How to fry boiled potatoes in the microwave. How to cook potatoes in the microwave

My family loves potatoes, especially fried ones, but french fries are unbeatable. Of course, I try to use as little oil as possible when frying, but then the taste turns out different. We constantly hear that “it tastes better in a cafe.”

Not long ago I came across a recipe for potatoes in the microwave, which described how you can cook delicious potatoes in 10 minutes. The recipe was called: “Potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily.” Since I use a microwave oven exclusively to heat up food, I doubted it, but still decided to check it out; the process, speed, and most importantly, the taste of the dish were very temptingly described. Thinking that I was not losing anything anyway, I placed the bag of potatoes in the machine and began to wait. And imagine my surprise when, after the allotted 10 minutes, the potatoes were completely ready! The bonus was a simply amazing aroma throughout the kitchen!

Having served pieces of potatoes with mayonnaise and ketchup, I heard the cherished: “better than in a cafe.” My family was completely satisfied with the taste and aroma, and I was pleased with the simplicity and speed of preparation, and the use of a minimal amount of oil. A quick and easy microwave potato recipe - a lifesaver when you're short on time.

Microwave LG intellowave.


  • potatoes 8 pcs.
  • sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • mixture of Italian herbs 0.25 tsp.
  • mixture of ground peppers to taste
  • salt to taste

How to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily

  1. I am preparing everything necessary. I peel and wash the potatoes.

  2. I cut each tuber into 4-6 pieces depending on size. I put the pieces in a baking sleeve.

  3. I add Italian herbs, salt and a mixture of peppers.

  4. I add vegetable oil. I mix everything right in the bag, gently kneading it in my hands so that each piece is covered with a thin layer of oil and spices. I tie my sleeve tightly, trying to leave as little air inside as possible. I make sure to cut several small holes with a knife to allow steam to escape. If this is not done, the bag will swell and may explode inside the microwave.

  5. I put the sleeve with the potatoes in a plate, this will make it easier to remove the dish from the microwave. I set the timer for 10 minutes, the power is maximum (700 W in my model).

  6. After the allotted time, the potatoes will be completely ready and can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

Now you know how to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily.


  • try to cut the potatoes into pieces of approximately the same size so that the dish cooks evenly,
  • The set of spices can be anything, it’s good to replace sunflower oil with olive oil, it will turn out tastier.

In our age of high technology, almost every home has a microwave oven. This household appliance is very convenient; you can easily heat up food in it while doing other things. But not every housewife prepares dishes using a microwave. But in vain, because it is not at all difficult and, most importantly, fast.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave in a special container

Even those who are new to cooking can cook potatoes in a microwave oven.

We suggest you verify this by boiling the potatoes and spending only a few minutes on it, while cooking using the classic method will take about an hour. At the same time, the taste of the potatoes will be no worse than when boiled in a pan on the stove, or even better. These potatoes turn out tasty, tender and crumbly.

Boiled potatoes in the microwave are perfect as a side dish for meat, mushrooms, fish and vegetables. Or you can puree it, or serve it as an independent dish.

Taste Info Main potato dishes


  • potatoes – 450 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • butter - optional;
  • fresh herbs - optional.

How to cook delicious boiled potatoes in the microwave

Wash the potato tubers and peel them.

Cut the potatoes into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the tubers. To speed up the cooking process, you can cut into cubes.

Place the resulting potato slices into a microwave-safe container.

Now salt the potatoes to your liking and shake a couple of times. If desired, you can add ground pepper, other herbs and spices.

Fill the potatoes with water until it barely covers all the slices.

Be sure to cover the container with a special lid. This is necessary to release steam from the potato juice, which will significantly speed up the cooking process, and the side dish itself will be more juicy.

Place the dish with potatoes in the microwave. Select full power mode depending on the oven model, and set the time to 12 minutes. Cooking time depends on the age of the potatoes. Young potatoes at full power will cook in 5-8 minutes, old ones - a little longer.

At the end of cooking, use oven mitts to carefully remove the dishes, as they are very hot. Check how well the potatoes are cooked by piercing them with a fork or knife. If it is not ready enough, then add more cooking time - 2-3 minutes. If at the end of cooking there is water left in the container with potatoes, carefully drain it by slightly moving the lid.

Add butter to the potatoes and sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs to make the side dish tastier. Serve the potatoes hot.

