The role of the observer in quantum physics. Report: The role of the observer in quantum mechanics Who is the observer in quantum physics

Report: The role of the observer in quantum mechanics

Alexey Mazur

The main problem of quantum mechanics is the question of what happens when the wave function is reduced. Why is a plane wave of an electron “realized” at one point on the photographic plate? Is our inability to “calculate” which of the available possibilities is “realized” a fundamental law of nature, or a consequence of the imperfection of the methods and instruments we use. The process of reduction itself is as imperceptible as the horizon line or the base of the rainbow. At what point does it happen? At the moment of interaction of the wave function with the photographic plate, which is a “classical” object, or at the moment of the experimenter’s “observation” of the photographic plate? And why is the “observer” so distinguished that he is given the right to choose according to which of the possible ways will the world move on?

Let's try to figure out where the line between a “classical” and a quantum object lies. When I was a student (and perhaps only students nowadays ask such questions), my father V.A. Mazur and his friend A.V. Gainer reasoned approximately as follows. The process of “observation” is the process of interaction of a wave function with a device that has such a complex wave function that there is no way to calculate it. Therefore it is a classical object. The result of the interaction of the electron wave function with such an object is unpredictable and probabilistic in nature, but not because this is a fundamental law of nature, but because our research methods are imperfect. Wanting to simplify the “observation” model, they hypothetically set up such an experiment. We take a plane wave of an electron incident on an ideally flat photographic plate consisting of hydrogen atoms arranged in a checkerboard pattern. All atoms are in the ground state. Calculating the result of interaction is not difficult. The wave function of the plate after interaction is the sum of N (where N is the number of atoms in the plate) terms, each of which has a “weight” of 1/N. The first term is that atom number 1 is excited, the rest are in the ground state, the second term is that atom number 2 is excited, the rest are in the ground state, etc. The conclusion that my father and A.V. Gainer made from this is that such a plate is not a classical object, but remains a quantum one, while real plates are structured quite complex to be classical.

I propose to bring their hypothetical experiment to the end, and consider what will happen after the interaction of this plate with the observer. Of course, we are unable to simulate the wave function of the observer. But some analogies seem quite obvious. So, our “quantum” observer looked at this photographic plate. What will happen to its wave function? As you can easily understand, it will break down into N terms. Conventionally, they can be called as follows: the first term - the observer sees excited atom number 1, the second term - the observer sees excited atom number 2, etc. Again, it would seem, the moment of reduction has eluded us. But let's look at the subjective sensations of the observer. Suppose he performed this experiment three times. As is easy to see, its wave function already has N cubed terms. And this is where the reduction occurred. Suppose he met a "classical" rather than a "quantum" observer who asked him the results of these experiments. And of the N cubed terms of our “quantum” observer, only one will remain. But note that he will be firmly convinced that in the first case he saw an excited atom, say number 27, in the second - 3, and in the third - 137. No memories of the other terms of his wave function will remain in him. He will tell the “classical” observer about these “subjective” sensations.

From this we see that the process of reduction may not be at all connected with the process of “observation”. At the moment of “observation”, it is not the observer who “chooses” one of the possible states of the world, but he himself “breaks down” into components. Each of these terms corresponds to the terms of the “measured” object. Let us assume that reduction occurs very rarely in general. Once a year, for example. All observers, including you and me, after reduction, will have no idea that our wave functions had other, “unrealized” terms.

Obviously, there is no special need for “implementation” as such. It stemmed from the subjective feeling of those observers who “saw” how, out of equally probable possibilities, only one was randomly “realized.” After all, none of the terms of the observer’s wave function contains information about the other terms.

Here we come up against the question of what the “I” of the observer is. It is easy to understand that the “subject” is not the entire ensemble of “components”, but only one of them. Moreover, any. That is, a person is not a “world line”, but a “tree”, and the branching points are moments of “observation”, but simply moments of interaction with the outside world. And this, as you understand, concerns not only people.

