Shortbread cake with jam and glaze. Sand strips with fruit filling. Cakes with shortbread glaze

Many of us know from school what a strip of sand with jam is. This recipe was very common in Soviet times, and in post-Soviet times too. The sand strip was the pearl of the menu of many school canteens, station snack bars and even buffets of Palaces of Culture.

Cake with history

This dessert could not be confused with any other work of confectionery art in the USSR. And in foreign cuisines it was hardly possible to find something so beautiful in its simplicity, uncomplicated decor, incredible sweetness and at the same time just as tempting. Well, what other cake could boast of a combination of sweet fruit jam and sugar fudge? For only 22 kopecks, by the way. And for those who did not want to stain their fingers with the sweet white and pink mass spreading over the surface, they were offered an analogue - without fondant, but with crumbs, made from the same dough as the cake itself. In addition to the reduced calorie content, there was also a saving of 4-5 kopecks.

The shortbread strip with jam, the culinary recipe of which was strictly regulated by GOST, also had a popular name - “school cake”.

Today, this simple delicacy has been replaced from pastry shop windows by mousse cakes in velor or mirror glaze, fruit and berry puffed meringues and macarons of all colors of the rainbow. But among the people, the memory of that very rectangle of shortcrust pastry, generously filled with sweet fondant, is still alive.

Do you want to relive the taste of a carefree childhood or a hopeful youth? Or maybe you're just looking for a quick and easy dessert recipe? The answer is obvious: a strip of sand with jam! We will look at the recipe with photos in detail in this article.

Preparing the dough

The cake consists of two jams and fudge. If you are going to strictly follow GOST, this will be enough. But it is quite acceptable to replace jam with jam. This will only have a positive effect on the quality of the dessert. The top can be poured with thin streams of chocolate glaze - this way you will get an even more beautiful strip of shortbread with jam.

We will start the cake recipe with the dough. To prepare it, grind 200 g of butter in a bowl, after briefly leaving it on the table to thaw. Add the egg, try to achieve homogeneity. While continuing to stir, add 130 g of powdered sugar. Add a pinch of baking powder and salt. When you are satisfied with the mixing result, start adding flour. In total you will need about 350 g, but there is no need to rush. Add in portions.

The dough needs to be chilled before rolling out. It turns out soft, pliable and does not hold its shape well. Therefore, wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

What to use as filling?

The name itself contains the answer to the question of what was in the school cakes that were sold in any canteen many years ago. But is it possible to compare the quality of Soviet apple jam and the mass that we see on the shelves today? If you have homemade jam, you can, of course, safely use it. The main thing is that it is thick enough. But if you are planning to buy this ingredient, choose it responsibly. Do not take brightly colored fruit and berry masses that are sold by weight. It is not made from the highest quality raw materials.

You can use homemade jam or jam for the filling. Any flavor will do. But before work, it is better to blend the jam with pieces of fruit in a blender until smooth or even grind it using a meat grinder.

In any case, while you are working with the dough, put the jam in the refrigerator - it is more convenient to handle cold.


The shortbread strip with jam, the recipe for which is used by professionals, is baked without jam. Therefore, roll out the dough into a layer about a centimeter thick, place it on a baking sheet and place it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. It bakes quickly, so control the situation. The time depends on the oven itself.

Once the surface is evenly golden, remove the pan. You shouldn’t overdry it; after all, we are making a cake, not a cookie.

Cut the cake rectangle exactly in half and set aside to cool completely.


Well, for now let’s move on to the next component, without which a real strip of sand with jam is unthinkable. The fudge recipe is extremely simple. Mix 200 g of sugar and 3 tbsp in a thick-bottomed bowl. l. water. Place on the fire and heat until the mixture turns into liquid. Add 0.5 tsp. citric acid (or lemon juice). Don't be afraid of bubbles! Everything is as it should be.

Set the container with the syrup aside and let it cool.


Do you want to get an elegant strip of sand with jam? This glaze recipe will help you get the job done quickly. Mix 3 tsp. cocoa, the same amount of sugar and 2 tsp. milk. Heat while stirring. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. That's it!


You will need a little more than half a glass of jam. Apply it evenly to one half of the cake and immediately cover the other. Let it sit, soaking, while we finish preparing the fudge.

Pour the syrup into a mixing bowl, preferably a tall one. Beat at the highest speed, watching how it thickens and turns white. Do you remember what the strip of sand with jam used to be like? The recipe that most confectioners used called for streaks on the surface. To do this, you need to divide the fondant into 2 parts and tint one of them pink or light orange.

Apply white fondant to the surface and spread with spatula. Pour the colored one on top in a trickle. Use a toothpick to make streaks.

Place the crust in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Then cut with a very sharp knife into desired size cakes. According to GOST, the strip measured 4 x 9 cm, but you can do it as you wish. Pour a thin stream of glaze over the top in a chaotic manner.