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How to cook potatoes in the microwave in a bag

You can also cook potatoes in the microwave in a bag very quickly. Let's prepare it right away as a full-fledged side dish, so that, as they say, it's piping hot and on the table. To do this, add onions with garlic and spices; if you do not respect such “flavors,” then just cook one potato.

To prevent the potatoes from becoming dry, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of plain water to the bag.

In the above recipe, instead of butter, you can put thinly sliced ​​lard with a good layer of meat or strips of fatty bacon into a bag of potatoes. It will be very tasty!


  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves – 1-2 pcs.;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • seasonings and spices for potatoes - to your taste;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste.


  1. Peel the potato tubers, wash and dry thoroughly. Make 2-3 punctures in each with a fork, then cut into quarters. If your potatoes are large, then cut them into small cubes, and if they are small, then cut them into halves.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic cloves and wash. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press.
  3. Take an ordinary plastic bag and put potato pieces, onions and garlic into it. Add salt and ground pepper to taste, season with your favorite seasonings and spices.
  4. Place the butter cut into small pieces into the bag. It should be cut into pieces so that when you crush the contents of the bag, the oil is evenly distributed over all potato slices. If for some reason you do not eat butter or observe church fasting, then pour a little vegetable oil into the bag (20-30 ml will be enough).
  5. Now tie the very edges of the bag tightly, that is, so that the potatoes are free in it. Shake thoroughly so that the potato slices are well mixed with all the added spices, salt, pepper and oil.
  6. Make 2-3 punctures in the bag using a fork or small cuts with scissors. This is necessary for steam to escape, otherwise the bag will swell and burst in the microwave.
  7. Turn on the microwave at maximum power for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the potato slices.
  8. When the program end signal sounds, open the microwave door and use oven mitts to carefully remove the bag of potatoes. It will be very hot, don't get burned!
  9. Transfer the potatoes to a platter and serve.
How to cook potatoes in the microwave in their jackets

If you decide to make some kind of vegetable salad for lunch or dinner, you can quickly cook the potatoes in the microwave right in the skins. During this time, prepare the remaining ingredients, and then just cool, peel and cut the potatoes, dress the salad and serve.

For those who are fasting or dieting, jacket potatoes are a good snack. Now many enterprises, offices and other office premises have a microwave oven. Shortly before the break, just throw a couple of potatoes into it and a hot lunch is ready.


  • medium-sized potatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and dry them, make punctures on each tuber with a fork in two or three places.
  2. Place the potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl. Pour water, it should reach the middle of the tubers. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 5 minutes. In the first stage, the potatoes are cooked without a lid.
  3. After the specified time has passed, remove the potatoes from the microwave, carefully turn them over so that the other side is now in the water, cover with a lid and send back for another 5 minutes at the same power.
  4. The potatoes are ready, let them cool, and you can eat them or cut them into a salad.

You can also cook potatoes in their skins with lard, we talked about this in.

  • Cook the potatoes in the microwave for 10 to 15 minutes. To be more precise, you need to take into account two important parameters - the power of your household appliances and the size of the cut potato slices. If cut into small pieces, 11-12 minutes will be enough for a 650 W oven, 9-10 minutes for an 800 W oven. For potatoes cut into large pieces, the time will increase accordingly: for a 650 W oven - 15-16 minutes, for 800 W - 13-14 minutes.
  • Before boiling potatoes in the microwave, generously coat them with herbs and spices. The slices will absorb their aroma, and the side dish will turn out very rich and tasty. The following are best suited for potatoes: all types of peppers, mint and basil, marjoram and oregano, paprika and thyme. And, of course, dill with parsley in any form - fresh or dried.

Over the past decade, if not all, then many have acquired microwave ovens.

It’s convenient and fast, and in a team workplace it’s an absolutely irreplaceable thing. At one time, there were debates about the dangers of using the method of heating food using radiation, while microwaves are popular and only a few have abandoned them.

Potatoes in the microwave: benefits and harms

There are quite a lot of recipes according to which you can cook potato tubers in the microwave. Undoubtedly, it is convenient and fast, but how useful is it or can it be harmful?

Traditionally, potatoes are not considered a healthy food on their own, and microwaving does not add any nutritional benefits.

As for cooking, radiation does not harm the product; it can theoretically harm a person at the moment when the dish is being prepared. The cooking time is very limited, the door is tightly closed and practically no radiation escapes. The damage from the stove is reduced to zero.

