would finish cleaning by 9 o’clock.
Future Perfect Continuous
“By March I will have been working here for 3 years,” Zoe said. – “In March it will be three years that I’ve been working here,” Zoe said.
Perfect Conditional
Zoe said that by March she would have been working there for 3 years. – Zoe said that in March it will be three years that she has been working there.
Expressions of time
tonight, today, this week / month / yearthat night, that day, that week / month / year
nowthen, at that time, at once, immediately
now thatSince
yesterday, last night / week / month / year
the day before, the previous night / week / month / year
tomorrow, next week / month / yearthe day after, the next / following day, the next / following week / month / year
two days / months / years, etc., agotwo days / months / years, etc., before
Demonstrative pronouns and other words
Modal verbs
musthad to

Please note that the verbs would, could, might, should, ought to in indirect speech they do not change.

Indirect speech in affirmative and negative sentences

The main words that introduce indirect speech are the words say And tell. The word “what” in Russian corresponds to the word that. Its use is optional. They are used in the following designs:

Alan said that he was ill. – Alan said that he is sick.

Alan told me that he was ill. – Alan told me that he is sick.

As we see, the word tell requires an addition after itself (to whom?). You can also use this option:

Alan said to me that he was ill. – Alan told me that he is sick.

Here we introduce a preposition to. However, this option is less common.

So, we look at what tense is in the sentence with direct speech, and also whether there are other words in it that require changes, and we rebuild the sentence according to the table.

“I am listening to music now", Peter said. – “I’m listening to music now,” Peter said.

Peter said that he was listening to music then. – Peter said that he listens to music.

In addition to the words say and tell, you can use others, for example:

admit - admit
advise - advise
agree - agree
claim - to declare