Alexey Kalitin was detained. The supplier handed over the chief of food, the logistics department and the antimonopoly officer of the Ministry of Defense. New thefts in Shoigu’s empire: who, where, when

The Moscow District Military Court arrested the head of one of the departments of the Department of Competition Procedures of the Ministry of Defense, Yuri Reshetnikov, in a case of a large bribe. According to Kommersant, he heads a division that performs antimonopoly functions within the department.

According to journalists, Yuri Reshetnikov was taken to a pre-trial detention center directly from the hospital, where he had previously undergone surgery. The arrest warrant was issued after receiving testimony from another military official who made a deal with the investigation.

According to investigators, acting as part of an organized criminal group, which included the head of the food department of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Berezhnoy, his subordinates Alexander Vakulin and Alexey Grinyuk, the chairman of the auction commission of the military department Alexander Boruvkov and “unidentified persons”, Yuri Reshetnikov, limiting competition, contributed to commercial organizations, controlled by entrepreneur Alexey Kalitin and his partners, in concluding government contracts with the Ministry of Defense. For his services, according to investigators, Reshetnikov received several tens of millions of rubles. It should be noted that initially in the materials of the criminal case it was said that in total the businessmen handed over 368 million rubles to military officials. Then the amount was reduced to 350 million rubles, however, according to some reports, now the investigation is again considering the possibility of increasing the amount of kickbacks.

During the searches, according to the investigation, a large sum of money was confiscated from Yuri Reshetnikov, possibly received as bribes. In turn, representatives of the defendant’s defense told Kommersant that about 2 million rubles, 60 thousand dollars and 60 thousand euros were seized from the safe deposit box of the official’s wife. The defense has already demanded the return of the money, since the woman rented the cell several years before marriage, and she herself, being individual entrepreneur, earned three times more per month than her husband. In addition, the funds of Mr. Reshetnikov’s father-in-law, a major businessman from Ryazan, were kept there.

According to Kommersant, Yuri Reshetnikov was considered a very promising employee of the military department, who was predicted to have a great career. He graduated with honors from the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, and then received a second education, becoming a certified lawyer and economist. In the summer of 2016, he, among representatives of the Ministry of Defense, took part in the large-scale conference “State Defense Order: United information system and financial monitoring." Speaking at it, Yuri Reshetnikov, in particular, spoke on the topic of import substitution in the state defense order.

Reshetnikov's defense appeal against arrest was rejected by the Moscow District Military Court.

A military official faces up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to 70 times the amount of the bribe.

The head of the Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 44-year-old Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Berezhnoy, was taken into custody. He is charged with bribery and fraud. Both on a particularly large scale. Thanks to the efforts of the media, what is happening will probably go down in history as“the case of a record bribe.”

Colonel Berezhnoy was detained shortly after the arrest of his subordinate and longtime friend - the head of the technical support department of the Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense, 46-year-old Colonel Alexander Viktorovich Vakulin.
Testimonies against military service officials were given by businessmen whom, according to investigators, the officers helped to get paid“kickbacks” lucrative contracts.

The head of the food service is charged with the same crimes as Mr. Vakulin: fraudulent theft of about 20 million rubles. (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) during the execution of a contract by the St. Petersburg company Profbusiness for the supply of various “food” special equipment, as well as receiving bribes for RUB 368 million (Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) from various businessmen for providing them with general patronage and assistance with new contracts. However, it is possible that during the investigation, employees of the GVSU ICR may impute other criminal episodes.

Berezhnoy, like Vakulin, appealed his arrest, which was sanctioned by the 235th Garrison Court of Moscow in a higher instance - the Moscow District Military Court (MOVS). Lawyers for a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Defense asked to change the preventive measure for Colonel Berezhny to house arrest or bail. His impeccable biography, positive reviews and state awards were noted, where among the many departmental medals there is a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. However, the MOVS court left the preventive measure the same, considering that the incriminated articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation relate to grave and especially grave crimes. It was also noted that, as in the case of Alexander Vakulin, the commission of crimes was confirmed “ successive testimony of the person interrogated as a suspect and then the accused" a businessman who described in detail " role and specific actions» officers. Therefore, Colonel Berezhnoy will celebrate his 45th birthday, which will be next Saturday, in a pretrial detention cell.