The benefit of potatoes cooked in a microwave oven is that the product is heated from the inside, and not on the frying surface. Even if oil is used, it does not burn and does not emit harmful substances.

You can even cook French fries in the microwave and give them to children. It is much safer than deep frying or a gas stove and children can heat or cook their own food. In the worst case, the product will be ruined.

Another advantage is the time and amount of dirty dishes. This is especially important when every minute counts.

Cooking time

Often people simply don’t have time to stand at the stove, and in such a situation, cooking your favorite potatoes in the microwave is the best solution. Meals are prepared in an average of 3 to 25 minutes.

The higher the power setting on the microwave oven, the faster the potatoes will cook. However, by setting the maximum power to 800–1000 W, the potatoes may cook unevenly and become partially dry.

Optimally, set the power to medium and cook for 5–15 minutes. In addition, when preparing dishes you need to use a baking sleeve or an ordinary bag.

You can also cook in a plastic or glass container with the addition of a small amount of water, broth, sauce or oil.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave in a bag: a very quick recipe

Almost all dishes prepared in a microwave oven require the presence of a bag or lid. Without the bag, the potatoes dry out on an open plate. Except when potatoes are cooked with the addition of water or broth.

To prepare delicious potatoes in a bag, you need to peel the potatoes (0.5 kg), cut them into small bars of any shape and put them in the bag. Add seasonings to taste, mix and seal the bag.

Make 2-3 small holes on the top so that steam can escape. Place the prepared bag of potatoes in the microwave for 5–9 minutes.

You can also add finely chopped garlic or dill, a little lard or bacon, or any other additives to your taste.

French fries in the microwave

The famous French fries or French chips are loved by both adults and children. Traditionally, this dish is considered very harmful, if not dangerous. In fact, all the danger and harm is in the oil.

In fast food, the oil is of unknown quality and it is not clear how often it is changed, but potatoes cooked in pure high-quality oil in moderation do not cause harm.

French fries can be made at home and you don’t have to use a deep fryer or a whole pan of oil.

To make French chips you will need:

  • Fresh potatoes;
  • Salt;
  • Some seasonings to taste or you can use special spiced salt;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Cellophane bag or baking sleeve;
  • Paper napkins;
  • Knife, board, plate and microwave.

The potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, after which they must be thoroughly washed to remove starch; if this is not done, unsightly dark spots will remain on the surface.

The washed potatoes are dried with napkins. Pour 3-5 tablespoons of oil onto a plate, add the dried potatoes and stir. Each piece should be generously greased with oil.

The finished blocks are placed on a plate in one layer so that they do not touch each other. Cover the top loosely with the bag. The potatoes are cooked in 2 stages of 4 minutes each; if the potatoes are not cooked, you can leave them for another couple of minutes.

Sprinkle the finished potatoes with salt and spices. Ordinary chips are prepared in the same way, with the only difference being that they need to be cut into thin circles, and salt and seasonings are mixed immediately with oil.

This method has only one drawback - the potatoes are not so beautiful, but they are tasty, safe and relatively low in calories.

Jacket potatoes cooked in the microwave

You can cook aromatic jacket potatoes (in their own skins - for those who don’t know) in the microwave in just a few minutes.

To begin, the potato tubers must be washed and dried, then wiped with vegetable oil and spices.

You need to make several punctures with a toothpick and put the potatoes in the microwave for 5-7 minutes, then check for readiness and, if necessary, put them in for a little longer. You can serve the potatoes with finely chopped dill, butter or garlic sauce.

In addition, you can cook potatoes in the microwave. Simply place a few potatoes in water (several potatoes) in a plastic or glass bowl, or in a bag, soaked in a bag, in the microwave for 3–7 minutes, depending on the power setting.

If you keep the potatoes in the bag for a minute or two longer, you will get an interesting “dried potato” snack, and the aroma will be like potatoes baked in the coals of a fire.

Potato dishes in the microwave

What interesting and tasty things can be cooked in the microwave from potatoes - this question has always worried housewives. And it’s not in vain! A microwave oven is not just for heating food.

You can cook interesting and complex dishes in it, for example, aromatic potatoes with mushrooms, vegetables or even meat. Shall we try?

Potatoes with mushrooms

This dish is very fast, tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, dietary.