Simplified dessert options

In many sources, under the name “sand strip with jam,” a simple recipe for grated pie comes across no less often than the one we have already reviewed. The main difference is that you can bake it immediately with jam. To save time and effort, you can simply divide the dough in half, roll out part, grease with jam, and tear the second part into pieces and scatter on top. You can make the second tier of the pie from the same layer as the first. It's a matter of taste. The simple dough used for this dessert always works, so experimenting with it is great fun.

The finished pie just needs to be cooled, cut into cakes and covered with fondant.

Sand strip: serving

If you intend to treat your friends to such a cake, take care of the serving. It is served on plates or saucers with knives. It is quite acceptable to eat this cake and just hold it in your hand - it depends on the format of the event and the traditions specific to your company.

Tea, brewed rosehip drink or coffee go well with it, and cocoa will add a special nostalgic note to this dessert.

In the summer, chilled juices go well with the sand strip, and in cold weather, hot drinks with a high degree of temperature, such as punch or grog.

Such a strange and unusual feeling when a seemingly ordinary dish, sweetness, takes us back to childhood, to our school years. An example of such a dish is shortbread cake with icing; when you taste it, you feel nostalgic. So, the recipe for this delicious cake with jam will help you experience emotions like in childhood and simply pamper your kids.

It is not difficult to prepare, you just need to follow all the steps suggested by the recipe, take into account the nuances and, of course, know the little secrets that we will reveal during the preparation. You can divide the cooking process itself into three small steps, the beginning is the dough, then the glaze and the last stage, the formation of the cake itself. To begin with, as always, we will consider and prepare all the necessary ingredients, and then we will proceed to our culinary art.

  • Flour – 400 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 grams;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Cocoa – 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter – 200 grams;
  • Powdered sugar – 150 grams;
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • Eggs – 1 piece;
  • Water – 3 tablespoons;
  • Jam – 170 grams.

The products are prepared, now we confidently begin to prepare shortbread cake with delicious glaze and jam.

Step by step recipe

Making shortbread cakes is a very simple process:

  1. Let's reveal a little secret from the very beginning. All ingredients should not be cold, so immediately before cooking, take everything out and let it come to room temperature.
  2. After this, take a convenient bowl and put our prepared butter into it and then add the powdered sugar. Mix it all.
  3. Next, add salt, baking powder and egg to the same container. The resulting mass needs to be thoroughly beaten, we will do this using a mixer. Of course, you can use a regular whisk, but a mixer will be much faster and more efficient. As a result, we should get a mass of homogeneous consistency.
  4. Now add the prepared flour to the whipped mass, as indicated in the recipe, knead thoroughly until crumbs appear in the consistency of our dough. So, you need to knead for about 15 minutes, so we don’t regret it.
  5. Then we put the dough in the refrigerator, after making a lump out of it. He needs to stay there for at least 15 minutes.
  6. After this time, we take our dough back and, as the recipe suggests, divide it into two equal parts, roll them out into small flat cakes about 25 centimeters. Place the resulting flat cakes in the freezer for the same amount of time.
  7. When our dough for the future cake with icing is frozen, turn on the oven and heat it up.
  8. At this time, put baking paper on a baking sheet, and our flatbreads on it. Place the cake dough with jam in the oven and bake for a little over 10 minutes. The resulting dough is the basis from which our shortbread cake with cream will be made.
  9. Now we take one of our prepared cakes and thoroughly coat it with jam and carefully cover it with the second cake.
  10. Now let's do the glaze. To prepare it, take sugar and mix it with water. Then, put this sugar mass on the fire and cook for about 4 minutes, during which time the sugar will dissolve thoroughly. Next, add lemon juice and let it simmer for another minute. The mass should be thick and viscous.
  11. Our sweet mass should cool down a little; this can be done in a simple way by simply placing it in a sink with cold water. When the temperature of the future glaze has dropped, we begin to beat it, we do this with a mixer until a good white foam appears.
  12. We set aside some of the whipped foam, and add cocoa to the rest; as a result, we get an appetizing mass, which will later serve as a decoration for our cake.
  13. Next, as the recipe indicates, apply white icing to the top cake layer in such a good layer. And we put the glaze mixed with cocoa either in a special syringe for culinary products or in a bag with a small hole and draw the patterns that your heart desires.
  14. Cut the resulting strip with delicious fillings into small pieces to make a shortbread cake and serve.

The crumbly cake, cut into neat rectangles, consisted of two shortbread cakes, coated with sour jam, and covered with snow-white sugar fondant on top. The taste is very tender, at the same time very sweet due to the fudge and with a pleasant sourness due to the filling. Let's bake a school cake like we did in childhood? A real strip of sand with jam according to GOST?

Cooking secrets

The dough is shortbread, it is kneaded very simply and two cakes are baked. There are no tricks here, the main thing is not to overdry the shortcakes so that they don’t crumble too much.

As for the filling, jam, marmalade or thick apricot preserves are ideal; they have natural sourness and a wonderful aroma. If you don’t have apricot jam, then take apple jam.

We will decorate the cakes with fudge sugar. Its preparation will be the most difficult for beginners, so I have made the recipe for sugar fudge separately - with step-by-step photos and all the details (look for it on the website). If this is still difficult for you or you don’t have time to cook fudge, then make a simplified version and prepare sugar icing. To do this, pour 250 g of powdered sugar into a bowl and add water or lemon juice 1 teaspoon at a time, stirring thoroughly each time until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover the cakes and let set.

Total cooking time: 90 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 8-10 pieces


for the recipe

  • butter – 190 g
  • medium chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar – 130 g
  • wheat flour – 350 g
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • salt – 1 chip.
  • apricot jam – 170 g

for decoration

  • ready-made sugar fudge or homemade – 3 tbsp. l.
  • water – 1-2 tsp.
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  • dark chocolate – 4 cubes


    Prepare the dough. Mix in a deep bowl: egg, sugar, salt and butter (it should be soft, melted at room temperature). At medium mixer speed, beat everything into a homogeneous smooth mass.

    Add all the flour at once. Mix with a mixer for 10 seconds until the flour separates and crumbles form.

    We collect the crumbs into a ball with our hands, wrap them in film and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    Divide the dough in half. Roll out each part on parchment paper into a rectangle, approximately 20x25 cm. Place in the refrigerator again for 30 minutes.

    Bake the cakes in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 12-13 minutes, until lightly browned. Don't dry it out!

    While it is still warm, coat one of the cakes with jam. Cover with the second cake layer and let cool.

    To glaze, melt the prepared sugar fudge in a water bath or in the microwave, add water and lemon juice to bring it to the consistency of liquid sour cream. It is important that when heating the temperature does not exceed 55 degrees, otherwise the glaze will become brittle after covering the product (if you heat it in the microwave, stir every 10 seconds, make sure it does not overheat). Cover the top layer with frosting.

    Once it hardens, decorate with melted chocolate. We cut off the edges and cut the dessert into portions - rectangles measuring approximately 5x10 cm (each time we dip the knife in warm water and shake).

    These turned out to be such wonderful school cakes, delicious, tender and crumbly. Enjoy your tea!

Add softened butter, stir a little, then put it on the table and knead the dough (for 3-4 minutes), it should come together well into a ball, be soft, slightly sticky to your hands.

Wrap the dough in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Then take out the dough. Spread parchment on a work surface, sprinkle a little flour and roll out the dough on it into a rectangle the size of a standard gas tray, up to 3-4 mm thick. Cut the dough into two equal parts and, together with the parchment, transfer to a baking sheet. Bake for 15-18 minutes until slightly golden brown.

Meanwhile, heat the apple butter slightly to make it easier to spread on the crust. Take out the finished shortbread and place it on the table along with the parchment. Spread the surface of one evenly with jam and leave to cool. Then cover the cake with jam with the second cake and press lightly.

Preparation of fudge: Melt the butter and cool. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until light foam (do not reach stiff peaks!).

Then, without ceasing to beat, add powdered sugar in parts. Beat until shiny.

At the end of beating, add lemon juice and mix thoroughly.

Add butter, beat lightly.

That's it, the fudge is ready!

Then cut the large “cake” with a hot knife into portioned cakes - strips (after each cut, wipe or wash the knife thoroughly).

“Sand Strips” cakes are delicious served with cold milk, tea, coffee or cocoa.

Bon appetit!

A simple and affordable recipe for shortbread cakes allows you to bake them every day. The butter-based dough simply melts in your mouth. At the end of kneading it should not stick to your hands.

If you don’t have baking powder at home, you can use baking soda slaked with vinegar. The brightness of raspberry or cherry jam will make baked goods more appetizing.

You can layer the cakes not only with any jam, but also with boiled condensed milk, protein or custard with fillings in the form of cocoa and grated chocolate. To decorate the cakes, you can use chopped nuts, raisins, whipped cream, candied fruits, and mint leaves.


  • butter - 200 g
  • wheat flour - 330 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 140 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • apple jam - 300 g


1. Remove the desired piece of butter or high-quality margarine from the refrigerator in advance. It should be soft. Place in a deep bowl or use the bowl of a food processor to knead the dough.

2. Add vanilla sugar and granulated sugar to the soft butter.

3. Beat in the chicken egg. And at this step, start whipping with a mixer, food processor or hand whisk. Beat until smooth and fluffy.

4. Add sifted wheat flour and baking powder a little at a time. Stir until the dough comes together. When the dough ball becomes quite thick, place it on the board and knead it a little with your hands.

5. Gather into a ball, wrap with cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.

6. Prepare parchment paper. Lay out the rested dough. Roll out into a rectangular layer approximately 5-8 mm thick. Carefully transfer to a metal sheet. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 230-240 degrees. Be careful not to burn the crust, as everyone's oven is different.

7. Trim the finished cake on all sides.

8. Cut in half and cool.

9. Grind the dough scraps to fine crumbs using a blender or rolling pin.