The picture of the world that appears after realizing the above looks absolutely fantastic. Everything that could happen happened. All lost opportunities have been realized, they exist in the same world and space with us, but do not have any impact on us. And, it must be admitted that this picture of the world is a direct consequence of the laws of quantum mechanics, and not the idle speculation of pseudoscientific fiction writers.

Skeptics, of course, can say - what are the consequences of these arguments? They do not carry any practical meaning. This is not entirely true.

First, it becomes obvious that there is no boundary between a quantum and a classical object. The moment of reduction for our subjective “I” actually occurs at the moment of observation. But it is not we who do something to the world, but the world who does something to us. But for simplicity, we can leave the concept of reduction and be proud of the fact that everyone “realizes” their own world.

Secondly, the experiment, which was carried out either in the late forties or early fifties, is easily explained. Some particle disintegrated into two fragments, each of which flew in opposite directions. Since at the moment of decay the particle was at rest, all directions of flight of the 1st fragment were equally probable. But the second one, according to the law of conservation of momentum, had to fly in exactly the opposite direction. The fragment detectors were positioned so that the time difference between the “catch” of the fragments was less than it would take for light to travel from one detector to the other (to eliminate the possible influence of the results at one detector on the results at the other). The paradox was that the wave functions of the two fragments were “realized” in concert against each other, according to the laws of conservation, but perplexing physicists - how does the wave function of fragment number two “know” that the reduction of the wave function of fragment number one has occurred? Find out faster than the speed of light?

As we now understand, the reduction of fragment number two occurs not at the moment of its interaction with the detector, but at the moment of interaction of the observer with the detector, so that the cause-and-effect relationships are not broken.

