How to pick sea buckthorn at home. How to peel sea buckthorn berries without cursing everything in the world? Other tools for quickly collecting sea buckthorn

When summer comes to an end it is time to harvest. During this period, sea buckthorn also ripens. Everyone knows about the benefits of the orange berries of the tree, so at the beginning of autumn they make sea buckthorn preparations for the winter - compotes, jams, jellies, preserves, wine, etc. Harvesting this tree is not an easy task, but we will tell you how easy it is to harvest sea buckthorn.

Harvest time

If you decide to make sea buckthorn compote, you can start collecting at the end of August. It is at this time that the fruits contain ascorbic acid, which is beneficial for the body. But early sea buckthorn is not suitable for jam and preserves. You need to wait 2-3 weeks, let it overripe a little so that the berries become soft and easily separate from the stone.

How to easily collect sea buckthorn from branches?

Sea buckthorn juice is quite caustic. It has a bad effect on the skin and makes it dry. If it gets on your clothes, you are unlikely to be able to wash the stain off. That is why before harvesting you need to change into special clothes and also put on gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands. The process of picking berries is very labor-intensive and painstaking. Gardeners have long come up with several ways to make it easier, let’s look at them in more detail:

Sea ​​buckthorn(Hippophaë) is a genus of plants in the Elaeagnaceae family.

The genus Sea Buckthorn includes two species – Sea Buckthorn and Willow Sea Buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is common in the middle and eastern Himalayas, China, India, Bhutan, and Nepal. It does not grow in Russia.

When we say “sea buckthorn,” we mean sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn Description

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. These are shrubs or trees, mostly thorny, up to 3–6 m tall; their leaves are alternate, long and narrow, on the underside grayish-white, silvery or rusty-golden from the star-shaped scales densely covering them.

Unisexual flowers appear before leaves; they are inconspicuous and small.

How to collect sea buckthorn quickly and efficiently

Male flowers are arranged crowdedly in short spike-shaped inflorescences at the base of young shoots; female - one at a time (less often 2-5) in the axil of the covering scale.

The perianth is simple, bifid. In a female flower the receptacle is concave, tubular, in a male flower it is flat; one pistil, with an upper, unilocular, single-seeded ovary, and a bipartite stigma; There are four stamens (very rarely 3). Flowers are pollinated by the wind, less often by insects. The fruit is false (drupe), consisting of a nut covered with an overgrown, fleshy, juicy, smooth and shiny receptacle.

Orange or reddish fruits have a spherical or elongated shape. There are many of them, they are densely located and seem to “stick around” the branches.

Sea buckthorn propagates by seeds and vegetatively.

Sea buckthorn, interesting facts

  • Sea buckthorn was valued as a medicinal plant back in Ancient Greece - it was used to treat warriors and horses.
  • In ancient Greece it was called the “shiny horse” because it was given to emaciated animals and they became shiny. Then this useful plant was forgotten, and only in recent years has sea buckthorn become popular again.
  • Sea buckthorn is perhaps the most useful plant on earth. Its fruits are rich in vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, H, PP, E; sugars, pectins, protein and tannins, organic acids, phytoncides.
  • Sea buckthorn berries contain micro- and macroelements: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus.
  • Sea buckthorn bark contains serotonin - the “happiness hormone”.

Sea buckthorn – when to harvest?

Today, both adults and children know that sea buckthorn is certainly healthy and is a kind of record holder for vitamin C content. But the question of when to harvest sea buckthorn remains an insoluble mystery for many. Both beginners and experienced gardeners cannot always correctly guess the moment when it is best to pick sea buckthorn. And as a result, either unripe berries that have not fully accumulated all the useful substances are removed from the tree, or part of the harvest is lost in attempts to remove frankly overripe sea buckthorn. Today we will talk about when it is right to harvest sea buckthorn.

What time to collect sea buckthorn?

Before you begin the difficult task of harvesting sea buckthorn, you need to clearly define for yourself the purpose for which this harvest is being collected. So, for processing into jam and freezing, berries must be collected at the very beginning of biological ripeness, when they are still as preserved as possible and contain the greatest amount of vitamins. But to extract juice and oil, as well as make jelly, the berries should be kept on the branches for another 10-14 days so that they become juicier and softer. On average, the harvest time for sea buckthorn falls on the following time:

  • early varieties of sea buckthorn should be collected from the second ten days of August until the end;
  • Late varieties of sea buckthorn reach ripeness by the second half of September.

It should be borne in mind that these terms are quite arbitrary, since the time of ripening of sea buckthorn largely depends on both climate and weather conditions.

Therefore, the main signal about its ripeness is changes in appearance: ripe berries acquire a rich color and become a little fuller.

How to properly collect sea buckthorn?

When starting to harvest sea buckthorn, the main thing you should stock up on is patience. and optimism. Without these two components, it is simply not possible to collect small berries from fairly thorny branches.

Making a device for collecting sea buckthorn

But how to approach sea buckthorn? You should start picking berries from top to bottom, moving from the edge of the branch to its base. Since the juice of sea buckthorn berries is quite thick and aggressive, it would be a good idea to take care of additional protection for the skin of your hands. For the same reasons, you need to choose clothes that are comfortable and durable. Although folk craftsmen have come up with a lot of devices and ways to speed up the process of harvesting sea buckthorn, there will still be much less loss with the good old hand picking of the berries. Of course, this process will take a lot of time, but the berries will not choke and will not lose their attractiveness.

Today, both adults and children know that sea buckthorn is certainly a kind of record holder for vitamin C content. But the question of when to harvest sea buckthorn remains an insoluble mystery for many. Both beginners and experienced gardeners cannot always correctly guess the moment when it is best to pick sea buckthorn. And as a result, either unripe berries that have not fully accumulated all the useful substances are removed from the tree, or part of the harvest is lost in attempts to remove frankly overripe sea buckthorn. Today we will talk about when it is right to harvest sea buckthorn.

What time to collect sea buckthorn?

Before you begin the difficult task of harvesting sea buckthorn, you need to clearly define for yourself the purpose for which this harvest is being collected. So, for processing into jam and freezing, berries must be collected at the very beginning of biological ripeness, when they are still as preserved as possible and contain the greatest amount of vitamins. But to extract juice and oil, as well as make jelly, the berries should be kept on the branches for another 10-14 days so that they become juicier and softer. On average, the harvest time for sea buckthorn falls on the following time:

  • early varieties of sea buckthorn should be collected from the second ten days of August until the end;
  • Late varieties of sea buckthorn reach ripeness by the second half of September.

It should be borne in mind that these terms are quite arbitrary, since the time of ripening of sea buckthorn largely depends on both climate and weather conditions. Therefore, the main signal about its ripeness is changes in appearance: ripe berries acquire a rich color and become slightly plumper.

How to properly collect sea buckthorn?

When starting to harvest sea buckthorn, the main thing you should stock up on is patience. and optimism. Without these two components, it is simply not possible to collect small berries from fairly thorny branches. But how to approach sea buckthorn? You should start picking berries from top to bottom, moving from the edge of the branch to its base. Since the juice of sea buckthorn berries is quite thick and aggressive, it would be a good idea to take care of additional protection for the skin of your hands. For the same reasons, you need to choose clothes that are comfortable and durable. Although folk craftsmen have come up with a lot of devices and ways to speed up the process of harvesting sea buckthorn, there will still be much less loss with the good old hand picking of the berries. Of course, this process will take a lot of time, but the berries will not choke and will not lose their attractiveness.

Fruits should be harvested when they have already reached their maturity, namely with the onset of real frost. It is important to know several techniques that will certainly be useful for collecting this healing.

Techniques used to collect sea buckthorn:

  1. Fruits should be collected starting from the very top, gradually moving along it to the trunk. In order to protect yours from contamination, you can throw an unnecessary robe or apron on top, since ripe fruits often burst right in your hands and stain not only the skin, but everything around with splashes.

  2. If sea buckthorn is collected for the purpose of subsequent transportation, then it is better to cut off its blind ears entirely. The result is a short branch that is densely covered with fruits. These branches can be carefully laid on top of each other, and then sorted into boxes. In this form, it is better stored and tolerates transportation than berries that are transported in bulk.

  3. Sea buckthorn berries can be collected using small scissors or a blade.

  4. The fruits can be removed using a special comb for combing.

  5. Among gardeners, a special device in the form of a loop is very widely used, which, as a rule, is made of thick fishing line or thin steel wire and is attached at the base to a wooden handle. Fruits can thus be removed from the most inaccessible places with a slight tug.