According to Kommersant’s sources, the investigation into the high-profile criminal case was based on an operation carried out by the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg with the support of the police back in the spring of this year. Then data appeared about multimillion-dollar thefts that were committed within the framework of contract No. 99/EA/2015/DGZ/3, concluded between the Ministry of Defense and St. Petersburg Profbusiness LLC back in the winter of 2015. It was a question of supplies by the end of the year for the needs of the military department of several dozen automobile tanks, trailer kitchens, mobile bakeries, etc.“food” special equipment totaling almost 685 million rubles.
This agreement and 11 more contracts totaling 2.2 billion rubles, concluded with the Ministry of Defense by Profbiznes, as well as TD Spetstekhmash LLC and TD Stillag LLC, became the subject of investigation by the St. Petersburg department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which discovered “ cartel agreement." During the inspection, the Federal Antimonopoly Service established relationships between the founders and general directors companies. " Organizations participated in the auction from one IP address; the companies indicated one number as a contact phone number on the electronic trading platform. It was also established that the companies jointly implemented obligations under the concluded contracts“- said the antimonopoly department in a message.
Contract No. 99/EA/2015/DGZ/3 became the subject of a criminal investigation. As detectives established, about 20 million rubles were stolen during his execution. “by supplying machines of inadequate quality.” Searches as part of this case were carried out both in the northern capital and in other regions. On March 30, in St. Petersburg, investigators of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case of fraud, within the framework of which several people were detained, including one of the leaders of Profbusiness, Alexey Vyacheslavovich Kalitin.

One of the previously detained defendants in the case, while still a suspect, began to give detailed testimony about “the role and specific actions of Alexander Vakulin in concluding and executing government contracts and receiving monetary rewards for this" In summer The materials were sent to Moscow to the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and operatives from the FSB’s military counterintelligence department became involved in the case. In addition, the Ministry of Defense provided active assistance in exposing corruption schemes.
Businessmen, including Mr. Kalitin, were also transferred to Moscow, where preventive measures were again chosen for them in the Khamovnichesky District Court, and a criminal case was opened against the Colonel of the Ministry of Defense for bribery. The MOVS material, published on its official website, states that the GVSU ICR accuses the colonel of receiving 368 million rubles. both for assistance in concluding profitable contracts and for providing “ general patronage"to the businessmen who paid him.

The operational investigative group is led by one of the best investigators in Russia - senior investigator for particularly important cases of the 3rd investigative department of the GVSU ICRVitaly Danilov, just recently awarded the Order of Honor.

Before his arrest, Colonel Vakulin was considered a promising officer, doing very successful career. He recently transferred to Moscow, and before that he served in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. He traveled around the country more than once with various inspections and even lectures on issues of logistics support for troops. For example, at the end of 2015, Colonel Vakulin visited the Volsky Military Institute of Material Support, where he gave a course of lectures regarding the pressing problems of providing food for military personnel, the features of outsourcing services in military units, and at the same time spoke about trailer kitchens, the contract for the supply of which was just then and was fulfilled.

(Colonel Vakulin gives a lecture)

It should be noted that Colonel Berezhnoy, by virtue of his position, was a much more media figure. He regularly gave interviews to various newspapers and news agencies, talking about how the professional skills competition for military cooks “Field Kitchen” was held, the arrangement of canteens, etc. A separate topic of his speeches was the organization of meals for conscripts who are sent to their place of service. In particular, last fall, Colonel Berezhnoy told reporters that trains with recruits who would be on the road for more than three days would have dining cars attached to them to feed future soldiers.
His last“coming out” happened on June 7: the head of the Food Department of the Moscow Region led the competition“Field Kitchen” (as part of the All-Russian stage of the competition"Army Reserve-2017") at the Volsk Military Institute of Material Support. Berezhny was accompanied by the head of the nutrition and bakery department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Igor Sergeevich Maslyuchenko.

(the loaf in the photo is held by the head of VVIMO, Major General Sergei Grigoryevich Rikhel; Colonel Berezhnoy is on his right hand)

Alexander Ivanovich Berezhnoy— a native of the village of Storozhevoy, Zelenchuk district, Stavropol Territory. In 1993, he graduated from the Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics (nowVolsky Military Institute of Material Support), in 2000 he graduated from the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport (now the Military Academy of Materials and technical support named after A.V. Khrulev). He began his service as head of the food service of a self-propelled artillery regiment. Then he moved from region to region, rising through the ranks, passing through the North Caucasus and Far Eastern military districts, as well as the positions of head of the food service of the Baltic and Pacific fleets. According to some reports, it was in the Baltic Fleet that Alexander Berezhnoy once served together with Alexander Vakulin. Since 2012, Berezhnoy has held senior positions in the Department of Resource Support of the Ministry of Defense, and a little later became the head of the industrial department in the same unit. Then he moved to the logistics headquarters, and since 2016 he has been listed as the head of a separate Food Department within the Ministry of Defense.