Kirill Polovnikov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, popularizer of science, scholarship holder of the Dynasty Foundation, organizer of the Progress School scientific and educational project, will tell what quantum objects are and why they behave differently depending on what they observe behind them or not, and also about how they “recognize” this and what does consciousness have to do with it.
Let's try to understand the mysticism and what scientists proved in the experiment with 2 slits
Methods of scientific knowledge: Empirical, General, theoretical
Physics is an experimental science, therefore the main methods are empirical knowledge of the world through Observation, Measurement, Experiment, Comparison
Observation - purposeful perception of a phenomenon without interfering with it
Experiment - study of phenomena under controlled and controlled conditions
Non-interference is critical. The ideal option is astronomical observations, and when a group of people are observed, then if people know about it, awareness of this affects their behavior - that is, the experimental conditions change, this is the observer effect
General - Analysis/Synthesis, Analogy, Cassification, Modeling
Theoretical - Deduction\Induction, Abstraction, Idealization, Formalization
It is important to note that any observation is also preceded by the formation of some kind of hypothesis about this phenomenon in the head.
2-slit experiment - testing the hypothesis about the nature of light - wave or particle? -interference picture
Quantum effects of light - photoelectric effect, knocking out electrons from the surface of a material
Copton effect - electron scattering effect electromagnetic waves
Particle-wave theory of light
Louis de Broglie in 1928, in a dissertation on observations in the field of quantum mechanics, combined
e=hv h-Planck constant v-wave frequency and e=mc2 output hv=mc2 Nobel Prize 1929
Any particle with mass can be assigned a correspondence in the form of a certain wave with a frequency calculated from this form and vice versa
Review: From a mathematical point of view, everything is perfect, but from a physical point of view, it’s completely absurd
1937 Nobel Prize in Physics, Clinton Joseph Davisson and John Paget Thomson
Experiments that proved the wave nature elementary particles, the diffraction pattern arose when electrons were passed through crystal lattices. However, we can “see” electrons, only indirectly, as traces that remain from them when interacting with something. This indirectness does not allow us to unambiguously determine whether it is matter or a wave; in some situations it behaves like this, and in others it behaves like that. In a 1989 paper, in an effort to avoid interaction between electrons passing through the slit, they began to be released one at a time. Each one left a dot on the screen. But the result obtained as a result of analyzing a sufficiently large number of traces from the electrodes released one by one also repeated the diffraction pattern that appears when the wave passes through both slits. After this, they decided to determine which of the 2 gaps this single electron passes through. And after that, the diffraction pattern disappears, and just 2 light spots of traces appear. It turns out that when an electron is observed, it behaves like matter, when it is not observed, it behaves like a wave. This fact opens up a huge space for various mystifications, that this is the very moment when consciousness begins to influence matter, and the electron “feels” whether it is being observed or not.
Observer effect: before observation - waves, a set of temporal-spatial probabilities, after observation - a specific point in space-time. Why? How?
How to describe the state of a particle? - In Claasic mechanics, the coordinate of a point and the speed of its movement are given - on this basis, a prediction is made about its position at time t. Hamilton's equation derived from Newton's 2nd Law. How do we determine the coordinate of an object? We look at it, signals enter our brain, and on this basis we determine its coordinates. But in order for this to happen, for the brain to see it, a ray of light must fall on the object. In order to “see” an electron, you must also “shine a light bulb” on it. This is where the problem arises: the wavelength of the electron is comparable to the wavelength of the photon. And we can “see” an electron only after it changes its characteristic due to interaction with a photon. TE actually “before” observation and “after” are 2 different electrons with different characteristics. It turns out that the very fact of observation - the collision of a photon and an electron - is such a catastrophic phenomenon that significantly affects the properties of the object. There, the basic requirements for observation are not satisfied: Observation is the purposeful perception of an object without interfering with it All quantum objects are such that it is impossible to obtain any information about their state without changing it.
This determines the emergence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Therefore, if for an object it is impossible to accurately simultaneously have its coordinates and the speed of movement, for forecasting a more complex mathematical apparatus is needed than the Hamilton equation - the Schrödenger wave equation
A wave function is a mathematical object, the square of its modulus gives the probability density of finding a particle at a given point.
Observation - collapse of the wave function. When observing, we influence it, changing its properties and the wave function collapses - the exact position is known entirely through the web of probabilities.
The same picture as for electrons was observed in an experiment with the scattering and interference of fullerene molecules, a huge molecule consisting of several dozen carbon atoms, which flies in the experiment and gives the same interference picture as electrons.
Experiment of Zeilinger et al. on decoherence
These fullerene molecules can be seen not only through interaction with photons, but also due to the waves of thermal infrared radiation they emit. The wavelength of infrared radiation must be comparable to the distance between the slits. The higher the heating temperature, the shorter the wavelength. If the heating is increased, the energy of infrared radiation is increased and the wavelength is shortened, then the interference pattern gradually blurs as the temperature increases, and the transition from the corpuscular state to the wave state occurs gradually, and not as an instantaneous switch, and it does not require any observer. If fullerene molecules are released not in a vacuum, but in the presence of a mixture of air molecules, a clear interference pattern does not appear either, but this is influenced by their collision with other molecules, and changes the interference pattern.
Consequently, in order to talk about the observer effect in describing the dynamics of some physical system, it is necessary in each case to explain how exactly the observation will affect the behavior of the object.

Quantum superposition is destroyed not due to the disturbing interaction of a macroscopic device on a macroscopic object, but due to the interaction of a fullerene molecule with the surrounding environment
The "delayed choice" hypothesis - that if we learn about which slit an electron passes through, this can retrogradely affect the situation of the electron's "choice" of the slit - is also explained by experimental errors. In the quantum world, any observation inevitably leads to a change in the properties of the object.
The experiment with the fullerene molecule was recently repeated with chlorophyll molecules, and now they plan to carry it out with viruses.

The role of the observer depends on the purpose of the study, in accordance with which the type of observation is chosen. The degree of involvement in an object, that is, the degree of taking on certain roles, can be different: from complete detachment to active participation in the activities of the observed object.

The presence of the researcher outside the object involves observation from the outside, without interfering in the activities of the object of observation. In participant observation, the observer is somehow involved in the activities of the object he is examining. Depending on the observation procedure, the degree of inclusion can be interpreted differently. Therefore, there are various modifications of the term “participant observation” - “stimulating participant observation”, “observing participation”, “participant observation”, “provoking observation”, “provoking quasi-experiment”, etc. All of these variations reflect the specifics of use various types observation, in which the role of the observer may carry different loads.

