Anatomy of lack of money. The book “The Anatomy of Lack of Money. One Day With This Book Can Make You a Rich Person

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And today, dear reader, I bring to your attention a wonderful book from successful businessman Ivan Zimbitsky“Businessman's Jaws 2: Anatomy of No Money” , in which the author touches on such a topic as “lack of money.” Why, despite the efforts and efforts put in, many remain poor.

This book is written in the style of a special report, with the help of which you can determine the true cause of the problem of poverty. It also clearly examines what 3 Steps you need to take to overcome this obsession and forget about it forever.

One Day With This Book Can Make You a Rich Person

The book will help you
— Simplify life
- Reduce work overload
— Put more money into your bank account
- Get more freedom

On the pages of the special report it will be revealed to you

  • why don't you need another book on "investing" and the "money quadrant"
  • you will understand the concept of money better, deeper, more intimately
  • you will have more confidence than ever before
  • you will get maximum clarity on how to win the game called money
  • discover why only a small number of people succeed

Don't put off reading until later. “Later” will never come.
Make reading this book your #1 priority, and I wish you the best of luck!

With faith in You, dear reader,

Valentina Korn

The book “The Anatomy of Lack of Money” is for those who have almost given up, and for those who are firmly moving forward. Ivan Zimbitsky is a professional in the field of business consulting, the creator of numerous methods for attracting finance and increasing income, and a successful entrepreneur.

Ivan Zimbitsky: think about money

The underlying idea is that every person is able to earn as much as they want. Throw away monetary attitudes and everything that you were told about the “laws of money” earlier, because there is no law of distribution of money, no limits and “ceilings”. You just don't know you can do it.

Correct money thinking works wonders, you just have to master the special technique. Ivan Zimbitsky introduces his own concept of the “internal financial thermostat.” This is the limit that we set for ourselves. You have the power to change it, to raise it to a height that you had never thought of before.

Ivan Zimbitsky: raise your money level

Read the book “The Anatomy of Lack of Money” today to change your life tomorrow. The best thing you can do for yourself is to recognize your inner limitations and then let go of them.

Is your personal financial ceiling weighing on your shoulders? Stop pretending that you are so comfortable - make an effort and raise it to the desired height!

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Find out the real reason why you are still poor!

“This book does not contain “ask and you will receive” advice. You won't hear what you want to hear, but you'll be guaranteed to get what you really need, so you'll never have to worry about where to get money again." © Ivan Zimbitsky

Contents of the book “Jaws for a Businessman 2: Anatomy of Lack of Money”

  • Introduction.
  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Get ready... This is what reality looks like.
    • The same notorious 1% that you may have heard about so many times.
    • People from the “financial thermostat sect” have so much money that it’s even difficult to display on a graph.
    • You have a plan for fundamental change in your hands.
  • 3. Meet the author.
  • 4. Problem.
  • 5. Why this special report will bring you money.
  • 6. What is the difference between the book Businessman's Jaws and Businessman's Jaws 2?
  • 7. After reading this special report you will find out.
  • 8. How it happened.
  • 9. Money is a symptom.
  • 10. This book is about money.
    • What really determines your income?
  • 11. None of this.
    • The root of the problem goes far beyond money.
  • 12. Major internal conflict.
    • The root cause that leads to money problems is beyond your ability to fix the problem.
  • 13. Millions of years of evolution created your current brain.
  • 14. The situation is worse than you imagine.
    • An excursion into procrastination.
    • No amount of time management techniques and technologies will help you increase productivity without first raising your internal financial thermostat.
    • Procrastination is a disease.
  • 15. Let me show you what I mean.
  • 16. Meet your cave ancestor.
    • The basic automatic instinct of self-preservation guides the life of the ancestor.
  • 17. “Sit, bitch, quietly and keep your head down!”
    • What is actually happening in the hero’s mind at this moment.
  • 18. First of all, we are still cavemen.
  • 19. Anatomy of Lack of Money.
  • 20. In what order does the ancient brain make you poor?
    • Freeze.
    • Hey! I'm running away - run.
  • 21. The first two reactions of the defense mechanism are...
  • 22. In the modern world.
  • 23. Interim results.
  • 24. Transfer No. 3 – reaction – “fight”.
    • Involvement with danger at this stage is maximum.
  • 25. Meet the Society of Adrenaline Junkies.
  • 26. You approached achieving your goals in the wrong way.
    • Low financial thermostat condition.
  • 27. Why goals achieved based on fear lead to dire consequences.
  • 28. Emotions are the impulse of all actions.
    • Inner emptiness and lack of emotions.
    • The natural state of laziness and inaction.
    • Motivation by fear is not a healthy lifestyle.
  • 29. Fat man in a BMW.
  • 30. Ivan, why bother? I'm ready to take action.
  • 31. Your first step to resetting your internal financial thermostat.
  • 32. What motivates people?
  • 33. What do they have in common?
  • 34. Intention is the key to everything.
  • 35. Lack of Intention Epidemic.
    • Your intention, including everything necessary for its implementation, must be very clearly defined.
  • 36. Intention sharpens your focus.
    • I WANT! – These are the most important words in your life.
  • 37. The power of compound interest - the 8th wonder of the world.
    • With a clear intention, one ruble can make a fortune in just 30 days!
  • 38. A big, insidious, invisible obstacle to your success.
    • Low financial thermostat.
  • 39. Time to take the next step.
  • 40. Congratulations – you did it.
  • 40. Free access to intensive video training “DNA Changer”.
  • 42. The most important big idea of ​​this special report.
    • Your results are a mirror image of your internal financial thermostat.
  • 43. Countless studies have shown that the thermostat works!

“This book is about money. You will learn that money is a symptom. Start fixing the root cause now. This is the only way you can transform from a poor person to a millionaire.” © Ivan Zimbitsky

What problems do young people consider most pressing? (survey) Employment and lack of opportunities for self-realization are the most pressing problems of modern youth. This conclusion was made by experts from the Gorshenin Institute (an independent non-profit analytical and research center aimed at studying social and political processes in Ukraine and the world) based on the results of the annual program of international sociological research “Students - the image of the future”, the results of which were transferred to the UNIAN agency. Among the problems that concern them personally, Ukrainian students highlight lack of work and problems with employment (36%), financial dependence on someone (34.1%), and lack of free time (28.4%). In Russia and Poland, young people are concerned about financial dependence on someone (38.7% and 40.3%, respectively), the problem of employment (34.2% and 41.1%), and about a quarter in Russia (26.1% ) and a third of students in Poland (32.1%) are concerned about the problem of lack of free time. At the same time, almost a third of Kazakhstani students (30%) do not have any of the problems indicated in the survey. Only one in five (20.7%) lacks free time, and 13.6% of Kazakh students are concerned about financial dependence on someone. Characterizing the problems of young people in general, Ukrainians put in first place the problem of employment (64.5%), alcohol (58.4%) and drug addiction (43.6%) among young people. In Russia, alcohol addiction is the biggest concern (62.4%), followed by employment (57.5%) and drug addiction (51.3%). Kazakhstan has similar problems - there is concern about employment (47.1%), alcohol addiction among young people (30.4%) and lack of opportunities for self-realization (27.1%). But in Poland, young people are most concerned about careers and employment (69%). Almost every second young Pole (48.4%) experiences conflicts with their parents, and almost the same number of respondents believe that their peers suffer from depression (43.3%). Commenting on the results of the study, rock musician, leader of the Russian group “DDT” Yuri SHEVCHUK noted that young people today are faced with the same problems that their parents faced. “The youth of today are faced with the same problems that faced us when we were young: good - evil, truth - untruth, lies. Everything is the same - love, hate. All the same problems,” he said. In total, according to a random sample, 5,155 students were interviewed in 22 higher educational institutions in four countries: Ukraine, Russia, Poland, and Kazakhstan. This study can be found in full on the official website of the Gorshenin Institute. You will find opportunities for self-realization here: Our website.