Previously arrested businessman from St. Petersburg, Alexei Kalitin, played a major role in exposing a group of Defense Ministry officials - the Investigative Committee accused them of receiving bribes worth 368 million rubles. According to investigators, it was Kalitin who, through an intermediary, transferred money to the military in exchange for patronage and contracts. Kommersant reported this last Saturday, citing its own sources.

As it turned out, the entrepreneur entered into a pre-trial agreement with the military prosecutor’s office, within the framework of which he testified against corrupt employees of the Ministry of Defense associated with him. His testimony was then confirmed by an intermediary. One of the officers, having ended up in a pre-trial detention center, also began to cooperate with the Investigative Committee.

Alexey Kalitin is one of the managers of the Profbusiness company and a number of associated LLCs. In March last year, based on police materials, investigators of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg opened a criminal case against him. The interest of the operatives was attracted by the contract concluded between the structures of Kalitin and the Ministry of Defense in 2015. It was about the supply of special equipment for the food department of the military department for almost 700 million rubles. Doubts were raised both by the transaction itself, in which the antimonopoly service saw signs of a cartel conspiracy, and by the execution of the agreement, within the framework of which, as investigators believed, over 20 million rubles were stolen from the budget.

Cooperation with the investigation

In April last year, Kalitin was arrested on charges of especially large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the publication's sources, almost immediately after this he began to testify against his accomplices from the Ministry of Defense, who allegedly provided him with lucrative contracts. After this, Alexey Kalitin was transferred to house arrest, but soon the court placed him in custody again, and he himself was charged with a new charge - of giving a particularly large bribe (Part 5 of Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The article provides for up to 15 years of imprisonment, but has a note - the accused is exempt from liability if he actively contributed to the detection and investigation of the crime or himself reported the fact of corruption.

Arrests in the Ministry of Defense

Subsequently, Kalitin fully admitted his guilt, and also entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the Main Military Prosecutor's Office. This happened after secret service operatives made a number of arrests based on information received from him. First, the head of the food department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Alexander Berezhny, and two of his subordinates were detained - the head of the technical support department, Colonel Alexander Vakulin, and the chief expert of the department, Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Grinyuk. Then the head of the auction commission of the military department, civil servant Alexander Boruvkov, was detained. According to the publication, he also cooperated with the investigation, testifying against his long-time comrade and colleague - the head of the department of competitive procedures for state orders of the public procurement department of the Ministry of Defense, Yuri Reshetnikov. In addition, a certain businessman, an intermediary between Kalitin’s structures and the military, was also arrested.

In a high-profile case of corruption in the Ministry of Defense, another person was detained - the head of the department for ensuring state defense orders of the military department, Alexey Grinyuk. Previously, the head of the technical support department of the food department of the ministry was arrested one after another for accepting bribes in the amount of 368 million rubles during tenders. Alexander Vakulin and the head of the department itself Alexander Berezhnoy. Officials of this level have never been brought to justice since Sergei Shoigu became Minister of Defense. As the agency noted "Ruspres", the prisoners are united by the fact that they can all give incriminating evidence against both Shoigu himself and his deputy Timur Ivanov .

As for Alexey Grinyuk, he is accused by the Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of committing crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud on an especially large scale and receiving an especially large bribe. Unlike his alleged accomplices, Colonels Berezhny and Vakulin, Mr. Grinyuk is a civilian specialist in the military department.

A source close to the investigation said that after his arrest by the 235th Garrison Military Court, Mr. Grinyuk admitted guilt and began to actively cooperate with the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. However, he did not receive any benefits for this. In this regard, representatives of his defense appealed a number of decisions of the investigator and the courts. In particular, they, through the same 235th court, are seeking permission from the investigation for a meeting between the accused Grinyuk and his son.

Let us remind you that Berezhny and Vakulin are charged with multimillion-dollar thefts, which, according to investigators, they committed together with one of the managers of the Profbusiness company. Alexey Kalitin as part of the execution of a 2015 contract for the supply of several dozen automobile tanks, trailer kitchens, mobile bakeries and other “food” special equipment to the military department for a total amount of almost 685 million rubles. On the part of the Ministry of Defense, Alexey Grinyuk was responsible for preparing the agreement. He also participated in the conclusion of a dozen other contracts, for which, according to investigators, officers and a civilian specialist received a kickback of 368 million rubles.

As follows from the documents, the criminal case, which led to the arrest of three officials of the Ministry of Defense, was initiated on March 30 this year on the fact of theft of funds from the Russian Ministry of Defense during the sale of government contract for the supply of special equipment. Less than a month later, the first suspects appeared, including Mr. Kalitin, who was initially taken into custody by the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court, and was sent under house arrest by the St. Petersburg City Court that reviewed it. However, then the investigation materials were requested to Moscow, where, after reviewing them, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, issued a decision to transfer them to military investigators. After this, events began to develop rapidly: the court sent Mr. Kalitin to the capital’s pre-trial detention center, and then officials from the Ministry of Defense ended up in the detention center.

The defender of Alexei Kalitin, whose complaint against arrest was recently rejected by the Moscow City Court, refrained from commenting. In turn, Kommersant’s source indicated that participants in the investigation learned about kickbacks to the Ministry of Defense from businessmen who participated in the implementation of logistics contracts with the military department.

A source in the Ministry of Defense confirmed the arrest of the head of the department for state defense procurement, Alexey Grinyuk, who oversaw procurement in the interests of the rear troops. According to him, Mr. Grinyuk was indeed detained by law enforcement agencies as part of an investigation into a criminal case initiated by the GVSU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “We are providing all the necessary assistance to the investigation,” the source added, clarifying that, according to his information, Mr. Grinyuk was under investigation almost simultaneously with Colonels Berezhny and Vakulin. As the agency previously reported "Ruspres", the activities of the arrested officials were directly supervised by another deputy of Sergei Shoigu - General Dmitry Bulgakov, responsible for logistics support since the time of Serdyukov.

As Kommersant learned, in the case of a bribe of 368 million rubles. Another person involved has appeared in the Ministry of Defense. He became a civilian specialist, head of the department for ensuring state defense orders of the military department, Alexey Grinyuk, who conducted tenders that aroused suspicion among the military investigation. The latter began investigating corruption schemes on the personal instructions of the chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin.

Alexey Grinyuk is accused by the Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of committing crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud on an especially large scale and receiving an especially large bribe. Unlike his alleged accomplices-colonels - the head of the food department of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Berezhny and his subordinate, the head of the technical support department of the department Alexander Vakulin - Mr. Grinyuk is a civilian specialist of the military department.

A source close to the investigation told Kommersant that after his arrest by the 235th Garrison Military Court, Mr. Grinyuk admitted his guilt and began to actively cooperate with the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. However, he did not receive any benefits for this. In this regard, representatives of his defense appealed a number of decisions of the investigator and the courts. In particular, they, through the same 235th court, are seeking permission from the investigation for a meeting between the accused Grinyuk and his son.

Let us recall that, as Kommersant has already reported, officers Berezhny and Vakulin are charged with multimillion-dollar thefts, which, according to investigators, they committed together with one of the leaders of the Profbusiness company, Alexei Kalitin, as part of the execution of a 2015 contract for the supply of several dozen automobile tanks, trailer kitchens, mobile bakeries and other “food” special equipment for a total amount of almost 685 million rubles. On the part of the Ministry of Defense, Alexey Grinyuk was responsible for preparing the agreement. He also participated in the conclusion of a dozen other contracts, for which, according to investigators, officers and a civilian specialist received a kickback of 368 million rubles.

As follows from documents obtained by Kommersant, the criminal case, which led to the arrest of three Defense Ministry officials, was initiated on March 30 of this year for the theft of funds from the Russian Ministry of Defense during the implementation of a state contract for the supply of special equipment. Less than a month later, the first suspects appeared, including Mr. Kalitin, who was initially taken into custody by the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court, and was sent under house arrest by the St. Petersburg City Court that reviewed it. However, then the investigation materials were requested to Moscow, where, after reviewing them, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, issued a decision to transfer them to military investigators. After this, events began to develop rapidly: the court sent Mr. Kalitin to the capital’s pre-trial detention center, and then officials from the Ministry of Defense ended up in the detention center.

The defender of Alexei Kalitin, whose complaint against arrest was recently rejected by the Moscow City Court, refrained from commenting. In turn, Kommersant’s source indicated that participants in the investigation learned about kickbacks to the Ministry of Defense from businessmen who participated in the implementation of logistics contracts with the military department.

A Kommersant source in the Ministry of Defense confirmed the arrest of the head of the department for state defense procurement, Alexey Grinyuk, who oversaw purchases in the interests of the rear forces. According to him, Mr. Grinyuk was indeed detained by law enforcement agencies as part of an investigation into a criminal case initiated by the GVSU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. “We are providing all the necessary assistance to the investigation,” added Kommersant’s interlocutor, clarifying that, according to his information, Mr. Grinyuk was under investigation almost simultaneously with Colonels Berezhny and Vakulin.