A detailed description of the forms of participant observation depending on the degree of activity (from passive to full participation) of the researcher is presented in Table. 9.1.

Table 9.1

The degree of activity of the researcher during the observation process

Compiled by: .

Within the participant observation method, there are no ideal forms of observation. Each of them has its own disadvantages. Thus, a passive observer limits himself in terms of the ability to establish contact with members of the group being studied. The presence of predominantly visual information does not allow for a deep, and sometimes even correct, interpretation of the data obtained.

When using a form of moderate participation, the researcher appears as both a participant and an observer. As a rule, in this case, a false idea is deliberately created in the studied group about the purpose of the observer’s presence. For example, an observer in the classroom is present to observe the students' reactions to certain tasks of the teacher, and the legend is that he is a doctor and observes the students' fatigue. The legend is often used that the observer is a student, a trainee, and his goal is to learn a profession. Such observation allows you to combine both participation in the life of the group and the opportunity to objectively evaluate what you saw during the observation.

With active participation, the observer is perceived as a full participant in the events. A typical example is the study of the American sociologist W. White “Society on the Street Corner”. In the 30s XX century In America, he settled in Italian slums to study the lifestyle of Italian emigrants. His legend was that he was a history student who was going to write down the history of this place. White studied the emigrants' jargon, their habits and games, and came into contact with the gang leader. Over time, he began to be considered part of the local "setting" and was able to make his recordings in any situation.

The advantages of active participation and participant observation are obvious: they provide the most vivid and complete impressions of the environment, help the researcher to “get used to” the environment and situation being studied, and thereby better understand the behavior of those being studied. The disadvantage of this form of observation may be too strong an identification with those being studied, which does not allow the sociologist to maintain the distance and objectivity necessary for research activities.

Despite the fact that the researcher, during participant observation, strives to take on one of the roles available to him, he will nevertheless differ from an ordinary participant in the situation. The characteristics of the activities of an ordinary participant in the situation and a participant observer are presented in Table. 9.2.

Table 9.2

Characteristics of the activities of an ordinary participant in the situation and a participant observer

Regular Member

The included observer

Participation in activities

Observing the behavior of people and conditions in a situation through participation


Ignoring a significant part of information that is not related to the main activity (selective attention)

Increased attention to details that are not noticed in normal activities

Angle of view

Only what is relevant to a specific goal attracts attention

A wide range of phenomena are observed and recorded

Correlation between internal and external positions

Awareness of oneself as a subject of activity who is part of the situation

At the same time, both a participant in the situation and an outsider, looking at both the situation and himself in it from the outside




As a rule, observations are not specifically recorded

Detailed recording of observed events, phenomena and one’s subjective feelings and thoughts about them

Compiled from: [Ilyin, 2006, p. 87].

The observation method in Russian sociology is described in detail by the Russian sociologist A. N. Alekseev [Alekseev, 2005; 2010]. In January 1980, Alekseev began conducting sociological research in a working environment using the “participant observation” type and went to work as a fitter at the Poligrafmash plant. In his work, the author describes in detail such a variant of participant observation as observing participation, which involves the study of social situations through the purposeful activity of the subject, making his own behavior a unique tool and a controlled factor of the study, which makes observation more complex and brings it closer to social experimentation. Any impact or intrusion into a natural process naturally raises the question: should the observer intervene in the situation being studied? “The answer to this question depends on the purpose of the study. If the main goal is to diagnose the situation... the intervention of a sociologist will distort the real picture, and as a result, unreliable data or data about a different event will be obtained. If the purpose of the research is cognitive-analytical or (or) practically applied and consists mainly of making managerial and organizational decisions, intervention is not only possible, but also useful” [Alekseev, 2010, p. 179].