  • Fresh potatoes - 4–5 pcs;
  • Champignons (fresh) - 4–5 pcs;
  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 piece;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • Greens or green onions;
  • Vegetable oil a few (4–5) tbsp. spoons

Onions and carrots are peeled and cut into strips. Place chopped vegetables and a clove of garlic into a microwave-safe bowl, add oil and place in the microwave for 4 minutes at medium power.

Mushrooms and potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, as convenient as possible, but not too large.

After this, mushrooms and potatoes are added to the frying, salt, pepper and a small and half a glass of water are added. You can add bay leaf and paprika if desired.

The dish is covered with a lid; if there is no suitable lid, then a plastic bag will do. You just need to make a few holes in it so that the steam can escape.

The dish is prepared at medium power for 20-25 minutes. The finished dish is decorated with herbs.

Potato pie with meat

A real holiday dish, quick and tasty.

To prepare you will need:

  • Fresh potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Minced meat, any - 400 g;
  • Carrot - 1 piece;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Greens (preferably freshly picked);
  • Hard cheese - 60 gr;
  • Salt, black pepper.

Sour cream, salt, pepper and thinly sliced ​​onions and herbs are added to the prepared minced meat.

The minced meat is thoroughly mixed. The carrots are grated. The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices half a centimeter thick.

The prepared dishes are greased with vegetable oil, after which potatoes are evenly laid out on the bottom, grated carrots are sprinkled on top and minced meat is evenly laid out, after which you need to add a few tablespoons of water or broth.

The top of the dish is covered with a lid or cellophane and placed in the microwave at 500-600 power for 15 minutes.

After that, the dish is sprinkled with cheese on top and left to cook for another 7-8 minutes without a lid. If the cheese does not brown, you can increase the oven power for a couple of minutes.

After cooking, the pie should cool slightly so it will be easier to remove it from the plate.

The pie can be served warm as a second course or cold as a snack.

Cooking food in a microwave oven has its own characteristics.

For example, you cannot use dishes with metal elements or shiny decor. Shiny dishes in a microwave oven spark, the shine on the dishes will fade, and it will also damage the microwave oven.

If the dish needs to be covered with a lid, then even a glass lid trimmed with a metal side or having a screw that fastens the handle will not be suitable for such purposes.

It is better to use cling film and make several holes.

Cooking utensils should be glass, ceramic or good heat-resistant plastic.

The cooking time for each microwave oven is different, the indicated power is very arbitrary, and each oven works differently, so the dish must be checked every few minutes and, if necessary, set for a few more minutes.

The microwave must be wiped down after each use. Even if it seems clean. This will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In any case, steam and oil particles settle on the walls of the oven.

You can cook only a few potatoes or 1-3 servings at a time. When cooking French fries or chips, do not let the pieces touch each other as they will stick together.

Bon appetit!

Boiled potatoes are a common dish prepared for any occasion. The high nutritional value, calorie content of the product and rich organoleptic characteristics allowed this dish to occupy the niche of a frequently prepared culinary product on our table. Boiled potatoes do not take long to cook, but there is a way to cope with the task much faster...

How to cook potatoes in the microwave?

This method allows you to speed up the heat treatment process and get a crumbly, evenly cooked product at the end - all you need for cooking is a basic microwave device. So, how to cook potatoes in the microwave?

The classic cooking option is no different from the method of boiling potatoes on the stove. To prepare you need to take:

  • Potatoes – 7-6 pieces;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Salt to taste.

Wash and peel the potatoes, then cut into large cubes of arbitrary size. Pour hot water into a microwave-safe glass container, add salt and stir thoroughly. Then place the potatoes in the bowl and cover with a lid. It is important that the lid is not tightly closed - otherwise the steam will condense and the potatoes will boil.

How long does it take to cook potatoes in the microwave? Place the covered container in the microwave oven and turn it on for 10 minutes at full power, after the timer rings, turn the potatoes over or mix them and put them in the oven for another 5 minutes, until fully cooked. Pour melted butter over the prepared dish and decorate with herbs.

Pay attention! The cooking time for potatoes depends on the power of the microwave device, the size and freshness of the product. You can speed up the cooking process by cutting the potatoes into smaller pieces or using fresh young vegetables.

Jacket potatoes cooked in the microwave

It’s even easier to cook potatoes in the microwave in their jackets. The potato peel is a protective shell that will protect the vegetable from overheating and ensure even and gentle cooking. To prepare you will need to take:

  • Medium-sized potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Water – 0.5-1 glass.