  6. The most accurate way to collect sea buckthorn is to collect it using a plastic bag attached to a hollow tin tube. The tube, in this case, is placed under the very base of the leg of the ripe fruit, then the fruit is carefully directed towards the tube with the index finger. Thus, the berries roll down the tube directly into the bag, which, when filled, can be poured out and the picking procedure can begin again.

Using the above methods on how to collect sea buckthorn, you can safely begin to harvest valuable medicinal berries. By correctly collecting and preparing sea buckthorn, you will provide yourself with incredibly tasty, and, most importantly, healthy medicinal raw materials for the whole year, and thereby give yourself the gift of health and your loved ones.

Video on the topic

A large number of people go to the forest to completely relax, left alone with enchanting nature. The aroma of herbs, clean air, the rustle of leaves and the bright rays of the sun breaking through the branches of trees - all this can be enjoyed in the forest, and you can also stock up on berries for the winter. Enjoy the process of picking berries, but be careful, because not all of them are healthy.

You will need

  • - mosquito repellent;
  • - plastic bottle or bucket.


Firstly, you should dress properly for a trip to the forest to pick berries. The uniform should be as follows: long pants or trousers with an elastic band at the bottom, a T-shirt or shirt with long sleeves, a hat that fits tightly to the head (preferably in light shades). Take mosquito repellent with you, it can be a spray, aerosol or cream. If you are highly sensitive to bee or wasp stings, be sure to take an antihistamine with you.

Take a guide with you into the forest who is familiar with the area and will help you go to the berry fields. After all, in the most popular places, it may turn out that someone has already collected the gifts of nature before you. If you decide to go into the forest on your own, be sure to take your cell phone with you, it may happen that you get lost.

In mid-June, aromatic and fragrant strawberries ripen, in July you can harvest a rich harvest of healthy blueberries and wild strawberries, at the end of summer there are lingonberries and blackberries, and in the fall - cranberries. Cloudberries and cranberries grow in swamps. But you should know safe places, because there are swamps and swamps.

When going to the forest, prepare the right dishes for picking berries. For these purposes, a plastic bottle with a cut neck is best suited. Thread a cord through it and hang it around your neck, it is quite light and your hands will be free. A plastic bucket with a lid may also work; it can be used as a chair, because it is more convenient to pick berries while sitting comfortably than bending over on your haunches. Collect forest gifts in a bottle and pour into a bucket.

Be careful when picking berries, because not only healthy and edible ones grow in the forest, but also poisonous ones. A plant with a black berry at the end of the stem is a crow's eye. It has especially poisonous fruits and roots; they contain the substance parastifin, which is dangerous not only for humans, but also for cattle.

The fruits of honeysuckle are dark red in color and sit in pairs on the branches of the bush. At first it may seem like you've found a lucky find, but don't rush to collect them - they are inedible. Most often, honeysuckle is planted by summer residents and gardeners as a hedge. You should also be familiar with swamp whitewing berries. They are red fruits that are collected on the cob.

In the second half of summer, closer to autumn, all gardeners begin to harvest crops and berries. They go into preserves, compotes, jams, jellies, just for freezing or for sale. How nice it is to take a handful of fresh berries out of the freezer in the harsh winter and remember summer. In addition, it is a good supply of vitamins. It is especially good to eat frozen berries in the spring, when vitamin deficiency begins.

This small shrub with yellow berries is famous for its beneficial properties. Its fruits contain a huge amount of biologically active components and vitamins. Sea buckthorn is used to make oil, make jam, and squeeze out juice. To preserve maximum beneficial properties, some housewives prefer to freeze fresh fruits. Sea buckthorn harvesting begins with the onset of the first frost. This must be done immediately, because gradually the berries become softer and are easy to crush in your hands.

When to collect sea buckthorn in the middle zone

Ripe sea buckthorn fruits have a rich orange color and are densely planted on the branches. In the middle zone, the shrub begins to ripen in the summer, at the end of August. Before picking ripe berries, you need to decide on the purpose of this process. Think about what you will use them for. The time when you start collecting them will depend on the method of using sea buckthorn berries.

If you intend to eat fresh berries or make compotes and jam from them, you need to pick them at the beginning of ripening - late August or the first days of September. During this period, sea buckthorn is filled with ascorbic acid and has a thick skin, which prevents damage during harvesting. To make marmalade, jam or butter, wait until mid-autumn, then the sea buckthorn will fill with juice and become softer.

How to properly collect and store sea buckthorn

Collecting sea buckthorn should begin from the top of the bush, gradually going down. Ripe fruits burst easily in your hands, splashing juice. To prevent your clothes from getting dirty, wear an apron or old clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. It is better to wear gloves on your hands - this will protect them from sea buckthorn thorns, which can leave numerous abrasions and wounds.

How to collect sea buckthorn:

  • Experienced gardeners use a special homemade device for harvesting, similar to a loop made of thin wire or rope. This loop is attached to the base of the branch and, with the help of a quick sharp movement of the hands, cuts off all the berries. Before using the loop, place a large container underneath where the sea buckthorn will fall. This collection method is especially convenient when berry clusters grow in a dense frame of branches and thorns.
  • A blade, knife, or small scissors are often used for harvesting. With their help, it is easy to cut ripe sea buckthorn, but this method requires significant time and labor.

  • Inventive summer residents use a comb to comb berries from bushes. However, this is not a very neat way of collecting. Thus, sea buckthorn fruits can be crushed under rough ridges.
  • Using a tin tube and a plastic bag, you can carefully remove all the berries from the tree without damaging them. The tube is attached to the bag, after which it is brought to the base of the berry, directed into the tube with a finger, and the sea buckthorn rolls down it, ending up in a bag.
  • The traditional method involves harvesting in late autumn or winter (at the onset of the first frost). A large blanket or piece of cellophane is spread under the bush, a strong stick is taken, and with the help of light frequent blows on the trunk and branches of the sea buckthorn, all the berries are shaken off. When the fruits fall, they are poured from the blanket into boxes or other storage containers.
  • What is the easiest way to collect sea buckthorn? If you want to transport the harvested crop from your dacha home, it is better to cut off whole branches with berries from the bush and place them in small boxes. This safe collection method will allow you to preserve the integrity of the sea buckthorn and transport it to your destination with less losses than if you had to transport ripe berries removed from the stalks.

Sea buckthorn storage conditions require the use of dark glass containers with a sealed lid. Containers should be kept in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator. You can freeze the fruits of the plant. To do this, wash the sea buckthorn, dry it and place it in the freezer in one layer. After freezing, pack the fruits in vacuum bags or containers and put them in the freezer. Sea buckthorn is dried at temperatures up to 60 degrees. To do this, the berries are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven, heated to the desired temperature.

Methods and devices for collecting sea buckthorn - video

For gardeners new to harvesting, the job may seem daunting. Short stalks and dense growths of thorns will become a serious test for unskilled hands. The thorns hurt the skin painfully, and the juice of the tender, easily bursting berries, penetrating into the wounds, stings unpleasantly and leaves irritation. Because the fruits grow on sea buckthorn branches in large clumps, picking each one individually can be a multi-day slog. Experienced gardeners use faster and less painful methods for this.

How to pick berries with a loop device

There are a huge number of different devices designed for collecting sea buckthorn. They are necessary to simplify and speed up the process. Gardeners often use simple combs with which they “comb” sea buckthorn into a prepared bag or sack, but more often they use a “cobra”. This tool is a thin steel wire attached to a wooden stick. By watching the YouTube video below, you will learn how to collect sea buckthorn using such a loop.

A quick way to pick ripe fruits using tongs

For those who have a lot of patience, the harvesting method using tongs is suitable, see the video below for more details. The advantage of this method is its accuracy in relation to the tree, which remains unharmed, and the berries, which do not lose their integrity. Manual work that is gentle on the bush has a positive effect on the volume of crop that will grow on the tree by next year. This method is used by gardeners who have few sea buckthorn bushes on their plot.

Harvesting sea buckthorn, cutting branches with berries

Harvesting sea buckthorn is difficult; the tree reliably protects its harvest from those who want to feast on it. The branches of the bush are covered with sharp thorns, and the berries themselves are located under numerous branches, firmly attached to the stalks. The tenderness of the skin of sea buckthorn fruits complicates the work. This determines the desire of summer residents to protect themselves and the harvest during harvesting. They often trim the berries along with the branches using pruning shears or large scissors. From the video below you will learn how to do this correctly.