There is another variation of observation - introspection. This method can provide unique data on the specifics of understanding the development of a social situation, the development of a conflict, and the reaction to the surrounding reality. Of course, introspection as a scientific technique can be used if there is constant reflection. V.I. Ilyin writes about one of the variations of introspection: “The sociologist looks at the lives of families (his own and others), the flow of people and cars on the streets, relationships between colleagues, events offered by the media, hears the words spoken by people around him - through the prism its habitus as a classification and evaluation scheme, perceiving the everyday world as an object of research... Because of this, everyday experience can be a valuable source when conducting a variety of studies” [Ilyin, 2010, p. 8].

The role of the observer in quantum mechanics

Alexey Mazur

The main problem of quantum mechanics is the question of what happens when the wave function is reduced. Why is a plane wave of an electron “realized” at one point on the photographic plate? Is our inability to “calculate” which of the available possibilities is “realized” a fundamental law of nature, or a consequence of the imperfection of the methods and instruments we use. The process of reduction itself is as imperceptible as the horizon line or the base of the rainbow. At what point does it happen? At the moment of interaction of the wave function with the photographic plate, which is a “classical” object, or at the moment of the experimenter’s “observation” of the photographic plate? And what makes the “observer” so special that he is given the right to choose which of the possible paths the world will take next?

Let's try to figure out where the line between a “classical” and a quantum object lies. When I was a student (and perhaps only students nowadays ask such questions), my father V.A. Mazur and his friend A.V. Gainer reasoned approximately as follows. The process of “observation” is the process of interaction of a wave function with a device that has such a complex wave function that there is no way to calculate it. Therefore it is a classical object. The result of the interaction of the electron wave function with such an object is unpredictable and probabilistic in nature, but not because this is a fundamental law of nature, but because our research methods are imperfect. Wanting to simplify the “observation” model, they hypothetically set up such an experiment. We take a plane wave of an electron incident on an ideally flat photographic plate consisting of hydrogen atoms arranged in a checkerboard pattern. All atoms are in the ground state. Calculating the result of interaction is not difficult. The wave function of the plate after interaction is the sum of N (where N is the number of atoms in the plate) terms, each of which has a “weight” of 1/N. The first term, atom number 1, is excited, the rest are in the ground state, the second term, atom number 2 is excited, the rest are in the ground state, etc. The conclusion that my father and A.V. Gainer made from this is that such a plate is not a classical object, but remains quantum, while real plates are structured quite complex to be classical.

I propose to bring their hypothetical experiment to the end, and consider what will happen after the interaction of this plate with the observer. Of course, we are unable to simulate the wave function of the observer. But some analogies seem quite obvious. So, our “quantum” observer looked at this photographic plate. What will happen to its wave function? As you can easily understand, it will break down into N terms. Conventionally, they can be called this: the first term the observer sees is excited atom number 1, the second term the observer sees excited atom number 2, etc. Again, it would seem, the moment of reduction has eluded us. But let's look at the subjective sensations of the observer. Suppose he performed this experiment three times. As is easy to see, its wave function already has N cubed terms. And this is where the reduction occurred. Suppose he met a "classical" rather than a "quantum" observer who asked him the results of these experiments. And of the N cubed terms of our “quantum” observer, only one will remain. But note, he will be firmly convinced that in the first case he saw an excited atom, say number 27, in the second 3, and in the third 137. No memories of the other terms of his wave function will remain in him. He will tell the “classical” observer about these “subjective” sensations.

From this we see that the process of reduction may not be at all connected with the process of “observation”. At the moment of “observation”, it is not the observer who “chooses” one of the possible states of the world, but he himself “breaks down” into components. Each of these terms corresponds to the terms of the “measured” object. Let us assume that reduction occurs very rarely in general. Once a year, for example. All observers, including you and me, after reduction, will have no idea that our wave functions had other, “unrealized” terms.

Obviously, there is no special need for “implementation” as such. It stemmed from the subjective feeling of those observers who “saw” how, out of equally probable possibilities, only one was randomly “realized.” After all, none of the terms of the observer’s wave function contains information about the other terms.

Here we come up against the question of what the “I” of the observer is. It is easy to understand that the “subject” is not the entire ensemble of “components”, but only one of them. And any. That is, a person is not a “world line”, but a “tree”, and the branching points are moments of “observation”, but simply moments of interaction with the outside world. And this, as you understand, concerns not only people.

The picture of the world that appears after realizing the above looks absolutely fantastic. Everything that could happen happened. All lost opportunities have been realized, they exist in the same world and space with us, but do not have any impact on us. And, it must be admitted that this picture of the world is a direct consequence of the laws of quantum mechanics, and not the idle speculation of pseudoscientific fiction writers.

Skeptics, of course, can say, what are the consequences of these arguments? They do not carry any practical meaning. This is not entirely true.

First, it becomes obvious that there is no boundary between a quantum and a classical object. The moment of reduction for our subjective “I” actually occurs at the moment of observation. But it is not we who do something to the world, but the world who does something to us. But for simplicity, we can leave the concept of reduction and be proud of the fact that everyone “realizes” their own world.

Secondly, the experiment, which was carried out either in the late forties or early fifties, is easily explained. Some particle disintegrated into two fragments, each of which flew in opposite directions. Since at the moment of decay the particle was at rest, all directions of flight of the 1st fragment were equally probable. But the second one, according to the law of conservation of momentum, had to fly in exactly the opposite direction. The fragment detectors were positioned so that the time difference between the “catch” of the fragments was less than it would take for light to travel from one detector to the other (to eliminate the possible influence of the results at one detector on the results at the other). The paradox was that the wave functions of the two fragments were “realized” in concert against each other, according to the laws of conservation, but perplexing physicists, how does the wave function of fragment number two “know” about the reduction of the wave function of fragment number one that has occurred? Find out faster than the speed of light?

As we now understand, the reduction of fragment number two occurs not at the moment of its interaction with the detector, but at the moment of interaction of the observer with the detector, so that the cause-and-effect relationships are not broken.


To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

Once a job analysis has been carried out and a competency model has been constructed, the next step is to select exercises that adequately measure the competencies required to perform the job effectively. At this stage it is useful to create a document that relates the exercises and the competencies associated with them. This document is often called a competency-exercise matrix.

Work Scheduling Exercise

The candidate is asked to create a schedule or plan for solving a problem or for a specific activity. The candidate is provided with related information, and is also presented with a number of conditions and restrictions, such as the amount of resources available, time frame, budget size, etc. The observer does not watch the candidate perform the exercise, but subsequently evaluates the result of the work.

Matrix of competencies (criteria) – exercises

Competencies Exercise
Cooperative group discussion Competitive gr. discussion Role play Letters. information analysis In-basket Interview
Planning and organization * * * *
Problem Analysis * * * *
Quality of judgments * * * *
Determination * * * *
Initiative * * * *
Leadership * * * *
Interpersonal sensitivity * * * * *
Oral communication * * * *
Management control * * *

* - Indicates that competence can be observed in this exercise

The role of the observer is extremely important. Huge number time and effort are usually invested in conducting detailed job analysis in order to compile a desired list competencies and development of suitable simulation exercises, ensuring the success of the AC. However, even if competencies and exercises meet the highest quality standards, inadequate results may be obtained due to observers not being fully trained and unable to perform their tasks. The observer's job during the CO is to accurately record what the candidate says or does during the exercise. Observers subsequently use their notes to make a judgment about the level of performance that candidates have shown in relation to the relevant competency.

At the end of the CO, I collect the records, or lists of behavioral examples received by all observers for all exercises, together and form an overall picture for each candidate. This part of the CO is called an integration session. At this session, each observer must be able to justify to his colleagues the assessments or ratings that he has given. Assessments are based on behavioral examples that correspond to each of the competencies under consideration. To provide a sufficient number of behavioral examples, it is necessary to record in as much detail as possible what the candidate says or does during the exercise. The observer works like a live video camera, his task is to record words and actions, without allowing judgments about what he saw. The observer must be very familiar with the competencies and exercises that are used in the CO and know them by heart.