Nikolai Valuev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. What Nikolai Valuev was like as a child: photos and videos

Nikolai Valuev. I present to you a large detailed biography of the famous Russian boxer, two-time world heavyweight champion. Height, weight, childhood, family, wife, hobbies, fight history, political activity and others interesting facts about the tallest champion in boxing history.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Valuev was born on August 21, 1973 in Leningrad. The boy was born 51 centimeters tall and at first was no different from other babies. However, back in preschool age little Kolya began to rapidly overtake his peers in physical development. Valuev spent all his free time from studying on the street. In the evenings he liked to read adventure literature and many times he got into funny stories because of his impressive data.

In the 7th grade, Kolya entered a sports boarding school. Life has become scheduled minute by minute. Strict mode day. The tall boy tried his hand at basketball, but soon switched to athletics, to which he devoted 7 years.

In athletics, Valuev achieved good results in two disciplines: discus throwing ( USSR Championship medalist) and shot put. To develop performance in these elements, Nikolai had to develop explosive strength. He performed various jumps. I ran short distances. I trained with a group of wrestlers. It was at that distant time that Valuev first became acquainted with boxing. He took several lessons from a local trainer, who showed the Russian giant the correct stance and basic types of strikes.

In the 90s, the impressive stats of a young guy ( height - 213 centimeters, arm span - 216 centimeters) aroused the interest of some criminal structures. Nicholas received several offers to work for influential authorities of that time. The young man, always calm and reserved, tried to keep his distance from illegal business activities.

Valuev took up boxing seriously at the age of 20. His first coach, Oleg Shalaev, recognized extraordinary talent in him. However, the first steps in boxing were very difficult. The aspiring boxer was critical of his first successes. Nikolai had 10 fights in the amateur ring and won all of them. Professional career

Nikolai’s first coach, Oleg Shalaev, became his manager at the start of his professional career. On October 15, 1993, Valuev made his debut in professional boxing. He instantly attracted the public's interest. The Americans gave the Russian various interesting nicknames: " Beast from the East", "Russian giant", "Kolya sledgehammer".

Valuev fought all over the world: Russia, Germany, Japan, Britain, Australia, Czech Republic, USA. He gained experience and improved his style. Promotional intrigues played a cruel joke on the Russian giant. Oleg Shalaev lost the lawsuit against American promoters and Nikolai was deprived of the opportunity to perform in the United States.

Nikolai's career was at a stage of stagnation. Only a contract with one of the leading promotion companies could change the situation. Such an opportunity soon presented itself. In 2001, the German promoter Wilfried Sauerland, who did not have any good heavyweights on his roster, offered Valuev a profitable cooperation.

Nikolai began working with a new mentor, Manvel Gabrielyan, and impressed all German boxing fans with a beautiful knockout to the liver in his debut fight under the auspices of Sauerland. The most experienced Dick Ryan capitulated in the first round.

Wilfried Sauerland systematically promoted Nikolai to the championship fight. In 2005, the Russian broke into the heavyweight elite thanks to a beautiful knockout in a fight against Clifford Etienne. This victory allowed Valuev to receive the right to a contender's fight according to the WBA version. The opponent, technical and fast, is Larry Donald. In the most difficult confrontation, the Russian giant was able to gain the upper hand. The last step remained - the title fight.

With great difficulty, Sauerland came to an agreement with and brought Valuev to fight against the WBA champion John Ruiz. Before the fight, Kolya fell ill with sinusitis, but did not reschedule the fight and was able to defeat Ruiz. On December 17, 2005, Nikolai became the new WBA world champion. The tallest world champion in boxing history ( height - 213 centimeters).

Three impressive title defenses followed. The following were defeated: Owen Beck, Monte Barrett and Jameel McCline. In 2007, Nikolai lost to Ruslan Chagaev and lost his champion belt. According to the contract, a rematch was supposed to take place, but Ruslan was diagnosed with hepatitis and the fight had to be celebrated.

Nikolai won the right to another title chance by defeating Belarusian Sergei Lyakhovich in a one-sided fight. And again John Ruiz became the Russian’s opponent and again Valuev prevailed and, on August 30, 2008, became a two-time WBA world heavyweight champion. Defending the title against the legend was tough. Evander broke the champion's rib with a strong left hand. Nikolai boxed with an injury and was able to win an equal fight.

Nikolai had his last fight in the professional ring against David Haye and lost to the Briton by majority decision. The contract with Sauerland has come to an end. The fight against Vitali Klitschko was canceled twice. Valuev was tormented by various injuries. After each fight, in the final stages of his career, he underwent surgery on his knee and right hand. Nikolay hasn't been able to throw a strong right hand since his first fight against John Ruiz. However, the Russian never looked for excuses. He ended his career and took care of his health. His record was: 50 wins, 34 by knockout and 2 losses.

In the last years of his career, the Russian champion prepared for fights under the guidance of the Honored Trainer of the USSR, Alexander Zimin.

After boxing

After completing his sports career, Nikolai began to engage in social activities. He opened a boxing gym where novice fighters train. A tournament is held annually in St. Petersburg - " Valuev Cup"When Valuev suffered the first defeat in his career at the hands of Ruslan Chagaev, he starred in the famous film" Stone head" (2008). This allowed the boxer to change his focus and rest a little.

Nikolai starred in the humorous program " Town". Taught a children's program" Good night kids" (in 2016). Valuev is married. Wife - Galina. The couple has three children. Sons - Grigory and Sergei and daughter - Irina.

In 2013, the former boxer was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A complex operation was required, which did not produce results. Only repeated treatment bore fruit. Health was restored.

Nikolai's hobbies are fishing, hunting and collecting beer mugs ( about 400 pieces). The maximum recorded combat weight of Nikolai is 151 kilograms ( fight against Clifford Etienne).

Political activity

Valuev Vice-President of the National Bandy Federation and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology and Conservation environment. Since 2011, Nikolai has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the party " United Russia". In 2010, he opened his own charitable foundation aimed at the development of children's and youth sports. Recognized as an honorary resident of St. Petersburg.

Nikolay maintains friendly relations with his former coaches - Alexander Zimin, Manvel Gabrielyan and Oleg Shalaev.

Nikolai and Galina Valuev.

It's hard to imagine two more different people. He is a huge giant with a rather terrifying expression on his face, and she is a fragile, pretty, very smiling brunette. Nikolai and Galina Valuev have been together for more than 15 years, they are raising three children and consider themselves an ideal couple.

Chance meeting

That's how it all began.

They met in 1999, at a mutual friend's birthday party. Galina came with a friend and did not pay any attention to Nikolai, whom he introduced. In general, the future star boxer also did not experience a fit of love at first sight. Although the charming girl, showing politeness, strictly monitored the presence of food on his plate.

And then she offered to give him a ride home. Along the way, they managed to discuss the topic of past relationships. Just at this time Nikolai broke up with his ex-girlfriend, and Galina is with her boyfriend. The new acquaintance nevertheless decided to take the girl’s phone number, promising to call the next day. True, he remembered the promise in two days.

Young and in love.

And I was simply stunned when I heard in the telephone receiver not the joy of being heard, but deep indignation. Galina scolded him like a boy because he did not keep his promise. However, it was this rebuke that became the reason for their next meeting. Kolya was surprised and interested, because no one had ever talked to him like that.

It was easy to carry.

The first meeting was followed by a second, then a third. And the dates began according to schedule, twice a week. Nikolai, who was training intensively at that time, simply could not afford more frequent meetings.

Love will come unexpectedly

Nikolai and Galina.

Nikolai was never particularly prone to romance. He gave the first flowers to Galina when she collected and displayed his things. He had the imprudence to say in one of his interviews that he had many girls. This was the demand of his promoter, but his beloved was very offended by such a statement. Since then, if a giant comes home with flowers, the question invariably arises of what he did wrong this time.

Happiest day.

The boxer also proposed not to Galina herself, but to her father, in the bathhouse. Kolya simply asked if he would give up his daughter for him. Naturally, dad agreed, and the bride herself was simply presented with a fait accompli.

This is how the Valuev family was born.

The wedding also took place somewhere between training and competitions. A fragile bride and a huge groom next to her.

Ordinary happiness

The Valuevs' spouses.

As scary and menacing as Nikolai Valuev was always in the ring, he was so gentle and caring in the family. The large and menacing “Beast from the East,” as sports commentators called him, crossed the threshold of his own home and became discreet, cozy and warm. He takes very touching care of his wife. But she doesn’t allow him to give him gifts. After he brought her as a gift five pairs of completely unimaginable shoes without heels, which he sincerely considered fashionable and beautiful. And his petite wife at that time wore exclusively elegant and ultra-fashionable high-heeled shoes. She arranged her husband's gift among his girlfriends, but now they always choose gifts together.

Nikolai Valuev with his son Grisha.

In 2002, the first-born, little Grisha, was born into the Valuev family. The boxer was going through very difficult times at that time, being on the verge of depression. He did not have the opportunity to perform and, accordingly, earn money. He spent a lot of time with his newborn son, helping Galina with everything. He looked after the baby, carefully holding tiny Grisha in his huge hands.

The dark streak passed, Valuev became more and more popular and in demand, the family managed to pay off all debts. People recognized him on the streets and asked for his autograph. And he dreamed of quickly escaping to his small, cozy world, where his beloved wife and their first-born were waiting for him.

Flowers of life

He's not a romantic at all.

He was happy, this big man. He had a beloved woman who considered and considers him the most the best man on the ground. For her, he is the most beautiful, the smartest, the most important.

Nikolai Valuev with his daughter.

In 2007, Nikolai Valuev became a dad for the second time; he and Galina gave birth to the charming Princess Irishka. She melted his heart at first sight. This tiny girl with a serious look, like her mother’s, filled his heart with aching tenderness.

Nikolai Valuev with his youngest son.

In 2012, Nikolai and Galina had a third child, son Sergei. Happiness and pride fill the hearts of the spouses. Nikolai, who always dreamed of three heirs, finally saw his dream come true.

Home is where your heart is

They have been together for more than 15 years.

They have been living together for almost 17 years. They are still in love with each other, big Nikolai and little Galina. They have a classic family in which the husband takes care of financial well-being family, and the wife protects the home. She always remains his reliable support. Only next to her can he relax and be himself. An emotional and active wife completely complements her reserved, phlegmatic husband. Galina happily devotes all her time to her family, not at all considering that she is sacrificing herself. She likes to be the guardian of their warm world, their corner of peace and happy peace.

And Nikolai bakes pancakes for his beloved, because in their family this is an exclusively male responsibility. He still never tires of thanking God for giving him the most important things in life: his beloved woman, beautiful children and the opportunity to do what he loves.

Nikolai and Galina with older children.

Nikolai turned out to be a surprisingly gentle dad. He enjoys playing with his children. The eldest always accompanies his father on fishing or hunting, the daughter was already acting in films with her dad at the age of 7, and they all take care of the youngest together. Galina helps her husband in everything; she knows for sure that he will always protect her and her children from any hardships and bad weather in life. This fragile and sweet woman is very weak, but at the same time incredibly strong. No matter how difficult it was for her, she always supported her giant. She knew exactly when he needed her words of encouragement and when he needed to just come and stand quietly next to him.

Nikolai and Galina Valuev.

They do not consider it necessary to be nostalgic for the past, remembering first dates, first kisses. They stand firmly on their feet, live in the present and look to the future.

Nikolai Valuev. Beauty and the Beast (2009, documentary, Channel One)

Nikolai Valuev is a Russian boxer, multiple world champion, State Duma deputy, radio and TV presenter. In 2009, the athlete opened his own boxing school, where he trained athletes young and old. The school accepts children from the age of three. Adults can also sign up for training, whom Nikolai himself and other eminent trainers are preparing for professional fights.

In addition, Nikolai is the first deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Valuev

There is probably no person in Russia who has never heard of this hero. Only the lazy did not joke about the boxer's appearance and strength. Anecdotes in the style: “Nikolai Valuev made me spread “thank you” on bread” have been circulating among people for many years and would not be funny at all if Nikolai were not the tallest and largest athlete in the history of boxing.

Fans and sports enthusiasts have always been interested in his physical data: foot size, height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Valuev - also a fairly popular question on the Internet. It’s not in vain that sports fans show such interest, because the boxer’s height is 213 cm and his weight is 127 kg!

Photos from his childhood show that Valuev was always a large child; already in the army, his peers were almost up to his waist, although at birth his parameters were standard, as for a newborn. Today, the 44-year-old boxer has many nicknames, including “Russian giant”, “killer”, and “Kolya the sledgehammer”.

Biography and personal life of Nikolai Valuev

The boxer was born in Leningrad in 1973. Already at school, he was the tallest in the class and the physical education teacher advised the guy to take up basketball, saying that with his height he could achieve significant success. As part of the national team in this sport, Valuev became the national champion and received many prizes.

The guy did a lot of training in different sections, including receiving the title of Master of Sports in discus throwing.
After graduating from school, Valuev entered the university physical culture. In his third year, he came to boxing training for the first time, and from then on he began going to the wrestling sports section. The guy had no idea then that he would achieve such success. After all, he knew that it was necessary to play sports from early childhood, so that there was time for development, and Valuev was already 20 years old at that time. However, just six months later Nikolai’s first fight took place in the amateur ring, and then another, and another. A year later he began to box professionally, enter the ring and win, and at the age of 26 he became the Russian boxing champion in his weight category. In 2005, Nikolai Valuev became the world heavyweight boxing champion for the first time; the world boxing organization re-assigned this title to him for another 4 years.

Nikolai announced that he would stop entering the ring in 2010. Fans have always wanted to see the fight between Nikolai Valuev and Ukrainian Vitali Klitschko. The latter was even ready to enter the ring against the Russian giant, which he directly announced and challenged Nikolai to a fight. However, this competition of the strongest never took place.

During his career, the boxer fought 53 fights at the professional level, only 2 of which ended in the defeat of Valuev. After finishing his career, the athlete opened his own charitable foundation to support sports and develop willpower, character and endurance in young people. He starred in commercials, became a State Duma deputy, and also began hosting a sports program on the radio and for six months hosted the Ford Bayard program on the country's first channel.

The biography and personal life of Nikolai Valuev, this man with a steely character, unsurpassed strength, and iron muscles, is of interest not only to boxing fans, fans and people interested in sports, but also to ordinary people and television viewers, because the athlete’s appearance alone arouses interest.

Family and children of Nikolai Valuev

Despite the fact that Nikolai Valuev is a famous and public person, not much is known about his personal life. At the birth of the boy, his parents could not even suspect that someday he would become a world-famous athlete, boxing champion and multiple winner. However, as a child, Nikolai was not forbidden to do anything. The guy had complete freedom of choice when entering college and when creating his future life.

The only thing the boxer’s mother, Nadezhda Mikhailovna, wanted was for her son to receive a decent profession and education. Back in 1990, she could not even suspect that the Faculty of Physical Education would bring success to her son.

Being already an adult and an accomplished, successful athlete, Nikolai finally decided one day to get the education that his mother had been telling him about for so many years.

After finishing his boxing career in 2010, Valuev entered the State University of Technology and Management. Razumovsky to the Faculty of Economics. Why the successful boxer needed another higher education was not clear until he decided to go into politics. Valuev joined the United Russia party and, most likely, wanted to realize himself as a political figure.

Today Valuev is not only a former athlete, world champion and winner, but also a beloved husband and father three times. He has been married to his wife, Galina, for 20 years. The family and children of Nikolai Valuev live in Moscow, where Nikolai has a lot of real estate. In addition, the boxer has several apartments in Germany and dreams of opening a restaurant there.

Son of Nikolai Valuev - Grigory Valuev

The son of Nikolai Valuev, Grigory Valuev, is the first child in the athlete’s family. The boy was born in 2002, and today he is already 16 years old. The guy follows in his father’s footsteps, is actively involved in sports and trains in the boxing section. In addition, despite the fact that the champion’s family does not need finances, Nikolai’s children grow up in strictness.

So the boxer’s son worked at a meat processing plant last summer, as Valuev himself wrote about on his Twitter. A father with many children teaches his children the value of money and wants them to understand what it’s like to earn money on their own.

Son of Nikolai Valuev - Sergei Valuev

The son of Nikolai Valuev, Sergei Valuev, was born in 2012, and today the boy is already 5 years old. Seryozha enjoys riding his bike and loves playing football in the yard. It is probably difficult to find a more caring father among public figures than Nikolai.

In July of this year, Valuev published photographs of his son with a glass of compote in his hand, and wrote a very tender birthday wish to the child. In general, from the photographs of the champion on his pages on social networks, it is clear that the father of many children pays a lot of attention to his children, loves them very much and cares for them.

Daughter of Nikolai Valuev - Irina Valueva

The daughter of Nikolai Valuev, Irina Valueva, is the second child in the athlete’s family and the only girl. The champion's daughter was born in 2007 in Moscow, and today she is already 10 years old. Thanks to her dad, Irina has already managed to act in films.

At the age of 6, the girl received a small role in the film “The Gift,” in which her father also starred. After his daughter’s film debut, Nikolai posted a photo with his daughter and wrote that she had completed the first serious job in her life. After such a start, everyone expects that the girl will probably become an actress.

Nikolai Valuev's wife - Galina Valueva

Next to Nikolai, any woman looks like a miniature princess, but especially Nikolai Valuev’s wife, Galina Valueva. The girl's height is 162 cm, so they look quite comical together. The Russian “The Rock”, Valuev, is monogamous by nature. He met Galya when he was 24 years old and she was 20 years old, and they have been together ever since.

The young people lived in a civil marriage for several years, and when Nikolai “got back on his feet” and began earning more to adequately provide for his family, they got married. Today one can only envy their relationship, because the champion is a true family man, a caring husband and father.

Russian athlete, actor, TV presenter and politician.

Nikolay Valuev Biography

Nikolay Sergeevich Valuev born in St. Petersburg. From early childhood, the boy was distinguished by his very tall stature and strong physique, which led him to sports: at school Valuev played on the basketball team, and was the USSR champion in basketball among junior boys. At the same time, he was involved in athletics and became a master of sports in discus throwing. Since 1993, he has been boxing professionally and participating in world-class competitions.

In 2011, Nikolai was elected to the State Duma. In addition, he is the president of the Charitable Foundation for the Development of Children and Youth Sports and the creator of his own boxing school with branches in St. Petersburg and cities Leningrad region.

The athlete is married to Galina Valueva. The couple are raising 3 children.

Nikolay Valuev Sports career

Nikolai Valuev is a four-time WBA world heavyweight boxing champion and Russian champion. In the sports world he is known by the nicknames “Russian Giant” and “Beast from the East”. He finished his boxing career in 2010.

Nikolay Valuev Career in film and television

The boxer's extraordinary appearance and charisma attracted the attention of film and television producers. Valuev played himself in TV series "Town", "Voronins" And "My truth". The film was released in 2008 "Stone Head", in which the athlete played the main role. In 2013 he hosted an entertainment show "Ford Boyard". In August 2016, Nikolai became the host of the famous children's television show "Good night, kids".

In addition, the athlete took part in programs

(now St. Petersburg). During his school years he played basketball, trained with the famous Leningrad coach Anatoly Steinbock, and received the title of national champion among youths. Also at school he was involved in athletics - discus throwing, having fulfilled the standard of a master of sports.

In June 2009 he graduated from the National state university physical culture, sports and health named after P. F. Lesgaft in St. Petersburg.

Nikolai Valuev's first boxing training took place in the spring of 1993, and his debut fight, which immediately became the beginning of his professional career, took place on October 15, 1993 in Berlin (a fight with American John Morton). Valuev continued to box at the amateur level and participated in the Russian Boxing Championship in 1994, as well as at the Games goodwill, for which he was disqualified because the fight with Morton in 1993 was declared professional. For this reason, Valuev was unable to take part in the XXVI Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA). Having spent only a little more than a dozen fights in the amateur ring, Nikolai Valuev turned professional.

On January 22, 1999, in St. Petersburg, in a fight against Alexey Osokin, he won the title of Russian professional champion. Valuev defended this title on December 15 of the same year in a battle against Alexei Varakin.

On June 6, 2000, Nikolai Valuev won the Pan-Asian Boxing Association (PABA) heavyweight title in a fight against Ukrainian Yuri Elistratov. Subsequently, Nikolai Valuev defended the PABA champion title five times.

On July 24, 2004, Nikolai Valuev fought against Nigerian Richard Bango, in which Nikolai Valuev won the WBA Intercontinental Professional Champion title by technical knockout in the sixth round. Subsequently, Nikolai defended this title four times.

On December 17, 2005, Valuev defeated American John Ruiz, becoming the first Russian world champion in the history of professional boxing in the most prestigious category - super heavyweight according to the World Boxing Association (WBA).

On June 3, 2006, in Hannover, Germany, Valuev defended his WBA world heavyweight boxing title, defeating Jamaican boxer Owen Beck.

On October 7, 2006, in Chicago (USA), Valuev defended the WBA world heavyweight boxing champion title, defeating American Monte Barrett.

On January 20, 2007, Nikolai Valuev made his third voluntary defense of the WBA world title against American Jamil McCline. The fight ended with the Russian winning by technical knockout in the third round. McCline refused to continue the fight, citing an injury to his left knee, as a result of which the victory was awarded to Valuev.

On April 14, 2007, in a championship match that took place in Stuttgart, Valuev suffered the first defeat in his career, losing to the Uzbek boxer Ruslan Chagaev. The WBA world heavyweight title went to Chagaev.

On August 30, 2008, Nikolai Valuev fought the second fight of his career in Berlin against the American John Ruiz. The vacant WBA heavyweight title was on the line. The victory was awarded to Valuev by unanimous decision in a 12-round fight.

On December 20, 2008, Valuev faced Evander Holyfield in the ring in Zurich, defending the WBA world heavyweight title. The result was Valuev’s victory by majority decision in a 12-round fight.

On November 7, 2009, British boxer David Haye defeated Valuev in a 12-round fight by majority decision.

In 2009, Nikolai Valuev’s professional boxing school opened in St. Petersburg. Later, the boxer founded five more schools - in St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and Veliky Novgorod.

In 2010, on the recommendations of doctors, Valuev temporarily stopped performing in the professional ring and became actively involved in public and political activity. On April 2, 2010, he accepted an invitation to join the political council of the St. Petersburg branch of the United Russia party. In the same year, he became the founder of the Charitable Foundation for the Development of Children and Youth Sports.

In August 2011, he became a member of the public council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

In December 2011, Valuev was elected deputy State Duma VI convocation on the list of the United Russia party.

Since 2012, Valuev has been hosting his own program on Radio Sport, during which he holds meetings with famous Russian athletes. On October 3, 2012, Nikolai Valuev was elected as the new vice-president of the Russian Bandy Federation. Since 2013, Valuev has been the host of the game “Fort Boyard”, aired on Channel One.

Nikolai Valuev is also known for his roles in films. In 2006, he played a cameo role in the German fantasy film 7 Dwarfs: The Whole Forest Is Not Enough. In 2007, Valuev starred in the leading role in Philip Yankovsky’s film “The Stone Head” (the film received the Main Prize of the “Window to Europe” festival in Vyborg in 2008). The boxer received an offer from Russian director Vladimir Bortko to play the role of Mark Ratboy in the television series "The Master and Margarita", but due to a busy training schedule he was forced to refuse.

In February 2007, a presentation of Nikolai Valuev’s book “My 12 Rounds,” written by him in collaboration with the famous sports journalist Konstantin Osipov, took place in St. Petersburg.

Nikolay Valuev is a master of sports in boxing, a member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature (MANEB), a member of the international university of fundamental learning Oxford Educational Network, PhD in martial arts.

Valuev is the owner of the Order of the Peacemaker, II degree (the order allows the holder to be considered a Citizen of the World), the Order of Peter the Great, I degree, and was awarded the medals “Raising the World with the Heart of Unity,” “Honor and Dignity,” and “Personality of St. Petersburg.”

Valuev is married to Galina Valueva (Dimitrova), has two sons - Grigory (born February 26, 2002) and Sergei (born July 30, 2012).

According to the income and property report, Valuev’s declared annual income for 2012 amounted to 18.642 million rubles.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources