Video: in Veliky Novgorod, a drunk patient beat up female doctors. Fight in a Novgorod hospital - a drunk patient beat a doctor (video) A drunk Novgorod resident beat up doctors in a hospital

Still from video

In Veliky Novgorod, a drunk man, taken to the hospital from a cafe where he received a laceration to his face, beat two female doctors. The attacker was detained and taken to the police station, where he began to swear and hit one of the employees. As a result, a criminal case was opened against him under three articles at once - “Beatings”, “Use of violence against a representative of the authorities” and “Insulting a representative of the authorities”. The incident occurred on the night of February 23.

Video of attack on doctors (with poor sound):

“As a result of the aggressive actions of the patient, 3 people were injured in the hospital emergency room. A nurse with a concussion was hospitalized in the neurosurgery department, a nurse with a fracture of the facial bones was hospitalized in the maxillofacial surgery department, and a security officer received bruises.

The patient “reclassified” as a detainee and, after providing him with medical assistance, left the hospital accompanied by a police squad.”

Department of Health of the Novgorod Region

"After being delivered to the police department for drawing up administrative protocol about the violation of law and order, the attacker uttered obscene insults at the police and hit one of them<...>

In addition to beating employees medical institution, the severity of which has yet to be established based on the results of the appointed examinations, he is now charged with insult and use of violence against government officials (Part 1 of Article 318, Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Criminal cases are combined in one proceeding."

Department of the Investigative Committee for the Novgorod Region

The man is expected to be placed under arrest soon.

How he received the wound in the cafe is not specified.

“The Novgorod District Court granted the investigation’s request to place in custody for 2 months a citizen accused of attacking hospital medical staff and assaulting law enforcement officers in Veliky Novgorod,” Investigative Committee representative Anastasia Sadrieva told TASS.

February 25, 18:01 The media revealed the name of the arrested man - he turned out to be 39-year-old local engineer Alexander Golovin.

Larisa Zh., who was attacked by a patient in the regional hospital of Veliky Novgorod, was operated on and a plate was inserted into her face.

According to the source, the woman suffered a severe skull injury and lost sensation. After the incident, the nurse did not eat anything for three days and was in a state of shock. Currently, Larisa Zh. is under the supervision of doctors after the operation.

Chairman Investigative Committee Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin instructed to immediately initiate the issue of transferring the investigation of the criminal case of an attack by a drunk patient on doctors to the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Novgorod Region.

Let us remind you that it was previously reported that on the night of February 23, an ambulance took a visitor to one of the Novgorod cafes to the hospital. The 1978 man had a facial laceration. He was in a state alcohol intoxication. The drunk patient first attacked the security guard. Then a nurse and an orderly tried to calm the hooligan down, but in response they received serious injuries. The incident was recorded by CCTV cameras. Two criminal cases have been initiated.

The hospital security guard is hit first. He waves it off, but in vain. A nurse and a nurse are trying to reason with an inadequate patient. They ran out of the treatment room to the noise and screams. For a couple of minutes the man seemed to calm down and even raise his hands peacefully, but then he went on the attack again - this time on the doctors.

The bully is a patient at the city hospital. He was brought to the clinic straight from the cafe, where he also managed to distinguish himself. In the cafe, the young man himself received a slap in the face. Yes, such that the help of doctors was required. And in the hospital, it seems, he decided to take out all his anger over the embarrassment on the doctors and the elderly security guard. The man is drunk and almost loses his balance. It is not yet entirely clear who or what provoked the fight. Perhaps some harsh words from the staff, but, in any case, this is not a reason to give up.

Then the brawler was tied up by the outfit. At the police station, the young man continued to use foul language and managed to hit one of the law enforcement officers. The nurse who hit her head against the wall and lost consciousness suffered a fractured skull. The nurse has a concussion. The severity of the injuries inflicted on the guard is not yet known.

“He explained that he was celebrating a holiday in a cafe with his work colleagues. Currently he explains that he was heavily intoxicated and does not remember what was happening,” said the Investigative Committee for the Novgorod Region.

However, alcoholic unconsciousness is not an argument for the criminal code. The detainee faces punishment under two articles at once - “Battery” and “Violence against a representative of the authorities.” Such antics are not uncommon in the country. Doctors were beaten in Saratov, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Ulyanovsk. And each case has dire consequences. The Ministry of Health has long asked legislators to protect doctors. Last year alone, violent patients or their relatives attacked doctors 1,226 times. The Duma should consider amendments to the criminal code in the next six months. If doctors get special status, like the police on duty, then for violence, severe beatings or even just a slap in the face, the brawlers will face a real prison sentence.

In Samara, a drunk young man beat up an 82-year-old emergency doctor who came on call, Interfax reports, citing the press service of the regional Ministry of Health.

The incident occurred on January 16 at the entrance of one of the houses. The young man attacked the doctor and hit him several times. The victim was forced to go to the hospital and is now on sick leave.

What else is known:

The Ministry of Health noted that the 82-year-old doctor has been working at the ambulance station for more than 30 years and goes on duty along with other doctors.

An informed source told Interfax that the police have identified the attacker as a 20-year-old local resident who leads a wandering lifestyle, despite the fact that he has parents.

“At the time of the incident, he was sleeping in the entrance of one of the houses. A woman living in this house thought that a child was lying under the stairs, so she called an ambulance. The doctor tried to wake up the guy, he attacked him with his fists and then ran away,” the interlocutor said. The young man is being sought.

Why is this important:

Emergency doctors in Russia often become victims of attacks by patients. In 2018, President Vladimir Putin ordered to establish liability for those who interfere with the professional activities of doctors.