To prepare the dish, potatoes must be peeled with a brush and rinsed under running water. Then pour water into the microwave container so that the bottom is covered with liquid. Place the unpeeled potatoes into a glass saucepan or deep bowl and turn on the oven.

It won’t take much time to prepare the dish – potatoes in their jackets can be cooked in 10-12 minutes at maximum microwave power. You should remove the dish as soon as the potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

This method is good not only for the accelerated cooking process. Boiled potatoes in the microwave require less water and also come out dry and not mushy, unlike the stovetop option. The finished product can be used for salads or vinaigrettes, and also served as a side dish for meat or fish products.

Important! In order for the potatoes to cook faster and remain crumbly, it is recommended to pierce the skin of the root vegetable in several places with a fork or toothpick before placing it in the microwave. This is necessary for uniform heating of the potatoes both outside and inside the vegetable. The older the vegetable and the thicker the peel, the more holes you need to make.

Mashed potatoes in the microwave

The method for preparing mashed potatoes is also simple and does not take much time. A distinctive feature of microwave puree is the uniform consistency of the finished product - thanks to uniform heating in a small amount of moisture, the potatoes become crumbly and easier to crush. To prepare the puree you will need:

  • Potatoes – 5-7 pieces;
  • Water – 100-200 ml;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

The potatoes are peeled, chopped into cubes and placed in a container with salted water. Next, cook the vegetable at maximum power for 10-12 minutes and remove. Season the boiled potatoes with butter and pound until the desired consistency is obtained - the dish can be served!

This is interesting! Mashed potatoes cooked in a microwave oven have a more pronounced aroma and taste than a product prepared in the traditional way. The fact is that the uniform consistency of the puree from the microwave oven absorbs butter more strongly, which emphasizes the taste of the boiled vegetable. For the same reason, microwaved potatoes go well with various sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup.

Potatoes cooked in the microwave turn out tasty and crumbly, and less time is spent on cooking. Any device with basic functionality will do. We will look at the three best cooking methods: classic in pieces, in uniforms, and in a bag (the fastest).

General tips:

  • The time to cook potatoes in the microwave depends on whether the potatoes are young or old; another factor is the power of the oven. At 650-800 W, young tubers will be ready in 5-9 minutes, old ones in 6-12.
  • To reduce cooking time, potatoes can be cut into pieces;
  • use only suitable containers - glass or plastic;
  • Microwave-cooked potatoes go well with different sauces: tomato, garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream.

Classic boiled potatoes

The traditional cooking option does not differ in taste from the one made in a saucepan on the stove.


  • potatoes – 4-5 pieces;
  • water – 6 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste.

1. Wash and peel the potatoes. Depending on the size, cut into 2 or 4 parts.

2. Pour hot water into the glass container of the microwave oven, add salt, stir.

3. Place potato pieces. Cover with a lid (preferably with a hole or close loosely to allow steam to escape).

4. Cook at full microwave power for 5-10 minutes.

5. Turn the potatoes over to the other side, cover again and cook for 5-10 minutes.

6. Check the readiness of the dish. If necessary, increase cooking time by 3-4 minutes.

7. Add a melted piece of butter, sprinkle with herbs, and serve.

Boiled potatoes in jackets

Unlike cooking on the stove, after microwave cooking, the finished tubers turn out dry and do not fall apart.


  • potatoes (medium) – 4 pieces;
  • water – 100-150 ml (depending on the container).

1. Wash the potatoes in water, brush them so that there are no traces of dirt left on the skins. Rinse with running water.

2. Using a toothpick, knife or fork, make 3-4 punctures in each tuber from different sides.

3. Pour water into a glass container (it should cover the bottom).

4. Place the potatoes so that the tubers do not touch each other. Cover with a lid.

5. Cook for 10 minutes at maximum power. Check readiness - the tubers should be easily pierced with a knife. If necessary, cook for 2-3 minutes.

6. Ready potatoes can be used to make salads or as a side dish for meat and fish.

Boiled potatoes in a bag

This method of boiling potatoes is advisable to use if there is no deep microwave-safe dish. The bag can be replaced with a baking sleeve.


  • potatoes – 3-4 pieces;
  • transparent plastic bag – 1 piece;
  • salted butter – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste.