Where is the arrest? The press card is like a stone around your neck. What types of arrest are there?

Tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) "Terminator" - a completely new type military equipment: The vehicle is neither a tank nor an armored personnel carrier. This technique is primarily intended to cover tanks in urban combat; its task is to timely detect and destroy grenade launcher crews, pillboxes, enemy armored vehicles, as well as low-flying targets.

Despite positive reviews of the Terminator, this vehicle has not yet entered service. Russian army. Now it has appeared in Syria, where, apparently, it is undergoing combat testing.

Photos of BMPTs in Syria in so-called desert camouflage have appeared on the Internet. First, “Terminator” was demonstrated to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who flew to the Russian Khmeimim airbase to meet with the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov.

This is the BMPT object 199 “Frame,” explains military expert Viktor Murakhovsky, “the weapons module itself was slightly altered, protection against ATGMs was installed, and the fire control system remained the same. This car is also called “Terminator-1”, where the crew is five people.

According to some reports, several Terminators were transferred by the Russian side to the elite Syrian Desert Falcons unit. In July, they led an offensive against a militant enclave in Hama province. This is a very convenient opportunity to test the very concept of combat use of the vehicle.

The main task of the BMPT is to identify and hit targets that pose a threat to tanks. These are crews armed with anti-tank systems, grenade launchers, fortified positions such as pillboxes and bunkers. The vehicle also has the ability to hit tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as helicopters and low-flying low-speed aircraft on the move and from the spot.

The idea of ​​​​creating such a machine was in the air during the Afghan war. Then it became clear that the most dangerous enemies for tanks are not the tanks opposing them, but grenade launchers firing from cover, as well as ATGM crews. The reason is that the crews did not have time to react to ATGMs or RPGs suddenly appearing in front of them and could not prevent this threat without having rapid-fire weapons capable of quickly reorienting from one object to another.

Infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers, although they have similar weapons, are not capable of operating next to tanks, since their armor is insufficient. Therefore, the military demanded that the developers create an armored vehicle capable of supporting tanks in battle, providing their cover, destroying tank-dangerous enemy personnel, thereby taking on even some of the functions of the infantry. It must be equipped with rapid-fire weapons with the ability to quickly reorient from one target to another. But at the same time, accompany the tanks in the same formation with them and have armor corresponding to their level.

At the end of the 80s, the design bureau of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was appointed as the lead contractor for work on the BMPT topic. The main requirement for the vehicle was powerful armament with a large elevation angle, as well as a good level of hull protection, which would not be inferior to that of a tank. Several versions of the vehicles were manufactured on a modified T-72A tank chassis.

In the first version, two 30-mm 2A72 cannons and coaxial 7.62-mm PKT machine guns were installed on the sides of the turret; six unguided anti-tank missiles were placed on each side. Two 12.7 mm NSVT machine guns were installed behind the turret. The vehicle was equipped with the Kontakt-1 mounted dynamic protection system and side screens. Because of such powerful weapons, the crew was large - up to seven people.

The second option - with a double turret - included a 100-mm gun - launcher (OPU 2A70) with 50 rounds of ammunition. A 30-mm 2A72 cannon with two ammunition supplies and a 40-mm automatic anti-personnel grenade launcher were housed in a single block with the control launcher. In addition to the main armament, an autonomous stabilized machine gun mount with a PKT machine gun was installed in the turret.

Unfortunately, with the onset of the 90s, the project went on the shelf. They began to study it seriously again after the first Chechen campaign. Then, after analyzing the large losses of tanks during urban battles, it was decided to resume the creation of a vehicle capable of destroying targets that the tank could not quickly hit due to the low rate of fire. Now the project has been taken over by OJSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil. The engineers did not use the developments of their predecessors, but decided to create a new project - object 199 “Frame”.

So what is The Terminator? The serial chassis of the T-90 tank is equipped with a twin block of two automatic 30-mm 2A42 cannons with an ammunition capacity of 850 rounds, 4 launchers of Shturm-S guided anti-tank missiles with cumulative or thermobaric warheads, a Kord machine gun and 2 automatic 30-mm grenade launcher AG-17D. The vehicle is capable of overcoming ditches up to 3 meters and walls of 1.5 meters. It can equally easily “reach” a tank or a long-term enemy firing point at a distance of up to 5 thousand meters. The Terminator is equipped with a modern automated fire control system (FCS) "Frame", which has great capabilities for detecting targets at night and in bad weather at a distance of up to several kilometers. It includes a digital ballistic computer, a set of automatic sensors that constantly monitor firing conditions, and a target tracking machine. The OMS allows the commander to exchange operational data with the crew, as well as with other vehicles of the unit.

The vehicle commander has a panoramic surveillance device with variable zoom, which includes optical and thermal imaging channels, a laser range finder; if necessary, it is possible to connect the television image from the gunner’s sight to his own display. Along the perimeter of the commander's hatch there are five TNPO-260 periscope surveillance devices, which allows the commander to have a 360° field of view.

The gunner-operator has a sighting system stabilized in two planes, with 4- and 12-fold magnification, a laser rangefinder, and a missile guidance channel. Thanks to the built-in target tracking equipment based on the Sosna-U sight, the gunner only needs to find the target, and then the fire control system operates according to the well-known “fire and forget” principle, which means that he can immediately transfer his attention to other targets. The onboard gunners of the grenade launchers use day/night sights stabilized in the vertical plane and an electro-optical converter with a 7.5-fold magnification.

In 2006, the BMPT completed state tests and was recommended for mass production, which was to begin in 2010. For testing, two copies of the BMPT were built, one of which was tested by real shelling, mine explosions and land mines, proving high survivability. In anticipation of a government order, the first three serial buildings were laid down at Uralvagonzavod, but by decision of the then Minister of Defense Serdyukov, the program was closed. Several machines were delivered to Kazakhstan, where they are now being successfully operated.

With the arrival of Sergei Shoigu, the project was revived again, but the car required modifications. First of all, the manufacturer in the new project, which was called BMPT-72, or “Terminator-2,” took into account the experience gained during testing of the previous vehicle. This made it possible to update the design, composition of weapons and equipment. The main difference between the car and its predecessor is the base chassis.

Terminator 2 is based on the hull and chassis of the T-72 tank. The crew was reduced to three people: only the driver, commander and gunner-weapons operator remained. Grenade launchers were removed from the weapon system, which simplified the work on re-equipping the finished tank chassis. In addition, the removal of grenade launchers from the crew made it possible to reduce the number of people in the vehicle to a “tank” level. All BMPT-72 weapons are mounted on the turret.

Now representatives of Uralvagonzavod say that work is underway to create Terminator-3 based on the Armata platform. It is planned to install a 57-mm naval cannon with a range of 16 km. “The militants have nothing to do against such a machine. Yes, they are expensive, but how effective they are! Therefore, we believe that there are prospects,” said the corporation’s general director Alexander Potapov.

Military expert Anton Lavrov believes that the Terminator-3 BMPT concept with powerful weapons has good prospects.

Now the nature of the fighting has changed; in Syria, for example, we see that the main threat to tanks is guided missiles. The BMPT was initially developed for conditions where the enemy is armed with light anti-tank weapons - grenade launchers. And at the long ranges at which an anti-tank missile is used, the old Terminator is not as effective as in short-to-medium range combat. Development based on "Armata" is much more effective option, since powerful weapons allow you to shoot at a greater range. Such an BMPT will be in great demand.

One of the significant obstacles to real estate transactions is the seizure imposed on it. A seizure of an apartment or other piece of real estate is a prohibition to make any transactions with it, both paid and gratuitous. Seizure of real estate is imposed exclusively by a court decision or as part of enforcement proceedings.

Seizure of an apartment - possible reasons

This measure is applied if the property owner has a significant debt, for example, caused by a delay in repaying a loan. An apartment or other type of real estate may be seized at the initiative of the bank that issued credit funds for the purchase of this property on a mortgage, if the debtor has stopped paying the mortgage.

Seizure of property may be imposed if real estate is the subject of a dispute. Often an apartment is seized if the heirs dispute the rights to it or cannot come to an agreement on its fair division. If real estate has become the subject of collateral, for example, in a pawnshop, then it is also seized until the debtor fulfills his obligations.

In relation to debt obligations, the apartment is seized only when the amount of the debt is close to the cost of the apartment. If the debt is significantly less, the court refuses to seize the debt.

Consequences of seizure

The arrest creates a burden that does not allow the owner to dispose of the seized apartment at his own discretion:

  • sell;
  • make an exchange;
  • lay;
  • rent out;
  • bequeath;
  • give.

How to find out if an apartment has been seized

The question of whether an apartment is under arrest is especially relevant for those who are planning to buy real estate. How to check an apartment for encumbrances?

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How to get a residence permit

When making a decision to arrest, the court must notify Rosreestr (UFRS) about this. This information, which is of an official nature, takes the form of a special mark in the database of the arrested object. The fact of arrest is recorded in the register.

If a potential buyer of an object orders an extract from Rosreestr (regular or extended), then from it he can easily find out about the arrest. Absolutely any person has the right to receive this extract.

You can also find out about the arrest from the open database of enforcement proceedings. Please note that seizure may not be imposed on the entire object as a whole, but on shared ownership in the apartment, if the debtor owns only this share.

Facts preventing seizure

It is not possible to seize an apartment if it is the only housing available to the debtor (defendant). However, this rule does not apply if the apartment is the subject of collateral for a loan. According to the justified demands of the bank issuing the loan, the apartment may well be arrested with its subsequent sale.

How to lift a lien on real estate

The grounds for lifting the arrest are the fulfillment of obligations in the proper amount or the resolution of a dispute regarding the seized property.

As soon as the issue that provoked the seizure is resolved by the court (bailiffs), the defendant (debtor), who is the owner of the apartment or its share, is obliged to write a corresponding application to lift the seizure.

Satisfaction of this application serves as the basis for removing the arrest mark at the Federal Registration Service.

What to do if you find out about the arrest after signing the purchase and sale agreement

It happens that the buyer learns about the fact of seizure of the apartment after signing the contract, that is, when the transaction for the acquisition of, as it turns out, the seized apartment is put into effect.

You should not panic in this situation, nor should you terminate the deal immediately. First, evaluate the reasons for the seizure. It is quite possible that they are no longer there, and the arrest was not lifted for purely formal reasons. For example, the owner, out of ignorance, simply did not write the appropriate application for the removal of the specified encumbrance, believing that this would happen automatically.

The beaten official has no claims against him Andrei VDOVIN @av_esq

Footballer Pavel Mamaev, who last week vigorously celebrated ten years of friendship with Alexander Kokorin, may soon be released. On Tuesday, the Krasnodar midfielder had a confrontation with the victims, and it turned out that one of them - official Denis Pak - had no special claims against Mamaev.

Football players Kokorin and Mamaev beat an official in "Coffeemania". Source: Breaking Mash

“It was revealed that my client was not involved in the episode with Denis Pak and did not commit any illegal actions towards him. There were no statements that there was a beating or any insults on Mamaev’s part,” Sport-Express quoted Mamaev’s lawyer Igor Bushmanov as saying.

Video: Kokorin and Mamaev beat the driver of Channel One TV presenter. The cameras clearly show three men striking the victim with strong blows to the head.

This suggests, first of all, that Pavel Mamaev cannot be charged for the episode of his adventures in “Coffeemania”. It was there that official Denis Pak got the chair. Thus, Mamaev should not be charged under the article “hooliganism”. And Mamaev will only be responsible for beating the driver of the Channel One presenter. But there the case was opened under the article “beatings”, and it does not imply detention.

Denis Pak. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin TASS

Let us recall that Mamaev’s lawyers had previously filed an appeal with a request to place the football player under mild house arrest. This measure implies that the football player will be able to go to training and participate in matches, but he is prohibited from attending entertainment events, and by the appointed time he must be at home and spend the night there. The court will consider the appeal on October 19. And if Mamaev’s charges under the article “hooliganism” are indeed dropped, he will be able to leave Butyrka on Friday.

It’s more difficult with another episode. Judging by the video, Pavel Mamaev, before ending up in “Coffeemania,” actually actively beat the driver. Lawyers say that during the confrontation, the football player assured that he was ready to compensate all losses to the victim. If the proposal is accepted, then most likely the footballer will face a light punishment. Usually in such cases the case is limited to a maximum suspended sentence.

Kokorin beat an official with a chairPhoto: Mikhail FROLOV

But even if Mamaev leaves prison so soon, he will face huge problems at work. As lawyer Igor Bushmanov previously stated, the football player gave his international passport to investigators to prove that he was not going to hide from justice anywhere. But this could harm his relationship with the Krasnodar football club. As you know, Krasnodar no longer wants to keep the scandalous footballer on the team, whose salary, according to various estimates, ranges from 1.4 to 2 million euros per year. But terminating a contract without compensation to a player is not easy, even if he does push-ups in a cell instead of training. However, if Pavel does not show up for one of the team’s matches, it will be a completely different matter!


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It seems that lately Federal service Execution of Punishments (FSIN) set out to assemble a real national football team. Yes, one with whom it is not a shame (in sports terms) to appear at a real World Championship. Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev are already in pre-trial detention center


Kokorin and Mamaev in Butyrka prison: how the football players who started a fight with an official are sitting

Kokorin conveys gratitude from the pre-trial detention center to Ramzan Kadyrov

Latest news from the pre-trial detention center where disgraced football players are kept: messages from outside reach the quarantine chamber.

Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin have been in custody for the third day. Human rights activists from the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission inspected pre-trial detention center 2 and visited the football players. The executive secretary of the commission, Ivan Melnikov, told KP that they are still in quarantine. In double cells. Kokorin's brother Kirill is there. True, now a one-way means of communication has appeared - television. ()

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Pavel Mamaev may be released from prison on Friday

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02/20/2019 , Sashka Bukashka

Seizure of property is a restriction on the owner's ability to dispose of it. This is usually a measure used in the forced collection of tax debts. Let us tell you in more detail what seizure of property is and how to check whether housing is under an encumbrance?

It often happens that people cannot (or do not want) to pay their debts. One borrowed a tidy sum for business development, but the business went bankrupt. Another bought a bunch of expensive things on credit and is now barely making ends meet. And the third one has not worked for a year and does not pay his ex-wife. And in such cases, many people have a question: will their housing be seized for debts? Let's try to figure out when you should really fear for your property.

What is it

Seizure of the debtor's property includes a prohibition to dispose of this property. And if necessary - restriction of the right to use property or its seizure. In relation to housing, this means imposing a ban on carrying out any actions with real estate. An apartment that is under arrest cannot:

  • exchange;
  • sell;
  • give;
  • lay;
  • rent out, etc.

In this case, the owner, as a rule, can use his apartment, that is, live in it. The exception is situations when the bailiff imposes an arrest for the purpose of foreclosure on the debtor's property. In this case, the debtor may be required to vacate the property, and the apartment itself is put up for auction.

In addition to punishing debtors, property is seized in criminal proceedings. In this case, the arrest is imposed on the property of the suspect or accused.

Please note that seizure can only be imposed on residential premises that are owned. If your rights are violated - .

When can housing be seized?

For example, before retiring, Anna Aristarkhovna made good repairs in her apartment, bought expensive furniture and planned to live a well-deserved retirement for her own pleasure. But the joy was short-lived - her upstairs neighbor Stepan Prikhodko went to work and forgot to turn off the hot water. The amount of damage caused to Anna Aristarkhovna’s property amounted to almost a million rubles. Prikhodko refused to pay, and the pensioner was forced to. And yesterday she learned from neighbors that Stepan was urgently selling his home and was going to leave the city. Now Anna Aristarkhovna is preparing an application to the court to seize Prikhodko’s apartment as a measure to secure her claim, otherwise she risks not receiving her money.

Or another example. Semyon Pupyrkin has not paid alimony to his ex-wife for two years - since he was kicked out of work for drinking, he still hasn’t paid. He has no property, only a Khrushchev apartment with his mother. Recently they decided to sell their home in the city and move to live in the countryside. But at the MFC, Semyon was taken aback: it turns out that the bailiffs have seized a share of the apartment for non-payment of alimony, and now he will not be able to sell his half until he pays off the debt.

What property cannot be seized

According to Art. 79 Federal Law No. 229 dated October 2, 2007 “On enforcement proceedings", you can impose a penalty on any property, except for that with which such actions are prohibited. So what property is not subject to seizure by bailiffs?

This question can be answered by Art. 446 Code of Civil Procedure. According to it, it is impossible to seize the debtor’s only home, as well as the land on which it is located. The only dwelling is defined as a dwelling or part thereof that is the only one suitable for living. In this regard, the question arises: if an arrest has already been imposed, can it be considered illegal? Alas, there is no specific answer in the legislation, but judicial practice quite controversial. Often arrest is considered as an independent measure of compulsory execution, which is not a penalty and does not lead to this. Therefore, in this case, the seizure of housing is legal.

How to remove a lien from an apartment

The encumbrance will be removed from the residential premises only after the grounds for its imposition have been eliminated. Therefore, it is first important to determine the reason for the seizure of the apartment. For example, if it was imposed for mortgage debts, therefore, the removal of the housing encumbrance will occur when its owner pays the debt to the bank. And if the housing is seized by a court decision as a measure to secure a claim, then the measures taken will remain in place until the court decision enters into legal force. In some cases, the judge may, at the same time as making the decision, issue a ruling on the cancellation of interim measures. If the claim is satisfied, the measures taken to ensure it remain in effect until the court decision is executed.

According to the law, only the body that imposed it, that is, the court or the bailiff service, has the right to lift the arrest. Therefore, when the reason for which the restriction was imposed is resolved, the property owner must apply to the same court (or the same FSPP department) that made the corresponding decision.

After the ban is lifted, a decision on this must be submitted to the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs in order to enter information about the removal of the encumbrance from the apartment.